Stacking AC bonuses

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My current DM is saying that a character can't wear both a regular armor, and an amulet of nat ac saying that the amulet puts barkskin on you which keeps one from gaining the bonus with armor. I informed him that NA AC is a type(and the amulet doesn't put barkskin on you), and that since it is a different type, they stack. Mind if you all chip in with your proofs. Insofar my list of types goes as thus.

Ability Modifier
Alchemical Bonus
Armor Bonus
Circumstance Bonus
Competence Modifier
Deflection Bonus
Dodge Bonus
Divine Bonus***only granted by deities
Enhancement Bonus
Epic Bonus***only granted in epic levels
Exalted Bonus***only granted by an exalted character putting the bonus on an item
Inherent bonus***gained from wishes
Insight Bonus
Luck Modifier
Morale Modifier
Natural Armor Bonus
Perfection Bonus***DM specific and usually only celestials get that
Profane Modifier***does not stack with sacred
Racial Bonus
Resistance Bonus
Sacred Modifier***does not stack with profane
Shield Bonus
Size Modifier
Untyped Bonus

Let me know if I missed any, and if I'm right, or if he is, under the pathfinder rule sets. And when you do, please give the actual book and page number so it can be referenced.

Scarab Sages

Amulet of Natural Armor provides an enhancement bonus to natural armor. Not only does it stack with your armor bonus and the enhancement bonus on your armor, it would stack with any natural armor your character may have.

Your list looks fairly inclusive. I don't see anything obvious left out.

Grand Lodge

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Then no creature of his with Natural Armor can gain any benefit from armor, ever.

Of course, that is not how it works.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Your list looks good but here are a few points.

Inherent Bonus do not only come from wishes, but they do not affect Armor Class. An Inherent bonus is a permanent bonus to your ability scores that caps at 5 and does not stack with other Inherent bonuses to the same ability score.

Resistance bonuses also only affect Saving Throws.

Alchemical, Circumstance, Competence, and Morale bonuses also do not usually affect Armor Class.

You may have just presented this list as a list of all the bonus types but since the thread has to deal with Armor Class bonuses I thought I would point that out to you.

Here is a good resource for the main bonus types and how and when to use them. #_bonus-types

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

You can have an Enhancement Bonus to Armor, Shield, and Natural Armor.

So you can have a +1 Shield, +1 Armor, and +1 Amulet of Natural Armor, for an additional 3 AC on top of any Shield, Amror and Natural Armor you have.


Hendelbolaf wrote:

Here is a good resource for the main bonus types and how and when to use them.


Sovereign Court

Is "divine" even a bonus type these days? I thought that was covered by sacred/profane.

Also, I'm not sure Morale and Insight are bonus types that apply to AC. They're bonus types, but not all bonus types can be applied to AC.

Shadow Lodge

I don't think the list was meant as being specific to AC, just that those are all different types that would stack.

I'm aware that they stack, but my DM doesn't accept my explanation, so books and page numbers would be appreciated from the pathfinder books and/or paizo website. Preferably both. Once all ironclad sources are cited, I will refer my DM to this thread. He thinks it is broken to stack an armor enhancement bonus type(non-magic) with a natural armor bonus type(from the amulet). Explaining the differences in Types didn't sway him, so that's why I need the ironclad sources from pathfinder. Thanks ahead of time.

Look at any monster in the bestiary with both armor and a natural armor bonus (I think gnolls qualify). It'll add up.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Tell him to look up the Fire Giant in the Bestiary:

AC 24, touch 8, flat-footed 24 (+8 armor, –1 Dex, +8 natural, –1 size)

Or better yet, the Infernal Champion in the NPC Codex:

AC 30, touch 13, flat-footed 27 (+12 armor, +3 Dex, +5 natural)

Shadow Lodge

From the rulebook under Armor Class:

CRB wrote:

Other Modifiers: Many other factors modify your AC.

Enhancement Bonuses: Enhancement bonuses apply to your armor to increase the armor bonus it provides.

Deflection Bonus: Magical deflection effects ward off attacks and improve your AC.

Natural Armor: If your race has a tough hide, scales, or thick skin you receive a bonus to your AC.

Dodge Bonuses: Dodge bonuses represent actively avoiding blows. Any situation that denies you your Dexterity bonus also denies you dodge bonuses. (Wearing armor, however, does not limit these bonuses the way it limits a Dexterity bonus to AC.) Unlike most sorts of bonuses, dodge bonuses stack with each other.

