Big bad necromancer subordinates


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So I am running a campaign that has a big bad necromancer as the bbeg. His goals are to essentially become the second Tar Baphon by rallying the orcs of belkzen, and also commanding an army of undead. Now something of this scale is obviously a challenge to run so he needs some subordinates to help run the show.

I've been thinking up some NPCs to aid him in his quest. First a half orc fighter (torn from the pages of the NPC codex under the name of Livia coldheart) to be the person the orcs rally under (her back story is established already and I feel pretty solid in that choice)

The next couple minions are undetermined but I was thinking along the lines of a vampire who recruits hordes of other creatures that he promises power to (such as mites who would revel at the chance to gain more power)

The other idea I had was an inquisitor of urgathoa who essentially goes around making more bodies for the master to animate and could be a link to the cultists of the whispering way.

Those are pretty much my ideas for his subordinates but I wanted the community's input on the matter. Should I have more notable minions? Should I tweak an idea I've presented. What class do you think the vampire should be? (I was thinking maybe shadowdancer?) Also I'd like to note that this is my first campaign and any and all input is appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Bump *averts gaze in shame*

It's usually polite to wait at least a day before bumping. Some of us don't check the boards hourly :)

Some NPC minions are a good idea -- you can get reasonably tricky with builds and give the PCs a memorable challenge. You might want to flesh out their character a bit more -- why do they serve the BBEG? Are there any weaknesses the PCs can exploit, or any tendency to split from him and do their own thing?

A fighter type, a vampire, and an evil divine caster all sound like good minions for a BBEG, but you're missing the stealthy informant type...

I suggest a human bard, who's fallen hopelessly in love with one of the minions and serves the BBEG because that's the only way he/she can be close to the beloved object (who may or may not return the favor.) Give the bard a couple of feats that allow their music to affect the undead, and you have someone who can be very interesting to deal with...

Vampire shadowdancer sounds like overkill on the stealthy side.

Don't get too complicated for your first campaign (unless you really know how well you can handle stuff.) The PCs will make train wrecks of your plans anyway, so roll with the punches and just be prepared to have them obliterate your tough foes, run away in fear from your weak pushovers, have drinking contests with your teetotalers, and generally do their own thing at all times :)

Yeah I guess I bumped a little too soon lol.
Thanks for the input. The fighter orc has a good enough reason (I believe :/) to be serving the bbeg, but as for the inquisitor I haven't really fleshed that out yet, same for the vampire. Its a real work in progress and the players have a long time till they meet them (they are only level five and six) but I'd like to cement out who the big players are.

The bard idea is interesting and I'll have to ponder the matter more before I can give a definite yes or no. Thanks all the same :-)

However more input would be swell.

Well, the Vampire I would suggest being a Slayer or a Ninja if you're going for stealth.

And you have an Half-Orc fighter, a Vampire sneaky type, and an Inquisitor. I would suggest replacing the Inquisitor with a Cleric of Urgathoa. Can produce the same flavor, but can channel and act as a second "pool" of undead to command. (The thrall of my thrall are my thrall type stuff).

I also suggest that every mage have a "knight". And if you're going to be the next Tar Baphon in all the Lichy glory, a dhampir (moroi born) Anti Paladin would fit the bill as your BBEG's Darth Vader.

Kaelan Ashenveil wrote:

Well, the Vampire I would suggest being a Slayer or a Ninja if you're going for stealth.

And you have an Half-Orc fighter, a Vampire sneaky type, and an Inquisitor. I would suggest replacing the Inquisitor with a Cleric of Urgathoa. Can produce the same flavor, but can channel and act as a second "pool" of undead to command. (The thrall of my thrall are my thrall type stuff).

I also suggest that every mage have a "knight". And if you're going to be the next Tar Baphon in all the Lichy glory, a dhampir (moroi born) Anti Paladin would fit the bill as your BBEG's Darth Vader.

What exactly constitutes a "slayer"? An assassin?

I have been thinking of switching over to cleric for that very reason and because the inquisitors have some features that are going to be kind of useless/ sub par for this kind of guy. Also more spells would be kind of great for him.

As for the Anti-paladin type thing, i think a dhampir would work perfectly and could really strike some fear into my players.

Solid suggestion thanks. Anybody else?

only reading the word "Slayer", this come in my mind:
slayer = ranger, inquisitor

tonyz wrote:

I suggest a human bard, who's fallen hopelessly in love with one of the minions and serves the BBEG because that's the only way he/she can be close to the beloved object (who may or may not return the favor.) Give the bard a couple of feats that allow their music to affect the undead, and you have someone who can be very interesting to deal with...

I just noticed you mentioned some feat to affect the undead as a bard.

Which feats are those and where can i find them?

