Jorsalheim |
Just a quick question: where can we fin the scenario? Only Org Play or they will be publiques like PathSociety?
Each month the weekly scenarios from each month will be collected and published to buy here at the site. I'm guessing these first scenarios will be out when the Class Decks are out.

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eddiephlash wrote:I find the idea of unlocking characters for OP as a reward really interesting. I'd like to see/hear some more information on that.+1 to this - I'd like to know whether we can expect other characters to become available as we go along.
Well, the only one I can come up with that you couldn't "unlock" to play along with one of the class decks, theoretically, would be the Gunslinger and the Alchemist, just because none of the class decks have enough guns and alchemical items to make them work. Other than that, I could see being able to unlock Feiya for use with the Sorcerer or Wizard deck, Oloch with the cleric deck, Alahazra with the Cleric deck...
hmm.. Seltyiel wouldn't really work with either the Fighter nor the two caster decks, so he's out... Lini might be playable with the Ranger deck but she'd be low on spells, which doesn't work well for this particular version of Lini. Ranzak could also work with the Rogue deck very well.
So really it sounds like they could "unlock" Feiya, Oloch, Ranzak, and Alahazra, but the others wouldn't work unless you could combine decks. Ooh, they should let you do that too! Tanis! Take notes! :-D

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Ok, my impressions of the game and the weekend!
First of all, some background, long time RPG guy and Pathfinder Society member. Kickstarter for the MMO, heck some of that history is on my profile here.
NEVER played PACG before this weekend, did not pre-reg for anything for GENCON, wife is coming and I love the dealer hall and then figuring out what I want to do once I am already there.
Thursday, dropped into a PACG demo while wandering around and I am more of a ROLL playing guy than a ROLE playing guy. So this was right up my alley, my demo GM was the shaggy, HAGRID like one (I am terrible with names) Great presentation of the material and I sorta understood where I was headed.
This was enough that I decided to ditch my plans to play PFS on Friday morning and try and get in on PACG. There was 2 tickets left on the event website but it mentioned I already had to have a class deck in the description. So I was not sure whether I could play or not, I decided to not buy those and just show up and see. (Dealer hall had closed, could not run out and buy a deck...)
Friday, 8am session, I showed up EARLY and hung out and found that they had stacks of class decks for borrowing and I got in on a Scenario 1. I grabbed SORCERER deck and played Seoni.
I did not understand how to build my deck (not really part of the demo) and I thought the "B" in the upper right corner meant "Basic" and so I had several incorrect cards in my hand. The GM at the table was able to help me sub them out when they came up and had a good time though we did lose due to running out of blessings. (I got my sheet showing that I had played and could use a Blessing B for my next build)
Friday, 10 am. I am just using Generic tickets and yet they worked me into EVERY time slot, KUDOS PACG staffers!!! Built my deck with BASICS this time and my one precious Blessing B and we won!!
HAVING LOTS of fun, but lunch time, I skip the next session but tell my wife I want to go back for the 2-4 pm session. I also spend $190 at the Paizo booth before the 2 pm session so yes this is all working as planned for Paizo!! (S&S base, Add on, Sorc Class deck, Mat, 2 tshirts)
Friday 2pm, Scenario 2. I actually thought this was insanely tough the first round or two, but then our table got in a rhythem where we all stacked up on one location and usually that gave us all a break where we did not have to fight an opening shark (pre-exploration) and would all jump in and crush when the henchman came up so we could close the location. So it actually ended up easier once we had a plan.
Friday night, supper and then invited my friends to play a session at the hotel that night. My first ever as GM/player, 5 of us playing, we muddled through and ended up losing due to running out of blessings, but some good experience/knowledge now.
Saturday..8 and 10 am, knocked out Scen 3 and 4... went to lunch, was telling wife I would really like to "FINISH" and so she allowed me to change our plans and skip watching the parade so I could play at 2 and 4!!!
What a great wife, 15 years of marriage next year! She is sporting HER Pathfinder t-shirt today just because she liked the look of the new year PFS campaign drawing (Sky Key or something). I am sporting my freshly acquired Seoni shirt though I had decided to switch to Amaryllis the night before when I looked at my class deck.
Saturday, 2pm...cannot get into a Scen 5 game..no one else ready to go. Was actually hoping Doc and myself could do Scen 6 instead but he was worried about the timer on that Scen and it is already 215pm by now. So he and I end up going in on a Scen 4 game again, I grab a FIGHTER deck from the demo units and start my second character!
We knock it out pretty quickly, and between sessions I run down and spend another $20 to buy my OWN Fighter Class deck for my 2nd character (this works alot like crack cocaine I have noticed)
Saturday 4pm, I get in on a FULL six player slot of Scen 5. I have to admit this was my least fun game of the weekend. Out of the 7 slots I played, this one we had 4-5 "experts" at the table including a "rules lawyer" and the play was SLOOOOOOOOW.
They disagreed about strategy, how the rules were "supposed" to be working, the henchman were all buried pretty deep at every location it seemed and it came down to the last 2 blessings.
Honestly, I zoned out on the final round after my turn. I thought we had lost, we had 2 locations, the villein was buried pretty deep. I had no blessings or cards I could contribute and the cross talk, rule lawyering had reached critical mass.
NO idea how we "won" but literally they spent over 20 minutes on the last two characters; Blessings 3 and then 2, at the final two open locations and some miracle of cards, obscure rules, interventions from space or something apparently they found the villein, dug him out, temp-closed the other location and killed him.
That was it for me. I could not make the later sessions that evening, had plans with the wife, took her to supper and the 80s dance!
So I am one session shy of finishing the first adventure. I have spent LOTS of time on here since then reading every post, downloading all the rules and trying to find FLGS that I can support. Nearest is an hour away, I may have to see if can get some interest going, hard to believe an area as large as Greensboro, NC does not have a regular game (PFS or other)
That is my impressions as a total newbie to PACG! From a marketing stand point, I spent just over $200 to date. I am now a PACG subscriber and reading EVERYTHING. SO a job well done Paizo!
Fingers crossed, hoping I win a third class deck maybe here!! (Tried to convince the GMs that 7 generic scenerios played = 4 pre-reg and thus I deserved a class deck, but failed my Charisma roll!!)

