Magical Means of Communication needed


I have a whole campaign based around my players being pseudo-emissaries of a monarch. My campaign will have them traveling away from the kingdom virtually the entire campaign, with stops back home between missions (leveling, downtime, etc.).

I'm a novice with Pathfinder magic, and I'm not sure what magical means of communication may exist for the world.
Can anyone give me some ways for immediate communication across distances in the pathfinder world? Distances would be fewer than 750 miles (maybe even half that). Whether it's one-way communication or two would also be important to know.

I played a PFS game called Destiny of the Sands in which the main NPC gave the party a gem with some type of spell that enabled us to talk to him (one-way) when we completed our mission, but I don't remember what it was.

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Bird-type feather tokens can carry short messages for 300 gp a pop. Scrolls or wands of sending would be helpful. But I'd think that a kingdom would prefer a lead-lined room with two paintings or statues inside- one of each person communicating, each using a wand of enter image to communicate, as it's much harder to scry on. There's also obscure object to protect the images from divination.

Rules citation for the lead sheeting, since many people I've met weren't aware of where to find it:

Magic wrote:


Divination spells enable you to learn secrets long forgotten, predict the future, find hidden things, and foil deceptive spells.

Many divination spells have cone-shaped areas. These move with you and extend in the direction you choose. The cone defines the area that you can sweep each round. If you study the same area for multiple rounds, you can often gain additional information, as noted in the descriptive text for the spell.


Scrying: a scrying spell creates an invisible magical sensor that sends you information. Unless noted otherwise, the sensor has the same powers of sensory acuity that you possess. This level of acuity includes any spells or effects that target you, but not spells or effects that emanate from you. The sensor, however, is treated as a separate, independent sensory organ of yours, and thus functions normally even if you have been blinded or deafened, or otherwise suffered sensory impairment.

A creature can notice the sensor by making a Perception check with a DC 20 + the spell level. The sensor can be dispelled as if it were an active spell.

Lead sheeting or magical protection blocks a scrying spell, and you sense that the spell is blocked.

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The game presumes high-level characters are relatively rare, so magic that enables long-distance communication is relatively expensive and hard to come by. The sending spell is the default long-range communication spell, but has the obvious problem of being a 4th/5th level spell and only allows for relatively short messages and has a 10 minute casting time. Overall, an incredibly impractical spell whose only redeeming quality is that it's pretty useful as a scroll.

Another approach is to use the scrying spell, which allows a message spell to be cast through the sensor. A 7th level wizard only has a 35% chance of getting his message through, but there's no rule stating he can't try again if the attempt fails. This is enough to allow for a makeshift conversation, and functions better than sending.

Carrier Pidgeons are one of the most effective forms of communication. They're cheap, don't require powerful magic, and regular NPC's can raise them with handle animal checks. They're hardly instant, though, and only one-way. Honestly, if cost is an issue this is the way to go.

The dancing lights spell is a useful one that even the lowest-level wizards can cast. The spell allows the caster to control the shape and color of the lights, meaning you can create coded messages. With a dedicated relay chain, messages can be sent long distances very quickly. However, this suffers from the requirement of setting up such a dedicated relay chain.

Finally, there's whispering wind, which gives you 1 mile/level distance. While not on the order of hundreds of miles, it's still the closest you get to instantaneous communication. The downside is that you must specify a location and not a creature as the target, so someone has to be sitting in an exact spot waiting for your message.

But I'd think that a kingdom would prefer a lead-lined room with two paintings or statues inside- one of each person communicating, each using a wand of enter image to communicate, as it's much harder to scry on

Enter image has a 50 ft/level range. This is unsuitable for long-distance communication.

Are you looking for a way for your players to be able to communicate back to home base? If so, with whom?

If you're looking for a way for the main NPC who gives them their missions, and who they report back to, to contact them mid-mission, without them needing to back to home base every time they need to talk to him, it's easy. You're the GM. you have the NPC hand them a rock and tell them they can communicate directly to him via the rock. You don't need to tell the players what spell it uses or anything else.

Raiziel Dragon brings up the point of "With whom."

My players are ambassador-spies of the Queen of Kyonin.
My world is magic-lite, but Elves are magic-heavy.
It would be a way for players to hear FROM their superiors when they reach a new place.

Examples of things I'd like to pull off:
Players travel stealthily to an old ruin in enemy territory, under orders, looking for something that the Queen doesn't want them to know about (in case they're captured) until they get their safely. So once they're safely there, she needs to communicate.

It seems to me that maybe "GM Fiat" is the way to go. I'm also always looking for ways to make my game more immersive. I'm thinking of tying an object that they use for communication to the cycles of the moon, so that they can only communicate on the New and Full moon (or what ever...).

Sounds like for legitimate, by-the-rules spell-means, nothing fits the bill easily.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, Contributor

The Dream spell could be a possibility. Some elves ( Dreamspeaker varient )even have it as a spell-like ability.

