Paizo F+!!ED UP Again

Off-Topic Discussions

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There's nothing so wrong with the Twilight series that a sceaduinar or two couldn't fix.

Gorbacz wrote:
Kobold Cleaver, TOZ, yellowdingo and Trevor From Australia all in one thread. My my my... I'll leave this post here to help raise the collective IQ a bit. BUT JUST A BIT.

Now that I'm hear, consider it re-lowered once again. Victory is mine!

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I'm no Australian! I'm from the best country in the entire world, Oregon! Outrageous!

With joy in my heart, I rushed to CNN's website hoping to read about Oregon's secession from the Union. Alas, now there is only disappointment.

Silver Crusade

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Quirel wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I'm no Australian! I'm from the best country in the entire world, Oregon! Outrageous!
With joy in my heart, I rushed to CNN's website hoping to read about Oregon's secession from the Union. Alas, now there is only disappointment.

And now for the really bad news, you have been annexed by california

Great. Now James Jacobs will answer even less questions in his thread. Way to go KC. I hope you enjoy the special hell that will be reserved for you and people who talk at the theater.

Gorbacz wrote:
Kobold Cleaver, TOZ, yellowdingo and Trevor From Australia all in one thread. My my my... I'll leave this post here to help raise the collective IQ a bit. BUT JUST A BIT.

And keep Wisdom low?

Gorbacz wrote:
Kobold Cleaver, TOZ, yellowdingo and Trevor From Australia all in one thread. My my my... I'll leave this post here to help raise the collective IQ a bit. BUT JUST A BIT.

Trevor from Australia is alive in every thread...and our hearts.

Mythic JMD031 wrote:
Great. Now James Jacobs will answer even less questions in his thread. Way to go KC. I hope you enjoy the special hell that will be reserved for you and people who talk at the theater.

The dinosaur's true name is a curseword among the monstrous races. Let his thread never receive another question that doesn't involve refrigerators!

Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
And now for the really bad news, you have been annexed by california

Oh hell no. We put that "Please enjoy your visit" sign by California for a reason. Welcome to Oregon. Now please leave.

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Wait...Kobold Cleaver is a kobold? I am shocked I thought it was what he know Cleave through kobolds like a 1st edition fighter using the sweep attack.

3 people marked this as a favorite.


I mean, that only happened, like, twice. Five times. Whatever. Look, if completing my Great Cleave means I have to hit a couple tribemates, it's for the greater good!

Kobold Cleaver wrote:


I mean, that only happened, like, twice. Five times. Whatever. Look, if completing my Great Cleave means I have to hit a couple tribemates, it's for the greater good!

No arguments here...hit has many tribe mates as you want. Heck you should probably hit them all...just think you would hold the world's record for the Greatest Cleave ever.

The 8th Dwarf wrote:

I can deal with the descendant of criminals crap, but the Dingo ate my baby meme is offensive as all hell.

I don't understand what is funny about a real situation where a baby was ripped to shreds and consumed alive by a pack of wild dogs. Even if it is said in an accent different to your own.... It's insensitive and racist.

To top the whole tragedy off they mother was tried by both the media and incompetent and corrupt police and sentenced to jail for murdering the baby. She was later acquitted, but her marriage and family had broken down and she lost everything.

So tell me why it's funny please?

I always thought of it has making fun of that terrible, over acted crap of a movie they made about the incident.

Is it insensitive to make fun of a really bad movie about a tragic incident?

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Hey, if we can mock political documentaries...

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
John Kretzer wrote:

I always thought of it has making fun of that terrible, over acted crap of a movie they made about the incident.

Is it insensitive to make fun of a really bad movie about a tragic incident?

Wait, who's making fun of Titanic?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Are you telling me people didn't love Michael Bay's Pearl Harbor?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Are you telling me people didn't love Michael Bay's Pearl Harbor?

yeah just wait Michael Bay's The Great Depression can't be too far off. Every jumping stockbroker explodes on impact.