Doc76 |

I had a great time playing with a variety of different people. I never really had an unpleasent game but some were more fun than others. I am relatively new to the Pathfinder society so need some help trying to find out if there are any local events/players for the PACG. What is the best way to find these groups/people? What is the best way to find out if there are any locally planned events? If i get enough lead time i can usually arrange my schedule to accomodate these events. I would love to continue to play and expeiernce the next set of scenarios. Also loved meeting all the peeps involved between the PFS staff and the players it was one of the best GENCONS for me in along time, and i have been going since the early 1990's.
For all you old timers yes i do remember going to Milwaukee for Gencon.

Oath |

I'm a little tired right now (wife has con-crud, so neither of us slept last night), so hopefully this will be somewhat articulate anyway.
I attended two sessions with my wife over the weekend.
We’ve both played the missions in the boxed-set for RotRL.
I’m actually thinking about running games out of my FLGS, so I have a bit more of a critical eye than that of a casual fan.
For my first session, muster was a very busy woman who’d come out and assign (and then reassign) us to groups. We did get seated, so it worked out, but newbies were already rather befuddled at that point.
For my second mustering a bunch of us had been camped to the left of the door for 30 minutes and were building decks and chatting. When the musterer came out, he started the line to other side and those of us who’d been there were already in the middle of the line somehow. It worked out eventually, but not without some mob-driven policing of the situation.
Folks at the desk:
These folks were the highlight both times. Very helpful and friendly.
At the Table:
Both times, half the group have never played before. The first time the GM asked me to explain the rules so he could sort cards. I did my best but didn’t know all the rules, especially any new ones. Also, neither he nor I had read all the guild rules for deckbuilding. We ended up with some non-beginner cards in our decks.
Unfortunately that didn't help and we lost, but very nearly. The villain was trapped and on top of the deck of his location. If only we’d had one more blessing to turn over so we could get to him before the game ended!
The good news is we all had fun and it turned out to be one of the enjoyable wins you might have playing Pandemic.
The second game was a little problematic. For my wife and myself, it was a replay of the failed scenario. For everyone else at the table, it was a new experience (again).
The GM disappeared during setup. In fact, we looked around and almost all the purple shirts were gone. We just sorta started ourselves out and I GM’d as best I could. Luckily Tanis was still around so we were able to ask her a rules-question.
Long story short one of the new folks decided he wasn’t into it and started playing as fast as he could. So did his friend, though he was more sporting about it. I tried to keep track but somehow we just started winning a lot and closing locations. Maybe it was good luck, but in the final 20 minutes we went from 4 open locations to winning. They got up and left my wife and I at the table alone with our ship full of loot. We went to the wonderful person at the front desk to actually find out how chronicle sheets for PACG worked since our DM never came back.
Lessons Learned:
- My experience was that I wasn’t really playing Season 0, but rather demo games. It would have been nice to find a table with a little more experience so we could have seen what more advanced play might be like.
- The scenario was too tough for new players.
- Each of the characters, not just the pregens, would benefit greatly from suggested deck lists.
- There needs to be a GM culture built up so that player experiences can be more consistent (somewhat like how the RPG side has certain expectations for participation and actions for GMs)
passing out in my chair, hope this makes sense in the morning.

