Gunsliger guides


I'm building my first gunslinger I was wondering are there any good guides out there worth looking at?

Dark Archive

Not sure. I know this much: you only need a single grit point. Gunslingers deal so much damage so quickly and accurately that a max pool of 1 grit will empty and refill itself constantly (assuming you ever feel it is worth spending grit-often it isn't because point, aim, shoot kills everything).

Grand Lodge

My initial thoughts is welcome to the world of being a gunslinger. Have you thought about if you're going to take an archetype or not? I've been playing a musket master myself and love it, but others love the pistolero and closer ranged gunslingers better.

The main guide that I always give to EVERY gunslinger is Nefreet's post about ammo.

Nefreet's Post about ammunition

This post contains all the costs of ammunition and also references Mike Brock's official rulings about ammunition as well.

Thanks, and yeah I have consider an archetype just wasn't sure any of them were better then plan slinger. Since you play a musket master I have a couple questions that vexed me. Musket take longer to load, but you get rapid reload free, so if you take rapid shot can you get both attacks off? Also pistolero works while because there are advanced firearms that are pistols, since there are no advanced firearms that are muskets has that presented any problems?

Grand Lodge

JOHNB83 wrote:
Thanks, and yeah I have consider an archetype just wasn't sure any of them were better then plan slinger. Since you play a musket master I have a couple questions that vexed me. Musket take longer to load, but you get rapid reload free, so if you take rapid shot can you get both attacks off? Also pistolero works while because there are advanced firearms that are pistols, since there are no advanced firearms that are muskets has that presented any problems?

Have you actually read the musket master archetype? It pretty clearly answers your reloading question.

Wow, I guess it does. It had been awhile since I read it. I don't remember it being written that clearly.

Does anyone have a suggestion as what archetype is best? Is there any must have feats besides the big 4: Rapid reload, rapid fire, precise shot, and deadly aim ?

Musket Master is pretty great. I played it for 8 levels until now and it is a lot of fun.

Yeah after a little research I'm between the musket master, and a pistolero that use a pistol and buckler.

Paizo Glitterati Robot

Removed a post and reply. If it isn't advice, don't post it.

personally i like the mysterious stranger archetype but thats me.

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