Pathfinder Computer Game (non-MMO) to be revealed at GenCon?

Paizo General Discussion

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Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Obsidian, makers of KOTOR, Fallout: New Vegas and Pillars of Eternity + Pathfinder = ?

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Color me ridiculously intrigued.

The Exchange

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ENWorld also posted something saying Adam Daigle originally posted that same image on Facebook but quickly took it down....curiouser and curiouser...

Silver Crusade

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Holy crap! Wouldn't that be amazing to see a Pathfinder game from them!

Liberty's Edge

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Awwwwwwwww yeah!

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


1 - Obsidian takes over the Pathfinder MMO. Highly unlikely.
2 - Obsidian switches their upcoming Pillars of Eternity to Golarion. All kinds of awesome, but also unlikely.
3 - Obsidian kickstarts a new cRPG based on Pathfinder. Most likely scenario.

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Dot for great interest.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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Dot for DO WANT!!!

The Exchange

Gorbacz wrote:


1 - Obsidian takes over the Pathfinder MMO. Highly unlikely.
2 - Obsidian switches their upcoming Pillars of Eternity to Golarion. All kinds of awesome, but also unlikely.
3 - Obsidian kickstarts a new cRPG based on Pathfinder. Most likely scenario.

I wouldn't be surprised if they did take over the MMO...The current company has taken a long time getting it out. IF that is what is happening then I will be disappointed because I really have 0 interest in a Pathfinder I am hoping for 2 or 3.

Sovereign Court


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I think we will finally have the Pathfinder version of Baldur's Gate that we've all been dreaming of.

Go for the eyes, Boo!

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Or Neverwinter Nights-ish.

Silver Crusade

14 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


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I really hope it's not another Kickstarter. That would mean it's still years away....

Silver Crusade

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I would love a NWN type game. Make my own Golarion areas.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

But I'm already running a Fallout inspired sandbox game that borrows a lot from Kingmaker...

Anyhow this can only be fantastic news.

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Doting for great interest as well. Please be true!!!!!!

Paizo Employee

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

*leans forward* Go on...

Grand Lodge

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Gorbacz wrote:


1 - Obsidian takes over the Pathfinder MMO. Highly unlikely.
2 - Obsidian switches their upcoming Pillars of Eternity to Golarion. All kinds of awesome, but also unlikely.
3 - Obsidian kickstarts a new cRPG based on Pathfinder. Most likely scenario.

Obsidian seems like they'd be able to make a game with a proven brand without a kickstarter. Maybe that's just wishful thinking.

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Seriously? They're going to hire the most overrated developer in the entire gaming industry?

If this is true--and I'll just assume it is not--my remaining hopes for any viable digital adaption of the pathfinder IP lies dead and buried.

And I'm not trying to troll here, I've played lots of Obsidian games (KotOR II, Fallout:NV, NWN2, Alpha Protocol,...) and I really wanted to like them, but Obsidian could game-design their way out of a wet cardboard box.

All their sequels are horrible compared to the original, and their own games are even worse. Shallow characters, boring and aimless story, unfinished plot-lines and as topping, a cr*pload of bugs. I don't even know how they manage to survive in the industry, if not for their brain-dead (sorry for stepping on toes) fanbase.

And worse, they always blame others for their incompetence. "Not enough time..." and "The publisher made us..." is all you ever get to hear from them. They ruined several of my favorite games, and if they'll get their grubby hands on's good night.

Shadow Lodge

Eh...proven brand? I don't really think so. Pathfinder is proven in the tiny niche hobby of tabletop RPGs (although even in that small group, there are a lot of people who look at it as being proven as unworthy), but that doesn't even remotely translate into the same thing as a actual proven brand for a video game.

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Fallout New Vegas is generally considered far better than F3, from what I've gathered. Maybe just within the community that liked the older Fallout games though.

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Danubus wrote:
I would love a NWN type game. Make my own Golarion areas.