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Vic was tirelessly enthusiastic as a S&S demo guy. That simply amazed me from Thursday morning through Sunday afternoon. I always saw the guy there or he was doing interviews.
Tanis was almost always in the PFSACG room. With a smile and with advice and very supportive of everything.
And Erik Mona was around most of the time at the Paizo booth helping out and fielding questions.
I'm not even going to get into all the others that I've met and now attached faces to. I commend the entire Paizo staff for being great people with all the crowds and being able to control the masses that overwhelmed the booth last year. And all the smiling faces of purple (and blue) shirted volunteers/employees.
I'd have to agree with some of the comments here. When first starting out, without a lot of experience or pre-game time, the two hours to prep a brand new deck and play the first scenario is very tight. We didn't even really get 2 hours since they used the last 15 minutes to clean up for the next session. I'd recommend more for the first scenario. Luckily I had prepped my deck beforehand and helped my friend prep his.
The GMs did a pretty good job overall but we had one issue with an encounter that the GM called wrong and ended up redistributing some cards incorrectly. That was a bit painful when we realized his goof but we got through the (first) scenario okay.
I know it was a madhouse constantly resetting thing for all the sessions. We had one scenario where we had a henchman in with the monsters so when we encountered him, we treated him like the other henchmen for the scenario. Ooops. We just didn't feel like trying to rewind everything to fix it.
I'd love to know the numbers from the PFSACG events. I know it was wearing on Tanis and her little helpers but you did a great job overall.
I really wish I had access to scenarios 4-6 now. I'm itching to finish them. I'm also itching to show my friends them and my shiny class decks.

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I got a chance to play at Gen Con.
Unfortunately I had to play the same scenario 3 times. In each case, the table was a mix of experienced and new players.
The first two times we ran out of cards in the Blessing Deck. We did encounter the villain on the 2nd try but he was undefeated and escaped. We were never able to catch him again.
The last time, the last slot of the Con, we were finally able to defeat the villain. We turned up his card and we evaded him. It was a close thing but we won.
1) Mustering started 15 minutes before the slot. Players were grouped into the scenarios that they wanted to play. Ticketed players were seated first. Generic tickets were done last.
2) The HQ table had the print on demand decks and printouts of the character sheets. This was handy but the print on demand decks were not necessarily sorted between slots to ensure that the proper cards were still within the deck boxes.
3) Many players did not have constructed decks and it took them a fair amount of time to construct them. This ate up play time. Not sure that this will be an issue once people are playing with their own cards.
4) The tables had a box of cards, a copy of the rules, a copy of the guide to organized play and laminated copies of the adventure and scenarios. (Each look like they will fit on one side of an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper.) They also had one of the new table playmats which have spots for the locations, location decks, blessing decks and blessing discard pile. There are also spots at the top were the plunder and ship cards were set. I think that this was helpful for new players.
5) Chronicles - apparently you only need a single chronicle for a single adventure. (There are 6 scenarios in adventure 1.) I played 3 times and I have earned cards and rewards from all 3 sessions in a single line for the 1st scenario. This seemed a little awkward and could lead to messy paperwork.
6) Upgrading decks was a little painful especially trying to explain it to new players. The concept of the class deck needs to be understood by the players. Not sure that a single card upgrade to the character deck is enough considering the number of potential boons gained through exploration and as plunder.
7) Allow time for clean-up. The proper cards need to get back to the box and decks. (This may need to be supervised - You may want to assign a table monitor to be in charge.)
All and all it was fun and I was glad to be able to play. Tanis and the crew were very helpful and met the challenge of doing something new to them and the players.