Orthodox Banjoist wrote:

only reading the word "Slayer", this come in my mind:

slayer = ranger, inquisitor

That would make sense, but in the game mastery guide book it has an npc listed as "slayer" and it is a rogue assassin

okay, so you anwered yourself :3

Liberty's Edge

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Ausk Valrosh wrote:
What exactly constitutes a "slayer"? An assassin?

Slayer is a class from the Advanced Class Guide, and the playtest of that. It's a mix of Rogue and Ranger and is very nice indeed, as classes go, though personally I'd stick with Antipaladin for a truly terrifying Vampire.

i agree with Deadmanwalking... an Vampire Antipaladin will be very great :)

as subordinates:

-Cleric -> as Tonyz said, a divine spellcaster could fit very well this role, could also have a lot of minions too.
-Thief/Assassin/Ranger -> this character probably will fit the role of spy.
-Bard -> this character will fit the role of Lurer.
-Inquisitor -> this character will fit the role of minion-attorney.

I just want to mention that if you're following Tar-Baphon as the example, your PCs should probably get involved when he start trying to conquer/unit the Orcs of Belzken. Such an event wouldn't go unnoticed by the rest of the world, especially since they've founded an entire nation to watch over his resting place and the centuries of warfare he caused made people...anxious.

Claxon wrote:
I just want to mention that if you're following Tar-Baphon as the example, your PCs should probably get involved when he start trying to conquer/unit the Orcs of Belzken. Such an event wouldn't go unnoticed by the rest of the world, especially since they've founded an entire nation to watch over his resting place and the centuries of warfare he caused made people...anxious.

I agree wholeheartedly. Last Wall is up in arms to defend from the growing horde of orcs, and that is their primary priority at the moment. The PC's are going to roll into Vigil next session to warn about a growing horde in Varisia. The adventurers are there to ask for aid, however the crusaders of Last Wall are already stretched thin due to the world wound to the north and the previously mentioned orcs.

This need for soldiers will send the group on a dragon age origins type quest to rally neighboring countries for support. The connection between the growing orc horde and the necromancer are not yet known to the world.

Have fun reskinning zombies.

For example, look at the Left 4 Dead series, and start building different kinds of zombies based off those looks. Ogre zombies could be reskinned as mutated human zombies. Give creatures other templates like Giant or Young, then reskin them to look like people.

I once created a young green dragon, zombified it, and then reskinned it as a bloated human, more balloon of gastrointestinal distress than human.

Let sentient undead have feats and work together. A band of ghouls with Pack Attack and/or Coordinated Maneuvers to just overwhelm combat lines would be plenty scary.

Wrong John Silver wrote:

Have fun reskinning zombies.

For example, look at the Left 4 Dead series, and start building different kinds of zombies based off those looks. Ogre zombies could be reskinned as mutated human zombies. Give creatures other templates like Giant or Young, then reskin them to look like people.

I once created a young green dragon, zombified it, and then reskinned it as a bloated human, more balloon of gastrointestinal distress than human.

Let sentient undead have feats and work together. A band of ghouls with Pack Attack and/or Coordinated Maneuvers to just overwhelm combat lines would be plenty scary.

At first I thought this was sarcastic with "have fun reskinning zombies" lol but in actuality that sounds like a pretty neat idea, would certainly help mix up the general sluggish meatbags presented in the bestiary!


I would think a powerful Necromancer would have a fair few apprentices and journeymen at his disposal. Give them some nasty support spells to help out the undead hordes. Perhaps a special group of battle clerics to tag along as well.

For the Orcs, they probably need a calvary wing so that could lead to a unique fighter/barbarian type. You might pull Goblins into it with a specialized group of Dire Bat cavalry or the like.

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A Witch with the gravewalking archetype could be another minion and provide extra magical back up as well to the lord. Although defining the relationship may between the two may be a need basis where one gets someone from each other like access to more magical knowledge and rituals in return for magical support and divinations or maybe she is a consort?

Motiviation is harder and fickle to create than the actual minions. But this is what gives them a drive, a reason to go forward as well as a personality.

Other nice ideas would be evil clerics and antipaladin whoc both have archetypes related to undead. A vivisectionist alchemist with mummification discoveries can also be a nice match where he is afascinated by death and wishes to observe/learn first hand the effect of such changes.

Ausk Valrosh wrote:
Wrong John Silver wrote:

Have fun reskinning zombies.

For example, look at the Left 4 Dead series, and start building different kinds of zombies based off those looks. Ogre zombies could be reskinned as mutated human zombies. Give creatures other templates like Giant or Young, then reskin them to look like people.

I once created a young green dragon, zombified it, and then reskinned it as a bloated human, more balloon of gastrointestinal distress than human.

Let sentient undead have feats and work together. A band of ghouls with Pack Attack and/or Coordinated Maneuvers to just overwhelm combat lines would be plenty scary.

At first I thought this was sarcastic with "have fun reskinning zombies" lol but in actuality that sounds like a pretty neat idea, would certainly help mix up the general sluggish meatbags presented in the bestiary!


