Ramblin' Man

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

Watched the animated flick Fire and Ice last night. It’s got an interesting pedigree - Ralph Bakshi, Frank Frazetta, Roy Thomas & Gerry Conway. It was fun.

Scarab Sages

Literary Vandals - that’s a turn of phrase I’ll have to keep in mind for the future.

Scarab Sages

‘Twas a dark and stormy night.

Scarab Sages

My niece was supposed to come over to our house today, whilst the remainder of her family was involved with an Order of the Arrow event. She was going to spend part of the day, and possibly the night, with us.

Sadly, my sister-in-law woke up not feeling well. She thinks it’s something that’s been going around her classroom.

Scarab Sages

I must be wary of consuming sugar going forward. I suspect my time on a certain medication may have f’d up my body’s tolerance for it.

Scarab Sages

My son made a very distasteful joke on the car ride home from the scout campout. Apparently, it was something he heard from a classmate at school. Needless to say, I’m very angry.

I explained to him why what he said was wrong, and why it was wrong. I made him apologize to the scoutmaster (he was driving), and told him he’s no longer allowed to associate with that classmate. I’ve also banned him from any electronics for the rest of the day (and maybe longer).

Scarab Sages


My book on Roman Architecture is shipping sooooo slooooowwwly! It will, however, apparently finally be here tomorrow!

Scarab Sages

My book is being delivered via USPS. Should be sometime today, but when exactly is anyone’s guess. Also, not sure if they’ll put it in the mailbox (most likely) or drop it on the front door.

It’s the USPS (possibly one of the more useless government appendages), so who knows…..

Scarab Sages

Huzzah! My book was in the mail when I got home!

Sadly, I was only able to peruse it briefly last night. Had other stuff to do. I’m hoping to get a better look at it later during the week.

Then I’ll (hopefully) use some of the information from the book to help plan my next map.

Scarab Sages

My poor puppy. The vets had to give her two shots before she was sedated enough for them to work on her. The tail wound is healing nicely, however. And she has no worms or parasites. They even trimmed her nails for us.

Otherwise, she’s a very healthy, 84 lb fur baby.

Scarab Sages

On the other hand, I still got a lot of work done yesterday. Which makes me love being back in an office again. And it makes me happy to be an engineer again.

The fairly large salary they pay me is also pretty great.

Scarab Sages

Happy Friday?


My older brother turns 58 today.

Scarab Sages

Apparently, my daughter does not like it when I refer to skunks as fart squirrels.

Scarab Sages

Just a few more days, and I’ll have the medical test that will (hopefully) shed some light on my ongoing health issues.

It sucks getting old.

Scarab Sages

Happy Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month!

May they finally find a cure for that craptastic disease.

Scarab Sages

Apparently, my daughter has trouble distinguishing her left from her right. I knew she should have been a blond…..

Scarab Sages

I am, however, pretty sure she’s becoming a Trekkie. So I supposed there’s some hope….

Scarab Sages

From a stay-out-of-jail perspective, it’s probably a really good idea my health insurance company doesn’t have a representative I can meet with face-to-face. I’d be far too tempted to slap him in the face…..with a 2x4.

Scarab Sages

Godsdamnit! My regular doctor was out sick yesterday, so his old man filled in for him. The dude sent my main prescription to the wrong pharmacy. So now I’ve got to call CVS and check whether what they gave me is a generic brand our not. The regular doctor cautioned me about generic brands for this particular medicine.

Still not sure how the doctor’s office screwed this up.

Scarab Sages

Another year closer to death…..

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Ugh, redux!

I really hate being thwarted in my attempts to get my health issues straightened out.

Scarab Sages

Apparently, one of the two drafters I primarily work with will be out of the office until next Tuesday. Which sucks, since he’s the most competent of the two.

Scarab Sages

This year’s birthday gift from my daughter was a Star Trek book. A crappy, cheap ass Star Trek book, which sadly includes a lot of the crap modern Star Trek currently inflicting the world. That’s my wife’s fault, actually. She picked out the gift, and has no clue when it comes to Star Trek (among other things).

Unfortunately, I can’t get rid of the book. My daughter wrote a note to me in the front cover.

Scarab Sages

My son got me new gloves for use with my Smoker. Which is silly, since my other gloves are still good. And since I haven’t used my smoker in the past few months.

