Review and revise my Enchanter!


So, I'm not currently in a game, but I want to have a character planned out and ready to deploy should I manage to hunt down a Pathfinder GM. I play CRB only characters because reasons. Please don't recommend any non-core materiel.

Anyway, a rough build of the character as envisioned at 10th level.

I intend to mainly concern myself with buffing and debuffing, with significant save-or-suck casting ability in a pinch. I will be preparing and setting the stage, to, at higher levels (12+),simultaneously bring in the Dominated Meat Puppet aspect of enchantment as well as undead minions, preferably strong, high HD monsters. Trying to pull this off any earlier often backfires since your Wizard isn't strong enough yet to really throw his weight around, and good aligned party members can get really pissy over this kind of thing (the pansies ; p)

Sir Alexei Grigorovitch Petrov of Shudderwood and the Immortal Principality of Ustalav (and yes, that's how he introduces himself)

Neutral human male Enchanter 10

(Consider this 15 point buy a placeholder array that shows my priorities. I don't know what I'll end up playing with)

DEX 10
CON 10
INT 22 (18 base, +2 racial, +2 from levels,+ headband bonus[undecided])
WIS 10
CHA 12

Arcane bond: an item, a familiar is out of the question in this case. The extra Spontaneous spell is simply more Valuable to me in this instance.

Feats: Scribe scroll w
Spell focus (enchantment) 1st
Greater spell focus (enchantment) h
Spell focus (necromancy) 3rd
Greater spell focus (necromancy) 5th
Craft wondrous item w
Spell penetration 7th
Greater spell penetration 9th
*undecided* w

Will take leadership if GM allows, probably at 11th, though possibly swapping out spell penetration in order to take it immediately at 7th.


I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but I consider these the correct schools to "ban": Evocation, Conjuration.

These are the two most "flamboyant" schools of magic, and, as you can see from my spell selection, I really wanted this guy's magic to be a little more low key and subdued, while still being effective.

5th level: Mind Fog
Waves of Fatigue
Hold Monster

4th level: Confusion
Detect Scrying
Crushing Despair

3rd level: Heroism
Dispel Magic

2nd level: Hideous Laughter
Touch of Idiocy
Command Undead

1st level: Sleep
Enlarge Person
Protection from Evil
True Strike
Feather Fall
Endure Elements
Charm Person

That's before scrolls. I plan on investing a not insignificant amount into scrolls, especially Illusion spells.

Trained skills: Spellcraft
Knowledge (Nature)
Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty)
Knowledge (History)
Perception (from Favoured class bonus)
+ headband skills

Linguistics is looked down upon as a skill, I know. However, It seems to often be forgotten that it isn't just the speak more languages skill, it also allows one to create and detect forgeries. A golden opportunity for fun and profit by the creative player.

Magic Items: Necklace of Adaptation 9000 (4500)
Blessed Book 12500 (6250)
Headband of Vast Intelligence +?
Scrolls to be inscribed ?

These Items are non-negotiable, the Necklace of Adaption enables a very neat defensive gimmick in the tactic of standing in the middle of a Mind Fog, a trick which opens up all sorts of nasty options. The Blessed Book is one of my favourite items general (and pays for itself eventually), and the headband is self-explanatory.

I'm quite open to advice regarding the rest of my potential baubles, and regarding just how much to invest in the headband. 501750 gp remains to be spent.

Now on to characterization and background.

Alexei is a member of a house of minor rural aristocrats whose ancestral holdings occupied an edge of Ustalav's Shudderwood forest. The keep was lost in a sudden night raid by undead when Alexei was still a youth of 17. Alexei's father and brother as well as many servants and retainers died in the attack, and Alexei himself nearly lost his own life to a Shadow in the attack, and in fact never fully recovered from incident.

Eventually, Alexei was able to gain an apprenticeship (His mother, a woman who was loath to see the considerable talents of her only remaining son go to waste, had convinced her family, whom she now lived with, to pay his tuition) with with an Elven enchanter who lived near the Shudderwood in order to observe the malicious and exceedingly dangerous Fey who lived there, from as safe a distance as possible. Alexei was of an odd temperment, and despite, or perhaps because of, his experiences, He was utterly fascinated with the undead, Fey and magic. He had none of the Traditional Ustalavic Superstition, and was an extremely bright student.

