getting to 40 strength at level 8


Dark Archive

Im working on a build and right now its giving me 38 strength. im getting 4 enhancement 2 size 4 morale 6 alchemical with a 20 str buy and 2 from level 4 and 8

what can i do do make it up to 40 str?

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probably need details of where those bonuses come from.

Yep. Post that build of yours.

Isnt there an Eldritch Heritage combo that grants inherent STR bonuses? Abyssal or Orc i think.

Dark Archive

alter self: +2 size bonus
4 morale: controlled rage from urban barbarian
6 alchem: ragechemist alchemist
4 enhance: bull str or belt of giant strength( havent decided)

18 point buy +2 racial

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

And what kind of stat build you start with in the first place. There's a world of difference between a 10 point build buy and a dice rolling method of rolling 6d6, keep the top 4.

also what materials are you permitted and what concept are you trying to accomplish?

Dark Archive

Kolokotroni wrote:
also what materials are you permitted and what concept are you trying to accomplish?

sorry, pfs rules and thats about it. just getting as high as possible strength by level 8.

You could for instance go blood rager 4, instead of barbarian, and then and then take 2 levels of Dragon disciple for a +2 bonus to strength.

So Blood Rager (check with your dm if the draconic bloodline works with the dragon disciple, if thats the case take that) 4, Rage Chemist 2, Dragon Disciple 2.

20 base
+4 morale when raging
+2 at 4th and 8th level
+4 enhancement
+2 from dragon disciple
+6 from rage chemist mutagen.
+2 from alter self or enlarge person

+ 4 Courageous Weapon (depending on interpretation) or +2 Furious Courageous.

eldritch heritage won't come into play until something like 13th level. dice rolls don't matter she already gave you the only stat that matters. looking into a solution for you....

edit* is blood rager pfs legal currently, I didn't think the book had come out yet.

As per my Mystic Theurge Guide part 3 of 4:
Alter Self (2.3.2)
Aspect of the Wolf (4.9.2)

Enhancement Bonus to Strength
Bull's Strength (2.3.2)
Mighty Strength (4.7.2)
Transformation (6.11.4) - I think this may make a really cheap, very powerful item

Luck Bonus to Strength Checks
Deadly Juggernaut (3.5.2) (most broken spell to make continuous in PF)
Divine Power (4.7.4) (Special, L9 = +3, L12 = +4, L15 = +5, L18 = +6)

Morale Bonus to Strength
Rage (2.5.4)
Vengeful Outrage (5.13.2) - could be underpriced

Size Bonus to Strength
Beast Shape I (3.5.2)
Beast Shape 2 (4.7.2)
Beast Shape 3 (5.9.2)
Beast Shape 4 (6.11.2)
Elemental Body (4.7.2) (Earth)
Elemental Body 2 (5.9.2) (Earth)
Elemental Body 3 (6.11.2) (Earth)
Enlarge Person (1.1.2)
Form of the Dragon 1 (6.11.2)
Monstrous Physique 1 (3.5.2)
Monstrous Physique 2 (4.7.2)
Monstrous Physique 3 (5.9.2)
Monstrous Physique 4 (6.11.2)
Plant Shape 1 (5.9.2)
Plant Shape 2 (6.11.2)
Righteous Might (5.9.4)
Undead Anatomy I (3.5.2)
Undead Anatomy II (5.9.2)
Undead Anatomy III (6.11.2)
Vermin Shape I (3.5.2)
Vermin Shape II (4.7.2)

Scarab Sages

Ragechemist works, but that extra +2 STR over a normal mutagen isn't worth being comatose for an hour.

Dark Archive

Kolokotroni wrote:

You could for instance go blood rager 4, instead of barbarian, and then and then take 2 levels of Dragon disciple for a +2 bonus to strength.

So Blood Rager (check with your dm if the draconic bloodline works with the dragon disciple, if thats the case take that) 4, Rage Chemist 2, Dragon Disciple 2.

20 base
+4 morale when raging
+2 at 4th and 8th level
+4 enhancement
+2 from dragon disciple
+6 from rage chemist mutagen.
+2 from alter self or enlarge person

i was actually thinking this route, but i went with bard 5 barb 2 chemist 1 for certain reasons.

dawnflower dervish dawn with aasimar's alternate favored class on inspire courage. with banner of the kings gives me +6 attack and damage, which stacks with all that stuff.

One issue I'm seeing is that its going to take you a minimum of 2 rounds of Pre-buffing to get to the 38 STR you're at now (Alter Self and Bull Str until you get a Belt). Adding anything else is going to keep you from being effective for to long.

We can do better.

How to get strong as a caster even with str as a dump stat:

1) Get a great white whale (str 50) or other strong animal; please note a whale breathes air!

2) Cast antropomorhpic animal on it
Find a way to move :
2.1) Cast overland flight/ fins to feet etc.

3) Cast magic jar/ marionette possession etc.

4) add rage/ enhancement/ mutagens etc. if you still feel weak

Et voila, strength 50+ without any big problems :)

BTW: If you really want to annoy you GM... I am unsure what happens if you now cast alter self to become medium sized...