These are modifiers to your AC meaning they stack with how you already determine AC. Most PCs have a natural armor value of 0. The amulet of natural armor gives you an enhancement bonus to your natural armor and since natural armor modifies your AC it stacks with anything else giving you an AC bonus.

The easiest way to prove it is to find a statblock in a scenario/mod/AP of a creature with armor and an amulet of NA and look at its AC.

Edit: NPC codex and bestiaries have some too.

I actually had that idea, and pointed that out to him. He says it is broken.So outside of monster books, preferably source books that explain the types and how they stack, or something on paizo.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Why does he think it's broken?

That's the thing I can't wrap my head around.

Bear in mind that the rules say they stack. Every single statblock says they stack. The rules and statblocks are based on the assumption that they stack. Attack bonuses assume they stack. The game, as it has existed for the last 14 years, has not broken as a result of natural armour and armour stacking, so why does he think it's broken?

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Meiliken wrote:
I actually had that idea, and pointed that out to him. He says it is broken.So outside of monster books, preferably source books that explain the types and how they stack, or something on paizo.

That's just ... in the books. It can be plainly read. ><

Pfsrd gives us:
Bonus (Natural Armor)

A natural armor bonus improves Armor Class resulting from a creature's naturally tough hide. Natural armor bonuses stack with all other bonuses to Armor Class (even with armor bonuses) except other natural armor bonuses. Some magical effects (such as the barkskin spell) grant an enhancement bonus to the creature's existing natural armor bonus, which has the effect of increasing the natural armor's overall bonus to Armor Class. A natural armor bonus doesn't apply against touch attacks.

Chemlak wrote:

Why does he think it's broken?

That's the thing I can't wrap my head around.

Bear in mind that the rules say they stack. Every single statblock says they stack. The rules and statblocks are based on the assumption that they stack. Attack bonuses assume they stack. The game, as it has existed for the last 14 years, has not broken as a result of natural armour and armour stacking, so why does he think it's broken?

Because my character is a warlock with 24 AC(higher than the fighter in magic fullplate). He is wearing non-magic breastplate +6 armor, +3 dex, and with the amulet of natural armor +5.

Why does the fighter not have an Amulet of Natural Armor, A Ring of Protection, and so forth?

If you have a +5 item, you have to be pretty high level. Sounds like he's just been neglecting his AC, which is no fault of yours.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I am not sure of the nature of the campaign, but if you can afford/found an Amulet of Natural Armor +5 and your AC is only 24 then it is a weird campaign if the fighter is not in the 30's.

A 24 is not a high AC past about 6th level. A wizard with a +2 Ring, +2 Amulet, a dex of 14, and two spells can have that in no time...not to mention other buff spells like Haste, Blessings of Fervor, etc.

This is the rules forum so you got your answer that they stack. If you want advice, then you need to convince your DM that he is a little off on this subject, live with it, or find a new game. Plus, as you are playing a Warlock, it seems that you guys are already a little loose with the Pathfinder/3.5 barrier (which I find insurmountable, but I know others do not). Good luck!

Zhayne wrote:

Why does the fighter not have an Amulet of Natural Armor, A Ring of Protection, and so forth?

If you have a +5 item, you have to be pretty high level. Sounds like he's just been neglecting his AC, which is no fault of yours.

It was actually found as loot, he declined and gave it to me since I had the lowest ac in the party at the time. Don't really have to be a higher lvl, my character is a warlock, with a total of 16 for UMD(with cha/ranks/+3 class skill), counting the warlocks take 10 ability, he essentially has a 26 for UMD which means any items usable that require 6th lvl magic. 4 more points, and not even alignment restriction will be barred from me.

your list is good you may want to note that dodge bonus stack with other dodge bonus. Also Circumstance Bonus or Competence Modifier you can look it up, but one of them stacks with it self also. I always get it mixed up and have to look it up.

Hendelbolaf wrote:

I am not sure of the nature of the campaign, but if you can afford/found an Amulet of Natural Armor +5 and your AC is only 24 then it is a weird campaign if the fighter is not in the 30's.

A 24 is not a high AC past about 6th level. A wizard with a +2 Ring, +2 Amulet, a dex of 14, and two spells can have that in no time...not to mention other buff spells like Haste, Blessings of Fervor, etc.

This is the rules forum so you got your answer that they stack. If you want advice, then you need to convince your DM that he is a little off on this subject, live with it, or find a new game. Plus, as you are playing a Warlock, it seems that you guys are already a little loose with the Pathfinder/3.5 barrier (which I find insurmountable, but I know others do not). Good luck!

