War of Honor (Inactive)

Game Master Arcmagik

An epic struggle of blood and honor against the tyrannical Jade Regent. A heavily modified Jade Regent AP campaign set in Tian Xia, primarily around the regions of the Minkai Empire and Forest of Spirits.

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One of those weeks ago where nothing goes right, big shake-up in my life and I had to move (in a single day... yeah). Paizo was down that day, now I am trying to get things back together here. Post will be incoming tonight.

Male Sylph Ninja 1

No worries. My whole summer is like that currently. I cannot wait til october, cooler temps and cooler heads in my life.... I hope :)

female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

Don't feel bad, I'm probably going to have to juggle college with everything very soon. I won't give up on my games too soon, but I may have slightly less opportunity to post.

Male Tianjan Bard (Geisha/Songhealer/Sound Striker) 1

lol. Epic mass fails by the party!

Well, let's hope at least ONE of us makes it! *starts cheering for Taliv*

...and NPC Makiko? What is happening with her, if I may ask? Tagging a long, or we fading her out?

female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

Shame to have to drop anyone, really. I like our cast.

I kind of forgot about Makiko. I will need to look up her stats and make a roll... I will see about transferring her stats to an NPC alias so I can make posts and keep her as part of the party.

Obviously she needs to be corrupted somehow and become a recurring villain.

female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

Nah, she needs to walk that fine line between us and the bird-demon things so I can constantly remind her (with the edge of my blade) that choosing the good guys is a good decision.

I am working 60+ hour weeks ago so it has been hectic and I haven't been able to respond. I will get a post out tomorrow night, thanks for the patience.

female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

No rush. Quality over quantity.


Male Tianjan Bard (Geisha/Songhealer/Sound Striker) 1

I was about to apologize for my absence as well (internet/connectivity issues). Heck, I just worked a 16 hour day yesterday, so I feel your pain. But I concur, quality over quantity.


I apologize for the silence. I haven't been on my computer as I am basically working seven days a week right now, and tomorrow will be day 28 without a day off so I have been exhausted and mentally just drained too. This is my last week through and it ends in a 3-day trip to New York which should help put me back in the right mind frame, and I am back to a regular work schedule afterwards too. I can't make any promises, but I am going to try to get another post tonight after work or tomorrow afternoon before work again. Thanks for the patience.

Jeebus, that's a hellish schedule.

I'm in it for the long haul and am loving this game so far. I'm not going anywhere, and while it would be nice if the game moved at a quicker pace, I'm not going to push it at the extent of your sanity.

Hope things mellow out for you.

female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

I respect those who work every single day for a living, but I'll never envy them. Setting yourself up for the routine and being ready for sudden changes takes a toll on one's mental stamina just as much physical; I've tested and witnessed this many times.

That said, I patiently await the chance to see this story play out. We've set up far too motley a crew here to give up on it just because of a few scheduling challenges; rest assured I will be here when you are ready.

I am back from my trip to New York which helped to make me a sane person again, but was no less exhausting then my crazy work schedule last month, lol. I am headed into work this morning, then I will probably crash afterwards, work tomorrow again, and finally be back to my regularly scheduled programming and able to post without being delirious. Thanks everyone for the patience.

Glad you're back

female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

Trust me, I have patience in spades right now; my net access is spotty at best, so I welcome every delay while I get more permanent solutions in place.

Sadly, I am starting to get even busier with life again, and as much as I wanted this game to succeed I just can't find the time to stay focused on it. I am going to have to cut it loose, sorry to everyone that has been dedicated to it and won't be able to see it through now. Thank you, but now I must free you.

Happy Gaming, when things lighten up for me, then maybe I will see you around other games.

female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

Well. Damn. there goes that throne...lol.

Sorry to hear life's got no time for the game, DM. Hope it eases up in the future, eh?

Don't know how anyone feels about finding another DM, or even another game together, but I'm open to suggestions I guess.

Sorry to see you go, boss.

This is a fantastic group. I think we should try to recruit a GM.

