Best PFS-legal items / spells / feats / tidbits that no one else seems to know about

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Shadow Lodge 4/5

Ring_of_Gyges wrote:
Spring load wrist sheaths to draw potions as swift actions and Accelerated Drinker to drink them as move actions. Also very useful in using Breath of Life scrolls in a timely manner.

1) Expect Table Variation with Spring Loaded Wrist Sheaths

2) Not that you said it could be done, but just putting this out there before someone makes an assumption: You would not be able to use a Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath and Accelerated Drinker in the same turn ("You may drink a potion as a move action instead of a standard action as long as you start your turn with the potion in your hand.") As the potion was not in hand at the start of the turn (it was in the table variation sheath), Accelerated Drinker would not apply.

Anyways, back to reading this thread for stuff to buy on the cheap.

Sovereign Court

They have the Wrist Sheath in the PRD, but not the Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath. Interesting (scroll to the very end): Link

I believe the Spring Loaded one costs 5 gp instead of 1 gp, and you can retrieve the item as a swift instead of a move. That's about the only differences from what I remember.

The Exchange

Jiggy wrote:
Selter Sago de'Morcaine PFS wrote:

I'm not finding them in the PRD.

Where are Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath, First Aid Gloves, Oil of Residual Tracking, and the rule of using a vial of acid for +1 damage to acid splash?

The SLWS is in the old Adventurer's Armory. Same for alchemical power components (such as the acid thing). Lots of weird and fiddly stuff in that book.

The first aid gloves are in (I think) the PFS Primer.

The oil of residual tracking is not listed by that name, because it's just an oil of the spell residual tracking. Said spell is on the PRD. I forget which book.

Drat! I don't have the Adventurer's Armory or PFS Primer yet. And they really weren't next on my list to purchase. Decisions... Decisions...

Shadow Lodge

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redward wrote:
Dylos wrote:
Furious Courageous weapons, both Furious and Courageous are +1 enhancements, but when raging they make the weapon more powerful then a straight +X. First of all, Furious increases the Enchantment value of the weapon by +2 when raging, then Courageous increases any morale bonus hint, rage gives morale to Strength and Constitution by half the Enchantment of the weapon. This means that if you have a +2 Furious Courageous weapon that the weapon is +4 when raging and gives an additional +2 Str/Con when raging all for the cost of a normal +4 weapon.

I'd be careful with this one. This is about as far from official as you can get, but SKR posted on the Hero Lab forums that Courageous is only intended to function for Morale bonuses to saves against Fear.

Again, not legal, not binding, but also not a good sign in terms of developer intent should a FAQ/errata ever be published.


The effect sounds pretty clear about what it does
A courageous weapon fortifies the wielder's courage and morale in battle. The wielder gains a morale bonus on saving throws against fear equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus. In addition, any morale bonus the wielder gains from any other source is increased by half the weapon's enhancement bonus (minimum 1).

If Sean speaks for the development team, the effect really should have been worded very differently, as it says ANY morale bonus the wielder gains from ANY OTHER source. Any =/= fear only, if it was as SKR says then it should say ANY MORALE BONUS TO FEAR, additionally, morale bonuses don't stack so there wouldn't be much point in that line since it only effects bonuses from sources other then the weapon.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Selter Sago de'Morcaine PFS wrote:

I'm not finding them in the PRD.

The PRD only covers the hardcover books. If you want a really good site for searching for PFS-legal stuff, look at Achives of Nethys. The Open Road symbol next to something means its legal. And the person running it keeps it pretty up to date.

The Exchange

Seth Gipson wrote:
Selter Sago de'Morcaine PFS wrote:

I'm not finding them in the PRD.

The PRD only covers the hardcover books. If you want a really good site for searching for PFS-legal stuff, look at Achives of Nethys. The Open Road symbol next to something means its legal. And the person running it keeps it pretty up to date.

Unfortunately, the AoN is blocked by my work.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Sleeves of Many Garments: 200gp for an entire wardrobe? That can end up saving you a bit of gold, though I dunno if its supposed to come with the jewelry for various outfits or not.