Thank you! Here are some possible alternate zombies to fill out the ranks of a zombie horde. Note that the basic look assumes they all look like humans, just gravely misshapen:

Bloat: The aforementioned green dragon zombie (make it a plague zombie). This zombie has a particularly pustulent gut, causing the corpse to expand like a balloon and allow it to float clumsily in the air. It constantly emits a barrage of disgusting retching sounds and smells.

Tongue: Fast sticky-limb boggard zombie. This zombie makes regular gagging noises, possesses a preternatural quickness, and secretes a jelly-like sticky slime, giving it a glistening sheen. It is known from climbing walls without effort, jumping from great heights, and shooting forth a large, distended tongue to ensnare opponents, grapple them, and hold them for the rest of the horde to surround the target.

Charger: Young Pachycephalosaurus fast zombie. This zombie's head is thickened and flattened, almost fused to its neck and shoulders, with extensive bony growth and impacting. It hides somewhere, and runs straight for its opponent like a battering ram, slamming and tossing them around.

Thank you! Here are some possible alternate zombies to fill out the ranks of a zombie horde. Note that the basic look assumes they all look like humans, just gravely misshapen:

Bloat: The aforementioned green dragon zombie (make it a plague zombie). This zombie has a particularly pustulent gut, causing the corpse to expand like a balloon and allow it to float clumsily in the air. It constantly emits a barrage of disgusting retching sounds and smells.

Tongue: Fast sticky-limb boggard zombie. This zombie makes regular gagging noises, possesses a preternatural quickness, and secretes a jelly-like sticky slime, giving it a glistening sheen. It is known from climbing walls without effort, jumping from great heights, and shooting forth a large, distended tongue to ensnare opponents, grapple them, and hold them for the rest of the horde to surround the target.

Charger: Young Pachycephalosaurus fast zombie. This zombie's head is thickened and flattened, almost fused to its neck and shoulders, with extensive bony growth and impacting. It hides somewhere, and runs straight for its opponent like a battering ram,...

I've thinking of including some sort of experimenter type necro guy to be a subordinate but I havent really fleshed anything out, he was just a thought but if he does get included I will be sure to use some of those :D

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I'd have a powerful NPC the pcs become established to get turned into an undead (say vampire) and attempt to control an area/organisation through them. Rumours could gradually spread of their strange behaviour, personality change and then darker, more sinister stories...

The pcs themselves could be asked to perform strange missions only to be opposed by 'the good guys'...

Chillsabre wrote:

A Witch with the gravewalking archetype could be another minion and provide extra magical back up as well to the lord. Although defining the relationship may between the two may be a need basis where one gets someone from each other like access to more magical knowledge and rituals in return for magical support and divinations or maybe she is a consort?

Motiviation is harder and fickle to create than the actual minions. But this is what gives them a drive, a reason to go forward as well as a personality.

Other nice ideas would be evil clerics and antipaladin whoc both have archetypes related to undead. A vivisectionist alchemist with mummification discoveries can also be a nice match where he is afascinated by death and wishes to observe/learn first hand the effect of such changes.

Ive never really considered the witch before. But if i do use it (and i think i might) I will have her working closely with the undead lord cleric (previously talked about as an inquisitor but i like this better), and they can serve to bolster the undead horde and keep it growing. They could really put the pressure on the players. However, her being a consort on a need basis could be interesting as well, more things to think about XD

The motivation factor is something I try to figure out for the major subordinates, and after a bit of deliberation i usually make it sound okay.

I'm planning on including an Anti-Paladin now but as for archetypes relating to undead, i was unaware that the Anti-Paladin had any archetypes.

The alchemist is something I will have to look in to, because i have never really been too fond of the class as a whole, but it sounds interesting enough.

strayshift wrote:

I'd have a powerful NPC the pcs become established to get turned into an undead (say vampire) and attempt to control an area/organisation through them. Rumours could gradually spread of their strange behaviour, personality change and then darker, more sinister stories...

The pcs themselves could be asked to perform strange missions only to be opposed by 'the good guys'...

Nice! That could very well happen, it would be hard for me to pull off but dammit if i don't try!

If creating zombies or ghouls, try having them been important figures, that could make a good dramatic creepy scene. Imagine npcs from a camp they visited, all ghouls in service to the bbeg.

I whipped up a ghoul cleric from the Darklands ghoul city, who serves as an adviser and diplomat.

Hapunseneb was an Osirian adventurer and cleric of Pharasma who fell over two centuries ago while exploring ancient Jistkan ruins in the darklands of Sekamina. Dying in a bed of lazurite, instead of continuing on to the Boneyard he rose again as wretched ghoul. He wandered starving and mad until he stumbled upon the city Nemret Noktoria, necropolis of the ghoul civilization. The ghouls there welcomed him and fed him well from among their slave stock. Eventually, they wooed Hapunseneb into the worship of the demon lord Kabriri, whom he has since come to follow with fervant devotion.

