Ramblin' Man

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

Oddly enough, for the first time in forever I actually received the AP hardcopy before I downloaded the PDFs. I guess I just haven't been feeling it lately. Didn't even bother reading past the first few pages of part 1 of the last AP, and Mummy's Mask before that was....ok.

Scarab Sages

Sometimes, I wish they'd adjust the Flagging reasons to include "This person is a complete moron and shouldn't be allowed to breed." There are far to many little d%$$$!+s to whom that applies around here.

Silver Crusade

Sounds like we've both had rough weeks, AZ. My shower door shattered on Wednesday morning and I needed stitches. The door came off its track when I tried to close it, and I was sprayed with tiny shards of glass.

A normal workday sounds heavenly. (I mean, I've been working anyway, apart from the day in the ER, but I'm working like a gimp. Plus, I am stir-crazy at home and can't even relieve my boredom with video games because I can't grip the controller.)

I am glad you are feeling better. When in doubt, eat ice cream.

Scarab Sages

Ouch, that sucks! And the way they do stitches these days, you hardly even get a decent scar any more. Scars are cool.

Scarab Sages

Otherwise, it's Monday! The work week is brimming with the potential for wonders untold!

Scarab Sages

Or horror and madness. I'm accepting of either.

Scarab Sages

Forgot to mention - we got a metric crap ton of hail yesterday. Some pretty big ones. I check our cars and house windows as best I could, but haven't seen any damage so far. I'll probably take off a bit early today (like an hour), so I can go home and check my roof and the rest of the house.

Another day of horrors here. And I have just gotten to work! So we'll see if work adds to my horror show.

Good news: I applied for some more higher edumacation. I need to burnish my marketability. Also, I got to watch GoT episode 2. The differences are starting to show from the books, but that doesn't bother me. I usually treat different media as different things. I can enjoy LotR either way. Or GoT. Or True Blood, etc

Scarab Sages

Huzzah for good news!

Positive waves and happy thoughts for any news or stuff that is not good.

Scarab Sages

In other news.....

Eldest brother turns 50 a week from today. Two weeks later, my youngest brother turns 40. My own happy day is in between.

Scarab Sages

In addition, Mother's Day is coming up (10 May), as is my anniversary (same day as younger brother's birthday), as is my nephew's birthday (9 May).

Damn! What a busy time!

Scarab Sages

Thankfully, there appears to be no damage to my roof from the hail storm we had on Sunday. Depending on the weather, I may climb up there on Friday for a closer inspection.

Scarab Sages

In other, other news....

Closing in on 40K without, 50K with. Not bad for a bunch of (mostly) rambling nonsense. Good times, though. Good times...

Scarab Sages

And, more Flash tonight. Huzzah!

Scarab Sages

Problems and annoyances. Just once, I'd like to go a full week without some kind of problem or annoyance rearing it's ugly head.

Scarab Sages

Alas, it probably is never meant to be.

Scarab Sages

But a zombie can dream.....

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

The Flash TV series continues to impress me. Agents of SHIELD is also still pretty awesome, but methinks it might be too tied into the greater Marvel cinematic universe to ever realize its full potential.

We shall see.

Aberzombie wrote:

In other news.....

Eldest brother turns 50 a week from today. Two weeks later, my youngest brother turns 40. My own happy day is in between.


You're old!

Scarab Sages

Yes. Yes I am.

I have found, however, that my increasing age only makes me exponentially more awesome with each passing day. By the time I hit fifty, I should be awesome enough that most people will just demand I rule the world.

Scarab Sages

In other news, life seems determined to annoy the piss out of me this week. Baby girl has a severe diaper rash. Found a flat tire on my Trailblazer yesterday evening. Slipped and cut myself shaving this morning. A city bus driver pulled into my lane ahead of me, then decided that would be a good place to stop, put on his hazard lights, get out the bust, and do....what? I couldn't tell.

Scarab Sages

Two good things which slightly alleviated the annoyance....

Wife is going out of town today, so I can drive her car until tomorrow. Then I have a half day and can take the tire to get it patched.

I flipped off the a&~#$#@ bus driver.

Scarab Sages

Incidentally, that's always been a thing with me....bus drivers and taxi drivers....they drive for a living. You'd think they would have learned to not be a@+&*$%s by now.

Scarab Sages

It's times like this when I miss being able to vent my anger against evil NPCs and monsters, or PCs if I was DMing.