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The Pathfinder Pouch

It may only come in handy a few times, but when it does, it's most likely going to help you get a Prestige Point or two that you otherwise would have lost.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Stupid druid tricks

The druid escape plan: standard action turn into an earth elemental. 5 foot step strait down into the ground.

Vacuum cleaners: For gas clouds, either turn into an air elemental or summon them and speak auran. Ask them to go whirlwind to clear out any cloud kills or stinking clouds.

Webs got you down? Turn into a fire elemental.

Pathfinder set something on fire? (again): use pyrotecnics. While the big reason to do this is to blind people, it has the side effect of putting the fire out. So you have a bunch of blind firefighters... but no fire at least.

Water ball escape plan: Aqueous orb deals 2d6 non lethal damage but gives you cover: which means no attacks of opportunity as you move. You can scoop up unconscious party members, macguffins, and people you're trying to rescue (and yourself) in it. (non lethal damage isn't as lethal as most people think it is: you need to burn off all of someone entire hit point total before you deal real damage to them: not their current hit point total)

Life bubble: generally lasts a dungeon on your entire party. Protects against gas attacks.

Call animal: Don't have an animal companion? Dial one. For a first level spell you can switch it into high gear with your own critter. (use only if there's no meat shield/someone decided hard mode was a good idea)

One eyed babe ruth summons: Bring in a cyclops. Have it power attack. Once per day he can decide what his roll of a d20 is going to be. 20 seems like a good option :)

Druid pathfinderer pouch: The polymorphic pouch. Be your own kangaroo no matter what form you're in and don't lose access to your stuff.

Skill rocks:

For 200 gp you can get a +1 competence bonus to a skill associated with a stat from the cracked ioun stones in seeker of secrets. Can't make a dc 10 diplomacy check to aid another? hand it off to someone who can.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Seth Gipson wrote:
Sleeves of Many Garments: 200gp for an entire wardrobe? That can end up saving you a bit of gold, though I dunno if its supposed to come with the jewelry for various outfits or not.

Speaking of which, you can store your money in jewels and gems, so you don't really need to spend any money to look good you just have to HAVE the money to look good.

Sovereign Court

Seth Gipson wrote:
Sleeves of Many Garments: 200gp for an entire wardrobe? That can end up saving you a bit of gold, though I dunno if its supposed to come with the jewelry for various outfits or not.

I love that magic item just from a coolness factor. :)

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Lamontius wrote:

The Pathfinder Pouch

It may only come in handy a few times, but when it does, it's most likely going to help you get a Prestige Point or two that you otherwise would have lost.

Another nice thing is that it's a lighter version of the handy haversack. People always tout the 'sack as the answer to encumbrance issues, but it still weighs 5 lbs, which can be a lot for a halfling/gnome/kitsune. The PPouch only weighs a pound, but carries the same volume as a backpack (which is usually plenty). If you need more capacity, get a second one. Now you're still only at 2lbs instead of 5lbs.

The Exchange 5/5

Mike Bramnik wrote:
David Haller wrote:
Ring_of_Gyges wrote:
Spring load wrist sheaths to draw potions as swift actions and Accelerated Drinker to drink them as move actions. Also very useful in using Breath of Life scrolls in a timely manner.

I'd say spring-loaded wrist sheathes are very, very common in PFS - I hardly know anyone who DOESN'T wear them (although I actually don't... the item just bugs me!)

That said, I don't think they can be used with potions or scrolls:

"The sheath can hold one forearm-length item, such as a dagger, dart, or wand, or up to five arrows or crossbow bolts"

Until potions are available in Pixy Stix form (a cool idea!), I don't see them fitting in a wrist sheath. As for scrolls, a scroll tube might fit in a wrist sheath, but a scroll itself hardly matches the kinds of items (thin, rigid) mentioned as loadable in a wrist sheath.