I put up a GM search

We'll see if anyone bites.

I got a reply from someone who might be willing to adopt us. I'd like to know who's still here. Can I get a check in from everyone?

Wu Fen Chang, purveyor of goods, master chef, and traveler of the world reporting for inspection! Who would like to journey with this humble merchant and see the wonders of Tian Xia?

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask! I have not decided on GM'ing yet, but am strongly considering it, so long as there are great players involved and as I have read, there are! As a side note, I will be trying to find a more oriental looking picture for Chang, I just selected the current picture as a placeholder.

female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

I, for one, would certainly be willing to continue thwarting the Jade Regent and reclaiming the Teitoku throne.

Side note: That picture is not as un-oriental as you might think, heh. but by all means, find the one you like best.

I've been to Japan before and have extensive knowledge of the Middle East, so it seems to be distinctly Arabian to me rather than Oriental. The eyes are not quite as narrowed, the nose is too large, the skin is too rough and tanned, and the beard is too full to appear Oriental for me. The fact that I've done a lot of work in Anthropology probably makes me somewhat more nitpicky about the appearance and how it fits in.

Do you have any questions for me? And do you think that everyone else will show? Hopefully everyone will, as I'm very interested in the possibilities in this campaign, given its modifications.

Well, even if Mai and I are the only ones still around, I'd be happy to continue with just us and re-recruit.

I hope the others show up though.

I know of at least one person interested! Hopefully everyone will show up by tomorrow so we can see what we've got. Tried PM'ing them?


Most excellent, my burly friend, have some ox meat stirred in clabored milk with some fermented eggs on the side, it's a real treat!

Actual Oriental meal too! The smell is terrible, but it actually tastes ok!

female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

Yeah, it's a shame we lost Yumi and Taliv early on, though it was awesome to see Taliv return; we seem to have lost Makiko more recently, sadly; there's a very real chance Mamoru and I really are the only survivors here, heh.

Uta might come back. Never know.

That's one of the tragedies on PBP, unfortunately. Still holding out hope they will come back, as I thought the group was absolutely fantastic from looking through the gameplay tab. I will go ahead and message Algar tonight, since he is likely itching to play.

By the way, is everyone still set on the E6 rule originally espoused by the former GM? Just curious. It would take some work to rebalance the later books to accommodate E6 rules, but if that is what you desire, I can try to work around it.

I enjoy both styles of play. Whatever you prefer is fine with me.

Just woke up. And yes, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have Batman hours!

I feel that E6 makes combat far too deadly considering that typical monsters of CR8+ can deal massive damage to a level 6 character even if they take Toughness as a feat (Since the bonus is based on level,), plus characters do not gain all of their cool class abilities.

Algar is interested in playing, though I am unsure of what class he will play. He was wanting to know what roles needed to be filled, so I suspect he will not play a frontline character. Just as an aside, I do not term stealth based characters as front liners.

I've already came up with scenarios to replace adventure 2 in the AP. Adventure 3 will be modified, while 4,5,6 will be as is with a good bit of home material added. Just curious, would you guys like to continue past adventure 6 into the 'continuing the campaign' material?

I would love to go as far as you're willing to take us. If you have ideas for after the adventure path, then by all means, yes, I'd love to.

I certainly intend to take this campaign in a great direction, assuming everyone is amenable. Have you heard from anyone yet? Algar is thinking of creating a healer of some sort.

Not yet. I have a friend who would probably love to get into this game though.

Any objections to me inviting her?

female human (Tian-Dan) sword saint 1

I really have no idea what to expect of the campaign beyond what I currently know; virtually all of my PBP experience on this site is first-time plays of whatever applicable AP's or whatever, so I have no basis on which to prefer changes or no. I do like the broad sense of direction we've got now, i.e. I'm an heir to the throne and every single unit of a demon army is about to be gunning for me while we try to rally the people and overthrow a tyrant.

Other than that, as long as we get to keep going, IMHO, anything goes!

