PSY850 |

Hey all,
I had a group gearing up to run Reign of winter, and it became too big to run without way too much re-balancing and with that big of a party there would be too much shadow for everyone in the party to shine. To resolve both issues I decided to split things up into 2 parties in the way it made the most sense to me. To round things out the second group needs 2 more players who are looking for a good time in a relaxed and fun gaming group/environment. We are currently planning on running the game every other sunday starting at 4pm mountain time. Our usual sessions have been between 4-6 hours in length. We play using Skype to talk and Maptools for the Tabletop and combat.
the knitty gritty of character builds and such can wait until we meet up and chat a bit. The current party members are a switch hitter ranger with ties to the north, and a sorceress of unknown background. A healing focused party assistant can be on hand if needed so no need for anyone to feel compelled to play a healing class. We have a few house-rules that we think make a bit more sense and help everyone have more fun, those can also be gone over easier in person. I tend to run and enjoy a slightly higher power game.
If your interested you can post here, shoot me a private message using the forums, look me up on skype (colemanstrykr), or send me an email at PSYCHO_DIRE_WOLF@yahoo.com
I look forward to meeting some new players and sharing some stories with you.