The Flash TV Series


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Not sure it's fair to blame Ms. MacDougall. Dominic didn't pick up DeVoe's accent. Becky didn't pick up DeVoe's accent. Why expect Izzy to?

Becky did try to emulate DeVoe's speech patterns, at least.

Sovereign Court

Maybe it's to show that Izzy is still there, you know cause she is Ralph's love interest, so maybe they save her...or something. Yeah. Weak theory.

What I thought was weak was the whole reasoning behind suspension because he killed someone but then the person was alive. Like what do you mean you don't believe it you can go to the guys house and talk to him!

Vidmaster7 wrote:
What I thought was weak was the whole reasoning behind suspension because he killed someone but then the person was alive. Like what do you mean you don't believe it you can go to the guys house and talk to him!

In our world that'd pretty much a lock.

In a comic book world, where a lot of weird stuff has happened that everyday people know about, I could see some skepticism.


Cor raises a point and also Singh DOES say "In the world with Meta humans, anything is possible." So...yeah. I could see it.

As for Izzy's accent...who the hell knows.

I actually liked this one. best one of the season by far. I think the cast really shinned almost glowing, you could say they were (at least almost) the bomb.

So which female speedster are they planning to develop on Earth-3?

BTW did anyone else think JWS has lost some weight since his last appearance? I'm almost wondering if this was a plan for him to retire.

Sovereign Court


John Wesley Shipp


I'm still thinking it might be Jesse and they have Wally take over Earth-2. :P But I could be wrong. And as for JWS's weight...I didn't notice. I DID like episode but I do wonder what, if any, role DeVoe had in this. I have my doubts he was involved and more likely someone was paid off.

If that really is Jenni, I really want to know what's going on with her. She's been weird and awkward and enthusiastic every time we've seen her (even when the main crew is off screen)... but this was the first time she was anything close to creepy and ominous.

Well it might be someone else, Jem...

I'm pretty sure it'll be Jesse. She covered for Jay when he was trapped in the speed force... basically abandoning earth 2, but whatcha gonna do.

Frankly, they established that every earth has a krypton... we've seen alternate versions of the cast of Flash AND Arrow... it's really kind of dumb to keep drafting people from OTHER earths to protect earth 2/3/etc...

I mean... they just established that Wells set up a Team Flash for Jesse before he was fired, so are they going to displace ALL of Team Flash-2?

Wally really should stay with the Legends even if he's a little overpowered I don't want to see him banished to another earth


It's just an idea and you're right about other stuff.

This relates. Stay with me.
In the living city campaign, our characters went to SIGIL. We showed up and found our contact murdered. The local paladins arrested us(The witnesses) even though one of us was a paladin. In the subsequent treial we had to select either a slightly good layer who never won a trial, or a devil with a perfect track record. We chose the devil, but we did not sign anything. We won but were disbarred from ever visiting SIGIL again. Ever after I told everyone I never wanted to visit SIGIL again because it was evil, not neutral.

Maybe the timeline where metas are outlawed in legends is a result of shody justice like that driving heros into other earths leaving only criminal metas. Another case of the problem offering to solve itself, then just shafting the public more.

I did not understand that last scene in the latest Flash. Was that the Thinker? What did she say?


No I'm 150% sure that wasn't DeVoe in another meat suit. She said at the end "I already did."

Scarab Sages

Enjoyed the last episode and seeing Jay Garrick again. It was all well written and executed.

This next new one will be interesting...

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Did I just see Jay and Silent Bob?

Yes. Yes you did, DQ.

DeathQuaker wrote:
Did I just see Jay and Silent Bob?

At first I thought they were look-alikes. Wow, Kevin Smith has lost weight.

And people say Ralph's the one not taking things seriously.

Dark Archive

Seems like it's been obvious through much of the season that Ralph, with his adaptive cells, is the endgame for Devoe, to transfer at the end with all the dark matter-derived powers into a body that literally *can't* break down.

And yet, either the writers don't intend this at all, or Team Flash are dumber than usual, and haven't figured it out yet...

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It is actually really hard to figure out which.

With the DCW writers, it could be
A Thinker's Endgame and Team Flash are dumber than usual
B Writers don't intend something this obvious.
C Cheese Sandwich

There's a cheese sandwich hidden in there?? Also Team Flash I thought might be getting smarter...maybe.

Ok ... things looking pretty bad however I think they may have done something fairly clever with what happened to Killer Frost.


A) Powers had to go somewhere
B) Aspect of said powers includes alternate personality

Combine with Caitlin just created a Drug that would let her bring out Killer Frost without an Adrenalin surge

So my guess is Ralph may not be gone, and may also have some ice powers as a bonus.

OK. Knowing that the 12 Bus Metas + Driver who died later = 12 Heat Signatures (including one in the driver's seat) is screw up behind the scenes. My question is: in universe which of the twelve was a vampire or otherwise gave off no heat sig?

Lets just hope the vampire doesn't bite flash. as much calories as he burns he would drain the city in under a day.

I'd prefer we not have a speedster vampire. Vampire Batman was bad enough...

As for saving the bus Metas and fixing everything...I have no idea but I do know that Dark Matter influx on Wells is NOT a good thing.