Again, this is was my wife, clearly not paying attention to reality.

Scarab Sages

Luckily, the gifts I bought myself more than made up for the wife’s lack of effort.

Scarab Sages

Rough weather last night. We actually lost power for a few hours.

Scarab Sages

More rainy weather. Looks like we're going to have it for several more days.

Scarab Sages

I took my son to his first leadership meeting for his Scout troop (he was recently elected a Patrol Leader). I left to go run some errands, then went back to the church and kind of sat on the side of the room listening.

Damn, some of those kids are little a-holes.

Scarab Sages

I forgot to mention, but my awesome wife did get me tickets to the Sting concert in a few months. That should be cool.

Scarab Sages

Amazingly enough, my wife has restrained herself from smothering me in my sleep for 16 years now.

Scarab Sages

Despite the health issues of the past few months, I couldn’t restrain myself yesterday. I was craving Outback for dinner, so that’s what the wife ordered.


Scarab Sages

Okay….so, it seems the medicines my GI doctor prescribed for me might not be good for me. Or one of them, at least.

If I hashtagged, it’d be something like “can’tcatchabreak”.

Scarab Sages

Ugh! Why’d it have to be….Monday.

Scarab Sages

I’m amazed I can even get out of bed anymore. I think the only thing keeping me going is pure stubbornness.

And a desperate desire to not kill my career for good.

Scarab Sages

Got some blood work done this morning, and for the first time in a long time they got the vein on the first try.


Scarab Sages

A glorious drive to work this morning. I left a bit earlier than usual, so traffic was relatively light. Plus, the sun was shining bright.

Scarab Sages

And, even better, I had a mechanical drawing package to review first thing this morning. I like starting off the day with work like that.

Scarab Sages

The only bummer is apparently we have some high muckity muck client in the office today (possibly tomorrow). So we have to watch out behavior, language, and conversations.

Scarab Sages

As the Advancement Chair for my son’s Scout Troop, I had the privilege this morning of sending in documentation for one of the scouts to earn his Eagle Rank. Hopefully, everything will be reviewed and approved without too much trouble. He’s a great young man, and has worked really hard to earn this.

Scarab Sages

Woot! As of yesterday afternoon, we got word from the council we can proceed with the scout’s Eagle Board of Review.

Scarab Sages

Also, we’ve got some new manager kid at work. He’s from the UK. I say kid, because he’s like 15 or so years younger than me. That’s a lot of managers at this place, though.

Scarab Sages

But this new dude’s supposed to bring us in a bunch of new work in a direction we haven’t normally focused on, so that’s cool.

Scarab Sages

Finally finished my run through of Star Trek: The Original Series. Now it’s time to start on Next Generation.

Who needs new TV shows?

Scarab Sages

My wife and brother have (mostly jokingly?) threatened to chloroform me, throw me in a trunk, and drive me over to the ER if I don't go myself. I keep trying to tell them it would be a waste of time and money, but they don't want to listen to that.

I didn't think I would be the one advocating patience in the face of insurance company intransigence (with, I'm sure, a large helping of greed) and doctor's office administrative incompetence, but there you go.

You're never too old to be surprised. Something which the Universe seems intent to keep teaching me.

Scarab Sages

On the other hand, I heard a rumor that a new Spirit Halloween store will be opening this year....where the Disney Galactic Star Cruiser used to be.

Scarab Sages

What the hell?!? My supervisor was in before his supervisor! Madness! Insanity!! Calamity!!!

My whole day is ruined.

Scarab Sages

Good news on the ROM: Spaceknight front! Reprints of the old Marvel series are coming!!!

Scarab Sages

Damn, some of my new co-workers are rude a-holes. One dude’s birthday was a week or two before mine. They sent around a card for us to sign. Then there was my birthday - nothing. Today I get an email from the secretary asking if we want to contribute for a gift for the young lady who sits next to me. Her birthday is next week.

No wonder I don’t like people.

Scarab Sages

My nephew’s Eagle Court of Honor is this weekend, and I found out some of my brother’s friends are apparently coming in town for it. Including one who’s a VP for the engineering firm I used to work for. The firm whose Houston office stabbed me in the back. Twice.

I’ll have to try and restrain myself from making rude comments. Though I may enjoy a bit asking how the Houston office is doing, already knowing the answer is…”not well”.

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