^What DM would possibly allow such inane shennannigans?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

How do you fit all that in only eight class levels? Don't you need to be a high level alchemist just to get the +6 mutagen, much less that barbarian rage and spellcasting abilities?

MattR1986 wrote:
What DM would possibly allow such inane shenanigans?

Me, provided you had a means of keeping the whale alive and well during the periods of inactivity. (A personal demiplane ought to do it.)

I actually have a similar character that uses mammoths for this (unlike a whale, you can easily purchase mammoths for only 2,000gp).

Dark Archive

MrRed wrote:

We can do better.

I can see your point, but casting a couple of 5th level arcane spells isn't really in scope for a discussion about hitting a particular STR target at level 8.

A +2 Furious Courageous weapon boosts your Morale bonus to +6 and lets you hit 40 STR -- but you won't be able to afford that weapon AND a Banner of the Ancient Kings at level 8.

Moospuh wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:

You could for instance go blood rager 4, instead of barbarian, and then and then take 2 levels of Dragon disciple for a +2 bonus to strength.

So Blood Rager (check with your dm if the draconic bloodline works with the dragon disciple, if thats the case take that) 4, Rage Chemist 2, Dragon Disciple 2.

20 base
+4 morale when raging
+2 at 4th and 8th level
+4 enhancement
+2 from dragon disciple
+6 from rage chemist mutagen.
+2 from alter self or enlarge person

i was actually thinking this route, but i went with bard 5 barb 2 chemist 1 for certain reasons.

dawnflower dervish dawn with aasimar's alternate favored class on inspire courage. with banner of the kings gives me +6 attack and damage, which stacks with all that stuff.

Can you explain the point of taking the Dawnflower Dervish archetype (and thus the Dervish Dance feat) on a strength based character? If it's just for the battle dance's bonus to attack/damage, you might be better off with a Magus or Warpriest that can enhance your weapon, or maybe an Inquisitor with the Bane and judgment abilities.

You need 2 levels of rage chemist to get the strength boost.

From the conversations on the Advanced Class Guide, it's about 50/50 whether PFS GMs would allow Draconic bloodline bloodrager to qualify for Dragon Disciple. When the actual book is released, we hope it will clarify this question. Your GM's opinion is, of course, the one that matters, so check with them.

My take on the "max out strength" build is a half-orc barbarian 1/rage chemist 2/inquisitor 5 and take Amplified Rage as your solo-teamwork feat.

That would get you to
20 base
+4 morale when raging
+4 morale boost when raging with teamwork feat
+2 at 4th and 8th level
+4 enhancement
+6 from rage chemist mutagen
+2 from alter self or enlarge person

That's 42. For extra fun, get Moment of Greatness to double your morale bonus on a single attack or check, and hang out with a cleric of Trudd (Dwarven deity of Strength) to get Mighty Strength cast on you (+8 enhancement bonus).

Of course, in a regular game, that's about 20 more Strength than you would need for any encounter scaled for level 8. Your armor class is terrible (light armor only with Dawnflower Dervish, -2 for rage, -2 for Enlarge Person, no points left over for Dex), and someone already mentioned that rage chemist will leave you comatose. And I don't want to be around this character when a bad guy pops up with Murderous Command or Dominate...

Moospuh wrote:
dawnflower dervish dawn with aasimar's alternate favored class on inspire courage. with banner of the kings gives me +6 attack and damage, which stacks with all that stuff.

Holding the banner of the kings in one hand means you can't 2-hand your weapon: that costs you +8 to damage (1 1/2 times strength on a two handed weapon).

I'm assuming you're using the Urban Barbarian archetype to let you use the perform skill while you're raging, but you still won't be able to cast any spells. Also, the controlled rage won't boost your Con, so you're hit points won't be as high as a normal Barbarian. Watch out for that.

Scarab Sages

My idea on this topic would be:
Druid 4/ Urban Barbarian 2/ Rage Chemist 2
20 Base
4 morale(Be sure to take the extra rage feat)
2 levels
6 alchemy
4 Enchantment
6 Size(If you can become a Huge animal), (You would need the feat that will make your Wild Shape to stack with up to 4 non Druis levels)
The Couragious weapon ability could help you increase the morale bonus to greater heights.

Druid 4/ Alchemist 2/ Barbarian 2

With shaping focus feat


+2 Racial
+2 Levels
+4 Size (Earth Elemental)
+4 Enhancement (Bull Strength)
+4 Morale (Anger inquisition)
+6 (Rage Chemist Mutagen)

Strength 40

You could become a huge size Animal to push it to 42 but this way you don't have to worry about constrictions.

Alternatively you could keep the huge size animal and get rid of the rather bad rage chemist which is quite dangerous to your own character.

Dark Archive

Gwen Smith wrote:
Moospuh wrote:
dawnflower dervish dawn with aasimar's alternate favored class on inspire courage. with banner of the kings gives me +6 attack and damage, which stacks with all that stuff.