It would make my year. Years even.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cheapy wrote:
Fallout New Vegas is generally considered far better than F3, from what I've gathered. Maybe just within the community that liked the older Fallout games though.

Mainly due to New Vegas actually referencing those older games. IMO, 3 was better in most aspects, but I've never played those older games. I loved KotOR 2 though. Very intrigued.

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Hardwool wrote:


Seriously? They're going to hire the most overrated developer in the entire gaming industry?

If this is true--and I'll just assume it is not--my remaining hopes for any viable digital adaption of the pathfinder IP lies dead and buried.

And I'm not trying to troll here, I've played lots of Obsidian games (KotOR II, Fallout:NV, NWN2, Alpha Protocol,...) and I really wanted to like them, but Obsidian could game-design their way out of a wet cardboard box.

All their sequels are horrible compared to the original, and their own games are even worse. Shallow characters, boring and aimless story, unfinished plot-lines and as topping, a cr*pload of bugs. I don't even know how they manage to survive in the industry, if not for their brain-dead (sorry for stepping on toes) fanbase.

And worse, they always blame others for their incompetence. "Not enough time..." and "The publisher made us..." is all you ever get to hear from them. They ruined several of my favorite games, and if they'll get their grubby hands on's good night.

Obviously you didn't play Mask of the Betrayer.

And its not out yet, so we dont know for sure, but Pillars of Eternity looks like it is going to be amazing.

The Exchange

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Gambit wrote:
Hardwool wrote:


Seriously? They're going to hire the most overrated developer in the entire gaming industry?

If this is true--and I'll just assume it is not--my remaining hopes for any viable digital adaption of the pathfinder IP lies dead and buried.

And I'm not trying to troll here, I've played lots of Obsidian games (KotOR II, Fallout:NV, NWN2, Alpha Protocol,...) and I really wanted to like them, but Obsidian could game-design their way out of a wet cardboard box.

All their sequels are horrible compared to the original, and their own games are even worse. Shallow characters, boring and aimless story, unfinished plot-lines and as topping, a cr*pload of bugs. I don't even know how they manage to survive in the industry, if not for their brain-dead (sorry for stepping on toes) fanbase.

And worse, they always blame others for their incompetence. "Not enough time..." and "The publisher made us..." is all you ever get to hear from them. They ruined several of my favorite games, and if they'll get their grubby hands on's good night.

Obviously you didn't play Mask of the Betrayer.

And its not out yet, so we dont know for sure, but Pillars of Eternity looks like it is going to be amazing.

Bah, haters are gonna hate. He listed games he thought were crap, but meanwhile their predecessors (KOTOR, NWN, Fallout, etc) are some of the best games in their genre and have sold a butt-ton of copies. The exposure that Pathfinder would potentially gain from such a game is something to look forward to also. Having a very well-known name in gaming make a video game from your IP is going to be a great thing....even if haters keep hating.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

They could even do a simultaneous reveal, considering GenCon and gamescom are both this weekend. That would be cool.

Gambit wrote:
Obviously you didn't play Mask of the Betrayer.

I did, as long as I could endure it (maybe 3-4 hours). But it was awful. I know that it is supposed to be one of the best games/addons, storywise, but they couldn't even get the basics right.

Fake Healer wrote:
Bah, haters are gonna hate. He listed games he thought were crap, but meanwhile their predecessors (KOTOR, NWN, Fallout, etc) are some of the best games in their genre and have sold a butt-ton of copies.

I played the sequels because I loved the original. I played the hell out of Fallout 1 and 2 when they came out (still have them installed) and Fallout 3 may have had a lame main-story, but the rest of the game was great, even the DLCs. And I can't count the hours I spent in NWN1 and I think Hordes of the Underdark is one of the greatest RPG gems ever. KotOR had this one gaming moment I will always remember, when you're faced with your past and all the pieces fall into place (and it was funny because my first character was named Raven. Raven<->Revan o.O).