I agree completely. 24 AC is not that high, though we're playing a campaign where magic items don't grow on trees. I've sent the link to this particular thread to him, so hopefully he'll accept the rules do indeed say they stack.


Nefreet wrote:
Hendelbolaf wrote:

Here is a good resource for the main bonus types and how and when to use them.


In addition to the link that Hendelbolaf provided you can show your GM THIS one as well.

Usually, a bonus has a type that indicates how the spell grants the bonus. The important aspect of bonus types is that two bonuses of the same type don't generally stack. With the exception of dodge bonuses, most circumstance bonuses, and racial bonuses, only the better bonus of a given type works (see Combining Magical Effects). The same principle applies to penalties—a character taking two or more penalties of the same type applies only the worst one, although most penalties have no type and thus always stack. Bonuses without a type always stack, unless they are from the same source.


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I find it funny that in this world where "magic items don't grow on trees" you "found" a 50,000 gp magic item in a pile of loot.

I think your GM goofed up with the random treasure generator.

Meiliken wrote:
Zhayne wrote:

Why does the fighter not have an Amulet of Natural Armor, A Ring of Protection, and so forth?

If you have a +5 item, you have to be pretty high level. Sounds like he's just been neglecting his AC, which is no fault of yours.

It was actually found as loot, he declined and gave it to me since I had the lowest ac in the party at the time. Don't really have to be a higher lvl, my character is a warlock, with a total of 16 for UMD(with cha/ranks/+3 class skill), counting the warlocks take 10 ability, he essentially has a 26 for UMD which means any items usable that require 6th lvl magic. 4 more points, and not even alignment restriction will be barred from me.

Also you don't need umd to use it all you just put it on and it functions. level does not matter with item like that. I think people mention level because wealth by level guide lines, It is an item that should have never been in the loot to begin with, hence your dm feeling it is broken. he gave it to you to soon. You more than likely should not find an item like that until around level 13+. Considering it take a level 15 caster to make it. obviously you could get it a little sooner if you saved money for said item but would not be recommend.

It also looks like your DM is combining 3.5 books with pathfinder rule set. They don't mesh as well together despite that they are very similar, also you could be using the 3rd party warlock not sure. I would not recommended that as well and not expect some quirkiness.

Suggestion to fix your dm issues are stick to the core rule books for pathfinder. Use the wealth by level guide line. You don’t have to be exact with it. just use it as guide if each party member is creeping way over 60+% that limit good idea to using encounter creature that give no treasure but only xp until you all level again. Also sounds like your DM want a lower level game. He should maybe play pathfinder system games with you or do E6 games.

Grand Lodge

Do you have the NPC Codex?

There are NPCs with Natural Armor, wearing armor.

How about every class feature, or feat, that grants Natural Armor?

Are they intended to be naked?

This is about as "broken" as Dexterity applying to AC.

It's really not broken at all. Without NA bonus equipment (that amulet of NA or Barkskin, for example), you're in a bad spot at higher levels where enemies have the chance to do really really bad things to you if they hit you.

RAW rules state that enhancement bonuses stack with the specific bonuses themselves. Magic armor is an enhancement bonus, and stacks with normal armor, for example. The game devs are aware of enhancement bonus/normalbonus stacking, because they made this rule and designed the game to balance with it.

Actually, he should look to how every source of dodge bonus stacks in this game. That should be broken, except that it isn't.

Zhayne wrote:
Meiliken wrote:
I actually had that idea, and pointed that out to him. He says it is broken.So outside of monster books, preferably source books that explain the types and how they stack, or something on paizo.

Pfsrd gives us:

Bonus (Natural Armor)

A natural armor bonus improves Armor Class resulting from a creature's naturally tough hide. Natural armor bonuses stack with all other bonuses to Armor Class (even with armor bonuses) except other natural armor bonuses. Some magical effects (such as the barkskin spell) grant an enhancement bonus to the creature's existing natural armor bonus, which has the effect of increasing the natural armor's overall bonus to Armor Class. A natural armor bonus doesn't apply against touch attacks.

If your GM isn't willing to accept that, then he will not accept anything as proof. This is as plain as it can be. Scroll to natural armor is where the text was found.

If your GM doesn't accept that, then you have to decide whether this is important enough for you to leave the game or not. Personally I think I'd stay with the group unless other things were bothering me aswell.

I cant think of many dodge bonus in the first place..
I think a type of ranger gives itself na too

Katydid wrote:
Actually, he should look to how every source of dodge bonus stacks in this game. That should be broken, except that it isn't.