Personal characteristics:

Alexei is Somewhat fatalistic, but this is tempered by a sort of rote paranoia and caution from living in a very suspicious and dangerous country.

While he considers his enchantment magic his "secret weapon" and tries to conceal it as much as is possible without it becoming a serious handicap, He is quite open about his identity as a magic user, and actively courts the traditional aesthetic of the "mage", though he tries not to admit so.

He is completely amoral, almost never making judgements about what is right or wrong, instead he talks about what is "correct" and "effective" or not. However, he is not vicious or cruel in the least, and his moral non-judgement sometimes means he can be more merciful than those who claim righteousness.

Visual description:

This man of about 30 wears an unadorned white robe and carries a satchel under a purple hemmed black cloak. his fair hair and carefully trimmed beard are conservatively coiffured after the style of Ustalavic nobility. His jewelry is understated and simple in design, and of high quality. He leans upon a staff of light coloured wood carved in a spiraling design.

I haven't figured out Alexei's attitude regarding religion or what god he worships, if any, yet.

Looking at what you want to do I am rather unconvinced by the necromancy spell focus choices. You have two necromantic spells which allow a save, Blindness and Command Undead. Command Undead allows no save for mindless targets. Blindness is good but I don't think it is a two feat investment good. Many necromancy spells work with no save, enervation and waves of fatigue being prime examples. I would dump the feats.

In their place I would definitely pick up improved initiative, especially with a Dex of 10 and no initiative boosting trait or familiar. I might also be tempted to take Toughness. Normally I would skip this as a bad choice but 10 Con is very dangerous on a wizard. Personally I would probably live with a starting 18 or 19 int, drop charisma some and boost dex and con. Other choices might include Extend Spell or Craft Rod.

Banning conjuration is a bad idea, you will regret the lack of easy access to teleportation. Also with neither conjuration or evocation you lack many ways to deal with creatures which are traditionally immune to enchantment, undead, golems, oozes and swarms. You have access to necromancy but control undead, while excellent, is probably not enough on its own for undead. Golems will be immune to pretty much everything you have. You have no real area affect spells for swarms.

On gear you will need some of the standard stuff in addition to those listed. The Handy Haversack and Cloak of Resistance are as near to mandatory as it gets for a Str7 wizard. The Mind Fog trick is interesting but really probably not needed. At level 10, assuming a +4 Headband your enchantment DC's are 20+level. CR10 monsters have saves between 9-13 generally. Hold Monster for example will work anywhere between 55% and 75% of the time. Mind Fog has to be cast in combat and is stationary and the target has to fail the save. You would be better off just using an offensive spell on each round.

Necromancy and Illusion (or necromancy and abjuration) are usually the schools i ban when i go the enchanter route. I would never replace conjuration though, its a dangerous decision.

I would never ban illusion. Invisibility, Mirror Image and Greater Invisibility are simply too important at pretty much any level.

Very different build to the enchanter I'm working on for the game that's hopefully going to happen in the near future, though granted having roll-up attributes does give me more options:


Vithil k'tho'cra
Female Drow Wizard 1
NG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision; Perception +4
AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (+1 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 6 (1d6)
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +4
SR 7
Weakness light blindness
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +0 (1d4/19-20) and
quarterstaff +0 (1d6)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
1/day—charm person (DC 16)
Drow Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
1/day—dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5):
1st—deep shadows, sleep [S] (DC 16), web bolt (DC 15)
0 (at will)—clandestine conversation, daze (DC 15), lightsight
Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 19
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11
Feats Scribe Scroll, Stealth Synergy
Traits highlander (hills or mountains), keleshite princess, outcast's intuition
Skills Appraise +8, Bluff +15, Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (nobility) +8, Perception +4, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +6 (+8 in hilly or rocky areas); Racial Modifiers highlander (hills or mountains)
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Drow Sign Language, Elven, Undercommon
SQ arcane bonds (arcane bond [familiar]), beguiling touch, dependent, opposition schools (evocation, necromancy), poison use, specialized schools (manipulator)
Other Gear haramaki, dagger, quarterstaff, backpack, belt pouch, chalk, flint and steel, grooming kit, ink, black, inkpen, journal, soap, spell component pouch, spellbook, waterproof bag, waterskin, light horse, bedroll, bit and bridle, blanket, feed (per day), mess kit, pot, riding saddle, rope, saddlebags, trail rations, 3 gp, 9 cp
Special Abilities
Beguiling Touch (max 1 HD, 1 rds) (7/day) (DC 14) (Sp) Touch charms.
Darkvision (120 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Dependent Shaken for 1 hour when you fail a Diplomacy check.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Evocation You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Evocation school.
Familiar Bonus: +3 to Bluff checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Highlander (hills or mountains) +1 to Stealth checks, Stealth is always a class skill for you. Double this in hilly or rocky areas.
Light Blindness (Ex) Bright light blinds for 1 rd, then dazzled as long as remain in it.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Manipulator Assocated School: Enchantment
Necromancy You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Necromancy school.
Outcast's Intuition +1 to your Caster Level against dispel attempts.
Poison Use (Ex) You do not risk poisoning yourself accidentally while poisoning a weapon.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Spell Resistance (7) You have Spell Resistance.
Stealth Synergy Take the highest roll made by you and your allies on Stealth checks
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As you may have noticed, banned Necromancy and Evocation. We have a cleric in the party so loss of Necromancy probably isn't going to be a major problem if undead rock up.

