If you could be any race...

Pathfinder Society

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Liberty's Edge

If you could play any race in PFS, what would it be?
I, personally, would play Svifneblin, because it would make an AWESOME shaman, and I think that'd be fun.

Grand Lodge 3/5

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I can already play the races I want to be in PFS.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5

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The Boston Marathon.

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I'd love to play a Gillman, though I do feel they get a bit short-changed on the racial abilities.

Also Strix, definitely... but this would never be allowed.


Silver Crusade 3/5

Solar, hound archon, storm giant, pixie, gnoll, android, drow, half-dragon, succubus or incubus, bralani, ettin, catfolk, ...

Silver Crusade




5/5 5/55/55/5

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Kobold. Because I like making the small, meek, and overlooked absolutely deadly.


I second Kobolds as well.

4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Agent, Idaho—Moscow

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Grippli. So I could be an ironic White-Haired Witch.

Hsien, Nymph, Pixie, any of the 8 Planetouched, Half-Nymphs, Nymphs, Dryads, Nixies, Giant Half-Celestial Advanced Emperor Penguins, Faeries (the touhou kind), magician youkai (the touhou kind), and a wide list of pokemons

edit; don't forget Mahou Shoujou/Magical Girl template

Grand Lodge


Dark Archive

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Lich, death knight and vampire

4/5 5/5


Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville

Third on the Kobold.

I also want a crack as the Changling.

4/5 5/5

Rei wrote:

Also, because I somehow always manage to forget this even though it's one of my favorite things in Pathfinder: fetchling.

Shadow Lodge

Cthulhu! Oh, wait, are we talking player races? Then probably Vanara. Because Monkey Monks are apparently a thing. Or Kobold.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Hmmmm...well, if they allowed Kobolds I could bring back my Kobold Monk, Ki Yip Kai, master of Cower Fu.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

A metallic dragon. Any sort, I'm not fussy.

Liberty's Edge

Haha... oops. I meant player races. Oh well.
I also like the idea of being a kobold. I already have a great miniature for it.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

I used to always say Grippli but after GenCon I'm rolling one up!

After that Vanarra. I was sad that there was no auction for one. I was ready to put the mortgage down on that!

Liberty's Edge

I really wanna make a samsaran or a ratfolk, because rats are neat and as a Buddhist, the Samsaran race seems really awesome.

Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber


So I can play Cindi Mayweather (Janelle Monae)

After that, Sylph or Fetchling.

Liberty's Edge

pH unbalanced wrote:


So I can play Cindi Mayweather (Janelle Monae)

After that, Sylph or Fetchling.

Oo... Good choice

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Hm, hard choice.

I'm not really a fan of the "menagerie" of races that are in PFS, but the one race I've really enjoyed playing as and with is probably, Ifrit.

The stat mixture (bonus to dex and cha, penalty to wis), is a great fit for my preferred classes, the race opens up some interesting RP opportunities (without devolving into flat characterization like aasimars and tieflings), and you're a person MADE OF FIRE; how cool is that?

Sovereign Court

I would like to see a little more inclusion of the stereotypically "monstrous" races, the ones often viewed as packets of XP and little else- orcs, kobolds, hobgoblins, etc. It seems to me that the Society would be one of the more likely organizations to reach out to these races, and I'd love to see them characterized more, make the point that no free-willed sentient race should be considered evil or beyond redemption by default, and thus okay to kill without question. Other forms of media have addressed this question, but I find that it's still a depressingly common view among players. In addition, it seems like there's some great RP to be had, being the target of adventurers for so long only to finally be granted the chance to join their ranks. So yeah, one of those three probably.

Liberty's Edge

Plerumque wrote:
I would like to see a little more inclusion of the stereotypically "monstrous" races, the ones often viewed as packets of XP and little else- orcs, kobolds, hobgoblins, etc. It seems to me that the Society would be one of the more likely organizations to reach out to these races, and I'd love to see them characterized more, make the point that no free-willed sentient race should be considered evil or beyond redemption by default, and thus okay to kill without question. Other forms of media have addressed this question, but I find that it's still a depressingly common view among players. In addition, it seems like there's some great RP to be had, being the target of adventurers for so long only to finally be granted the chance to join their ranks. So yeah, one of those three probably.