Yeah wells is going in a bad direction for sure. Might be the next villain for next season. calling it now.

GreenDragon1133 wrote:
OK. Knowing that the 12 Bus Metas + Driver who died later = 12 Heat Signatures (including one in the driver's seat) is screw up behind the scenes. My question is: in universe which of the twelve was a vampire or otherwise gave off no heat sig?

Huh. I guess I missed the sequence there. I thought the missing heat signature was due to Gauss dropping into a personal pocket dimension.

Was it missing before or after the Dark Matter?

I think it was missing period but right now I'm curious what this whole "Enlightenment" thingie is...and if it might be used to get us back some of the good Bus metas.

GreenDragon1133 wrote:
Was it missing before or after the Dark Matter?

That's what I'm not sure of. I thought it was after.

But then Cisco and Ralph did detect an afterimage of Gauss on the bus; that's how Ralph was able to say he remembered the guy.

I don't know, I'm confused.

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All I know is that if we don't get Ralph back, I'm gonna flip every table.

All of them.

In the whole world.

Yeah I kind of like having Ralph around. Though honestly not sure if he's coming back as a regular if they already have like Harrison and the rest...

Dark Archive

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jemstone wrote:

All I know is that if we don't get Ralph back, I'm gonna flip every table.

All of them.

In the whole world.

Yes. :) I did not like him, at first, but now he's just a breath of fresh air.

One thing that bugs me is that if they are able to rescue the various people whose brains DeVoe has over-written (which it would not surprise me are still tucked away in DeVoe's big ol' brain, since he has demonstrated knowledge from some of them, and so clearly has absorbed at least *some* of them), is that they don't seem to have been saving the bodies, which means that even if any of them other than Ralph are recoverable they won't have bodies to go back to.


Maybe they'll find a way to clone them...

Given the hint that Cisco might be leaving, Ralph would serve well as best friend. (I think Barry and Ralph had more scenes together than Barry and Cisco.)

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NO Cisco don't leave me!!!

Well I think at this point what else is there for Cisco to do? He can't REALLY fight crime...and he's not doing that much with the gadgets. So...yeah let's send him to Earth-19 to run the Multiverse! ;)

I demand cisco spin off!

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How about we ditch Nate, and have Cisco on the Waverider?

Right now I'm not convinced that DeVoe is as smart than he thinks he is. Mostly because what smart guy wants to run a country that has everyone else that's a moron? I mean seriously...

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DeVoe's wisdom is certainly in serious question. Not to mention his short term memory. He failed to take emotional factors of his enemies into account after he'd already found it necessary to drug Marlize repeatedly to ensure her continued cooperation. And then failed to anticipate her betrayal tonight after she'd repeatedly gotten in his face about killing people.

All of this means he doesn't account for all possible variables, he just thinks he does, which more or less proves Thomas's point about DeVoe's presumed intelligence as well. In some small ways, he's a bit like H.R., whose undisputed intellect never stops him from doing dumb things.

The mass dumbing down of humanity strikes me as a near Thanos-like solution to a perceived problem. You need them not only stupid enough to prevent the [re]invention of any real technology, you need them to be so stupid they can no longer utilize what's already there, or be able to just copy from books to build what was previously invented. I've heard nothing about the "Enlightenment" that suggests how existing technology would be removed worldwide.

And if he somehow accomplishes this, then what? Lacking tech to be either useful or harmful, 7 billion dumb humans now complete for basic resources by killing each other with spears and clubs? Or do his magic satellites make everyone total pacifists as well? AND HOW IS ANY OF THAT AN ENLIGHTENMENT?

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
Right now I'm not convinced that DeVoe is as smart than he thinks he is. Mostly because what smart guy wants to run a country that has everyone else that's a moron? I mean seriously...

Pinky: But Brain, you could lead these people easily.

Brain: Yes, but who would want to?

DeVoe is an idiot, and if his plan succeeds it would lead to billions of deaths. Worse, who is going to be supervising all the nuclear reactors, contagious disease stocks, and every other potential WMD that exists for benevolent purposes?

This plan will result in somewhere upwards of 6 billion people, and leave almost no habitable land.

Greenie and Damon,

Like I said, it's a stupid plan. At least when Thanos has plans, they make sense.

Thomas Seitz wrote:
At least when Thanos has plans, they make sense.


Ranty Rant McRanterson:
I've seen Avengers: Infinity War, and his plan is non-sensical, makes zero sense, and is so absolutely psychopathic, I can't believe there are people out there defending him as though he's some kind of misunderstood savior.


Saviors FIND ANOTHER WAY that doesn't involve killing people. Infinite cosmic power, and he's going to save the universe by killing people? And his science is flawed in every way. The universe is not finite. The solution to scarcity is to uplift and renew, not eliminate half the frickin' frackin' universe.

He literally has the power to create limitless energy, feed, house, clothe, and uplift everyone... and he kills people.

Short form, both DeVoe and Thanos' plans are utterly psychopathic and aren't based in reality. Marlize was right in the flashback when she called it an extremist's manifesto. He's not a savior, he's a murderer, and he's going to murder the entire planet if he gets his way.

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