May New Release Shipping Information

Customer Service

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Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

April showers bring a host of new May product releases!

Paizo New Releases in May

  • Products
    Adventure Path #81: Shifting Sands (Mummy’s Mask 3 of 6)
    Flip-Mat: Hill Country
    Cards: Tides of Battle
    Cards: Deluxe Harrow Deck
    Campaign Setting: Occult Mysteries
    Player Companion: The Harrow Handbook

  • Authorization (Order Spawning) Date: May 8th
  • Begin Shipping Estimate: May 12th
  • End Shipping Estimate: May 23rd
  • Street Date for Paizo Products: May 28th

Paizo Licensed Subscription New Releases in May

  • Products
    Audio Drama:Legends—Rise of the Runelords #2: The Skinsaw Murders CD**
    ~ Will ship with May Paizo Releases
    Comics: Pathfinder—City of Secrets #1
    ~ Will *not* ship with May Paizo Releases
    Battles—Reign of Winter
    ~ Will *not* ship with May Paizo Releases

  • Comics Authorization (Order Spawning) Date: May 20th
  • Comics Begin Shipping Estimate: May 20th/21st ish
  • Comics End Shipping Estimate: May 23rd
  • Comics Street Date for Licensed Products: May 21st

  • Battles Authorization (Order Spawning) Date: May 30th
  • Battles Begin Shipping Estimate: June 3rd
  • Battles End Shipping Estimate: June 4th or 5th
  • Battles Street Date for Licensed Products: June 4th

**We do not yet have a Audio Drama subscription.

↬If you have anything in your sidecart that is *ready to go* when we run the order spawning process, it will be shipped with this subscription.
↬If you want to add anything to this subscription order, you have until the authorization date to add it to your sidecart. If it is after the authorization date, make sure you choose to ship with the pending order number.
↬If you add an item to a pending subscription order and the added item has a "should ship from warehouse estimate of longer than 2-6 days, your subscription shipment will wait until that new item(s) arrive before it can be shipped. This may delay your subscription shipment!
↬If you need to make changes to the payment method or shipping address, you can make changes to the subscription until the authorization date, if it is after the authorization date, double check the changes applied to both the pending order and the subscription.

❆✿❄If you have questions about your individual order or subscriptions, please start a new thread.❆✿❄

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey Sara,

Thanks for posting this up, but don't forget to sticky it so it doesn't get lost :P


Is there any way to apply the MAY14 voucher to the subscription order for this month?

Dark Archive

When is the Pathfinder Battles going to ship?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

You can apply it to items you add to your sidecart to ship with subscription stuff, but the discount won't qualify on the actual subscription items.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

brad2411 wrote:
When is the Pathfinder Battles going to ship?

Current estimate is May 27.

Liberty's Edge

Sara Marie wrote:
brad2411 wrote:
When is the Pathfinder Battles going to ship?
Current estimate is May 27.

And I guess that means "Monthly Shipment" subscribers will get it in June?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

I'm working with the tech team to make sure everything with "hold for monthly" and "ship as soon as possible" works the way we intend as some of the subscription code has/is changing.

If things work as intended, if you have selected "Ship as soon as possible" your Comics and Battles subscriptions will ship as soon as they are ready to ship from the warehouse. If you have selected "Hold for monthly" both should wait for the June subscriptions. If you change it from "Hold for Monthly" sometime after the order spawning date for comics but but the one for Battles, then comics and Battles should ship together but before the subscription shipment in June.

I'm waiting on some confirmations from our Webstore Gninja and the tech team before I add the dates into the main post for shipping details though.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Heads up,

Cards: Tides of Battle

Has been moved and will not be part of this release month.

Order spawn engine in warm up mode?

*listens for a distant whirring noise*


Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Haven't turned the key yet. Waiting to make sure Tech Team put all the spark plugs back in order and filled the tank up with gas. Also hoping the hornets nest in the trunk and the mouse nest in the engine have both been cleared out.

Customer Service Representative

Sara Marie wrote:
Also hoping the hornets nest in the trunk and the mouse nest in the engine have both been cleared out.

I was wondering what that buzzing was...

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Sharaya wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
Also hoping the hornets nest in the trunk and the mouse nest in the engine have both been cleared out.
I was wondering what that buzzing was...

Yeah, I think that the hornets and the mice have formed an alliance. The mice are now using the hornets as mounts and have started singing "The Flight of the Valkyries".

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Just got the keys back and I'm gonna take it around the block and see how it runs.

Christopher & Gary: I appreciate the addition of the racing stripes and the spoiler is a nice touch.

Webstore Gninja Minion

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Zoom zoom!

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Couple more tweaks and we should be good to go.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Up and running.

