Warmage without houseruling


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Without turning to houserules or fan conversions, what is the best way to recreate the feel and function of the Warmage in Pathfinder? More military (and artillery) than the Magus, but less a pure caster than a Wizard or Sorcerer.

Any combination of classes or PrC's is fine. Prefer a method that doesn't rely on race-specific shenanigans.

Requirements of function:
Stronger HP than an average 'pure' Wizard or Sorcerer.
Wide selection of offensive spells; covering all energy types OR with a way to get past resistances/immunities.
Capable of adapting to changing conditions with spell selection.
Ability to cast in light armor and/or light shields without penalty, eventually progressing to medium armor.
Bonus Feats focused on expanding spell list OR providing Metamagic effects without using higher-level spell slots.

A way to include a comparable function to Warmage Edge (secondary/tertiary ability modifier to spell damage) would be nice, but I don't think it would be considered as 'defining' as the other elements.

Thank you for any constructive suggestions. (:

I'm not sure anything like that exist and meets all your requirements. And if it did it would likely be over powered.

The Magus is the closest you can get:
Better hp than wizard (d8 vs d6)
Offensive spell selection is worse, and suffers from all the same drawbacks with energy resistance that wizards/sorcerers do
Capable of adapting....yes-ish
Ability to cast in armor, yes. All the way up to heavy armor eventually.
Bonus feats...yes, and can expand spell list. So you can pick up some blasting. You definitely wont get metamagic feats without expending high levels slots. Those effects are very limited, and very very powerful.

Without house rules, you're not going to get anything close.

A well built Eldrich knight would probably be what you're looking for. Use an Admixture wizard in order to be able to switch out your energy type for your spells.

The blood rager is probably more fighter and way less caster than you had in mind.

Thanks for the responses so far!

I'm awaiting the final versions of Bloodrager and (fingers crossed) Arcanist to see what other archetypes there might be, but I'm all but resigned to trying to optimize an Admixture wizard for the concept. Even if limited to Int-mod + 3 times per day, Versatile Evocation should get the job done in the absence of the Warmage's Orb spells, and Intense Spells can substitute for Warmage Edge in a pinch.

Advice on boosting HP and armor casting for them?

If placing more emphasis on the "ready for anything (as long as it's something to shoot)" aspect than on the casting in armor, what Sorcerer Bloodlines would work best with Words of Power?

Any shortcuts to Eldritch Knight entry requirements? As above, best bet for casting in armor?

Scarab Sages

Early entry Eldritch knight into Hellknight Signifier.

Imbicatus wrote:
Early entry Eldritch knight into Hellknight Signifier.

I see the lossless spellcaster progression for Hellknight, and the bonus feat for Arcane Armor Mastery. Nice.

What were you referring to with early entry into EK? Just ASAP, Fighter1/Sorc6|Wiz5, or is there something I'm missing? For that matter, am I better off using a single level of Magus instead of Fighter to meet the martial weapons pre-req?

Backlash3906 wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Early entry Eldritch knight into Hellknight Signifier.

I see the lossless spellcaster progression for Hellknight, and the bonus feat for Arcane Armor Mastery. Nice.

What were you referring to with early entry into EK? Just ASAP, Fighter1/Sorc6|Wiz5, or is there something I'm missing? For that matter, am I better off using a single level of Magus instead of Fighter to meet the martial weapons pre-req?

Go Aisamaar or any race with a spell like ability of the appropriate level or higher. Take one level of a casting class (I'd recommend a crossblooded draconic/ Orc sorcerer) and then get your BAB high enough.

Paizo has ruled that the spell like abilities of races count for these purposes as being capable of spellcasting the given level of spells.

Scarab Sages

I like Ranger 1 / Diviner Wizard 1 / EK 3 / Hellknight 10 / EK to finish.

Diviner gives access to Clairvoyance as a SLA, and thus allows entry to EK at 3rd level. I like Ranger for the martial requirement because Ranger Wand use is generally more valuable than a feat.

Despite it's cheesiness, I think a crossblooded sorcerer dip is probably worhtwhile for the damage bonus/ability to change energy types, and can be used all day. Because of the ruling the the sorcerer bloodlines apply to spells from any spellcasting class they allow you to get a damage bonus to one particular element and convert elemental damage of any spell to your elemental type.