A master linguist, he is often sent out by the masters of Nemret Noktoria as an adviser and emissary to the surface world. He has spent time in Osirion, Thuvia, Geb and Katapesh. In those cities unwelcoming to ghouls, he uses makeup and heavy clothing to cover his ghoulish pallor and masquerades as a priest of Pharasma. His latest assignment, as emissary to the rising power of the necromancer in the Hold of Belkzen, is by far his least favorite as he detests living in the orc nation. He refuses to learn their language and takes a perverse delight in crafting servants from their corpses. However, his favored servant is a burning Yeti skeletion he acquired while exploring the mindspin mountains.

Hapunseneb has a keen mind and is careful to keep himself well informed of his opponents activities, often using necromantic magic like speak with dead or divination magic like detect thoughts.

Hapuseneb the Ghoul Cleric, CR 6:

Male Ghoul undead 2 / cleric 6
CE Medium undead
Init +1, Senses darkvision (60 ft.); Perception +16
AC 25, touch 14, flat-footed 24 (+7 armor, +3 deflection, +1 Dex, +2 natural, +2 shield)
hp 77 ((2d8)+(6d8)+40)
Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +13
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2
Immune undead traits; Resist fire 10
Speed 20 ft.
Melee bite +9 (1d6+4 plus paralysis) and claw +9/+9 (1d6+4 plus disease and paralysis)
Melee flail +1 +10 (1d8+5) and bite +4 (1d6+2 plus paralysis)
Melee silver dagger +9 (1d4+3/19-20) and bite +4 (1d6+2 plus paralysis)
Ranged light crossbow +6 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks channel negative energy (3d6, dc 17, 7/day), paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC 15, elves are immune to this effect)

Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +11)
At will—lore keeper, remote viewing (6 rounds/day)
8/day-bleeding touch (3 rounds)

Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 6th; concentration +11)
3rd-animate dead, bestow curse(DC 19), blindness/deafness(DC 19), wind wall
2nd-bull's strength, death knell(DC 18), detect thoughts(DC 17), resist energy, silence (DC 17)
1st-bane(DC 16), cause fear(DC 17), detect good, ray of sickening, shield of faith
0th-bleed(DC 16), detect magic, guidance, read magic
*:Domain spell.
Deity Kabriri; Domains Death, Knowledge
Before Combat Hapunseneb uses detect thoughts and remote viewing to learn as much about his opponents as possible. Before combat, he casts shield of faith, bull's strength, and resist energy (typically fire, unless he knows his opponents to use another energy type). He typically has 2 bloody
During Combat Hapunseneb will use blindness/deafness and silence on known wizards or clerics, and bestow curse on fighters. He will attempt to eliminate enemy clerics first, seeing them as the greatest threat.
Base Statistics without his spells, Hapunseneb has Resist - ; AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21; Melee bite +7 (1d6+2 plus disease and paralysis) and claw +7/+7 (1d6+2 plus paralysis); Melee flail +1 +8 (1d8+3) and bite +2 (1d6+1 plus disease and paralysis); Melee silver dagger +7 (1d4+1/19-20) and bite +2 (1d6+1 plus disease and paralysis); Str 14; CMB +9; CMD 18; Skills Climb +6, Swim +0
Str 18, Dex 12, Con *, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 18
Base Atk +5; CMB +11; CMD 23
Feats Command Undead, Selective Channeling, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Toughness
Skills Acrobatics -1, Climb +8, Disguise +9, Diplomacy +13, Knowledge (Religion) +11, Linguistics +11, Perception +16, Sense Motive +14, Stealth +2, Swim +2
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Jistka, Kelish, Necril, Common, Orvian, Osiriani, Undercommon
SQ aura
Combat Gear scroll of eagle's splendor, scroll of protection from good
Other Gear flail +1, agile breastplate +1, mwk. heavy steel shield, scroll case, pouch (belt), light crossbow with 20 bolts, silver dagger, backpack, bedroll, waterskin, holy text (cheap), flint and steel, pot (iron), mess kit, rope (hemp/50 ft.), soap (per lb.), spell component pouch, wooden unholy symbol of Kabriri, wooden holy symbol of Pharasma, rations (trail/per day) (5), candle (10), torch (10), 300 gp in onyx gems, priest's outfit, 79.0 gp
Disease (Su) Ghoul Fever: Bite--injury; save Fort DC 15; onset 1 day; frequency 1 day; effect 1d3 Con and 1d3 Dex damage; cure 2 consecutive saves.

Yeti Burning Skeleton:

Male Yeti undead 6
NE Large undead
Init +6, Senses darkvision (60 ft.); Perception +0
Aura fiery aura (1d6)
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 shield, -1 size )
hp 33 (6d8+6)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +5
DR5/bludgeoning; Immunity fire, undead traits
Vulnerability vulnerability to cold
Speed 40 ft. Climb 30 ft.
Melee heavy mace +7/+2 (2d6+6 plus 1d6 fire)
Melee claw +7/+7 (1d6+4 plus 1d6 fire)
Space 10 ft. Reach 10 ft.

