I've been away from the game for awhile, and I am much more familiar with 3.5, so feel free to point out the obvious.
We are running a game with only 3 players and this player will be filling the role of the skill-based character.
He needs to track/wilderness survival, as well as do the rogue stuff like trap-spotting / disable device.
we are beginning at lvl 1 but I understand that he won't necessarily have all of that at first level.
The PC would like to be wilderness-y for roleplay purposes, but rogue-ish for party balance.
All ideas are welcome and appreciated!
Thank you so much for your input. :)

Whisperknives |
look at the Trapper Ranger.
It loses casting, which can either be a minor issue or a major one depending on how he wanted to play.
HOWEVER, they gain disable device, trap finding and experts at making their own traps, including the ability to launch the trap a level.
Unless he just really wants to get backstabs, there is no reason to play a rogue, they are overshadowed by multiple classes. Rogues are one of the weakest classes in the game.

Thomas Long 175 |
What are you looking to get out of it?
Diplomacy and sleight of hand can be grabbed as class skills through traits.
What exactly are you looking for in the rogue levels?
Edit: Regardless of whether you make them class skills or not, cross class skills are only ever at a -3 compared to class skills. Now class skills just give you a flat +3 when you put a rank in them, and all skills only ever cost 1 skill point