MattR1986 |
Quiet means they can still destroy things. A sleeping child is disarmed.
And the problem with exp retreat is you'd only have a minute..do you stand there in the olympic stadium casting a spell at the start line? What if there's a delay as there often is..what if it expires midrace?
Also ussains top speed I think was around 27 but that's only at his peak. Most of the time he's below that and averages likne 24 mph iirc.

MrSin |

TOZ wrote:Wait, people need spells to do that?Some people have rotten Diplomacy checks. :P
They told me charisma was a dump stat!
I make up for it with a great personality. Well, that and maybe minions... now I just need to learn how to train and herd cats, but that's not a first level spell.

Loren Pechtel |
Cure Light Wounds actually CAN heal a life-threatening injury (emphasis on injury, cancer is a disease). That's what it means to have less than 0 HP, either you stabilize or you die.
That being said, CLW once per day just doesn't have the shine to it that some of my other options do.
Like Decompose Corpse.
Convince the state medical board to let you work in the ER. Save a life per day. You could hire people to provide what most of the other spells provide.

MrSin |
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zagnabbit wrote:Most of you are going to jail.Not it!
Oops, that's a second level spell... Err... Smoke Bomb!

laarddrym |

Disguise self hands down.
Also, vanish could be pretty awesome if it's at CL 5, if you're stuck to CL 1 then nevermind.
Obscuring mist, to really screw over the d-bag who just cut you off on the highway.
Actually, I lied, obscuring mist HAS to be it. Never have to pay for movie tickets ever again, just walk in while everyone else is wondering "wtf is going on and why can't i see?". Let alone the implications of completely bypassing security cameras. Want a more glamorous gig? Contract with the government as a consultant for hostage rescue teams. Want a more glamorous gig and more money? Assistant coach for any NHL team and wreak havoc for special teams.

PathlessBeth |
If 3.5 is allowed, Ancient Knowledge, easy. Even without a dragonmark, the base effect would be too helpful in my life to pass up.
If it has to be pathfinder, there are still some great choices...
If cantrips are allowed, but not 3.5 stuff, Canny Effort. If two cantrips are allowed, Canny Effort and Summarize.
If it really has to be a first level spell, and pathfinder only, Clarity of Thought: making half my medicine obsolete.
It's very interesting how many people have picked spells that attempt to manipulate or coerce someone.
Fortunately I broke the trend by picking personal range spells only:)

Te'Shen |

Lilith wrote:It's very interesting how many people have picked spells that attempt to manipulate or coerce someone.Fortunately I broke the trend by picking personal range spells only:)
You'd possibly be breaking the trend if everyone after picks differently. If not, you're probably an outlier.

Tacticslion |

My previous answer for the spam able version. I'd have to think about it for the 3/day... but I suspect my answer would be similar, save adding cure light wounds to the running since this one isn't restricted to wizard spells.

Mark Thomas 66 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 |

Cure Light Wounds.
I could then claim to be the second coming from the Lord Almighty and basically rule the planet.
The End.
You'd become a cult leader, whether you wanted to or not, who was either assassinated, or more likely, purportedly assassinated while dropped in a hole at some black government facility and studied for the source of your healing abilities while being tortured and continually wounded to test their limits.

HarbinNick |
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shallowsoul wrote:You'd become a cult leader, whether you wanted to or not, who was either assassinated, or more likely, purportedly assassinated while dropped in a hole at some black government facility and studied for the source of your healing abilities while being tortured and continually wounded to test their limits.Cure Light Wounds.
I could then claim to be the second coming from the Lord Almighty and basically rule the planet.
The End.
oh look the plot of another x-men movie.

Damon Griffin |

abstemiousness seems like it could be a good way to lose weight; boring but useful;
comprehend languages isn't as good as tongues, but still has almost daily application potential;
unseen servant is seriously needed around my house;
diagnose disease is something I wish a lot of practicing doctors had, but I don't know that I'd want it for myself, as it would probably depress me to find out what more is falling apart :)
speak with animals might allow me to communicate some important things to my cat (no, don't spray that!)
Of those, I think I'd get the most use, in terms of time and variety, out of unseen servant.

Mystically Inclined |

Unseen Servant For The Win. Never have to clean up? Always have a helping hand? Never have to draw maps or search through my token collection? Yes please!
I came very close to saying Disguise Self. How awesome would it be to be anyone I wanted for three times a day? The only downside to this is that it's not Alter Self.

![]() |
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Summon Monster I could be kinda cool. Swim with the dolphins whenever you go the beach.
Cure Light Wounds would be cool.
Lesser Restoration could come in handy as well (1st level Pally ;) ).
Beguiling Gift would be fun for the pranksters out there ...
Invigorate and Restful Sleep would both be nice to have on occasion. Especially over the last couple of weeks.
Keen Senses to get low light vision.
Air Bubble could be handy, as could Endure Elements ...
I could totally see Don Juan Doodlebug picking up Unnatural Lust ... ;)
When all is said and done though, I think it would either have to be Cure Light Wounds, as it can be used for the good of anyone (and I could have Cult Leader as a fallback gig if I needed work), or Color Spray as it is the ultimate in self defense spells (assuming pretty much everyone would be considered in the 1 HD to 4 HD range).

MrSin |

FuelDrop wrote:Preparing a microwave meal is way below DC 10, right?Not according to the sims. I never saw so many cooking related deaths as in that game...
Have you ever read the instructions on those things? Some of them require work! That's the last thing I wanted. Better just put it on the 'catch on fire setting" so it cooks super fast.
*Sim haunts house*

Aranna |

Cure Light Wounds? Boys must be dangerous if they need THAT 3 times a day. Endure Elements would probably be my choice... or Unseen Servant. Tough choice. Endure Elements would keep me comfortable when the AC is broken; but I wouldn't need it 3/day. Unseen servent for the win then! It can clean the house while I play a MMORPG.

Phneri |
Silent Image has pretty much infinite use. Most of which are nefarious.
Not that I'd ever take it. Of course. Because I'm a good person. But wouldn't Magic Missile make you about the most dangerous person in a given room, assuming everyone is a 1HD NPC?
Runners up: Unseen Servant. Prior ideas as well as being a source of free energy forever (servant, turn this crank generator for the next hour).
Negative Reaction: Become the best political adviser ever by simply going to opponent's rallies and attending every debate. Or obliterate all competition for the job interview. Short duration, but it just takes one critical gaff.