Str 19, Dex 14, Con *, Int *, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +4; CMB +8; CMD 20
Feats Improved Initiative
SQ fiery death (3d6, DC 14)
Other Gear chain shirt, heavy mace, heavy wooden shield
Fiery Aura (Ex) Creatures adjacent to a burning skeleton take 1d6 points of fire damage at the start of their turn. Anyone striking a burning skeleton with an unarmed strike or natural attack takes 1d6 points of fire damage.

Fiery Death (Su) A burning skeleton explodes into a burst of flame when it dies.

Tangaroa wrote:

I whipped up a ghoul cleric from the Darklands ghoul city, who serves as an adviser and diplomat.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

Wow thanks for putting time into that guys creation and back story. I'll have to use him out of principal XD. But seriously he sounds like an interesting enemy to pit against my players. He will more than likely go down as a more memorable fight!

No problem, I enjoy it.

Saw a slight error I made. Yeti Burning Skeleton is one-handing the mace, and should be: heavy mace +7/+2 (2d6+4 plus 1d6 fire)

So I do believe I have a better idea of who the big boys are in this campaign:

The Necromancer himself

Livia Coldheart (level 13 half orc fighter): the face of the uniting orc armies, Livia has agreed to do as the necromancer commands so that her orc brethren may gain the power necessary to claim the nation of last wall and to see to it that her people stay united.

Name not yet determined (level 13 human vampire anti paladin): serves as the necromancer's right hand man, body guard, and executionor. This man used to be a loyal servant to The Whispering Tyrant back during his reign, and was entombed outside of the Gallowspire. The necromancer discovered him and freed him from his tomb and once he described his ambitions, the vampire gladly swore an oath of loyalty to the necromancer to proudly serve him until the fateful day that Tar Baphon walks the earth again.

Cenazar (human level 1 barb 10 undead lord cleric): Cenazar lives for the dead. As a youth his family was taken from him so he turned to the pallid prince to bring them back, but before completing his rites he discovered letters indicating his familie's history of greed and deceit, he abandoned the goal of reviving his family. He wiped his hands on humanity and sees the dead as perfect people, they cannot betray, they cannot hatch schemes (unintelligent undead of course) they want for nothing but to feed. After a chance encounter with the necromancer, Cenazar has offered his arm to his cause; a cause he believes will better the world.

After those guys I'm having trouble thinking of more nefarious big bad subordinates, the only other thing I've got is that they all communicate via a network of shadowdancers whose stealth is beyond compare. But I haven't really fleshed that one out too well.

Is this too much? Is this too little? Is there something I should be doing differently/ would make more sense? Any input good or bad would be solid for me. Thanks in advance

Depending on what level you start the campaign, you may want lower level bosses as well. You don't have to flesh everyone out yet--let that organically grow with the campaign. Focus on who the PCs will interact with. There may be low-level henchmen elsewhere in the world, but if they are like Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Film, you don't need much more than a basic name. If the PCs decide that Sir NAITF must die, then you can develop the character further for adventures.

Wrong John Silver wrote:
Depending on what level you start the campaign, you may want lower level bosses as well. You don't have to flesh everyone out yet--let that organically grow with the campaign. Focus on who the PCs will interact with. There may be low-level henchmen elsewhere in the world, but if they are like Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Film, you don't need much more than a basic name. If the PCs decide that Sir NAITF must die, then you can develop the character further for adventures.

Well the thing is... This campaign started a year ago lol. This is my first attempt (and all of my Friend's first time rping) my friends are only level 5-6 ATM and the undead threat has just revealed itself and is taking control of varisia. I have a lot of in game time before they meet any of these guys which is why I'll have to flesh out some other people who are more level appropriate. Maybe do the whole henchman of a henchman thing but idk, its a living work of progress lol

The reason I want to flesh out the big guys now is so I can plan on how their presence will be felt throughout the campaign.

Silver Crusade

Crane Style monk that became disillusioned with the monk way of life. Still lawful, mind you, just now he's LN falling towards LE. BBEG took him in. He doesn't call Crane Style "Crane Style" anymore, but that's how he fights. Slow, deliberate, defensively.

A monk can have the full Crane chain at level 7th, so make him your Level 7ish BBEG. Burn a feat to get him EWP 9 Section Whip. Make him a Sensei monk, using Wisdom as attack and he can inspire competence on his mook buddies.

Human Dodge
1 Crane Style
1B Combat Reflexes or Deflect Arrows
3 EWP 9 Section Whip
5 Crane Wing
7 Crane Riposte

EDIT: Sensei loses 6th level bonus feat.