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Observations: ...
I'd have to agree with all your observations. But I do want to bring up the Chronicles. I understand that having a single sheet for each scenario is wasteful but the people that had to replay scenarios were not really able to use the chronicle sheet very well. In fact, it was cumbersome.
The mats are very nice for keeping things organized. I will be investing in one for organized play.
Upgrades seemed to go better as we played more. People understood a bit more.
All-in-all, a good experience.

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A couple of notes in a general reference sort of way:
The OP program is really not meant for beginners. When you start the first scenario, we expect you to know how to play the game, to have read the Guide, and to have already built your deck.
We realize that that wasn't possible at Gen Con, because the Guide came out just days before the con, and nobody could even *look at* a class deck before Thursday at 8 AM.
We will be emphasizing that for the retail launch. We will be releasing instructions to build a short demo using the S&S Base Set, and we will be encouraging retailers to use that to teach new players before they grab a class deck and start OP.

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- My experience was that I wasn’t really playing Season 0, but rather demo games. It would have been nice to find a table with a little more experience so we could have seen what more advanced play might be like.
- The scenario was too tough for new players.
- Each of the characters, not just the pregens, would benefit greatly from suggested deck lists.
- There needs to be a GM culture built up so that player experiences can be more consistent (somewhat like how the RPG side has certain expectations for participation and actions for GMs)
On the first two points, see above about beginners.
On the third point, pregens are limited by intent—we want people building their own characters.On the last point, PFSACG does not have GMs. PFSACG events have event coordinators (who may or may not also be players), but their main job is making sure everybody has a game box and other materials they need to play. (This is why the person you referred to as a GM left the table and didn't come back.) Players are expected to know the game rules and the Guide to Organized Play rules, including how to settle rules conflicts.

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When first starting out, without a lot of experience or pre-game time, the two hours to prep a brand new deck and play the first scenario is very tight. We didn't even really get 2 hours since they used the last 15 minutes to clean up for the next session. I'd recommend more for the first scenario. Luckily I had prepped my deck beforehand and helped my friend prep his.
The two-hour block is not meant to include time to build your deck—you're meant to do that beforehand. It's meant to include 10 minutes to set up the game box, 5 minutes to set up the scenario, 90 minutes to play, and 15 minutes for players to upgrade and adjust their decks after play. If a player really needs to build a deck, that first 15 minutes should easily provide the time to assemble a pregen while others set up the scenario.

