Subject says it all - any feats, traits, archetypes, etc. which allow a non arcane caster to have an arcane bonded item?
Eldritch Heritage Feat, Arcane Bloodline.
Thought you couldn't do anything with it really.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
There is a rogue archetype that grants a familiar as well if that is the part you are looking for.
P33J wrote: Eldritch Heritage Feat, Arcane Bloodline.
Thought you couldn't do anything with it really.
You can still enchant it as normal if you are of a race that has a SLA with a Caster level = to character level.
No, not wanting a familiar; looking for an arcane bonded item, for a divine caster.
And the eldritch heritage feat is the current only option I know of, hoping for an alternative. Two feats to grab it is overly expensive.
Skirnir or Soul Forger Magus, Bonded Witch, and Arcane Duelist Bard all get bonded items, but they are still arcane casters.
well, until you think about the feat you take to get access to it is Skill Focus any knowledge. Depending on the party make up, you could fill a lot of gaps with a few ranks in that skill and the feat.
Just so I'm clear you think spending 2 feats is too much in return for +3 to a skill (eventually +6), an extra spell of your highest level every day that you don't have to choose in advance, and a discount of 50% on your most expensive item and the ability to freely choose exactly what it is, and would like to do it in one feat instead?
for only one feat you can take the crafting feat for your item. Extra bonus of crafting other items as well.
Seriphim84 wrote: for only one feat you can take the crafting feat for your item. Extra bonus of crafting other items as well. Only if you have a racial SLA that scales in caster level, otherwise it's 2 feats. The first of which can't be taken before 5th level.
I think the goal is to have an item that can be enchanted without having to take arcane spellcasting. I'm guessing it's to have a magic weapon at 50% cost and a full BAB.
However, an even cheaper solution would be to travel with a spellcaster who can enchant magic weapons for you. Being nice to your party will earn you far more than any feat will.
Actually, it is not at all for that type of optimization, and wholly for the optimization of concept (rather than optimizing mechanics)...
As to eldritch heritage being worth the feat cost, it totally is. But that doesn't mitigate the fact that in many builds, including mine, two feats is overly expensive.