Brad McDowell wrote:

Crane Style monk that became disillusioned with the monk way of life. Still lawful, mind you, just now he's LN falling towards LE. BBEG took him in. He doesn't call Crane Style "Crane Style" anymore, but that's how he fights. Slow, deliberate, defensively.

A monk can have the full Crane chain at level 7th, so make him your Level 7ish BBEG. Burn a feat to get him EWP 9 Section Whip. Make him a Sensei monk, using Wisdom as attack and he can inspire competence on his mook buddies.

Human Dodge
1 Crane Style
1B Combat Reflexes or Deflect Arrows
3 EWP 9 Section Whip
5 Crane Wing
7 Crane Riposte

EDIT: Sensei loses 6th level bonus feat.

Just so you're aware, Crane Style got nerfed hard. It no longer funcitons like it use to.

Brad McDowell wrote:

Crane Style monk that became disillusioned with the monk way of life. Still lawful, mind you, just now he's LN falling towards LE. BBEG took him in. He doesn't call Crane Style "Crane Style" anymore, but that's how he fights. Slow, deliberate, defensively.

A monk can have the full Crane chain at level 7th, so make him your Level 7ish BBEG. Burn a feat to get him EWP 9 Section Whip. Make him a Sensei monk, using Wisdom as attack and he can inspire competence on his mook buddies.

Human Dodge
1 Crane Style
1B Combat Reflexes or Deflect Arrows
3 EWP 9 Section Whip
5 Crane Wing
7 Crane Riposte

EDIT: Sensei loses 6th level bonus feat.

This idea could be fun as my group scoffs at monks (because no one has been able to build one well enough) so this could be a wake up call, plus it'd be a good bad guy to throw at them, I'll figure out how to work him in there

Claxon wrote:
Brad McDowell wrote:

Crane Style monk that became disillusioned with the monk way of life. Still lawful, mind you, just now he's LN falling towards LE. BBEG took him in. He doesn't call Crane Style "Crane Style" anymore, but that's how he fights. Slow, deliberate, defensively.

A monk can have the full Crane chain at level 7th, so make him your Level 7ish BBEG. Burn a feat to get him EWP 9 Section Whip. Make him a Sensei monk, using Wisdom as attack and he can inspire competence on his mook buddies.

Human Dodge
1 Crane Style
1B Combat Reflexes or Deflect Arrows
3 EWP 9 Section Whip
5 Crane Wing
7 Crane Riposte

EDIT: Sensei loses 6th level bonus feat.

Just so you're aware, Crane Style got nerfed hard. It no longer funcitons like it use to.

I'm just gonna use it as it says in my ultimate combat book. :p doesn't sound too over powered

Its not like that monk will make all that much difference, he's low level and not central to the story and stuff. He'll be an interesting diversion.

I builded a vampire antipaladin focused on grapple / blood drain in the past. It was terrifying and broken as hell. If you want something that can stand in a solo fight, this kind of brute is just an atrocity.

Kelazan wrote:
I builded a vampire antipaladin focused on grapple / blood drain in the past. It was terrifying and broken as hell. If you want something that can stand in a solo fight, this kind of brute is just an atrocity.

Do you still have the stats (the same idea went through my head earlier :D)'ll want a cult somewhere in there, methinks. One of those cheesy pulp movie cults, with the chanting and the robes and the candles/incense and the curvy sacrificial knives. Just a bunch of disillusioned NPC class nobodies, swayed by the slick words of of one of the Necro's mid-level bootlicks - Bard comes to mind.

I've been thinking about a lower level bard guy. I know the cultists of the whispering way were fleshed out in the 6th book of the Carrion Crown AP, but they are a bit high leveled, so I'll have to run with a different cult type thing.

Maybe the bard should be part cleric, maybe a monstorous race of sorts.

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I could whip up a half orc or human dirge bard. He would be very, very intimidating. Level?

Make him like 8th or so? Thanks man, saves me loads of time.

Actually I want him to be level 10 so he too can animate the dead but I want him to have some debilitating features that could knock his CR down the 7 or 8 range.

You can steal one of my villains if you want, she isn't statted out at high level, but the idea is a Human Cleric of Lamashtu who is obsessed with creating new monsters, turning people into demons and undead, and creating templated monsters through breeding. Cleric is a strong class, in my game she is usually hindered by having hostages she doesn't want to kill (she wants to turn them into monsters!), but if the PCs are high enough level the fights in fog trying to find the source of the channeling are fun.

Gregory Connolly wrote:
You can steal one of my villains if you want, she isn't statted out at high level, but the idea is a Human Cleric of Lamashtu who is obsessed with creating new monsters, turning people into demons and undead, and creating templated monsters through breeding. Cleric is a strong class, in my game she is usually hindered by having hostages she doesn't want to kill (she wants to turn them into monsters!), but if the PCs are high enough level the fights in fog trying to find the source of the channeling are fun.

Hey man, any and all content from other people is something I can appreciate :D I'd love to see some stats

All right then, here she is.