Considering the possibility of table variation, a handy haversack is probably a safer place to store a scroll of breath of life.

This is definitely a matter of YMMV / expect table variation. Any time I have a character who brings Breath of Life scrolls to the table, I ask the GM in advance if they allow scrolls in spring-loaded wrist sheathes, to be safe. As a GM, I allow them because, frankly, there aren't many ways to get a scroll of that spell out in time to make it useful, and on the fence of issues like that, I tend to err on the side of the PCs.

Another thing to remember, in the case of potions. Accelerated Drinker won't let you quaff that potion until NEXT round. You have to START the round with the potion in your hand to drink it as a move action. So, at the end of your round, pop the potion from the wrist sheath as a swift, then quaff next round as a move.

Of course, as mentioned by David and Mike, this is assuming your GM will let you stuff a potion bottle in the thing at all. I don't like it, myself, but enough folks allow it that I sort of go with the flow.

I DO allow BoL scrolls in wrist sheathes, though.


For spells:

Discovery Torch

LOVE this spell on my inquisitor, but for clerics and bards it is pretty much just as good. Long-duration buffs to Perception, Sense Motive and Monster-Knowledge checks, a hands-free light source and counters 2nd level darkness spells. At higher level when I have plentiful spells I'll queue this one, but it works great on scrolls as well, with the CL pushed up a bit. Great spell for the (usual) couple-hour work day of a pathfinder.

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West

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Serious note to all clerics that haven't given up their second domain: Give a serious look at the Pyxes of Redirected Focus. Help yourself avoid that moment where having "that" domain spell instead of "this" spell meant the difference between life and death.



PRICE 1,000 GP
AURA moderate transmutation CL 9th WEIGHT —
This round metal container is just large enough to contain
the wooden, coin-sized token inside. Each side of the token
is inscribed with a different prayer. Once per day, a cleric
(or other class with cleric domains) may activate the pyxes
and may select any one of her prepared domain spells and
replace it with the domain spell of that level from her other
domain. For example, a cleric with the Fire and Luck domains
could switch her 1st-level prepared burning hands domain
spell to true strike. The pyxes has no effect on creatures with
no domain spells or only one domain.

The Exchange 5/5

potion of reduce person (or scroll) to boost your stealth skills... +4 Size bonuse to stealth, and +2 to Dex (which should bump stealth another point).

As a Crypt Braker Alchemist, I'll often use it to give me that 1 extra point of bump to disarm a trap. Took 10 and failed to disarm the trap? but didn't set it off? So you missed by just a little bit. Add in some aid from another PC (+2), a +1 for guidance from the cleric, and the +1 to the dex bump for reduce person? Even better when the reduce person is an extract! (and very useful in combat - effectively a +2 to hit with bombs and +2 on AC...)

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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Talking about Adventurer's Armory (only $3.00 currently on or $5.59 for the pdf) - in addition to the SLWS, it has these awesome items:

Channel Foci - if you're a cleric or paladin, they give lots of fun options.

Other fun ones - Mushroom vest (500gp) reduces falling damage if you don't want boots of the cat for some reason.

Grand Lodge 5/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:

Water ball escape plan: Aqueous orb deals 2d6 non lethal damage but gives you cover: which means no attacks of opportunity as you move. You can scoop up unconscious party members, macguffins, and people you're trying to rescue (and yourself) in it. (non lethal damage isn't as lethal as most people think it is: you need to burn off all of someone entire hit point total before you deal real damage to them: not their current hit point total)

Emphasis mine.

Unconscious people would immediately begin to drown. That aside, it is a good use for the spell that I had not considered before.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Mike Bramnik wrote:

Talking about Adventurer's Armory (only $3.00 currently on or $5.59 for the pdf) - in addition to the SLWS, it has these awesome items:

Channel Foci - if you're a cleric or paladin, they give lots of fun options.