How many sources of dodge bonuses are there, that are likely to be in play at a time?

Dodge feat
Haste spell

What are some others?

Scarab Sages

Damon Griffin wrote:
Katydid wrote:
Actually, he should look to how every source of dodge bonus stacks in this game. That should be broken, except that it isn't.

How many sources of dodge bonuses are there, that are likely to be in play at a time?

Dodge feat
Haste spell

What are some others?

Combat Expertise

Fighting defensively
Total Defense


Offensive Defense (Rogue Talent)
Nimble (Gunslinger Class Feature)

Racial dodge bonuses against certain creatures.

Lifat wrote:

If your GM isn't willing to accept that, then he will not accept anything as proof. This is as plain as it can be. Scroll to natural armor is where the text was found.

If your GM doesn't accept that, then you have to decide whether this is important enough for you to leave the game or not. Personally I think I'd stay with the group unless other things were bothering me aswell.

While correct on this, d20pfsrd is not an official rules source in the slightest - expecting a GM to accept that is a stretch.

I have been unable to locate similar rules text in the Core rulebook, or anywhere in the PRD. Meaning they probably made it up.

Our party has consistently suffered from very low AC. At 7th level, the highest AC in the party (of six) was 20. We've also been extremely cash poor, but finally came into some loot and as of 8th level most of the PCs will have been able to bump that up by 3 points or so.

@ Arthanos and Nefreet: All true. Most of our group likely won't feel they have a feat to spare for Combat Expertise, though the Fighter and Rogue could. And the "group mind" usually decides that once you do get into combat, the bests defense is to kill/disable the opponent as quickly as possible, so the options of fighting defensively and total defense tend to be unused. Perhaps we should rethink that. Offensive Defense, Mobility and Nimble are all highly situational.

I'd like to identify as many "passive" stackable AC bonuses as possible that will frequently apply, and aren't dependent on specific classes (yeah, I get a WIS bonus to AC for being a Monk, but I'm not a Monk, so...) or races or traits (chosen at character creation time, so that ship has sailed.)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, if he's not willing to take the Core Rules info:


Armor Class

Your Armor Class (AC) represents how hard it is for opponents to land a solid, damaging blow on you. It's the attack roll result that an opponent needs to achieve to hit you. Your AC is equal to the following:

10 + armor bonus + shield bonus + Dexterity modifier + other modifiers

Note that armor limits your Dexterity bonus, so if you're wearing armor, you might not be able to apply your whole Dexterity bonus to your AC (see Table: Armor and Shields).

Sometimes you can't use your Dexterity bonus (if you have one). If you can't react to a blow, you can't use your Dexterity bonus to AC. If you don't have a Dexterity bonus, your AC does not change.

Other Modifiers: Many other factors modify your AC.

Enhancement Bonuses: Enhancement bonuses apply to your armor to increase the armor bonus it provides.

Deflection Bonus: Magical deflection effects ward off attacks and improve your AC.

Natural Armor: If your race has a tough hide, scales, or thick skin you receive a bonus to your AC.

Dodge Bonuses: Dodge bonuses represent actively avoiding blows. Any situation that denies you your Dexterity bonus also denies you dodge bonuses. (Wearing armor, however, does not limit these bonuses the way it limits a Dexterity bonus to AC.) Unlike most sorts of bonuses, dodge bonuses stack with each other.

Then there's no helping him.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Majuba wrote:
Lifat wrote:

If your GM isn't willing to accept that, then he will not accept anything as proof. This is as plain as it can be. Scroll to natural armor is where the text was found.

If your GM doesn't accept that, then you have to decide whether this is important enough for you to leave the game or not. Personally I think I'd stay with the group unless other things were bothering me aswell.

While correct on this, d20pfsrd is not an official rules source in the slightest - expecting a GM to accept that is a stretch.

I have been unable to locate similar rules text in the Core rulebook, or anywhere in the PRD. Meaning they probably made it up.

Indeed. Never assume that because something is on the SRD that it's actual rules text published by Paizo, even if a book is listed at the bottom of the page. Some of the contributors for that site like to write original text based on their own understanding of things and include it as though it had been published by Paizo. And naturally, there's too much content for those in charge to catch every such instance.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Majuba wrote:
Lifat wrote:

If your GM isn't willing to accept that, then he will not accept anything as proof. This is as plain as it can be. Scroll to natural armor is where the text was found.

If your GM doesn't accept that, then you have to decide whether this is important enough for you to leave the game or not. Personally I think I'd stay with the group unless other things were bothering me aswell.

