Researching a spell, need appropriate level


Using these spells as a base:
Zone of Silence

Sound Bubble
School illusion (glamer); Level cleric ?

Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S

Range Close (25' + 5'/2 levels)
Area Up to 5' radius/caster level - emanation centered on a point in space
Duration 10 rounds + 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw None
Spell Resistance None

When this spell is cast, an invisible bubble springs into existence. The bubble has only one effect: sound can't pass through it. Thus sound generated within the bubble can't be heard by those on the outside and vice versa.

I would say cleric 4 should be fine.
Also, make the duration minute/level, individual rounds can be difficult to track if not in combat, and i believe the purpose of this isnt combat utility.

But, no saving throw, close range and SR none makes the spell really overpowered against casters, even if it doesnt stop their spellcasting, anyone outside the bubble wont be affected by any spell that depends on sound to work. If it's an illusion, it should have a saving throw.

Without effects i would rule it as cleric 3.

It doesn't silence anyone inside it, just makes it so sound doesn't pass into out out of the sphere.

The spell actually is for combat. It so the people in the next room don't hear the fighting going on next door.

Also the silence spell doesn't give a save unless its centered on them.

Silence: The spell can be centered on a creature, and the effect then radiates from the creature and moves as it moves. An unwilling creature can attempt a Will save to negate the spell and can use Spell Resistance, if any.

--Silence Spell

Silence would do what I want, ie stop the fight from being heard (and its 2nd level).
I just don't want to stop spellcaster from being able to cast spells or stop people inside the area from being able to talk to one another.
I just don't want the guys in the next room to be ready when we fight them.

Also the silence spell doesn't give a save unless its centered on them.

Yes, but it does silence everyone inside the zone, the spell doesnt make distinctions.

That is the kind of spell that assassins or clerics of an evil deity would design, i wouldnt even make it generic as "cleric #".

Also, remember that spellcasters outside of the silenced zone can cast spells on people inside the zone just fine.

IMO, stick with silence.

Correct. The spell I am making doesn't silence anyone, at all. It just makes it so noise doesn't pass though it.
Do you think thats more or less powerful than silence?

edit: Or loud adventures who wear heavy armor and don't want to make alot of noise and alert everything that they are coming.

I believe they are similar spells, but this bubble has more advantages (mechanics wise) over silence, so it should be one or two levels higher.
As i said, no spell resistance and no saving throw should bring it up one level.

There was some spell design rules back in 3.5, but nothing in pathfinder. A lot of pathfinder spells ignore designing rules completely (snowball).

Cast silence on the warrior and use some telepathy spell to communicate.

If you cast Silence in an area it doesn't allow spell resistance or saving throws. Just like this spell.

The area is atypical. Recommend a fixed radius.
The duration is atypical.
As a sound based spell, it should be available to Bards too.

As written, I’d say 6th. As it is extremely similar to, but vastly larger than Zone of Silence, a 4th.

If you cast Silence in an area it doesn't allow spell resistance or saving throws. Just like this spell.

Yes, but it isnt silence.

A flaming sphere is made of fire but isnt a fireball.

As written, I’d say 6th. As it is extremely similar to, but vastly larger than Zone of Silence, a 4th.

My thoughts exactly.

Actually zone of silence might just be better.
It does basically the same thing, lasts 1 hour per level and I can hear sound from outside of it. A 5' radius around the caster fills 15'x15' which is close to 20' radius.

I could get a bard to make me a once per day item for 14,400gp and it would last 10 hours.

Keep this image in mind when checking spell radius.
A 20-feet radius will reach 4 squares in every direction from it (sans diagonals). While a 5-feet will reach 1 square in every direction.

Indeed it is a better spell, the problem is being limited to bards and its a high level spell (bard 4 is 10th caster level).

Splendor wrote:

Actually zone of silence might just be better.

It does basically the same thing, lasts 1 hour per level and I can hear sound from outside of it. A 5' radius around the caster fills 15'x15' which is close to 20' radius.

I could get a bard to make me a once per day item for 14,400gp and it would last 10 hours.