Other fun ones - Mushroom vest (500gp) reduces falling damage if you don't want boots of the cat for some reason.

and in the Black Market Items (still in the Adventurers Armory) - it has Clearear which gives a +2 to perception and all knowledge skills for something like 6 hours, with the down side that it gives a -2 to CHA skills. Why would anyone NOT use this stuff in a dungeon crawl game? OH! and the cost is a massive 15 gold pieces. Yep, that's 15 gp... less than the cost of an Alchemist Fire.

Mike Bramnik wrote:
Talking about Adventurer's Armory (only $3.00 currently on or $5.59 for the pdf) ...

Not bad. Though it seems odd that the pdf is more than the printed book. But I also have to get the add-ons for Herolab. Still not horrible, but I would have to put off something else for awhile. (I have to limit myself on game purchases or I'll just get stupid really throw my money away.)

Scarab Sages 2/5

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Robe of Infinite Twine. 1000g.


5/5 5/55/55/5

Seth Gipson wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Water ball escape plan: Aqueous orb deals 2d6 non lethal damage but gives you cover: which means no attacks of opportunity as you move. You can scoop up unconscious party members, macguffins, and people you're trying to rescue (and yourself) in it. (non lethal damage isn't as lethal as most people think it is: you need to burn off all of someone entire hit point total before you deal real damage to them: not their current hit point total)

Emphasis mine.

Unconscious people would immediately begin to drown. That aside, it is a good use for the spell that I had not considered before.

Unconscious characters must begin making Constitution checks immediately upon being submerged (or upon becoming unconscious if the character was conscious when submerged). Once she fails one of these checks, she immediately drops to –1 (or loses 1 additional hit point, if her total is below –1). On the following round, she drowns.

So you still have 3 rounds to get them out of the waterball, possibly more if they can make a check or two.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

BigNorseWolf wrote:
So you still have 3 rounds to get them out of the waterball

I'm curious how you would do so, considering that spell is not dismissable.

Silver Crusade 4/5

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Jiggy wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
So you still have 3 rounds to get them out of the waterball
I'm curious how you would do so, considering that spell is not dismissable.

Harpoon them and yank them out. It can't do that much more damage, can it?

5/5 5/55/55/5

Jiggy wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
So you still have 3 rounds to get them out of the waterball
I'm curious how you would do so, considering that spell is not dismissable.

Fly /move out of range (ends the spell), dispel magic, yank em out, pop a channel or 2 on them so they wake up, .

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
So you still have 3 rounds to get them out of the waterball
I'm curious how you would do so, considering that spell is not dismissable.
Fly /move out of range (ends the spell), dispel magic, yank em out.

Moving out of range doesn't end the spell, it makes the orb stop. Dispel magic is a 50/50 shot that costs a 3rd-level spell, and yanking them out seems like it would carry a risk of getting sucked in yourself.

[PSA voice]Friends don't let friends aqueous orb unconscious teammates.[/PSA voice]

5/5 5/55/55/5

You can cherrytap the spell, and throw it out at caster level 5. That'll shorten the duration to 5 rounds (increasing the chance of making enough constitution checks). Or hop in yourself and throw touch of the sea on them.

As noted from picking up bodies, its kind of a desperation move.

Scarab Sages

It's best if they can breath water somehow.

Grand Lodge 5/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Seth Gipson wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Water ball escape plan: Aqueous orb deals 2d6 non lethal damage but gives you cover: which means no attacks of opportunity as you move. You can scoop up unconscious party members, macguffins, and people you're trying to rescue (and yourself) in it. (non lethal damage isn't as lethal as most people think it is: you need to burn off all of someone entire hit point total before you deal real damage to them: not their current hit point total)

Emphasis mine.

Unconscious people would immediately begin to drown. That aside, it is a good use for the spell that I had not considered before.

Unconscious characters must begin making Constitution checks immediately upon being submerged (or upon becoming unconscious if the character was conscious when submerged). Once she fails one of these checks, she immediately drops to –1 (or loses 1 additional hit point, if her total is below –1). On the following round, she drowns.

So you still have 3 rounds to get them out of the waterball, possibly more if they can make a check or two.