For one level, it's a very powerful dip. You'll be hyperspecialized into a single element, but can be very useful if you choose acid or lightning as those are the least common resistances.

It's cheesy, but rules legal.

Some irony?

A Fire Theologian with some elemental adjustment metamagics would meet all of these requirements. Could even cast in heavy armor if you took the feat.

Every 5 levels you can automatically add a +1 level adjust metamagic to one spell in your selection. Really helps if you dual-trait burning hands (magical lineage/wayang spellhunter). Charge in with your weapon, smack the target, quickened auto-intensified burning hands as a level 3 spell.

No, you're not limited to them in your domain slot.

Only thing preventing a true warmage feel is that you have, gasp, cleric buffs and heals (which are really better for helping an army).

But this isn't arcane and may not be what you want.

Dark Archive

Flame Oracle?

Why not simply use a Magus? He has access to other wizard spells with Spell Blending.

Fastmover wrote:
Why not simply use a Magus? He has access to other wizard spells with Spell Blending.

Magus spell list has less options for ranged attacks than I'd like, which isn't really helped even by Myrmidarch or Card Caster.

For those not familiar with the inspiration source: http://dndtools.eu/classes/warmage/

Um, just play the warmage, you've got the class right there?

(It's backwards compatible)

Anonymous Visitor 163 576 wrote:

Um, just play the warmage, you've got the class right there?

(It's backwards compatible)

In most cases yes, but the DM wants to keep things 'simple' for the campaign I'm entering, as it's his first time running one. PF material from far and wide is welcome, but only PF. He doesn't want to have to fidget with hit dice or skills or the like.

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How about a bomber alchemists? Adjust thematics to taste but you've got armor, some weapons, better hp and adjustable, scalable blasting. Grenadier might be closer to the warmage feel.

Alchemist does have some potential, even if filling out the elemental options would eat up quite a few discoveries.

Right now I'd say that's a top contender, alongside a Words of Power Sorcerer. Less military, but the flexible nature of wordspells keeps up that "swiss army knife" feel of the Warmage. (:

Grand Lodge

I would say is play a Magus and use Words of power http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/variant-magic-rules/words-of-power This will give you the ability to make the spells more like the warmage should have and still have the abilitys of a normal Magus.

Also see if he will alow you the Cabalist http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/magus/archetypes/super-genius- games---magus-archetypes/cabalist Archtype from supergenuse games as it make you a spontainus caster using the bards table of spells known.

If he alows both you are realy getting clost to the the Warmage.

DeathMvp wrote:
I would say is play a Magus and use Words of power http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/variant-magic-rules/words-of-power This will give you the ability to make the spells more like the warmage should have and still have the abilitys of a normal Magus.

Ah, yes! Magus still gets all the target words! Still, being on prepared spells stings a bit; any suggestions for dealing with that?

ETA: 'Oh, that's beautiful, that is...' (re: Cabalist)

(rez's thread)

And in light of Advanced Class Guide, we now have the Eldritch Scion! (Can't get to d20pfsrd from this computer; sorry for the lack of link.) A spontaneous/bard casting, CHA-fueled Magus. :D

AND, it even gains a Bloodrager bloodline, with an Eldritch Pool modifying Arcane Pool, to tap into the bloodline's powers, and bonus spells on a faster progression than the Bloodrager. (:

Additional discussion, after looking over this playful archetype?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Backlash3906 wrote:

Without turning to houserules or fan conversions, what is the best way to recreate the feel and function of the Warmage in Pathfinder? More military (and artillery) than the Magus, but less a pure caster than a Wizard or Sorcerer.

I hate to tell you this but to do ANYTHING, you'd have to either houserule or pick from Paizo's established classes. If you want more military than the magus, you're going to have to settle for less magic. that would be your Bloodrager.

http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/magus/archetypes/paizo---magus -archetypes/eldritch-scion The archetype I was referring to.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Backlash3906 wrote:
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/magus/archetypes/paizo---magus -archetypes/eldritch-scion The archetype I was referring to.

he didn't realize your latest post and just replied to your OP and didn't realize it;s age.

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