Estimated time remaining: 442 minutes, 47 seconds

Got my notice. Yea !

-- david

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Maps, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Is Pathfinder Legends Skinsaw Murders CD not shipping with the May shipment anymore? I pre ordered it and didn't see it in my email.

If not, i have no problem waiting until it is ready for a subscription shipment.

Shadow Lodge

Should I expect the two Harrow Decks I preordered to ship with my subscription shipment? I'm not a subscriber to the pathfinder cards line and I got my order notification for the subscriptions but there's nothing listed on it about the Harrow Decks.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

The auth lasted FAR longer than usual last night after I left it on its own and made it most of the way through. The remaining people should get taken care of within the next 1.5 hours.

Estimated time remaining: 79 minutes, 51 seconds

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Dylos wrote:
Should I expect the two Harrow Decks I preordered to ship with my subscription shipment? I'm not a subscriber to the pathfinder cards line and I got my order notification for the subscriptions but there's nothing listed on it about the Harrow Decks.

The system didn't combine them together as it looks like the Harrow Decks were in an actual order by themselves instead of the sidecart. I've merged the two orders and sent you a new confirmation email.

It looks like my Harrow Deck is still sitting in my side cart as well. Any chance it could get into this order? Thanks!

My preorder of the second legends CD doesn't seem to have made it into the subscription order. Is that a glitch with the software or with me?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Had some issue with preorders going into orders correctly. Christopher said he's gonna build a robot to fix them all en masse.

sara marie

Robot? ...Do go on.

Cool! Everything's better with robots.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Steve Geddes wrote:
My preorder of the second legends CD doesn't seem to have made it into the subscription order. Is that a glitch with the software or with me?

I saw that when I was testing something and moved it into your pending sub order.

Thanks, Sara. All looks great now. :)

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Gary and Christopher are doing some repair work in the code that generates shipping labels. There may be a few customers that see shipping notices this afternoon as they do final testing to make sure things work. If you see a shipping email, your packages won't leave until Monday at the very earliest. Because 99.9% of subscribers will not start to see shipping notices until next week, I would ask that anyone who does, be considerate and discreet about the contents of the books if you choose to look at your PDFs (for subscribers who get free PDFs when their book ships).

sara marie

Dark Archive

Any news on when Emerald spire kickstarter Pdfs are going to become downloadable for backers?

Digital Products Assistant

Kevin Mack wrote:
Any news on when Emerald spire kickstarter Pdfs are going to become downloadable for backers?

This is unrelated to the subscription run. I expect sometime soon! Not today but soon!

The Harrow Deck is now in my order. Thanks Robots. And robot creators/overseers. You guys rock!

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Maps, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Your robotic pal who's fun to order with.

Dark Archive

Seems really quiet have subscriptions started shipping yet?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

They have



Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ditto here; the tracking info is even active on mine.

Downloaded my stuff Tuesday evening.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Sorry, I've been caught up with PaizoCon scheduling.

Warehouse is actually wrapping things up already! If you haven't gotten your shipping email by Monday afternoon and you can't figure out why, let us know.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Working with the Tech Team to make sure comics auth/order spawning goes smoothly.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Comics are about to begin.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Things seem to be proceeding normally. People with Hold for monthly are getting it put into their sidecarts as expected. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. We haven't had comics in several months and we've made a lot of changes since the last time!

EDIT: Nevermind - read the OP. :p

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Oh yeah, I updated the Original Post with dates for comics and battles minis. The battles minis are waiting to arrive at the warehouse and that date may change if they are delayed.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

The warehouse should be totally wrapped up with May Paizo Subscriptions. If you haven't seen your order ship by now and you don't know why (payment issues or adding a last minute item with a longer "should ship from warehouse time) let customer service know so we can take a peek at your order and nudge it along.

sara marie

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Comics subscribers should start to see those shipping this afternoon and tomorrow.

sara marie

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Any delay on the battles shipment?

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Mine authorised today so I assume the battle stuff is there Tri. Very excited.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Now my battles seem to have slipped to a June 5 authorisation? They were saying they had authorised today a few hours ago. Please don't hold them until the next subscription shipment.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

I just updated things.

Battles Authorization (Order Spawning) Date: May 30th
Battles Begin Shipping Estimate: June 3rd
Battles End Shipping Estimate: June 4th or 5th
Battles Street Date for Licensed Products: June 4th

We were waiting on the physical product to be at our warehouse. I did not want to start authorizing for (in the case of Battles) hundreds of dollars per order and then have them delayed in arriving at our warehouse for some reason (customs, broken down truck, weather, etc). Everything is in the warehouse now and we're going to begin authorizing tomorrow shipping next week to give customer service time to make changes to people's subscriptions where needed.

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