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![]() CactusUnicorn wrote:
Yeah its pretty rough right now, but that's the basic idea. Each Secret Ingredient can have multiple effects in a theme however so the actual amount of abilities you have access to is quite a bit higher, but more restrictive than a proper caster. ![]()
![]() Been working on a homebrew class. Many people have done something like this before. Here is my take on it. Theres quite a bit of info so it needed a google doc (unless there's not actually a character limit to theses posts) I'm very curious for any feedback you might have. The core mechanics of the class are posted below so they stand out a bit more. Culinary Repertoire Su
Combat recipe – This recipe provides a +1 bonus to hit. (at level 5, if used with a Main course, this Bonus increases to +2 and by an additional +1 every 5 levels there after. Healing recipe – This recipe provides fast healing 1. This bonus increases to Fast Healing 2 at level 10. In addition A Battle Chef may also cast Detect Poison as a spell like ability a number of times per day equal to their wisdom modifier. And may case Create Water and Purify Food and Drink as a spell like ability at will Feast
Drinks (this is a working name, not sure what else to call it)
Group Feast
Main Course
![]() Ikorus wrote:
You are correct. Since i'll likely be the Ship Captain, I wanted to do the normal Swashbuckling Dandy (even though most of the crew will actually be Evil, or at least morally ambiguous It fits the campaign world and we will all have a common goal so I dont expect to be any Infighting among the group, though we will definitely make some things harder for ourselvs.) I'm Less concerned about damage output and more about AC, mainly becuase i've never done a chracter like this before Thank you all for the Feedback. I think I've finalized my build, baring any game changing revelations from our GM. Ranger 1 (I felt bad loosing disable device after dropping the rogue levels form too much overlap and a revelation with WaveBlace/Slashing Grace
S1 Weapon Finesse (swashbuckler)
Monk Style Strike Defensive Spin (there doesn't seem to be a prohibition against using this and the wave blace since i'm not holding another weapon
This should give my AC a total of 41 when everything is active
![]() *Thelith wrote: You don't get proficiency in wave blade by being a monk, you would have to take the feat to be proficient. Why do you want to be completely unarmored? Three levels of rogue gives some nice things for the dip so probably worth it. Weapon and Armor Proficiency Monks are proficient with the club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, short sword, shortspear, shuriken, siangham, sling, spear, and any weapon with the monk special weapon quality.Waveblade 5 gp 1d4 1d6 18–20/×2 — 2 lbs. P or S monk, see text PPZO94102 ![]()
![]() I'm going to be playing a Pirate game soon, probablly end up being the Captain(Strong Tail Merfolk) since i'm the most "reliable" player in the group, at least as far as showing up to games. Long story short, I'm trying to get the Highest unarmored AC possible. The GM in the game typically gives us pretty exceptional stats (I've had characters with nothing lower than 16 at level 1 before Their games are horribly broken, but fun as hell) So far what I have is either
I expect we will start at level 10 so the build is made for that level, but will increase later. With the Top level distribution: Swashbuckler gives me dodging panache for Cha to AC (granted i have to burn a panache point, but i'll have a Scimitar I think, so that shouldn't be a problem Monk gives me Wis to AC of course and barkskin via Qui-Gong Duelist Gives me Int to AC, and i'll only go in as far as my int mod needs me to at later levels I expect my stats after Racial, level and the "starting" gear I plan to buy will be something like
Which Means my AC shoudl be 10 + 6 + 4(+1) + 3 +2(+2) +1 +4 +5
The feats and weapons are where i get mixed up. A Wave Blade is a Light piercing Monk weapon with an 18-20 crit.. so since its a monk weapon, even though its listed as exotic, I should be proficient with it, and be able to use flurry of blows but since I dont think i'll be able to add dex to damage with any feats, I think i might have to take the bottom level split for level 3 rogue finesses My AC will be slightly lower but my damage, way higher and at level 11 (monk4) i'll get barkskin via Qui-Gong I'm super hesitant to take rogue levels though as there is a lot of ability overlap there (though I do like the extra skill points) Is there anything huge i'm missing here? Even with the "lower" ac build, i should still have a 35 and that doesn't even include a ring of protection. ![]()
![]() I'm working on a couple characters for a one shot session I will be running soon. I'm working on a Fighter First up is Contemplative
Likes: Advance invasion of planets, Galactic Conquest, Showing his people that he is the best Dislikes: Shelled Reptile bioforms. Next up is a Dragonkin
I'm not sure if I can add the breath weapon gland for 2 breath weapons every 10 minutes. If i can at this point, the character seems a bit too strong, so i think he's going to have only 1 arm, instead of two. Dislikes Rural countrysides, Peasants, Thatched Roof cottages.
