Two Weapon Fighting Small DPS


Here i am with a new challenge :)

now the first Small PC i had to build is okay...i just have to write it..

now i'm looking for the 2nd one i need.

I was thinking about a small race (oh really?!) two weapon fighting build

maybe focusing on doing damage with DEX i think; maybe goblin?

advices are really welcome, and i thanks in advance for spending your time!

Grand Lodge

With dex damage you would need either 2x agile weapon enchantments or go with a single scimitar and grab the dervish Dancer feat.

A friend of mine is currently playing a Paladin that Dual weilds. He Divine bonds the MH weapon and uses the spell holy sword for the OH weapon. Mix that with the smite damage and your looking at some freaking crazy numbers. Against un-smitable targets his hits are not nearly as reliable. He also falls victim to Movement that 2wf types suffer from. Not getting full attacks hurts.

If your dead set on a Goblin 2WF then I suggest going the Ranger or Slayer route. Your going to need FBA progression to make it work.

If you want to go with a dervish dancer I recommend Either a Dex Magus or a Dawnflower dervish bard. Tho coming up with a way for a goblin to love and worship Sarenrae will be challenging other then the I love fire part.

Edit: A dex brawler might be fun too...Flurry of Goblin Fury!

I recommend halfling. There is an option to have 30 ft speed, +1 to all saves, and more importantly for DPR they have the strong feat riskystriker.

i cant understand what FBA means (maybe due to my bad english)

Rangers and Slayers are completely new to me...never played one.

A DEX Magus could be very interesting...but as rangers and slayers...never build one, never played one.

maybe if you have some advice on how to build (i'm actually reading the guides on which class you proposed, but i need also a more specific advice on the build) i will be happy to see it (when you have time to post ;) )

Slayer or Brawler are probably your best bets at the moment, though Rogue, Ranger, and Fighter are viable. The important thing to make TWF viable (especially on the sort of Dex based small weapon build a small race would have) is to have static bonuses you add to each hit. Sneak attack, favored enemy, weapon training, smite, etc.

If you're willing to use a single weapon, I've become a fan of the Mouser archetype for Swashbuckler. Or you could go with Inspired Blade, take Fencing Grace, and have +Dex to damage at first level.


Orthodox Banjoist wrote:

i cant understand what FBA means (maybe due to my bad english)

*I think* it means Full Base Attack.

But I'm not sure as I've usually seen it referred to as "Full BAB" (BAB is short for Base Attack Bonus).

Nicos wrote:
I recommend halfling. There is an option to have 30 ft speed, +1 to all saves, and more importantly for DPR they have the strong feat riskystriker.

I might as well add the link to the risky striker feat and explain why it is so good:

This is basically a second power attack for halflings against foes 2 sizes larger than them (so large and above). It only takes away 1 AC (seems odd that this doesn't scale, but the race and the limit to big things are likely the balancing parts here). This feat also lacks the 2 hand/offhand language of power attack, so you get a full +2 damage +2/4BAB on each attack.

Another option would be gnomes with the arcane strike feat. Due to their racial SLAs, gnomes qualify for arcane strike due to this FAQ. The extra 1-5 damage from that feat should cover the problems of their strength penalty when you combine it to the +1 to attack from being small.

Hmm this may be a little cheesy but a dawnflower dervish (bard)/Warpriest of Saenrae could get the crusaders flurry feat with a dervish danced scimitar for the equivalent of 2WF attacks.

Bertious wrote:
Hmm this may be a little cheesy but a dawnflower dervish (bard)/Warpriest of Saenrae could get the crusaders flurry feat with a dervish danced scimitar for the equivalent of 2WF attacks.

Dawnflower Dervish bards are probably better off not even using scimitars and dervish dance. The doubled up bonuses on inspire courage are enough to justify a regular TWF build with them.

Not sure how well your suggested build works out, with the problems of multiclassing and all (and I don't have ACG, so no idea how much support your warpriest side is giving). I suppose it could work, but would be simpler to just do straight dawnflower.

okk risky striker seems a "must have".. +2 on damage every 4 levels after 4th is really yummy!

now this feat make sense also on a magus build? A magus build is viable? Maybe hexcrafter?
Or which class am i supposed to use to build my little war machine?

thanks all!

Yeah, risky striker is a good reason to be a halfing.

Admittedly, you need to be facing large or bigger creatures for it to work, but it means random swordsmen are more troublesome than a dragon is to you....which seems hilarious.

For an even greater laugh, enlarge person targets fort saves, so you could have your party caster cast it on the enemy wizards and sorcerers to give you a major buff.....

cool idea... i don't think any of my party caster will accept this "crazy" idea, but its a cool one.

About the class, have you any advice?

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