Hmmm, I seem to have misread that rule.

Not to be an evil GM or anything, but the RAW on this is stupid. :(


Jiggy wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
I'm curious how you would do so, considering that spell is not dismissable.
Fly /move out of range (ends the spell), dispel magic, yank em out.
Dispel magic is a 50/50 shot that costs a 3rd-level spell...


Dispel Magic wrote:
You automatically succeed on your dispel check against any spell that you cast yourself.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Oh, well there you go then! :)

Silver Crusade 4/5

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Majuba wrote:


Dispel Magic wrote:
You automatically succeed on your dispel check against any spell that you cast yourself.

And all of a sudden, this idea goes from extremely stupid to extremely smart.


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Jiggy wrote:
Oh, well there you go then! :)

One of my favorite moments from 3.5 was my powergamer cleric player casting dispel magic on the BBEG... who had spell turning and thus promptly dispelled every single spell on the cleric.

Hmm.. speaking of - my PFS cleric has dispel as a domain - are there any creative strategic cleric spells that aren't dismissable?

Scarab Sages

Majuba wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
Oh, well there you go then! :)

One of my favorite moments from 3.5 was my powergamer cleric player casting dispel magic on the BBEG... who had spell turning and thus promptly dispelled every single spell on the cleric.

Hmm.. speaking of - my PFS cleric has dispel as a domain - are there any creative strategic cleric spells that aren't dismissable?

Blade barrier springs to mind.

Grand Lodge 5/5

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Since Babau's come up a lot thanks to Season 5, an amusing way to help keep them from killing you (as quickly) if you cant get rid of the Darkness is to put up an Obscuring Mist or similar spell.

It doesnt help you kill them any faster, but since you have 20% concealment when they are adjacent, they cant Sneak Attack you. :)


Imbicatus wrote:
Blade barrier springs to mind.

I was about to agree (although high level), but it actually *is* dismissable now. I think perhaps it didn't used to be.

Obscuring mist is a good example.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

The Toaster wrote:
Mike Bramnik wrote:

Talking about Adventurer's Armory (only $3.00 currently on or $5.59 for the pdf) - in addition to the SLWS, it has these awesome items:

Channel Foci - if you're a cleric or paladin, they give lots of fun options.

Other fun ones - Mushroom vest (500gp) reduces falling damage if you don't want boots of the cat for some reason.

and in the Black Market Items (still in the Adventurers Armory) - it has Clearear which gives a +2 to perception and all knowledge skills for something like 6 hours, with the down side that it gives a -2 to CHA skills. Why would anyone NOT use this stuff in a dungeon crawl game? OH! and the cost is a massive 15 gold pieces. Yep, that's 15 gp... less than the cost of an Alchemist Fire.

Ooo... My barbarian with -5 charisma skills may need to pick up a lot of those (It can't really make them worse...)

Grand Lodge 5/5

Alchemist: Formulae Alembic- 200gp item that allows you to heat and then drink a potion, giving you the insight in how to copy it into your formulae book.

Basically, it turns the potion into a scroll for purposes of copying it. Slotless, and definitely worth it. :)

Grand Lodge 5/5

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Cracked Dusy Rose Prism Ioun Stone: 500 gp, +1 Init.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Vest of Surgery- 3000gp, chest slot. 1/day, make a DC 20 Heal check to treat deadly wounds, and it heals 1d4 ability damage.


Dylos wrote:
The effect sounds pretty clear about what it does
A courageous weapon fortifies the wielder's courage and morale in battle. The wielder gains a morale bonus on saving throws against fear equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus. In addition, any morale bonus the wielder gains from any other source is increased by half the weapon's enhancement bonus (minimum 1).
If Sean speaks for the development team, the effect really should have been worded very differently, as it says ANY morale bonus the wielder gains from ANY OTHER source. Any =/= fear only, if it was as SKR says then it should say ANY MORALE BONUS TO FEAR, additionally, morale bonuses don't stack so there wouldn't be much point in that line since it only effects bonuses from sources other then the weapon.