Mark Thomas 66 wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Are you telling me people didn't love Michael Bay's Pearl Harbor?
yeah just wait Michael Bay's The Great Depression can't be too far off. Every jumping stockbroker explodes on impact.

I'll get advance tickets for that.

Kobolds! Highly overrated as pests! They have nothing on the noble pugwampi! :P

I also happen to know Kobold Cleaver's great weakness! A single word that turns him apoplectic!


I just realised..the Kobold is Beavers never talked about brother..

OMG I have way too much time on my hands

James Jacobs, James Jacobs, James Jacobs.

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Heh, they should call this guy Kobold Clever, amirite?

DM Wellard wrote:

I just realised..the Kobold is Beavers never talked about brother..

OMG I have way too much time on my hands

SSSSSH! You'll summon the witch!

June Cleaver? She's special.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

See, now, I would think you of all people would know that dead things gain DR, or hardness, or something. After all, I'm pretty sure there's a recipe for turning Kobolds like you into gold.

Reckless wrote:
See, now, I would think you of all people would know that dead things gain DR, or hardness, or something. After all, I'm pretty sure there's a recipe for turning Kobolds like you into gold.

That would imply kobolds have value.

An obvious fallacy.

DM Wellard wrote:

I just realised..the Kobold is Beavers never talked about brother..

OMG I have way too much time on my hands

Gee, Wally! They watch us in Scotland?

Silver Crusade

Looks that way beav, say what happened to your hair

Eddie Haskell

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Stampy_The_Death_Machine wrote:
J#&( C!#@%(^?

*abandon thread*

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Master Pugwampi wrote:

Kobolds! Highly overrated as pests! They have nothing on the noble pugwampi! :P

I also happen to know Kobold Cleaver's great weakness! A single word that turns him apoplectic!


We kobolds assimilated the blue ones into our culture long ago. That word now only transforms me into my final form!

*Smacks with mushroom*

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Nope. Not a good time to come out from under the chaos.

*Disappears back under the chaos*

DM Under The Bridge wrote:

Australian, and I found it a bit funny.

Insensitive, certainly. Racist, not even slightly. Don't use the labels when they don't apply.

Course, where I am from, we would have a good laugh every few years when a German tourist got eaten by crocodiles. Or a yank wandered off into Arnhem land and was never seen again.

In yellowstone they had the warnings not to taunt the bison in english and french. I don't know if they get a lot of canadians from quebec there or if the french take that month long holiday they all get at the same time in yellowstone or what. but apparently the bison find them annoying.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
BigNorseWolf wrote:
DM Under The Bridge wrote:

Australian, and I found it a bit funny.

Insensitive, certainly. Racist, not even slightly. Don't use the labels when they don't apply.

Course, where I am from, we would have a good laugh every few years when a German tourist got eaten by crocodiles. Or a yank wandered off into Arnhem land and was never seen again.

In yellowstone they had the warnings not to taunt the bison in english and french. I don't know if they get a lot of canadians from quebec there or if the french take that month long holiday they all get at the same time in yellowstone or what. but apparently the bison find them annoying.

Everyone finds the French annoying, even other Frenchmen. :P

My mom went to Paris. Everybody except a 15 year old waitress was totally awesome to her.

Since then, I feel it is my duty to inform everybody that the French are the greatest of hosts to tourists in their magnificent city of Paris, and not rude at all from that perspective.

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Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

My mom went to Paris. Everybody except a 15 year old waitress was totally awesome to her.

Since then, I feel it is my duty to inform everybody that the French are the greatest of hosts to tourists in their magnificent city of Paris, and not rude at all from that perspective.

Lies. LIES! LIES!! and DAMN LIES!!!

Just Kidding:
Is kinda weird. Most people that I know who have traveled to France found the people to be incredibly obnoxious. But about 1 in 3 say they were wonderfully polite and gracious. I don't know why since I haven't been there myself. But I think I may be traveling there this fall. So maybe I'll find out what the deal is.

I wanna go there to see the Louvre one day.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

My mom went to Paris. Everybody except a 15 year old waitress was totally awesome to her.

