Lunchbox3000 |

In much debating on what to play for an upcoming game of Serpent's Skull I have decided on swashbuckler. We are doing 20 point buy. We have 3 people in the party including myself. I believe the others will be a hobgoblin monk and probably a human ranger (switch hitter). I lean towards Drow as I have always been drawn to them. I almost want to have a hand crossbow to fully embrace the Drow but I feel swashbuckler is on par for what I would like. So like the above, how would you build this character? I enjoy all insight into what you guys think and love reading about builds.

Lunchbox3000 |

I personally would load up on racial SLAs. It wouldn't necessarily be optimised but it would give you lots of fun options.
I had thought about this as well but being a 3 person party requires some extra optimization in my opinion.
On a side note. I also need to come up with a good backstory for why this Drow is on the ship.

Lunchbox3000 |

I would build it as a two weapon fighter/party face. Choose the seducer alternate racial trait, have daggers as thrown backup weapons and take the two weapon fighting feats/piranha strike combination. Maybe use two shortswords?
Wouldn't this take away from my getting precision based damage and a lot of the flair of the swashbuckler? Although my thoughts on sticking with a more traditional Drow fighting style(Dang Drizzt series and making me love the core concept of Drow) with and crossbow and sword might do the same. Part of me thinks poison use would be a good idea to.

Lunchbox3000 |

After reading another post I wanted to apologize to the boards in general for the laziness of my posting and not just doing some pre work for you guys to shred.
I have no books with me at the moment so some of my stuff may be erroneous. I plan on playing a drop swashbuckler from the acg.
I am thinking of using traditional drowning weapons such as the rapier and maybe add the hand crossbow if feasible. Here are some stats and I will need most help with feats.
Before mods.
str 10
Dex 16
Con 12
Wis 10
Int 13
Cha 16
Well truth be told I'm lost on feats at the moment. Probably combat reflexes, weapon focus, specialization, precise shot if needed.
Unfortunately I must go back to work but maybe this gives you guys more to work with. Once again I apologize for the laziness in my posts.

Redblade8 |

I believe swashbucklers get to use Cha instead of Int to qualify for Combat Expertise, so if that's the only reason you went with 13 Int, you can allocate that elsewhere. Of course they may have changed that for the final printing.
Combat Expertise is really only ever taken as a means to an end, no? I hope the "Charisma exemption" extends to any feat that has C. Exp. as a prerequisite. I'd be miffed if I did that, only to find I still needed the Int score for, say, Improved Disarm...
Ghorrin Redblade