While correct on this, d20pfsrd is not an official rules source in the slightest - expecting a GM to accept that is a stretch.

I have been unable to locate similar rules text in the Core rulebook, or anywhere in the PRD. Meaning they probably made it up.

In defense of the d20PFSRD site, they specifically say that those entries for bonus types are taken from the d20SRD site. That means that they are actually 3.5 and not Pathfinder. However, that is the base from which Pathfinder originated so it may be safe to assume the developers would agree with the definitions.

Fair enough. That specific entry from the d20pfsrd is not RAW.
But all the other places that have been pointed to should really be enough to convince the GM of what the RAW is.

If the GM doesn't see it then the player will have to decide if he thinks it is enough of an annoyance to leave the game. Personally I wouldn't leave unless there were plenty of other things that annoyed me aswell.

Grand Lodge

Ascalaphus wrote:

Is "divine" even a bonus type these days? I thought that was covered by sacred/profane.

Also, I'm not sure Morale and Insight are bonus types that apply to AC. They're bonus types, but not all bonus types can be applied to AC.

I think there is an Ioun stone in Seeker of Secrets that grants an insight bonus to AC.

Most of the text on d20pfsrd is on the prd(an official rules source).

The book also says different bonus types stack. There are also NPC's made by Pathfinder. Would he accept official NPC's as proof?

kinevon wrote:
Ascalaphus wrote:

Is "divine" even a bonus type these days? I thought that was covered by sacred/profane.

Also, I'm not sure Morale and Insight are bonus types that apply to AC. They're bonus types, but not all bonus types can be applied to AC.

I think there is an Ioun stone in Seeker of Secrets that grants an insight bonus to AC.

Ghost Rager (Rage Power) adds a morale bonus to touch AC as well.

Another source of dodge bonus is duelist/kensai. You can get up to about +25 dodge bonus to AC if you use combat expertise, offensive defense, dodge, and mobility at the same time. Rogue 10/Duelist 10 with 30 int.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Check the Foresight spell for a core rules effect that grants an insight bonus to AC.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Zhayne wrote:

Why does the fighter not have an Amulet of Natural Armor, A Ring of Protection, and so forth?

IF the DM is house ruling that Natural Armor and normal Armor does not stack, there's not much incentive for the fighter to take it.

LazarX wrote:
Zhayne wrote:

Why does the fighter not have an Amulet of Natural Armor, A Ring of Protection, and so forth?

IF the DM is house ruling that Natural Armor and normal Armor does not stack, there's not much incentive for the fighter to take it.

The point of the entire thread is that the GM believes that it is RAW to not allow natural armor to stack with armor... Which is... tbh... Silly giving all the evidence that can be found on the matter.

On top of that, it seems like the GM is very much against it because he thinks it is way to powerful. And he has every right to houserule it, but he shouldn't be passing it of as RAW.
But you are right. In a system where natural armor and armor don't stack, there isn't much insentive for anyone to get natural armor (at least not the PCs) because most, if not all, will have at least +4 armor bonus.


I'm beginning to think that's why the GM gave them such an expensive item. In his world it's not worth 50k.


Look up Queen Ileosa... Sheesh, talk about stacking AC!

AC 43, touch 30, flat-footed 34
(+8 armor, +5 deflection, +9 Dex, +4 dodge +5 natural, +2

maouse wrote:
Look up Queen Ileosa... Sheesh, talk about stacking AC!

Dude. spoilers!


Yeah, let's toss a spoiler tag on that, please.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
LazarX wrote:
Zhayne wrote:

Why does the fighter not have an Amulet of Natural Armor, A Ring of Protection, and so forth?

IF the DM is house ruling that Natural Armor and normal Armor does not stack, there's not much incentive for the fighter to take it.

Not much incentive for anyone to take it. Why shell out 50k for +5 to your armor when you can get the same exact effect for 16k via a +4 Hakarami and get the exact same effect? (No ACP or arcane failure chance). For the vast majority of martials, a 200 gp Breastplate would be considered superior to a +5 Amulet of Natural Armor if the bonuses did not stack.

The thing is ... he thinks Nat Armor and Armor stacking is wrong because of the Amulet the Warlock got, and because the Warlock now out-ACs the Fighter.

Prior to awarding this overpowered item he should not have at this level, he was (as I read it), not having any problems with them stacking, and I suspect if the Fighter had gotten the amulet, it would STILL not be a problem.

So the problem is ENTIRELY with the GM.

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