Since then, I feel it is my duty to inform everybody that the French are the greatest of hosts to tourists in their magnificent city of Paris, and not rude at all from that perspective.

So your Mom just happened to go during the one week were everybody was nice. You know everybody has a off day or two.

The Parisians are awful. Snooty and unhelpful and sometimes just plain rude.

However, elsewhere in France the people are lovely. And that kind of matches London and New York in my experience - people in the busiest cities tend to be less nice during their normal working day.

But Parisians are the worst :-)

The same goes in Sweden. Those in Stockholm are cold, egocentric, aloof bastards. We here on the west coast on the other hand, arefamous for being nice (goa glaa göttebårjare as we say)

Shadow Lodge

This thread has been completely derailed and must be brought back on track. Let's talk more about the tragedy of these hungry Australians forced to eat their own babies and blame it on dingos and tourist.

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Considering how awful many people hear New Yorkers are when in truth we are incredibly friendly so long as you aren't gawking at things and not moving in the middle of the sidewalk while we are on our way to work, I'm taking all accusations of meanness with a grain of salt.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

To be fair, New Yorkers aren't the descendants of England's Phantom Zone.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
I wanna go there to see the Louvre one day.

If you are going to see the Louvre make sure to take more than one day.

Silver Crusade

BigDTBone wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
I wanna go there to see the Louvre one day.
If you are going to see the Louvre make sure to take more than one day.

Yeah, I remember back when I was 20 I thought I would see the smithsonian in a day. Well I did see the air and space museum.

Mark Thomas 66 wrote:
To be fair, New Yorkers aren't the descendants of England's Phantom Zone.

They are the descendants of much, much worse unspeakable things...

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Reckless wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
DM Under The Bridge wrote:

Australian, and I found it a bit funny.

Insensitive, certainly. Racist, not even slightly. Don't use the labels when they don't apply.

Course, where I am from, we would have a good laugh every few years when a German tourist got eaten by crocodiles. Or a yank wandered off into Arnhem land and was never seen again.

In yellowstone they had the warnings not to taunt the bison in english and french. I don't know if they get a lot of canadians from quebec there or if the french take that month long holiday they all get at the same time in yellowstone or what. but apparently the bison find them annoying.

Everyone finds the French annoying, even other Frenchmen. :P

As a French Canadian, I always say that there was a reason my ancestors left that place...

Freehold DM wrote:
Considering how awful many people hear New Yorkers are when in truth we are incredibly friendly so long as you aren't gawking at things and not moving in the middle of the sidewalk while we are on our way to work, I'm taking all accusations of meanness with a grain of salt.

I remember I was crossing the road in Gainesville Florida (I had a walk sign when I started but it was a quick one to change to don't walk) and these two women screamed from their car,

then the other one screamed

So I flipped them off.

They liked it and told me so by laughing and calling me a "LITTLE BEYASTID!"

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Considering how awful many people hear New Yorkers are when in truth we are incredibly friendly so long as you aren't gawking at things and not moving in the middle of the sidewalk while we are on our way to work, I'm taking all accusations of meanness with a grain of salt.

I remember I was crossing the road in Gainesville Florida (I had a walk sign when I started but it was a quick one to change to don't walk) and these two women screamed from their car,

then the other one screamed

So I flipped them off.

They liked it and told me so by laughing and calling me a "LITTLE BEYASTID!"

You failed to give the proper response.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I'd just like to say that the Australian playable race is insanely OP. I say we ban them from the game. Or we make them like paladins, and require their players to speak like Steve Erwin.

I can do a good John Jarratt aka Mick Taylor.

Freehold DM in an alternate universe wrote:
Considering how awful many people hear New Yorkers are when in truth we are incredibly friendly so long as you aren't in New York while we are on our way to work, I'm taking all accusations of meanness with a grain of salt.

FTFY :-)

Sorry, that was hopefully a joke. All my comments are IMHO YMMV and perhaps influenced a smidgeon by subjectivity.

But Parisians are still worst.

I'm from Las Vegas and all I can truely say is we want is your money.

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