Need some help! Running my first Pathfinder game online..

Play-by-Post Discussion

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I was hoping I could get some tips and/or advice regarding running my first play-by-post Pathfinder game. I looked for a sticky with info on how to build characters, roll dice, etc., but I can find nothing on the subject. How do you get started? How do the players make their characters and get them into the campaign? Any help or links to a guide would be very much appreciated, thanks!

dennis bachetti wrote:
I was hoping I could get some tips and/or advice regarding running my first play-by-post Pathfinder game. I looked for a sticky with info on how to build characters, roll dice, etc., but I can find nothing on the subject. How do you get started? How do the players make their characters and get them into the campaign? Any help or links to a guide would be very much appreciated, thanks!

Can anyone give me a bit of help? A link or guide?

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