Navarion |

Hello, after seeing Slashing Grace in the ACG which allows swashbucklers to add dexterity to both, attack and damage rolls and longswords, and reading that they would release another feat to allow the same just for rapiers I was a little bit disappointed, since I'm a big fan of short swords and still would have to use Mythic Weapon Finesse for that. So I made a feat that hopefully brings the short sword on par. It's not only useful for swashbucklers (since unlike a longsword everybody can finesse a short sword) and to make it more appealing I gave it a small benefit against damage reductions by allowing it to deal two types of damage. As Gurney Halleck said: "The point can also cut; the blade can also stab [...]"
Feedback is welcome. Too powerful? Too weak? Just right?
Ancient Fencing Style (Combat)
Due to your mastery of the short sword your damage depends more on well-placed blows than brute strength.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (short sword).
Benefit: When wielding a short sword, you can add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to damage rolls and it does both, piercing and slashing damage. To use this feat, you cannot attack with a weapon in your other hand or use a shield other than a buckler.

Stuticus |

I'd call it Dueling style instead of Fencing. Traditionally, fencing is Rapier/Foil specific. Seems a little under powered for 3rd feat chain, even if they are fairly common feats. Other than the commonality of short swords there are far better weapons. It only really makes sense thematically. I'd consider giving and +1 dodge bonus to AC along with the, can't use shield part.

Navarion |

I think it's pretty good.
Thank you.
I'd call it Dueling style instead of Fencing. Traditionally, fencing is Rapier/Foil specific. Seems a little under powered for 3rd feat chain, even if they are fairly common feats. Other than the commonality of short swords there are far better weapons. It only really makes sense thematically. I'd consider giving and +1 dodge bonus to AC along with the, can't use shield part.
The name is noted. Before the swashbuckler it would have been pretty good with the ability to add dex to damage (especially since in my homebrew setting the rapier hasn't been invented yet). The way it is now I tried to give it some extra utility with the two damage types to compensate for finesseable longswords and battleaxes even though that probably doesn't come into play that often. But I'm a bit wary of including a whole other feat (in your proposal Dodge)...
Use a gladius. It's literally a short sword that can do slashing damage. It even counts as one for weapon focus ect.
A Gladius can't be used with Slashing Grace because it's a light weapon, not a one-handed one.
If it were me, I'd rename it Graceful Precision, open the feat up so it works with any light weapon that has been selected with Weapon Finesse, and allows those weapons to count as one-handed piercing weapons for any effect that requires such a weapon, just like Slashing Grace.
But that's just me.
Fair point, but I want something to make specifically the short sword viable. For other light weapons I would make other feats.

Kelazan |

Nimble Strike (Combat)
You have learned to turn your speed into power and your accuracy is lethal.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Weapon Finesse, BAB +2
Benefit: When wielding a light weapon or one-handed weapon with one hand, you can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on melee attack and damage rolls. You cannot use this feat if you are carrying a weapon or shield in your off hand. The weapon must be made for a creature of your size. This feat apply on a single type of weapon (ex.: shortsword, longsword, light pick, etc.).
This is my answer to the «every one want dext to damage» question, without creating a single feat for each type of weapon. Before the ACG, scimitar were the only weapon with this possibility, thanks to Dervish dance. I wasn't satisfied with this lack of option for Dex based build.

Ciaran Barnes |

Nimble Strike (Combat)
You have learned to turn your speed into power and your accuracy is lethal.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Weapon Finesse, BAB +2
Benefit: When wielding a light weapon or one-handed weapon with one hand, you can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on melee attack and damage rolls. You cannot use this feat if you are carrying a weapon or shield in your off hand. The weapon must be made for a creature of your size. This feat apply on a single type of weapon (ex.: shortsword, longsword, light pick, etc.)
I like this better than slashing grace, specifically for the reasons you mention. I would fiddle with it a little more though.
Nimble Strike
You have turned your speed into lethal accuracy.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Weapon Finesse, BAB +3
Benefit: Choose one light or one-handed weapon you are proficient in. When using this weapon, you can add your Dexterity modifier to melee attack and damage rolls in place of your Strength modifier. You cannot use this feat if you are carrying a weapon or shield in your off hand . The weapon must be made for a creature of your size.

deuxhero |
A Gladius can't be used with Slashing Grace because it's a light weapon, not a one-handed one.
OK, this is going to need an FAQ, because it's the same wording as a Bladebound Magus's Blackblade and I've never seen anyone argue that excludes light weapons.
http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2qlu7?Can-a-Bladebound-Magus-take-a-light-weapo n-as