Getting the most out of a mounted halfling?


So I am kind of in love with the idea of a halfling mounted on a medium sized mount being able to lance charge his way around dungeons and inside buildings.

I am assuming Cavalier with Order of the Sword would be the best base class, but what kind of other class dips/feats/archetypes etc. are needed to maximize damage potential on the charge? And where do I go to get the best possible mount (actually, what IS the best possible mount?)

So currently I am considering the following:

25 point buy:
16 10 14 10 10 16 (With all level up points going into strength)
Halfing with Outrider racial trait
Order of the Sword Cavalier, Gendarme archetype

Obviously use a lance for a weapon.

Put skill points into handle animal, ride, intimidate/diplomacy and sense motive.

And the following feats in some order:

Power Attack
Furious Focus
Vital Strike
Improve Vital Strike
Greater Vital Strike
Mounted Combat
Ride by Attack
Spirited Charge
Wheeling Charge
Trick Riding
Mounted Skirmisher

Still not really certain on the mount, I'll start with a wolf but I don't know where to go from there. There are many options.

Grand Lodge

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I am playing a mounted halfling. Check out my build by clicking my avatars.

First the best mounts for a halfling charger are: Dire bats, Roc, giant eagle/owl, mostly because they fly.
My ranger halfling beastmaster archetype rides a giant gecko. Natural spiderclimb is awesome and allows great charging lanes.

Your necessary feats are:
mounted combat, ride by attack, spirited charge, power attack, wheeling charge, risky striker, and mounted skirmisher.

Vital strike line is not good for a charger.

Furious focus is in nessecery and a waste of a feat you will need.

Trick rider isn't worth it. Most Sms dont overly target your mount.

If you can get your DM to allow big game hunter then take it.

Try to get the largest number to multiply on the charge.

Also worth note is improved critical or keen. Bane your weapon if your facing an enemy a majority of the time.

Rhinos hide offers an extra 2d6 on a charge even mounted.

Max ride and handle animal.

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Getting the most out of a mounted halfling? Well, it'll depend on the room you're mounting it in, what kind of mounting you're using, where the windows are, does it match the carpet...

Oh. Now I see. How embarrassing. Yeah, having never toyed with halflings or mounted combat, I can't help there. If you want advice on the other thing then let me know.

Does vital strike not work with charging? Dang.

Also, any enemy with brains will go after the mount of a cavalier. Remember that Order of the Stick strip? It's definitely worth investing in mount protection.

*cannot comment past his laughter*

For best possible mount, go for something with Pounce. It's worth it.

Grand Lodge

Also, any enemy with brains will go after the mount of a cavalier. Remember that Order of the Stick strip? It's definitely worth investing in mount protection.

I did not say it is not worth investing in mount protection. I said the Feat Trick riding (below) is not worth it. You will have a saddle and 1 extra attack negation is not worth the feat investment. A mounted Halfling that is not a fighter or dipped fighter will be Feat hungry. Not starved but the majority of his feats are already chosen.


Trick Riding

Prerequisites: Ride 9 ranks, Mounted Combat.

Benefit: While wearing light or no armor, you do not need to make Ride skill checks for any task listed in the Ride skill with a DC of 15 or lower. You do not take a –5 penalty for riding a mount bareback. You can make a check using Mounted Combat to negate a hit on your mount twice per round instead of just once.

Does vital strike not work with charging? Dang.



Can Vital Strike be used with Spring Attack? Can Vital Strike be used on a charge?

No. Vital Strike can only be used as part of an attack action, which is a specific kind of standard action. Spring Attack is a special kind of full-round action that includes the ability to make one melee attack, not one attack action. Charging uses similar language and can also not be used in combination with Vital Strike.

Well I do get extra feats from being a Gendarme, but I can see where you're coming from on Trick Riding, unfortunately it is a pre-req for Mounted Skirmisher.

But good to know Vital Strike doesn't work with charging, for some reason I thought it did.

FuelDrop: That's how one of my fellow players feels about halflings.

Grand Lodge

On my Build I gain Mounted Skirmisher from Ranger Feats so no pre-req. Had Spirited Charge by 3rd level and have been wrecking ever since.

I'm Playing in PFS so I am giving PFS advice.

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Here I was thinking " above the fire place works."

Is there any way to give a mount class levels?

Grand Lodge

None that I know of. Its class is animal companion.

Summoner with a custom super-mount can be pretty badass. Had a friend playing a gnome version in one game, very cool.

the 'guide to the builds' has a rather nice mounted (cavalier) halfling build on page 2 of the thread.

Grand Lodge

Its a So-so guide. It is mostly on full sized chargers. Some of its information will translate to the other classes but not all of it. But the truth of charging is you want to be the smaller races so you do not ever have to dismount.

Only benefit from a larger charger is when you get to charge you hit for about 6 more damage and your mount is actually big enough to Trample/overrun things. But like I said WHEN he gets to charge....unlike my halfling who always seems to find a charging lane whether its from the ceiling, down hallways, from the walls. And if need be can airwalk or fly with potion/scroll.

I will take -6 damage to be able to ride my mount 24/7 and have near 100ft of movement a round and natural spider climb. The Pros outweigh the Cons.

or have a giant spider as a mount.

Grand Lodge

Giant spider, Roc, Dire Bat, Giant Eagle or can pick some flying mounts with the right Archetypes/Class Combo.

I always rank the flyers as the best. I just am really bonded to a Giant Gecko because the flavor of the animal. A lot of the Local players have come to love the Gecko as well....they completely forget what class my Halfling is and remember the Gecko more then the Rider. Which is kind of what I am going for to Further the Legend of Stick Foot the Gecko.

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