I totally agree. Have you read the Goblins comic? So funny...

Grand Lodge 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Colorado—Denver

I would love to play a centaur ranger (skirmisher archetype). Or a Satyr. Or a Bariaur, which are from 2e D&D.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

Half elf would probably fit who I am, being out of step with my peers growing up. I imagine growing up as one is a lot like have Aspergers or some of the milder autism spectrum disorders.

Azata Aasimar (green haired, gotta have green hair) is what I would choose. Still a little out of step but more relatable.

No desire to have fur or feathers.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber



Kobolds !!

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 ***

All of these posts and no one said drow. Amazing. :)

Me, humans are my favorite race, and in Golarion, they have a pretty thorough background, which is why I like them.

Silver Crusade

Kobold, hobgoblin, gnoll, minotaur


"All of these posts and no one said drow. Amazing. :)"

Why would someone *want* to play a Drow? D:

I'm definitely in for the kobold thing. I was a little disappointed when I found out I wouldn't be able to make a kobold for my first PFS character!

Other than that, well... uh, the other race I was really shooting for, I finally got a boon-trade into a few months back. And then the race was opened up as an always-available race, so they're already an available race. :P

Liberty's Edge

I was also looking at catfolk, cause they seem cool, but I feel like they changed a lot from bestiary 3 to the advanced race guide, and I'm not a huge fan of the changes. I stand by wanting to be a deep gnome though, because they're just too interesting.

Scarab Sages 1/5

My four favorite races are: Human, Aasimar, Tiefling, Android.

Most of my PFS characters are human, with two tieflings and one Aasimar. I would love to play an android.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I'd like to play a hobgoblin since they have a very interesting history with some areas of Golarion. However, I don't particularly care for villain decay and actually prefer your typical dark hordes of orcs, goblins and the like to remain as adversaries. Same with the drow - classic evil bad guys who deserve all the hatred you can muster.

One divergent individual, such as Fall-from-Grace, Drizzt, etc, once in a blue moon is fine and can set up some interesting character-driven roleplay, but do it more than twice and I quickly lose interest.

I like narratives of exile, redemption and regret just as much as the rest, but don't think every 0 hd race needs to serve as a vehicle for them.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Gold dragon. I can hold contests for most Eugenic prince and princess and kidnap them FOR SCIENCE!

Silver Crusade 3/5

Mark Stratton wrote:
All of these posts and no one said drow. Amazing. :)

I did.

...but I was being sarcastic.

Lantern Lodge 5/5


Yona Kyoki wrote:
The Boston Marathon.

I'll be your brother, Big Sur.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

Indy 500. Not the same week as gen con but the same city.

Grand Lodge

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Sovereign Court

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Muser wrote:

I'd like to play a hobgoblin since they have a very interesting history with some areas of Golarion. However, I don't particularly care for villain decay and actually prefer your typical dark hordes of orcs, goblins and the like to remain as adversaries. Same with the drow - classic evil bad guys who deserve all the hatred you can muster.

One divergent individual, such as Fall-from-Grace, Drizzt, etc, once in a blue moon is fine and can set up some interesting character-driven roleplay, but do it more than twice and I quickly lose interest.

I like narratives of exile, redemption and regret just as much as the rest, but don't think every 0 hd race needs to serve as a vehicle for them.

To clarify, I'm not advocating a general shift of orcs, goblins, and kobolds towards being neutral, but I would just like to make the point that no sentient race deserves to be killed on sight, and I feel like having the occasional monstrous race in the Society would be one way to accomplish this.

Scarab Sages

Kobold IF I could use stuff from kobolds of golarion too. If not, then grippli.

Ratfolk seemed interesting to me.

Fetchling. It just seems interesting. Shadow, but not evil.

Also I have an idea for a Sylph, but I think I'd try the fetchling first.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Hmm... Probably either Android, Tiefling, or Catfolk.

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