War of Honor (Inactive)

Game Master Arcmagik

An epic struggle of blood and honor against the tyrannical Jade Regent. A heavily modified Jade Regent AP campaign set in Tian Xia, primarily around the regions of the Minkai Empire and Forest of Spirits.

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female Human Magus 1 (kensai)

It fits the feel, I think, and adds a little silliness to what may otherwise drift into the realm of the Too Serious.
As with all things, reckless excess.

Male Tian-Sing Human Foresight Wizard 1

Post as much as you like to respond. If you see the chance to contribute, don't be afraid to add to other people's antics with your own. And you struck an excellent delicate balance between the serious and the silly with that post. Heck, I don't think I've seen a wuxia film that didn't contain at least some comedy, anyway.

Male Sylph Ninja 1

Ware the splinters.

Male Sylph Ninja 1

@ Makiko It helps me to spell it Tampa la san. I think of it as a french restaurant in Tampa :P

Course, I live in Florida so Tampa is easy...and all I remember from french class is "J'ne parle pas francais." I thought it the best phrase to remember all these years.


Male Tian-Sing Human Foresight Wizard 1

In case you're wondering, "Tampalasan" is a Filipino word meaning "scoundrel." Not the best description of the character, but it's got a nice flow, in my opinion.

Sorry, I have been having some issues getting to the site... even this was painstaking and it was the best attempt. Just takes minutes to load anything I do on the forums...

Male Sylph Ninja 1

Same for me...minutes of waiting to log in...and then nothing loads on a page.


female Human Magus 1 (kensai)

Yeah, Paizo was down for a long while, and seems to be limping still.

Female Plumekith Zen Archer 1 HP 9/9 | AC 17

Glad I'm not the only one having trouble getting here.

Male Sylph Ninja 1

Bad stuff coming up at work. LOooong days/nights today and tomorrow. I may not be posting a response until Saturday night (gmt-5) Just got home and have to open up in the morning.



female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

Life happens, no need to apologize for it. All you can do is let us know, take care of business, and come on back whenever you're free.

As for the site, yeah, its everyone. Had to pretty much skip a day of posting cause it wouldn't cooperate.

Between the site troubles and the holidays, its all understandable.

I'm going to be an unreliable poster until after christmas. Lucky for me, I'm playing a rather closed mouthed fellow. Please don't hold the game up on my account.

I keep having random problems with the site not loading, but anyways. Sorry about the black-out from my end, the holidays were busy. It was fun though, but now I am back. I am got my coffee, got my music on, and trying to get things caught up again. Stay tuned...

female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

site's being stubborn for everyone I think. no worries; there's always time for RP.

Caught the flu, been down for two days. Barely keeping it together but I am awake because I've basically been sleeping for two days.

female Human Magus 1 (kensai)

I'm making you chicken soup.
Of course, my crappy wifi tends to kill the flavor, but it's the thought that counts, right?
Get rest, get well, and come back to us when you're ready.

female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

get some good bold hot wings or somethin. any potent vinegar based hotsauce usually does wonders for the sinuses and the breathing and stuff.

Female Plumekith Zen Archer 1 HP 9/9 | AC 17

Miso soup, a nice chiu with some healing herbs, and wasabi. You'll be good as new. Feel better soon boss.

Just started to get caught up on things. Have to work a second job tonight, but only work a half day tomorrow so I will get us back on the road tomorrow. Thanks for the patience.

Yay! Glad you're feeling better.

Male Human commoner/expert 3/2

Sorry everyone. Power supply died. It will be another pay period (two weeks) before I can afford a new one. I just hope it has not taken out anything else with it.

Funny thing was, I had just typed a post helping someone with technical issues on this site and FzzzzzPOP. Screen goes dark, fan goes off. I cry.

I understand if I am bumped. I am visiting parents and "looking something up, real quick" on Mom's comp. But, I will try and check up again midweek.

This means I have to use broadcast TV and paper books for entertainment! EEEP!!


female human commoner 1

WB DM!!!
I'm excited about this campaign :)

female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

indeed. good to have you back. was worried we might not get to enjoy these great characters everybody made.

I wouldn't let these characters go to waste. I am still pretty wore out and the cough hasn't gone away, but the fever is gone. I can rest, think, and participate in life again.

