Tower shield


Dark Archive

I was trying to build a tower shield fighter and was a little confused about how to calculate the armor class bonus for the tower shield. It says that it is 4^3? This seems like it would be a little too good...and in pathfinder that usually means it isn't correct. But if it is only +4 I don't really see the benefit of taking the -10 penalty if a heavy steel shield is +2 with only a -2 ACP. Does anyone know how to correctly calculate this?

Shadow Lodge

Its +4 and can instead of giving the bonus to AC can grant cover.

Daedalaman's information is right and all I really have to add is helping with what I think might have tripped you up about the tower shield chart entry.

gutter princess wrote:
...It says that it is 4^3??

The "3" there is a superscript. It basically says "hey, there is additional information about this down below." When I look on, these notes are below the "Extras" table, right below the "Shields" table. The note for "3" reads: "A tower shield can instead grant you cover. See the description."

Dark Archive

yeah thanks. I saw that after I posted this question :)

Shadow Lodge

Also remember that the -10 is only while wielding the tower shield. If you have it effectively stowed the only penalties you take would be ones brought on by the weight of the object.

Scarab Sages

The ability to grant total cover is very useful, beyond the potential of +4 AC. This can stop any ranged attack, which a normal shield cannot do. It can be invaluable if you are storming a castle.

Think about it this way: if you don't care about the ACP, then using a tower shield is better than using the Combat Expertise feat, and if you are a Fighter, using a tower shield does not cost you any feat.

An don't forget that there are feats that further increase the AC of the shield that the fighter has easiest access to.

Historically a tower shield is a portable wall use by conscript two hand held to provide cover for archer. Now u can do it whit only a -10 acp and a weapon in ur main hand hacking (at-2 hit). This is quite a feat of strenght and skill. +4 ac ... shield bash is impossible (then there is an archetype that acheive this proesse i believe).

A stick to hold the shield, turn invisible and you have a round or two distraction to close in whit the frail caster freely ;)

Tower Shield reads now as +4 to AC, +2 Max Dex and -10 to Armor Check Penalty. Another little wrinkle with a Tower Shield is you take a minus to hit hit. My advice is take The Tower Shield Specialist archtype out of Ultimate Combat. By fifth you have gotten rid of most of the penalties for having a Tower Shield.

Derek Dalton wrote:
Another little wrinkle with a Tower Shield is you take a minus to hit hit.

Having proficiency in tower shields removes this penalty. It's sort of odd that the tower shield entry is written assuming you are not proficient in it, instead of stating the penalty to attack is merely the case if you use one without proficiency (as is generally the case).

So if you don't care about your armor check penalty, "Tower Shield Proficiency" gets you an extra +2 Shield Bonus to AC over a heavy shield, which is a bigger improvement for 1 feat than Dodge (though Dodge is a prerequisite for a bunch of stuff and Dodge bonuses stack.)

PossibleCabbage wrote:
Derek Dalton wrote:
Another little wrinkle with a Tower Shield is you take a minus to hit hit.
Having proficiency in tower shields removes this penalty. It's sort of odd that the tower shield entry is written assuming you are not proficient in it, instead of stating the penalty to attack is merely the case if you use one without proficiency (as is generally the case).

No, it isn't written like that at all. The -2 to hit the tower shield gives applies to both proficient and non-proficient users. Non-proficient users have an additional penalty from the armor check penalty.

When employing a tower shield in combat, you take a –2 penalty on attack rolls because of the shield's encumbrance.

You get a -2 penalty from the encumbrance of the shield, not the proficiency. The phalanx soldier fighter archtype has an ability that reduces both if you need more evidence. Also the tower shield specialist fighter archtype.

Deft Shield (Ex): At 7th level, the armor check penalty from a shield and the attack roll penalty are reduced by –1 for a phalanx soldier using a tower shield. At 11th level, these penalties are reduced by –2. This ability replaces armor training 2 and 3.

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