"Mama" Human Female Cleric of Lamashtu 10

Str 12 +1
Dex 8 -1
Con 14 +2
Int 10 +0
Wis 18 +4
Cha 14 +2

Fort +11 Ref +5 Will +13 (+15 vs charm and compulsion)

AC 26 Touch 10 Flat Footed 26

CMB + 8 CMD 17

Traits: Deft Dodger, Birthmark

Skills: Perception +14, Knowledge (Religion) +13

Feats: Heavy Armor Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Construct, Quicken Spell

Domains: Madness, Deception

Powers: Channel Negative Energy 5/day 7d6 DC 17 will half, Vision of Madness 7/day, Sudden Shift 7/day, Master's Illusion 10 rounds/day, Aura of Madness 10 rounds/day, Aura

Spells: Well she is a Cleric and not really sane so this will vary from day to day. In general she will memorize some healing but not much, lots of Obscuring Mist or Darkness types of effects, and some quickened 1st level spells in 5th level slots.

Gear: Full Plate +1, Tower Shield +1, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Ring of Protection +1, Cloak of Resistance +2, Phylactery of Negative Channeling, mundane things as appropriate.

She is obsessed with birthing new and more grotesque monsters. She thinks that if she is evil enough and causes enough chaos that Lamashtu will reward her by making her a powerful and unique demon.

She is usually surrounded by and sending out to find more victims various constructs, undead, demons, evil humans and monsters of every description.

Silver Crusade

And for lack of a better name...



"Brother" Half-Elf Male Monk (Sensei) 8
Str 14 +2
Dex 15 +2
Con 14 +2
Int 7 -2
Wis 20 +5
Cha 7 -2
Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +14
AC 23 Touch 20 Flat Footed 23
CMB + 13 CMD 28
Combat: 9 Section Whip +12/+7, 1d8+2 or unarmed strike +12/+7, 1d10+2
Skills: Acrobatics, Perception +14, Knowledge (Religion) +13, Stealth
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Dodge, Deflect Arrows, Crane Style, Crane Wing, Crane Riposte
Powers: Advice (Inspire courage, inspire competence), Insightful Strike, Manuever Training, Still Mind, Ki Pool (9), Purity of Body, Mystic Wisdom, Wholeness of Body
Spells: Barkskin, Scorching Ray
Gear: Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Ring of Protection +1, Cloak of Resistance +1, Masterwork 9 Section Whip, mundane things as appropriate.
Tactics: First round of combat, Brother will swift action activate Crane Style, move action inspire courage, and standard action cast Barkskin on himself. Second round, Brother will Scorching Ray the 2 closest enemies to him. He will then inspire his minions to flank the closest target to Brother, while he fights defensively on the fringes of the battle. Fighting defensively, he takes an attack penalty of 1 to gain an AC bonus of 5. A proud warrior, Brother fights to the death.

Thanks guys I'll be sure to show these characters some love. It will make for a couple interesting encounters :)

Dirge bard cultist. Her charmed pet wight fighter is frightening.

Rossa is a Varisian woman with an unfortunate obsession with death, acquired after seeing her caravan family slaughtered by orcs at a young age. Taken in and raised by the necromancer, she has served as his spy and lover, but ultimately she serves herself. She relishes the challenge of infiltrating neighboring kingdoms and corrupting their leaders and citizens into the worship of evil gods. She also enjoys manipulating the lesser undead using her bardic powers, controlling or enchanting them into her bidding. Her current bodyguard is a charmed wight of truly terrifying fighting ability, whom she keeps secured in he cult headquarters in case of emergency.

Rossa Ambray CR 7:

Female Human dirge bard 8
NE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2, Senses Perception +11
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 52 ((8d8)+16)
Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +9, +4 vs. fear, energy drain, death effects, necromantic effects

Speed 60 ft.
Melee dagger +1 +11/+6 (1d4+2/19-20)
Ranged dagger +10/+5 (1d4+1/19-20)
Special Attacks bardic performance 22 rounds/day (move action; countersong, dirge of doom, distraction, fascinate, inspire competence +3, inspire courage +2, suggestion)

Bard Spells Known (CL 8th; concentration +12)
3rd(3/day)-charm monster(DC 18), fear(DC 18), haste
2nd(5/day)-blindness/deafness(DC 17), command undead, heroism, mirror image, scare(DC 17)
1st(5/day)-cure light wounds(DC 15), disguise self, expeditious retreat, hideous laughter(DC 16), ray of enfeeblement(DC 16), undetectable alignment(DC 15)
0th(at will)-dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound(DC 14), message, prestidigitation, read magic