All of them were fantastic games, while their successors simple aren't. Though I have to admit, I played F:NV for quite a long time, mostly because it had the same engine and mechanics as F3, and had a whole bunch of awesome mods. But the main story was...eww.

Alternatively, although it might arguably contravene the "don't split the playerbase" rule, another potential collaborative product could be a Paizo-sanctioned sourcebook describing Obsidian's Pillars of Eternity world setting in Pathfinder terms. In an interview during the Pillars kickstarter, one of the Obsidian developers mentioned how much they'd like to see such a product.

Gambit wrote:

I think we will finally have the Pathfinder version of Baldur's Gate that we've all been dreaming of.

Go for the eyes, Boo!

This yes

Also doesnt the license prevent using the d20 system in video games? Grrrr wish paizo or obsidian shed some light on this soon.

They got around that with the MMO by not using the d20 system; they might have some similar work-around for this.

Paizo Employee

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Redneckdevil wrote:
Also doesnt the license prevent using the d20 system in video games? Grrrr wish paizo or obsidian shed some light on this soon.

I'm sure we'll find out this weekend.

Smart money's on Thursday in room 231 in the Indianapolis Convention Center, between 5 and 6 PM.


Scarab Sages

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KoToR2 was in MANY ways superior to KoToR. It's biggest problem was caused by the publisher rushing the ship date and cutting several areas and making the story seem unfinished.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm totally fine with whatever mechanics as long as I get to Hellknight somebody in the face.

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Redneckdevil wrote:
Also doesnt the license prevent using the d20 system in video games? Grrrr wish paizo or obsidian shed some light on this soon.

See this post.

It doesn't prevent it, it's just a bit wishwashy about how to go about it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And this thread.

and this post in particular. Actually, just search for Vic on that page.

Oh look, gorbacz is active in that thread too.

Mmmm i love paizo and i love obsidian...but i think i may be in for some disappointment if its a card game or board game like ferguson was talking about in an interview bout yr and half ago.
please let it be a video game!!!! And not a card or board game :-(

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Cheapy wrote:

Oh look, gorbacz is active in that thread too.

Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

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Gorbacz wrote:
Cheapy wrote:

Oh look, gorbacz is active in that thread too.

Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

Confirmed Today: Gorbacz is actually Obsidian in disguise!

The Exchange

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Rogue Eidolon wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Cheapy wrote:

Oh look, gorbacz is active in that thread too.

Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
Confirmed Today: Gorbacz is actually Obsidian in disguise!


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Gorbacz wrote:
Cheapy wrote:

Oh look, gorbacz is active in that thread too.

Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

On second thought, that's not a remarkable thing at all. I must be out of my mind to think otherwise.

Paizo Employee

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Speaking of old threads:

Lisa Stevens wrote:
I anybody at Obsidian wants to talk to me about a CRPG based on Pathfinder, I am all ears! Have them contact me at



Paizo Employee CEO

23 people marked this as a favorite.

All will be revealed this weekend. Well, maybe not all. :)

Press release tomorrow. More details throughout the weekend. We are talking about more than one type of game. I think you guys will be happy. :)

Btw, they are NOT taking over Pathfinder Online. Let's squash that right now.


Paizo Employee CEO

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Landon Winkler wrote:

Speaking of old threads:

Lisa Stevens wrote:
I anybody at Obsidian wants to talk to me about a CRPG based on Pathfinder, I am all ears! Have them contact me at



Wow! Blast from the past! I totally forgot about that thread. Looks like they finally heard the call!


Silver Crusade

Interested! Looking forward to learning more.


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Is it too early to *squee* on this thread?

If I could put a .gif in here, it would be Fry going "Shut up and take my money!!!"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lisa Stevens wrote:

All will be revealed this weekend. Well, maybe not all. :)

Press release tomorrow. More details throughout the weekend. We are talking about more than one type of game. I think you guys will be happy. :)

Btw, they are NOT taking over Pathfinder Online. Let's squash that right now.


Why can't I plus one more than once?!?!


2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm intrigued. Please tell me more. :D

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