First World Bard |

My GenCon PACG Experience, Part Two:
I played a couple more slots on Friday. I didn't sleep very well on Weds and Thurs, so my memory of my Friday slots is particularly poor. At 2PM I played Scenario 1 for the third time, and my table managed to win it. Third time's the charm, I guess. I do remember talking with a woman that said she read the boards on occasion, so if that 's you it was good playing with you, and I hope you find some PACG Organized Play games local to you!
I continued onto Scenario 2 at 4 PM, and ended up playing this one with a couple of my friends in addition to people I met during mustering. This one went smoothly enough. Shark hunting was pretty relaxing, and it was nice to simply have a bunch of very similar (and very armor-laden) locations to go through. We ended up throwing a ridiculous amount of dice at my friend (our Half-orc ranger) to finish the villain. He was unconvinced it was necessary, but I'm a firm believer in the school of "If you're fighting the villain for the win, throw everything you've got. Thankfully, my friend did not roll ones on all ten or so of his dice, and we succeeded.
On Saturday I worked my 1-6 PM volunteer shift for the card game. I was initially assigned to help in the PFSACG room, but was directed to go down to the show floor and run demos. The demos were a lot of fun to do, and the people seemed to enjoy the game. I had people who had played RotR but wanted to know what had changed, people that weren't familiar with the card game but played the RPG, and people that were new to Paizo entirely. My favorite group was probably the very last one: a couple of parents with their three young daughters. The mother and three daughters played, while the father looked on. I was heartbroken when the girl playing Lirianne rolled snake-eyes against the hammerhead shark and needed to discard much of her hand. After that rough start, they did pretty well, and were on their way to winning the demo, but the dealer hall was closing in 10 minutes and they wanted to actually check out the Paizo booth before they would be kicked out. I hope they considered getting the game and playing as a family.
Finally, on Sunday I came in at 11 with a generic ticket, hoping to get in a game for Scenario 3. I managed to do so, and ended up playing with a couple of my friends as well as three others. Our party was composed of Vika the fighter, Jirelle, Heggal the Cleric, Ezren, and two Lems. (Thankfully, I was using sleeves, so we could tell our decks apart). We got off to a terrible start, rolling particularly poorly on several checks. Team Lem was assisting a bunch, but with out table's luck, there was only so much we could do. The last straw for that game was as follows:
Woman playing other Lem: I've got no hand, guess I can't do anything this turn.
Me and guy playing Ezren: Nah, you can totally still explore. You can't take damage, and might be able to acquire something cool.
Other Lem: Well, okay. <Proceeds to encounter the Brine Dragon villain as most everyone in the party is at the same location>.
Needless to say, we lost that combat check, as well as 5 blessings off the deck as the Villain escaped. We decided that we had no real hope of winning at that point, and our best bet would be to run the blessing deck out, start over, and hope to finish before time was called. Half the table left to go roll for PFS boons while the other half stayed to remake the location decks. We started up again, and managed to win just before time was called. Go us!
My favorite exchange of that game:
Ezren encounted a monster that required a Dex/Acrobatics 8 check or spells cant be played. Team Lem provided 2d4, but of course the roll was low. The Ezren player was dejected and ready to toss his hand in the discard pile, but I stopped him and told him it wasn't over just yet. Team Lem provided another 2d4 on the actual Combat check, I cast rage on Ezren for a d10, and a Blessing might have gotten thrown in as well. He managed to succeed on the actual combat check. All hail Ezren, the Rage Mage!

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Theryon Stormrune wrote:When first starting out, without a lot of experience or pre-game time, the two hours to prep a brand new deck and play the first scenario is very tight. We didn't even really get 2 hours since they used the last 15 minutes to clean up for the next session. I'd recommend more for the first scenario. Luckily I had prepped my deck beforehand and helped my friend prep his.The two-hour block is not meant to include time to build your deck—you're meant to do that beforehand. It's meant to include 10 minutes to set up the game box, 5 minutes to set up the scenario, 90 minutes to play, and 15 minutes for players to upgrade and adjust their decks after play. If a player really needs to build a deck, that first 15 minutes should easily provide the time to assemble a pregen while others set up the scenario.
Vic, just saying at GenCon, it was tight for the first scenario. Half the table hadn't demoed the game. Most didn't have a deck yet. I had already read the rules, sleeved my cards and prepped my deck. I was able to help my friend with his loaner. Also, not being experienced with the layout of the chronicle sheet (for PFSACG), the GM had to help us out. Time was tight.
With the addition of a demo session that you've been talking about, I think I may try to organize something with the demo and beginning deck building prior to the first scenario so we don't cramp people who have prepped.

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1970Zombie wrote:The last time, the last slot of the Con, we were finally able to defeat the villain. We turned up his card and we evaded him. It was a close thing but we won.When you evade a monster, it is neither defeated nor undefeated, but shuffles back into the deck.
Correct. We located the villain's location and were able to set up the defeat. We did shuffle him back in but we were able to position characters at all the open locations to temporarily close them and explored until we got the villain again.

First World Bard |

TanRu: Glad to have met you and your brother. I'm really happy we were all in good spirits given the difficulty of that game. If you can lose a game and still have fun, it's a good sign.
How'd you like Meliski? I was concerned about his lack of weapons and d10 + 1 Arcane / Divine so I decided to stick with Lem for my first character, but I figure starting with the Lightning Touch and the Inflict he'd be able to get by, combat-wise.