Holding the banner of the kings in one hand means you can't 2-hand your weapon: that costs you +8 to damage (1 1/2 times strength on a two handed weapon).

I'm assuming you're using the Urban Barbarian archetype to let you use the perform skill while you're raging, but you still won't be able to cast any spells. Also, the controlled rage won't boost your Con, so you're hit points won't be as high as a normal Barbarian. Watch out for that.

the dervish feat is useless to me. i took 5 levels of it using the aasimar's favored class bonus to make it 2 levels higher (effective lvl 7 for inspire courage) and then the banner which increases it by 4 more (11)

at lvl 11 the inspire courage increases it to +3 and dancing increases that to +6 attack and +6 damage ( which, in effect is more cost effective than buying a +2 weapon)

you can attach it to a longspear, which i will be using, accumilated with the reach feat.

Argus the Slayer wrote:

MrRed wrote:

We can do better.

I can see your point, but casting a couple of 5th level arcane spells isn't really in scope for a discussion about hitting a particular STR target at level 8.

Actually, you dont even need level 8, a 5th level character can do the job as you only need 2 3rd level spells : antropomorphic animal and marionette possession. The other spells (magic jar, overland flight etc.) add convenience. Also, the great white whale is IMHO the highest strength with this trick (maybe there are some dinosaurs as well), but has some issues (feeding, size, handling). Therefore it might be more handy to become a mammoth or other high strength animal as RD also suggests:

Ravingdork wrote:

I actually have a similar character that uses mammoths for this (unlike a whale, you can easily purchase mammoths for only 2,000gp).

There are some kinks (e.g. marionette possession requires a willing target) but these can be solved (handle animal, cast while animal sleeps etc.)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

+1 for inquisitor levels... in fact, if your whole goal is the strength you could even drop the barbarian levels entirely- the anger inquisition (or the rage subdomain if you had more levels) both give you rage.

half-orc ragechemist 2/inquisitor 6 (with anger inquisition)
20 base
+2 from levels
+4 enhancement
+6 alchemical
+10 morale: rage plus amplified rage and a +2 furious courageous weapon (affordable with avg WBL if you take craft magic arms and armor)
+2 size

44 total strength at 8th.

Dark Archive

nate lange wrote:

+1 for inquisitor levels... in fact, if your whole goal is the strength you could even drop the barbarian levels entirely- the anger inquisition (or the rage subdomain if you had more levels) both give you rage.

half-orc ragechemist 2/inquisitor 6 (with anger inquisition)
20 base
+2 from levels
+4 enhancement
+6 alchemical
+10 morale: rage plus amplified rage and a +2 furious courageous weapon (affordable with avg WBL if you take craft magic arms and armor)
+2 size

44 total strength at 8th.

amplified rage says the ally has to be raging. it dosent matter if inquisitor says they have the teamwork feat.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Moospuh wrote:
amplified rage says the ally has to be raging. it dosent matter if inquisitor says they have the teamwork feat.

Thank you- I'd forgotten that... That still leaves you at 40 str at 8th- if you can spare a feat for Leadership you could grab a cohort that has rage (or an ACG skald who can make all your allies rage) and get back up to 44.

nate lange wrote:

+1 for inquisitor levels... in fact, if your whole goal is the strength you could even drop the barbarian levels entirely- the anger inquisition (or the rage subdomain if you had more levels) both give you rage.

half-orc ragechemist 2/inquisitor 6 (with anger inquisition)
20 base
+2 from levels
+4 enhancement
+6 alchemical
+10 morale: rage plus amplified rage and a +2 furious courageous weapon (affordable with avg WBL if you take craft magic arms and armor)
+2 size

44 total strength at 8th.

I do believe it was recently stated but not FAQ'd that the bonus from courageous was intended to apply to morale bonuses on saves vs fear only

nate lange wrote:
Moospuh wrote:
amplified rage says the ally has to be raging. it dosent matter if inquisitor says they have the teamwork feat.
Thank you- I'd forgotten that... That still leaves you at 40 str at 8th- if you can spare a feat for Leadership you could grab a cohort that has rage (or an ACG skald who can make all your allies rage) and get back up to 44.

I believe there is a half-Orc feat that lets your allies rage if you are raging.

Dark Archive

nate lange wrote:
Moospuh wrote:
amplified rage says the ally has to be raging. it dosent matter if inquisitor says they have the teamwork feat.
Thank you- I'd forgotten that... That still leaves you at 40 str at 8th- if you can spare a feat for Leadership you could grab a cohort that has rage (or an ACG skald who can make all your allies rage) and get back up to 44.

pfs rules. no leadership.

theres a half orc feat that allows you to enter a rage if an adjacent ally is raging. also one that allows you to rage when an ally gets knocked out

Blood Rage spell. It won't be a constant strength bonus, but it'd let you reach 40 Strength even earlier than 8th level.

Sovereign Court

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Pupsocket wrote:
... I challenge anyone to invent a scenario where purchasing a Courageous (save vs fear only) weapon is reasonable choice.

Hrask's Millions

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