When a radius effect is centered on you, you choose a corner as the point of origin, and it goes out from there to the distance indicated. A 5ft radius is 4 squares.

The listed spell has a maximum radius of 100ft. That is monstrously large.

It has a specific 'goal' in mind, one that is not well accomplished by other spells. Unique is the purpose of this spell, although useful.

If it had a more fixed area, say 20ft radius, and a typical short duration, say 1rnd/level, then it could very easily be a 3rd or 4th level spell.

Magnimar city stat block lists Spellcasting 8th. 4th level spell should be easy to find.

7200 in base magical item cost + 3200 for the bard hirling spellcasting for 8 days = 10,400

XMX M=Me, x=5' in every direction. Thus 15x15'.

Splendor wrote:

Magnimar city stat block lists Spellcasting 8th. 4th level spell should be easy to find.

7200 in base magical item cost + 3200 for the bard hirling spellcasting for 8 days = 10,400

XMX M=Me, x=5' in every direction. Thus 15x15'.

That is not how radius spells work.

They only go the radius in distance from the point of origin.


Is a 5ft radius spell area. 4 squares.

Edit: That isn't even how you calculate magic item costs either.

Yeah I just re-read areas.... My bad

I forgot about pathfinders crafting rules. I don't need to hire a NPC I just add +5 to the DC.

4*10*1800/5=14400 - which I pay 1/2 of since I am making it 7200.

5 Base
+10 Caster level
+5 DC for not having the zone of silence spell
+5 for 1/2 the time.

Spellcraft DC of 25

Caster level 10, spell level 4 * 2000 = 80000 gp
Once per day casting 80000/5 = 16000 gp to buy it, 8000 gp to craft by yourself.
His calculations are nearly on spot.

Sounds reasonable to me.

2000 is for continuous. 1800 is for use activated

No, 2000 isnt continuous. The difference lies basically on the original spell and how the item is activated.
2000 for continuous/use-activated, 1800 if it has a command word (which always uses a standard action to activate).

But you are right, it should probably be 1800 instead of 2000 in this case. Its just my habit of always using 2000 when calculating from mind.

Hmmm widen spell + Magical Lineage/Metamagic Master trait (Zone of Silence)

16*6*1800/5= 34,560 or 17,280gp

5 Base
+16 Caster level
+5 DC for not having zone of silence
+5 DC for not having widen spell
+5 DC for not having Magical Lineage
+5 for 1/2 time

41 Total

And now its a 10' radius.

Command word: Spell level x caster level x 1,800 gp
Use-activated or continuous: Spell level x caster level x 2,000 gp

making it command word then

Scarab Sages

I think the OP spell should be a level one or two tops. There was a 2nd edition D&D spell that was 1st level that did this exact thing. The big reason Zone of Silence is level 4 is the the duration.

Scarab Sages

Well, let's see.

It's a about as useful as silence since it doesn't negate spell casting on your party, but it can't be used offensively either. Also it's much less useful than zone of silence since it's not mobile.

I would say 2nd level. 3rd if you have a strict GM.

I would change the duration to 1 min/level, just because your current duration is not "standard." This MIGHT push the level up to 3. Or to put it another way, if the GM says "it's 3rd level" ask him if you can increase the duration.

If the area is larger than the range, you lose the area outside the range. You might like to change something there.

With the 1 round casting time 2nd level, not 3rd IMO. 1 round means people always get a chance to react before the casting's finished.

Though, isn't the homebrew forum the right place to be asking?

Scarab Sages

This is a duplicate of thread in the Rules Forum.

I don't believe an illusion spell is capable of stopping real sound. I would change it to evocation. All in all I feel as though that since the spell is so situational it should be level 2.

Digital Products Assistant

Merged threads.

Sound Bubble
School illusion (glamer); Level cleric ?

Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S

Range Close (25' + 5'/2 levels)
Area 20' Radius
Duration 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw None
Spell Resistance None

When this spell is cast, an invisible bubble springs into existence. The bubble has only one effect: sound can't pass through it. Thus sound generated within the bubble can't be heard by those on the outside and vice versa.


Level 2 or Level 3?

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