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Animal Messenger: Is 2nd level druid, animal delivers a written message and can fly 48 miles per day (spell is 1/day per level).
Whispering Wind: Is a 2nd level wizard spell, delivers a magical 25 word spoken message up to 1 miles/caster level to a specific location.
Mirror Sight: Is a 3rd level wizard spell. This spells allows you to have two-directional non-verbal communication through mirrors. So you could use sign language or chalk boards to communicate with one another. Unlimited distance.
Minor Dream: Is a 3rd level wizard spells (2nd level witch) that allows you to deliver a 20 word message to a sleeping person. Unlimited distance.
Sending: Is a 4th level wizard/cleric spell that allows you to send and receive one 25 word message. Unlimited distance.
Telepathic Bond: Is a 5th level wizard spell that allows you to unlimited telepathically communication over any distance. But the spell only lasts 10 minutes per level.
Easiest is to give the Queen a permanent 'mirror sight' mirror (or the head of her foreign office). This would allow them to contact the PCs each day and give and receive information. The PCs wouldn't be able to contact their home, but home could contact them as often as needed. May even have set times each day that home will call (dawn/dusk) so information can be exchanged. It wouldn't require the PCs to have a magical item, merely a specific mirror that their home knew to contact.
-You can also have encounters then where someone steals their mirror, they lose it, it breaks, etc...
-Cost: 27,000 for the home office mirror, but making it not easily moved (big mirror set into a wall or table) could easily reduce the cost to 15,000. The hand mirror the PCs have would cost like 10gp?

Most beneficial and free flowing would be having a intelligent item that had a permanent telepathic bond with a item at the home office. Two PCs in my current game have homocului that are telepathically bonded with each other (they didn't want to be bonded themselves).
Cost:16,600 (Perm Bond + 2 homocului)

Hm, if you get the spell lesser planar binding, you can employ a Cacodaemons disease. While the disease is weak at best, the Cacodaemon can then communicate with whomever it transmits the disease to, you can tell the Cacodaemon something, and it can relay it to whomever it bites.

Or vice-versa.

I truly love the knowledge and helpfulness of this community.
Splendor, I'm going to contact you via e-mail and pick your brain.
I'm really interested in your ideas.

I've encountered this question before on several occasions; as you have noticed, long-range magical communication is, for the most part prohibitively rare and expensive (for good reason, from a worldbuilding perspective -- few technologies have a more transformative impact on the world than accessible long-distance communication!). A few additional points:

- Whispering wind delivers its message whether or not anyone's around to hear it. If you set up a predetermined time at which someone's waiting to receive messages, you can avoid this problem, but that presents obvious security risks. (The range limit of 1-20 miles may also be too short for your purposes.)
- Sending stipulates that the caster must be familiar with the recipient. If the PCs communicate with their liege through intermediaries, they'll need a trusted contact.
- The mirror sight spell (as it's listed in the SRD) is known on Golarion as Irriseni mirror sight -- while this might be the most accessible means of reliable, low-cost communication available, it's up to GM discretion whether the spell is commonly known far beyond the frozen wastes of Irrisen.
- For shorter-range scouting missions, missive stones work great. Again, range limit of 3 miles may be too short for your purposes.

Finally, I'll offer a slightly more obscure solution: whispering lilies. Turns out that Pathfinder Venture-Captain Varian Jeggare developed a clever botanical solution to this very problem -- paired flowers that, when planted, transmit spoken messages from one bulb to the other. (You can read about them in this excerpt from The Lost Pathfinder: "Chapter One: The Solarium"). You could write up stats for whispering lilies and entrust your players with one of these remarkable bulbs, keeping the other half inconspicuously near the monarch or their spymaster.

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This topic or variants of it seem to occur with regularity (as noted by Aetherwisp) so I've compiled the following list of spells (CRB only so far):

- Telepathic Bond, can be made permanent between two (or more) individuals. Fairly expensive to use as a permanent solution.
- Many Scrying spells + Message, can work but Message thru the sensor is unreliable especially at lower levels (5%/caster level).
- Sending, allows a response by target, can be interplanar but becomes less reliable when across planes (5%+ failure rate). Demand (8th level Sor/Wiz) as Sending but adds in a Suggestion. Must be familiar with the target.
- Helping Hand, anywhere within up to 5 miles but lots of delay built into the spell (up to 4 hours at max range) but could be useful when separation is under 1000 feet or the communication is not time sensitive.
- Any familiar (and possible an animal companion taught the right trick) might act as a messenger/go between. Add in Share Senses for extra communication capability.
- Animal Messenger, low level but reliable, ultimate "carrier pigeon" spell. Must send carrier to designated location, potential for interception.
- Teleport Object, high level (7th) but can send an object to a targeted location (and hence obviously one-way).
- Teleport spells can be used to set up rapid movement between locations with those teleporting carrying messages. Planar Ally spells often mentioned to call on the aid of an Outsider (a Lantern Archon is frequently mentioned) who possesses Teleport/Greater Teleport.
- Dream, range unlimited but one-way. Requires the recipient to be asleep (and hence capable of sleeping). Either the caster or someone the caster touches can send the message. The messenger must be in a trance for the duration of the spell and is "defenseless" and unaware while in the trance (fails all saving throws, 'helpless condition' implied but not so stated).
- Whispering Wind, lower level but requires caster to send the Wind to a familiar location where it may or may not find a recipient. Range in miles per level
- Message, cantrip (0 level spell) limited range, can be combined with many Scrying spells. Language dependent. Must mouth and whisper the words.

Edit: Notes Mirror Sight and Minor Dream. Note Sending is a 4th level Cleric spell but 5th level Wizard.

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