Before Combat Rossa casts undetectable alignment each day. She prefers to avoid combat if possible, using deception and disguise to act the innocent whenever possible. If she expects combat, she will cast mirror image, heroism and expeditious retreat on herself, and heroism on her undead ally (normally heroism doesn't affect the undead, but Rossa's dirge bard powers allow this use of the spell)
During Combat Rossa prefers to divide and debilitate her enemies and aid her allies. She will cast haste and begin a dirge of doom first; the next round she will use a fear spell on heavily armored foes. She will direct her allies to attacks paladins, wizards and clerics first, fearing their power. She prefers not to engage in physical combat, but if cornered she will use arcane strike (already factored into her stats). She will flee or surrender (using a scroll of invisibility) if reduced below 20 hp.
Base Statistics If she doesn't have time to prepare, Rossa has Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +7; Speed 30 ft.; Melee dagger +1 +9/+4 (1d4+2/19-20); Ranged dagger +8/+3 (1d4+1/19-20) , Skills 2 lower
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +6; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Arcane Strike, Deceitful, Spell Focus (Necromancy, Enchantment), Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +12, Bluff +19, Disguise +19, Intimidate (to demoralize) +23, Knowledge (other) +8, Knowledge (Religion) +19, Perception +13, Perform (Percussion Instruments) +19, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +15, Stealth +12
Languages Common, Necril, Orc, Varisian
SQ armored casting, bardic knowledge +4, haunted eyes, haunting refrain (-2 against bard's fear saves), secrets of the grave
Combat Gear scroll (cat's grace), scroll (freedom of movement), scroll (invisibility) (2), scroll (see invisibility), antitoxin, dust of tracelessness, elixir of tumbling
Other Gear dagger +1, cloak of resistance +1, mithral shirt +1, outfit (scholar's), scroll case (2), masterwork musical instrument (drums), rope (silk/50 ft.), pouch (belt), backpack, bedroll, soap (per lb.), waterskin, flint and steel, ink (1 oz. vial), inkpen, journal, mess kit, mirror (small/steel), dagger (4), musical instrument (drums), disguise kit, torch (10), rations (trail/per day) (5), 38.8 gp
Bardic Knowledge (Ex) You add half your level to all Knowledge checks and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.

Haunted Eyes (Ex) At 2nd level, a dirge bard gains a +4 bonus on saves against fear, energy drain, death effects, and necromantic effects. This ability replaces well-versed.

Haunting Refrain (Su) You are able to stir primal terrors in the hearts of listeners. You can use a Perform (keyboard) or Perform (percussion) check in place of an Intimidate check to demoralize an opponent, with a bonus equal to half your level. In addition, saving throws against any fear effect you create are made with a -2 penalty.

Secrets of the Grave (Ex) You gain a +4 bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks made to identify undead creatures and their abilities. You may use mind-affecting spells to affect undead as if they were living creatures, even if they are mindless (though spells that affect only humanoids do not affect them, even if they were humanoids in life). In addition, you may add one necromancy spell from the spell list of any arcane spellcasting class to your list of spells known at 2nd level and every four levels thereafter.

Xil'den CR 6:

Male Wight undead 4 / fighter 3
LE Medium undead
Init +2, Senses darkvision (60 ft.); Perception +17
AC 29, touch 14, flat-footed 25 (+9 armor, +2 Dex, +2 dodge, +4 natural, +2 shield)
hp 65 ((4d8)+(3d10)+31)
Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9, +1 Will vs. fear
Immunities undead traits
Vulnerabilities resurrection vulnerability
Speed 40 ft.
Melee longsword +1 +16/+16/11 (1d8+6/19-20 plus energy drain)
Melee slam +13/+13 (1d4+7 plus energy drain)
Special Attacks create spawn, energy drain (1 level, DC 16)
Before Combat Xil'den receives haste and heroism from Rossa, and drinks a potion of bull's strength
During Combat Xil'den will attack the strongest combatant, or whomever he is directed to attack by Rossa.
Base Statistics Without spells, Xil'den has: AC 28, touch 13; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +7, +1 Will vs. fear; Speed 20 ft.; Melee longsword +1 +11/6 (1d8+4/19-20 plus energy drain); Melee slam +9/4 (1d4+3 plus energy drain)Str 16; CMB +9; CMD 22; Skills Intimidate +11, Perception +15, Stealth +12
Str 20, Dex 14, Con *, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 18
Base Atk +6; CMB +11; CMD 25
Feats Blind-Fight, Dodge, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Focus (Longsword)
Skills Intimidate +13, Perception +17, Stealth +14
Languages Common
SQ armor training, bravery
Combat Gear potion of bull's strength,
Other Gear longsword +1, masterwork full plate, mwk. heavy steel shield, pouch (belt), backpack, rope (hemp/50 ft.), 212.05 gp
Create Spawn (Su) Any humanoid creature that is slain by a wight becomes a wight itself in only 1d4 rounds.

Energy Drain (Su) You sap a living opponent's vital energy automatically when your melee or ranged attack hits.

Resurrection Vulnerability (Su) A raise dead or similar spell cast on a wight destroys it (Will negates). Using the spell in this way does not require a material component.

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