Any Ideas on names? ![]()
![]() Thank you for correcting my math. I dunno where the hell i was getting my numbers from, not thinking it through i guess. I've been working on a collection of many smaller T1 fighters vs a T5 party. I feel those are working out better than a 1 on 1 ship fight. Less reliant on a hot shot pilot better than the PCs showing up every fight to make things a challenge. Or having an enemy ship always be a class with a turret. ![]()
![]() Power to weapons is another great point, That brings the average damage for a Coilgun up to 3.5 for an average of 14 and the math isn't as forgiving with a plasma with an only 1/12 chance of rolling a 1. 1-12 damage isn't much of an improvement on 2-12. Fighters getting through damage threshold is really the only bonus since they wont typically have a gunner. I had forgotten about that. EDIT: Forgot this part. Can you get 8d12 on an interceptor? doesn't each weapon require its own slot, you just take less actions to fire them, so 2d12 would be 12 build points per slot, 2 would be 4d12 and 24+6 for 30 BP at 4d12? ![]()
![]() This might be better served in general discussion, but I feel like there may be a rule i'm over a looking so it felt best putting it here. When putting weapons on a ship in the light weapons category: Coilguns are 6 BP, 4d4 Long Range no drawback. 2.5 per die gives an average damage of 10 Light Plasma Cannon is 12 BP, 2d12, short range, no drawbacks. 6.5 gives an average damage of 13, along with much higher variability in damage so not as reliable. 3 damage trade off for double the BP and loss of longrange? doesn't seem worth it to me. Am I missing something that actually makes this a meaningful choice? ![]()
![]() Google says the original text is as follows. So basically its a spell that is psionics.
![]() I've always found the rogue to be fine. Characters can contribute in ways other than combat. Keeping with the theme of those changes though, I would find good will instead of fort to be more in the theme of a rogue. It also may be beneficial to give the rogue a resource. Luck Knack or something of the like to ensure less abuse of power is possible. Make the powers that are use able once per day take up said resource if you use them more than once. ![]()
![]() Da'ath wrote:
in 3.5 there was a set of feats that gave you 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 100% your class levels in armor class when not wearing armor. I forget the name but it was in a 3rd party AEG book called "feats". Completely broken in 3.5 but maybe not so much for what you are going for. ![]()
![]() I'd call it Dueling style instead of Fencing. Traditionally, fencing is Rapier/Foil specific. Seems a little under powered for 3rd feat chain, even if they are fairly common feats. Other than the commonality of short swords there are far better weapons. It only really makes sense thematically. I'd consider giving and +1 dodge bonus to AC along with the, can't use shield part. ![]()
![]() This is designed to be an Advanced class, IE the Advanced class guide. I'm going to be running a city game soon (my gaming group typically spends about 99% of our time in the wilderness in most games we end up playing) and the slayer just wasn't quite doing it for me. How do you all feel this class compares to the other advanced classes from the ACG (at least on paper). My original name for the class was assassin, but it didn't quite fit right with the abilities and purpose I intended so I opted for Divine Hand. Also, please let me know if anything is unclear. I tend to leave things out and forget i've done so when I get into something. Class should be accessible Here ![]()
![]() Pupsocket wrote:
Bracers of armor dont cost what they do because of most classes, they cost what they do because of monks, rogues, and other casters that may not have access to mage armor. Keep in mind, many classes have abilities that are not usable in anything heavier than light armor, By the time you can afford them, its not inconceivable that your dex may be beyond the max dex bonus allowable with padded armor. This is another benefit bracers of armor provide. Also, many people actually keep track of encumbrance. As an example, Think of the sneaky halfling rogue with 8 strength. You have to make a decision between carrying a second weapon, enough utility items to be use useful, and ARMOR. Even a bag of holding is too much weight to justify. Bracers of armor, are an almost Nil weight item that gives you an actual "armor" bonus where you would otherwise have none, especially when you have to min/max a character every point can count. The bracers of armor are for characters that don't wear armor, but still need to have an armor bonus so they don't fall completely behind others. |