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Disclaimer: I'm not sure my additions to the conversation will be particularly helpful- -I was on the show floor doing demos instead of the OP room for 95% of my card game time.
I did get to oversee one group play Scenario 2- -Harsk, Radillo, Wu Shen, and one other character who's name escapes me. They had just finished Scenario 1 and semed to know exactly how their characters worked (independently and together). They steamrolled the scenario (RIP LOTS of sharks) and all seemed to have an enjoyable time.
The demo room was excellent. From people who had "just finished RotRL" that wnted to see what was new to people who nervously shook their heads to "Are we familiar with Pathfinder at all?" Who did the same to "are you familiar wth card games in general?" The people who sat at my tables for the demo ran the gamut.
But, by the end of the 12-turn demo, everyone was saying "I can add 1d4" or "I've got a blessing." The players certainly seemed to "get" the game. I know some of them left the demo to join the laine for the paizo booth. I hope some of them made it up to the OP room. (And alleviated of some of the "new player hassle").
ASIDE: I failed to catch the name of the short-haired lady that was (more-or-less) organizing the chaos on the show floor. A fellow volunteer purpleshirt. But she kept the whole throng at bay and orgnized the (huge) demand for the demo. Yes, there was a line to demo the game(!). So a big thank you to her, for making that easier for everyone.

h2ofowler |

Theryon Stormrune wrote:I'd recommend that we have a demo to help teach newbies even though it is recommended that people have at least played the game prior. Hint, hint ... can we get the demo (played at GenCon) as an intro to S&S.Yep—we're working on instructions for that now.
I also strongly recommend that at any event like Gencon where you will have people borrowing decks, have a completely pre-built deck in the box they are going to borrow. For someone totally new, it would be easier to hand them the character card and pre-built deck and let them play. Asking new players to build the deck took too much time in the slot.
Dang...should have read all the posts before I added.

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I also strongly recommend that at any event like Gencon where you will have people borrowing decks, have a completely pre-built deck in the box they are going to borrow. For someone totally new, it would be easier to hand them the character card and pre-built deck and let them play. Asking new players to build the deck took too much time in the slot.
Dang...should have read all the posts before I added.
Good idea but has a problem ...
For every 3 people that want to play the iconic character with their card list, there's one person that wants to play one of the others. (Not an actual statistic! :-P ) It is easy to prep the starting iconic but what about the other characters in that class? There aren't enough cards to make all 4 characters in the class deck.
I think what would be helpful is a recommended list of starting cards for each character that accompanies the class decks. That way it will be faster for starters whom are borrowing decks in the beginning.

nondeskript |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

There are 39 legal characters for OP. Plus 78 roles. Starter decks for all of them is not reasonable.
It's simple. If you don't have a deck, you have 7 options for quick pick up and play. If you want to play something else, get there early and buy a deck and put it together. Of course there will probably be user generated starter decks for all 39 characters in forums soon after OP starts.

h2ofowler |

There are 39 legal characters for OP. Plus 78 roles. Starter decks for all of them is not reasonable.
It's simple. If you don't have a deck, you have 7 options for quick pick up and play. If you want to play something else, get there early and buy a deck and put it together. Of course there will probably be user generated starter decks for all 39 characters in forums soon after OP starts.
This was kind of my idea. Have "quick-play" decks ready to go. If someone wants to customize when they are borrowing a deck at an event, have a couple of decks they can get to before the 2 hour time slot. I was in a session at Gencon that lost on time mainly because the first 25-35 minutes was consumed as newer players created their decks. Again, not a huge issue, but, sometimes too much choice is not good for new players.

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Hello everyone. Just stepping into this thread to let everyone know I haven't forgotten about it, or the contest. This month has been more than a bit crazy for me, and obviously for the Adventure Card Game as well.
My thinking is currently along this line:
Instead of launching the Adventure Card Guild in the shop (doing so would be difficult without the class decks) I plan on doing a "Learn to Play" night, much like I already do with the RPG. I'm going to use the Skull and Shackles box to do so, of course. This should get people into the pattern of playing the game on Thursday nights (the night I've chosen in the shop for it), and give new players the chance to learn the rules before diving into OrgPlay (something many are saying is necessary).
Additionally, I will take the next week to re-read through everything that has been posted in the last couple weeks and make sure to add new names to the drawing (and I invite you to continue to leave any additional thoughts you may have).
When I have the class decks in hand I will do the drawing. Pirate Rob will tell you I don't renege on my promises, so you needn't worry that I've dropped this and left it behind.
I will check in periodically until the decks are published. And thank you, everyone, for all the feedback. Talk to you all soon.