I'm not arguing the RAW. I'm just saying there's evidence of developer intent that keeps me from investing in it and I want others to be similarly informed when considering the purchase.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Stone call or some other means of causing difficult terrain +mass featherstep. You can 5 foot step and full attack, they can't. Subtle but surprisingly effective tactical advantage.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

Some hidden tidbits with the Acrobatics skill:

#1 - If you have 3 ranks in acrobatics, fighting defensively goes from a +2 to +3 to your AC, and total defense goes from +4 to +6.

#2 - Grease is a rogue's best friend. If your enemy wants to move through it (i.e. using acrobatics since they can't five foot step), they're considered flat footed for the purpose of, say, sneak attack.

Plus, any time a target standing in grease takes damage, they need to make a new roll or risk falling down.

The enemy can negate all this, of course, by holding still...but then, well, they're holding still :)

Silver Crusade 3/5 *

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Dream Journal of the Pallid Seer from What Lies in Dust (Council of Thieves AP). After you read the book, you can reroll a save that would kill you or force an opponent to reroll a killing attack. This is a one use item (slotless) and costs only 600 gp.

Silver Crusade 4/5

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CanisDirus wrote:

Some hidden tidbits with the Acrobatics skill:

#1 - If you have 3 ranks in acrobatics, fighting defensively goes from a +2 to +3 to your AC, and total defense goes from +4 to +6.

#2 - Grease is a rogue's best friend. If your enemy wants to move through it (i.e. using acrobatics since they can't five foot step), they're considered flat footed for the purpose of, say, sneak attack.

Plus, any time a target standing in grease takes damage, they need to make a new roll or risk falling down.

The enemy can negate all this, of course, by holding still...but then, well, they're holding still :)

This is my rogue/halfling opportunist with a one level dip in Dawnflower Dervish bard took Grease as one of his 1st level spells. Even if it doesn't knock anyone down, it still makes them flat footed, so I can sneak attack.

Scarab Sages 2/5 5/55/55/55/5

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Thread bookmarked.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Ok well feat wise, I like the Tribal Scars feat. In People of the north player companion. +6 hit points and you choose a tribe and gain even more of a bonus one of which is +2 acrobatics and +5 feet movement.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

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Back in October, 2012 the Paizo Blog ran a "Pathfinder Survival 101" column. It recommended:

Potion of Invigorate (50 gp): Going into battle with a creature that can sap your endurance, leaving you fatigued or exhausted, this potion will banish that pathetic mortal weakness and allow you to ignore the associated penalties for 10 WHOLE MINUTES. Of course, when it runs out, you get not only the penalties, but also an extra d6 points of nonlethal damage for your arrogance in ignoring your natural limits—but hey, performance enhancements are just an easy way of separating winners from losers! Honestly, though, ignoring those penalties for 10 minutes, that's freaking awesome for 50 gp.

Grand Lodge

Smoked Goggles.
APG p183, Oh man I wish I had these yesterday, we nearly had a TPK from 2 young basilisks.
10 gold for a +8 vs gaze attacks with a 20% miss chance, much better than turning your gaze away (50%). -4 Perception while worn, so I'd keep them off most of the time, but at low levels potentially a real life saver.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Morgen wrote:

Looks like the most mod destructive item I've ever found isn't banned yet in the Serial Killer Hobo Society and a quick search doesn't come up any forum hits. Soooooo...not going to mention it's name and potentially get it removed.


I'm with you on this, Morgen. Threads like this are a trap, I have a short list of what I call my personal "Pathfinders Kit" of items I want all my characters to have as early as possible, however I'm definitely concerned that once the "secret is out", so to speak, that they will quickly become less useful. Either by outright removing them from Additional Resources, or by less use of the mechanic they overcome in the writing of scenarios.

at the same time, many an item that is just "common sense" to me, gets skipped over by many a player and thereby remains viable, so maybe i'm ok to mention one or two goodies now and then.

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