Just wanted to drop by a moment and thank Wu Fen for the interest in taking over the game. I hope that you accept it and take it where I couldn't. That being said I would like to add that you are unlikely to hear from Taliv, who seemed to have vanished again, and Uta appears to be having quite a bit of trouble IRL which is why is posting has been so sporadic of late where he appears every few weeks...

I wouldn't hold out hope for Taliv since he hasn't appeared since he first posted again. Maybe I am miss reading his absence but that is part of the reason I decided to just take the step to close it with my other obligation because we were back down to the supreme dedication of just Mai and Mamoru, a stellar pair if you can add two more regular players to the game.

Good luck. If there is anything you need me to do (I am not sure if GMs can transfer games or if an admin has to do it) or would like any information from me then send me a private message.

Mamoru, feel free to invite her! If you say she's ok, I'll take you at your word! The more, the merrier, although I'm thinking about a 5 person limit on the party. My reasoning is... odd. Not the usual 4 is too few and 6 is too many argument either. I just think 5 would be a good number! If you would like a level of elaboration, feel free to inquire and I'll explain my reasoning.

Mai, that sounds good! I've had a character in nearly every AP in my real life group and have GM'd most of them as well, so I know these inside and out and try to add new things or change a few things to provide myself and my players a rather unique experience. I hope you find it to your liking, since it's your first go-through!

DundjinnMasta, trust me when I say it is no problem to take over for this group! It's a great group of two thus far, with solid builds and great RP. I do have a few questions I may ask you about certain pre-established campaign elements, so expect a PM sometime soon!

Oh, and to let everyone know, I accept the title of GM, if you will have me grant me the honor, assuming there are no strings attached like grooming an incontinent dire chicken or something similarly vile! :D

I'm about to go crash for about 6-7 hours before I head off to class. I will be back! *Terminator Cinematic Eye-Glow*

Is everyone fine with starting once we get a full group?

You get a thumbs up from me. Thanks for taking over.

Grand Lodge

Hp 70/75 AC 33(27) (+8 Perc; +1 Init; Fort +8 (+7), Ref +6, Will +8)

hello to all :)

i will repost my question as i am very unfamiliar with Jade region was was trying to play it from start to end.

did you do much after exploring the empty goblin village?

What empty goblin village?

Grand Lodge

Hp 70/75 AC 33(27) (+8 Perc; +1 Init; Fort +8 (+7), Ref +6, Will +8)

based on your coment i went and read the first page of the game thread. What a shock when i read the opening line by your DM :)

alright Brood Sibling if you are dm'ing this count me in. i'll have a character ready by this evening

Grand Lodge

Hp 70/75 AC 33(27) (+8 Perc; +1 Init; Fort +8 (+7), Ref +6, Will +8)

Ok i have the core concept down.
Human Cleric (Fire and Air Domain)
I am not that very familiar with asian cultures (so you might want DM to find me a good excuse for being here...)

Algar, you don't necessarily HAVE to be from the Tian region, as you can be our token foreigner! Or I can explain Oriental culture, as I stayed in Japan as a student scholar, participated in Oriental campaigns since Kara-Tur (Yeah, I was on a 2.0 D&D setting kick for a few years after I started playing!), have all the books on Tian Xia except the player guide, and have pretty much had that Asian-obsession that most young gamers have! Just let me know your preference.

By the way to everyone else, Algar and I, as well as a few others, use Broodsibling as an identifier due to a campaign we were playing in where we essentially played intellect devourers from space with a gestalt mind who were birthed as a brood in genesis tubes. It is with some level of fondness that I still use that identifier, due to us having lost the GM about 4 months ago. Just a bit of exposition!

Also, decided on normal leveling rules instead of sticking with E6 rules.

Mamoru, when do you suspect your friend will drop in? And you're welcome of course!

Hp 16/16 AC 18 / T 15 / FF 13 (-1 Perc; +4 Init; Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2)

character is done and ready
(please ignore the fluff it was form the previous incarnation of this character)

I sent her a message today. I'm not sure when she'll jump in.

How would you like to handle our re-launch?

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