ACG: Slayer Talents, and Feat Questions

Rules Questions

So I just got my copy of the ACG, and I didn't see a discussion on this yet.

Slayer Talents: I see that the Slayer can get some of the Rogue Talents. However, I don't see anything that would allow a Rogue to get Slayer talents. Did I miss something?

Feats: Some of the feat prerequisites seem odd to me. Kick Up, for example, has prerequisites of Dex 12, Acrobatic, Acrobatics 1 rank, Slayer level 1st or swashbuckler level 1st. This is also a combat bonus feat. So if I'm reading this correctly, this is only really available to Slayers and Swashbucklers. Those who wish to pick this as a combat bonus feat, would need to dip a level into one of these two classes. Correct?

Correct. The Rogue got very little love in the ACG and Paizo continues the irritating tradition of ridiculous amounts of prerequisites for basic feats.

Gray wrote:
Feats: Some of the feat prerequisites seem odd to me. Kick Up, for example, has prerequisites of Dex 12, Acrobatic, Acrobatics 1 rank, Slayer level 1st or swashbuckler level 1st. This is also a combat bonus feat. So if I'm reading this correctly, this is only really available to Slayers and Swashbucklers. Those who wish to pick this as a combat bonus feat, would need to dip a level into one of these two classes. Correct?

Seems that way. I was planning to take the feat myself, but then i realized I can't disarm an opponent and kick-up his weapon. And then i saw the Acrobatic prerequisite and that turned it into a feat i will never take...

Yeah, I'm still reading through it, and while I'm happy with a lot of the content, I'm a little baffled by some of the prereqs on feats. There are some new feats that could be good for the Rogue, but they specifically seem to exclude that class. Silent Kill is an example.

Scavion wrote:
Correct. The Rogue got very little love in the ACG and Paizo continues the irritating tradition of ridiculous amounts of prerequisites for basic feats.

Exactly. For example Canny tumble and Confounding tumble would be good feats, but for some reason I'm getting Dodge and Mobility force fed to me yet again...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gray wrote:

So I just got my copy of the ACG, and I didn't see a discussion on this yet.

Slayer Talents: I see that the Slayer can get some of the Rogue Talents. However, I don't see anything that would allow a Rogue to get Slayer talents. Did I miss something?

Feats: Some of the feat prerequisites seem odd to me. Kick Up, for example, has prerequisites of Dex 12, Acrobatic, Acrobatics 1 rank, Slayer level 1st or swashbuckler level 1st. This is also a combat bonus feat. So if I'm reading this correctly, this is only really available to Slayers and Swashbucklers. Those who wish to pick this as a combat bonus feat, would need to dip a level into one of these two classes. Correct?

Funniest thing about it is that the graphic depicturing the feat shows Seltyiel, who cannot get it.

Shadow Lodge

The silly requirements are probably a way to safeguard feats so that they dont end up on unexpected classes or creatures which could make powerful and stupid combinations, eg: Eidolons. Nevertheless there are better ways to do it i think

magnuskn wrote:
Gray wrote:

So I just got my copy of the ACG, and I didn't see a discussion on this yet.

Slayer Talents: I see that the Slayer can get some of the Rogue Talents. However, I don't see anything that would allow a Rogue to get Slayer talents. Did I miss something?

Feats: Some of the feat prerequisites seem odd to me. Kick Up, for example, has prerequisites of Dex 12, Acrobatic, Acrobatics 1 rank, Slayer level 1st or swashbuckler level 1st. This is also a combat bonus feat. So if I'm reading this correctly, this is only really available to Slayers and Swashbucklers. Those who wish to pick this as a combat bonus feat, would need to dip a level into one of these two classes. Correct?

Funniest thing about it is that the graphic depicturing the feat shows Seltyiel, who cannot get it.

I saw that too, which also made me think I was missing something. I was hoping one of you was going to write something like "Gray - open your eyes or have another cup of coffee then look on page.."

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