Scarab Sages

Who the f#$& is this a#@~+~*? And why does he think that just because he shares a first name with me, it'll spare him from my wrath?

Scarab Sages

All right. I think I need another cup of coffee.

Made a nice pulled pork last night. Not smoked, alas, but slow cooked in the oven. It came out nice, and I made some homemade Italian bread to go with it.

I think once things settle I might turn my hand to smoking meats. I find having a pulled pork on hand can feed me for almost a week, either as an accessory to a chefs salad or a sammich. I'd like to stretch my culinary skill past oven cooked.

Scarab Sages

Huzzah for pulled pork!!

Scarab Sages

I am also trying to expand my culinary horizons, so to speak. I could always do basic stuff, but am slowly expanding my skills with regard to grilling, rotisserie, and now smoking.

Next up, I want to get back in the kitchen itself, and start getting better with gumbos and other traditional Cajun cuisine. It's in my blood, so I know I can do it.

I used to help my father out on occasion with things like that, and hope that, one day, the boy and the girl will be able to help me.

Scarab Sages

Incidentally, for anyone out there who wants probably the most comprehensive book on Cajun cooking, I recommend The Encyclopedia of Cajun & Creole Cuisine by John Folse.

As a bonus, you could easily cave some poor bastard's skull in with it.

Scarab Sages

Expensive book, but worth it.

Scarab Sages

Before I forget....Happy Friday.

Scarab Sages

There's the old saying...."You can't go home again."

You actually can, but sometimes you have to ask yourself "Do I want to?"

Scarab Sages

And, increasingly, the answer is "Hell no!"

The pulled pork and homemade bread came out awesome. I'll be noshing on some tonight once I escape this hell hole.

But yay! My manager quit today. Good riddance, you worthless oxygen thief!

Scarab Sages

Huzzah for good riddances! Huzzah for pulled pork and homemade bread! Huzzah for noshing!

Scarab Sages

Also, huzzah for the wife being home from her brief trip to the bowels of Arkansas.

Scarab Sages

And an especial Huzzah for me not having to pick her up from the airport!

Scarab Sages

Not huzzah, however, for the weather this morning. Stoopid thunderstorms keep making the power blink.

Scarab Sages

Another huzzah for a benchmark being reached!

Scarab Sages

Ye gods! That Dungeons Deep mini set is looking more and more awesome! I really am 9/10ths of the way towards ordering a case for myself.

Scarab Sages

A semi-decent day. We were going to go to Cici's Pizza for lunch, but the one we always go to turned out to be closed down. So we went to Wendy's instead.

Then I used a $25 gift card to supplement the purchase of some new flowers, plants, and containers for the back porch. Something to spruce things up a bit.

Did my grocery shopping, then grilled some chicken breasts for dinner.

Now the kids are in bed, the wife is watching some weird Harlequin Romance type show called Outlander, and here I am.

Scarab Sages

Also enjoying an Easy Jack IPA from Firestone. Not a bad little beer.

I'm actually shedding minis right now. Down the road I will rebuild, but I have not the space to store them for the next year or so. It's hard though. You never get the value out of them you thought

I had some of that pulled pork and the home made bread tonight. I went with Kraken rum and ice tea with a splash of lime aid (I call it a dirty monkey business). I made some home made dog treats (with bacon coating) and now I am listening to the Imperial March on Pandora and feeling mellow

I carved up some old apple tree branches today, and I'm burning them in the stove tonight because damn it it's still cold here. But it's all good. I will miss my stove when I'm gone from here

Also, I have promised myself I will be going to PaizoCon 2016. I will make it happen. If everything falls into place I should have a shiny new degree and just be getting done with school. I want to visit my folks on the left coast and take a drive down to my old stomping grounds in Monterey. I have a battle buddy who works in Disney's IT dept. She can maybe get me VIP access. I also have an old friend who makes a living DJing in LA. I want to check out one of his shows.

Scarab Sages

Huzzah for future plans! Who knows? Maybe 2016 shall be a reunion at PaizoCon. It's not certain, of course, but I sure would love to make it back one day.

Scarab Sages

Patrick Curtin wrote:
I'm actually shedding minis right now. Down the road I will rebuild, but I have not the space to store them for the next year or so. It's hard though. You never get the value out of them you thought

They have become, for me, an sort of replacement for comics. Not that I stopped collecting comics, but I have vastly reduced the amount I collect.

Plus, the minis (along with continuing to collect the APs) help me feel like I'm still gaming.

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