MiniGM |

What would it be? Starting w max wealth and a 25 pt buy, 2 traits.
not asking for builds but that helps set the standard for what is possible
The main thing to keep in mind is that RA is unforgiving. Every level has encounters that will slaughter you. There is nothing fair about it.
So obviously you want a bard to ID critters
Other thing to remember is that RA is made for a party of 6
Thoughts? I'd say everything paizo is fair game.
My thoughts.
Must haves
Paladin (lots of evil. Smite it!)
Bard (gotta if stuff and the buffs are great)
Cleric (channel, good spell progression)
Now that leaves three slots open.
Need to disable traps.
Need some magical blasting
Probably want something to do some serious damage:but what barbarian? Inquisitor? Archer? Another paladin? With a 25 pt buy maybe a monk?
Maybe a summoner? (Summons could be useful underground.)
Things that seem like a terrible idea
Gunslinger (yea lets shoot a gun in a massive dungeon and let everything know we are there, in every single fight)
What do you think?

Mike Andersen 351 |

My RA ultimate party
My attempt only ran for about 4 levels before TPK. My 2 cents...
1) Oradin- self healing tank human, fey foundling...
2) ranged paladin- you need smites, lots of smites
3) witch - unlike wizard, never runs out of hexes... Kinda
4) Investigator- better skill monkey than bard for knowledges.
5) Cleric of Desna - prefer reach build.
6) Master Summoner - Skill monkey scout eidolon with disable device and lots of long lasting summons.

UnArcaneElection |

{. . .}
Things that seem like a terrible ideaGunslinger (yea lets shoot a gun in a massive dungeon and let everything know we are there, in every single fight)
Isn't that a problem for any character that does stuff that makes a sound, such as the Bard's performance? (Granted, not as loud as a gunshot, assuming no silencer (or Silence), but it's still going to stand out, as will spells like Fireballs and Lightning Bolts, as well as Alchemist Bombs.) In other words, if you really need to run silent, you're going to have to do more than just tell the Gunslinger to knock it off.

Alex Smith 908 |

Rappan Athuk is fairly old school dungeon design. The monsters stay in place and wait for the PCs for the most part (there are a few notable exceptions). The gunslinger only really ends up being a disadvantage as much as the bard. You basically never get a surprise round but otherwise you're find from mass monster dogpiles. Besides if you want to be stealthy you can always argue for silenced revolvers, after all they happen in Payday 2 all the time and Pathfinder operates on a similar level of pseudorealism.

Fiznab |

We are near the last temple of Orcus. Our current party is performing really well and it is composed by:
-Buffer bard (played by me, stacks well with 4 DPR character)
-Oath of vengeance archer paladin (lots of smite)
-Champion of irori (lots of smite)
-Scarred witch doctor (full caster with high hp! Plus slumber help you survive first levels)
-Musket master (double barrelled musket ownz the world)
-Trapper ranger (trapfinding+damage)
Kill the enemy before they kill you. AND BE CAREFUL. ALWAYS.

![]() |

Can only recommend...do not do the stupid adventurer stuffs like...exploring every single corner of a dungeon level. A lot of dangerous encounters are "hidden" essentially. Remember you will often go and come back to the dungeon, so if somewhere seems a little hard or out of the way...just don't force it.

Undone |
Master Summoner
Synth Summoner
Reach Sacred Summoning Cleric
Druid W animal and summons
Bard Buff focused
Inquisitor Archer
The main idea is to use disposable animals to be the front line while your archer impales them from the back line. Everyone in the party has a great will saves and most have good fort (The bard being the odd man out). Each Character is robust with the front line able to be a synth summoner.
The double summoner, cleric, druid allow you to run animals out there as trap detectors all day and scout with earth elementals.

AndIMustMask |

top of my head would be paladin/bard/cleric/barbarian/exploiter wizard with their usual best-in-show builds
who's dealing with traps? anyone. LITERALLY ANYONE (provided they're allowed to take a trait). with enough perception and DD investment you can tell the rogue to go jump off a bridge.
or you can just have an unseen servant drag a log around and set everything off safely away from the party.

Gevaudan |

1 Evangelist Cleric (Glory-Heroism), a Sacred Shield Paladin and four Master Summoners. That'd do it.
Ha Ha! Thanks for the MS shout out! Seriously though, you'll have damage problems with 4 of them at low levels, then endless win. The amount and variety of DR in RA is high.
Our current RA party is:
1.) Master Summoner focused on party buffs and trapping Eidolon.
2.) Generalist druid, who is doing AoE currently.
3.) Evangelist Hangover Cleric; much better than a Bard.
4.) Mounted Fury Barbarian; most important at low levels for combat.
5.) An Alchemist; actually really useful.
6.) An Oath of Vengeance Archer Paladin.
All are Aasimar, Drow, Duergar or Sylph, so no lights.
We are approaching level 4 and have no deaths, although the Eidolon is effectively ruined until level 5, as he is permanently blind and had about 30 points of ability damage until this level.
Expect deaths. We got VERY lucky 4 times on dice rolls and totally exhausted the MS summons every day.

Gevaudan |

What would I do for an Ultimate Party (TM):
1.) Master Summoner.
2.) Blaster Sorc1/Wiz19, optimized, dumping enchantment and something.
3.) Evangelist Hangover Cleric; it's that good.
4.) Any THW Superstitious Barbarian or a THW Paladin.
5.) Ranger with trapfinding and the ability to share favored enemy, ranged.
6.) An OfV archer Paladin 4/Ftr 2/Paladin 14 or another high damage class that can target select, is tough and spelly. War Priest seems an option.
All should have darkvision. All but 1 should be neutral alignment. Double up on Class Skills. Maximize immunities. Have door rituals.
A bunch of Duergar Paladins would do really well. 3 of those, a Samsaran Fire cleric pulling from Paladin and 2 Aasimar Master Summoners would be silly.
RA actually lends itself to strong flexible builds paired with nigh invulnerable builds. You have to be able to do EVERYTHING yourself.