Glad you're feeling better.

female Human Magus 1 (kensai)

That must have been a brute of a flu. Maybe this is the year I break down and get the shot.

Very glad you're back and reminding you to pace yourself.

Male Tian-Sing Human Foresight Wizard 1

So glad you're back! I am enjoying the introductions.

Since we seem to be stalled and Im half sure these fellows are going to get back up if we fiddle with the chest, I'm considering doing something violently disrespectful to the fellow on the chest just to kick things off.

Anyone have any objections?

Male Tian-Sing Human Foresight Wizard 1

Be my guest. It's time for something brash and uncalculated and totally not Tampalasan's style.

female Human Magus 1 (kensai)

Was thinking the same thing.
Go for it.

female Human Magus 1 (kensai)


Hmm... Taliv last post was on the 3rd, saying that he would be gone because of the power supply issue for 2 weeks. It is the tenth now, which means there could be several more days before he returns. This combat has a day or two left at the most then things will get strange.

That means I need to have him back, replaced before the combat ends, or pull out some Wukong sealed in stone stuff for a new character for the next part of the story...

I will probably have to go with waiting or the latter. I will need to decide no later then Tuesday so I can get moving on recruitment if that is the decision.

With the thing I did to Taliv to remove him from this combat could just as easily be used to remove him from the campaign (ie death).

Female Plumekith Zen Archer 1 HP 9/9 | AC 17

I like Taliv's character. Let's give him a little more time to get back.

female Human Magus 1 (kensai)

I don't mind waiting a bit longer.

There's no way he can be on auto-pilot and then catch up when he returns?

Sorry about the double post. Was posting from the car in areas with intermittent internet.

female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

Yeah, it'd be a shame to waste the work put into making any of these characters. I'm all for the patient approach, if it means a better story in the end.

All eyes on you, Taliv. Aaaaaany time now.

Good news, I have power again after two days of no power or heat, stupid snow!

It has been almost sixteen days now... so if I don't hear from Taliv by Tuesday then I will put out a call for another player.

Alright. I am going to start looking into another player since Taliv has missed his return deadline by almost a week. I may reach out to some players from another play by post site that I frequent as well before opening for general recruitment (since there is only one spot open).

Sounds good. Things have been slow lately. Maybe some new blood with push things forward again.

female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

Wondering if I'm the only one with the habit of using japanese habits in my in-character speech? i.e. Family name: Mai, given name: Seori? Just curious.

I think I've noticed some of that. I'm including some Japanese terms, particularly when it comes to combat and traditional samurai equipment and traditions.

Male Tian-Sing Human Foresight Wizard 1

I'm not Tian-Min, so I don't.

Just want to give fair warning that the next couple of weeks are going to be a bit hectic because I have two conventions to attend in the month of February and one of them I am finishing up 120 characters and a storyline for a Legends of the Five Rings LARP that I am running. I am trying to complete the LARP in the next couple weeks so that I won't have to get into crunch time so my posting will likely slow down until I have completed everything (I will attempt to still post every other day when I need to post something, but game moving posts will probably be put off to every other day for the next two weeks). Thanks for your patience!

Also I have someone making a bard to replace Taliv. We should see that in a few days.

Did we lose Yumi Ken too?

female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

Nooooo, not Yumi! I wanted to be her senpai for sword practice! We had a good thing going! YUMI! GET BACK HERE!


Sorry about Mamoru being so dismissive. Don't mistake it for me ignoring you. The character I've created doesn't much like or understand humans and is a rather touchy fellow. Right now he's pretty irritated about not being able to do his job, so don't take it personally (at least not out of character. If your character thinks mine is a big jerkface, that's totally fine and pretty understandable, really)

Female Plumekith Zen Archer 1 HP 9/9 | AC 17

On the contrary, I'm quite enjoying the getting-to-know-you roleplaying. I've always felt a little cheated by the "you've been friends since childhood and one day you go out and kick butt together like a well oiled machine" scenarios.

I like that our characters have 3 dimensions besides our ability to do damage in combat.

And BTW-- Makiko isn't human, but she is trying to pass herself off as one. It's probably close enough as far as Mamoru's concerned.

Yeah, I doubt he's payed that much attention. She's human-ish and that's enough. :)

female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

I for one, am enjoying the fact that we are all so different and still have leagues of space to cover before we form any real bonds. It's part of life, and part of what makes a good story.

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