hole at end of the world

Off-Topic Discussions

The Exchange

100ft across, 300ft deep

Not a gas burst or explosion, not a rock from the sky...so?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
yellowdingo wrote:

100ft across, 300ft deep

Not a gas burst or explosion, not a rock from the sky...so?

Actually, it IS believed to be a gas burst, a sudden release of methane from melting permafrost.

You've heard of permafrost... it's that frozen soil given that name because it never melts, because there's no such thing as a climate change process going on, because the earth isn't warming up.

The Exchange

Methane burst would have toxic shocked the green stuff...wazzit? Plants.

Clearly the work of (pretty big) purple worms.

yellowdingo wrote:

100ft across, 300ft deep

Not a gas burst or explosion, not a rock from the sky...so?

Looks like photoshop to me.

The Exchange

Slaunyeh wrote:
Clearly the work of (pretty big) purple worms.

Very big...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
yellowdingo wrote:
Slaunyeh wrote:
Clearly the work of (pretty big) purple worms.
Very big...

Actually it's the work of a baby dhole.

Wait....in relation to the threads title....where does the world end? I mean it is a sphere....it just keeps going and going...

It's advanced "viral" publicity for an upcoming Guillermo del Toro sitcom on ABC, Miskatonic Family.

John Kretzer wrote:
Wait....in relation to the threads title....where does the world end? I mean it is a sphere....it just keeps going and going...

Pretty sure the End of the World is a bar on Christian's Island, in the Baltic Sea.

The Exchange

John Kretzer wrote:
Wait....in relation to the threads title....where does the world end? I mean it is a sphere....it just keeps going and going...

I see you gobbled up all those lies your government has been telling you.


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Doesn't anyone recognize a Sarlacc pit at the beginning stages?

The Exchange

more holes have been found

Baby sarlacs? Or global warming one laser cannon blast at a time?

Oooo, more holes... this must be torture for Russians with trypophobia.

And if anyone reading this doesn't know what trypophobia is, they should totally Google it right now. Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Crap. Now I'm itchy all over.

There's a hole in the world....

Still itchy.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
There's a hole in the world....

Jeebus, man, can you change the station? I've had a rough night, and I hate the f!&@ing Eagles, man.

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