andreww wrote:
Looking at what you want to do I am rather unconvinced by the necromancy spell focus choices. You have two necromantic spells which allow a save, Blindness and Command Undead. Command Undead allows no save for mindless targets. Blindness is good but I don't think it is a two feat investment good. Many necromancy spells work with no save, enervation and waves of fatigue being prime examples. I would dump the feats.

I would normally agree here, however, in all likelihood I will also end up with Hold Undead, Bestow Curse, Magic Jar, and later Eyebite and Undeath to Death. These spells give me anti undead options and additional save lowering capability. Magic Jar allows for some truly terrifying shenanigans. Especially with an Enchanter.

It looks unimpressive right now but I fully believe those spell focus (N) feats will pay off handsomely in play.

Furthermore, I think of the Character as a "dual-specialist" if you will. He could as easily be built as a necromancer with Spell Focus (enchantment) if the Necromancy school powers weren't such an awful joke.

andreww wrote:
In their place I would definitely pick up improved initiative, especially with a Dex of 10 and no initiative boosting trait or familiar. I might also be tempted to take Toughness. Normally I would skip this as a bad choice but 10 Con is very dangerous on a wizard. Personally I would probably live with a starting 18 or 19 int, drop charisma some and boost dex and con. Other choices might include Extend Spell or Craft Rod.

Craft Rod or Extend Spell can still be fit in, I haven't decided on my tenth level bonus feat.

I like improved initiative, but I would be more likely to replace greater spell penetration than spell focus for it. The HP situation is perilous, but keep in mind that the 15 point buy assumption won't necessarily hold, since I haven't encountered a group that actually uses point buy since I was playing 3.5, about 5 or 6 years ago.

I would consider dropping knowledge (history) and switching the favoured class bonus to HP, but this would be painful as I consider that skill thematically important.

andreww wrote:
Banning conjuration is a bad idea, you will regret the lack of easy access to teleportation. Also with neither conjuration or evocation you lack many ways to deal with creatures which are traditionally immune to enchantment, undead, golems, oozes and swarms. You have access to necromancy but control undead, while excellent, is probably not enough on its own for undead. Golems will be immune to pretty much everything you have. You have no real area affect spells for swarms.

I understand this. Banning the strongest (imo) school is pretty much a straight nerf. It is calculated though. For fast travel I can use Shadow Walk if I need to, but I actually wanted to avoid the whole "continent hopping" thing as much as possible and play a Wizard that is a little more low key and subtle than usual.

I'm not really concerned about enchantment immune stuff to be honest, I don't want to be casting save-or-suck spells every encounter if it can be helped, a GM is liable to start fudging saves if you overdo it. Alexei is a Buffer/Debuffer first, so if a golem shows up I'll just focus on buffing. I have no trouble spending large sums of gold on scrolls, should they be available, So the spell selection above really only represents the bare minimum for what I want the character to be able to accomplish.

Swarms may cause issues, but then again, these tend to be a low level threat, often handled by Alchemist's fire.

andreww wrote:
On gear you will need some of the standard stuff in addition to those listed. The Handy Haversack and Cloak of Resistance are as near to mandatory as it gets for a Str7 wizard. The Mind Fog trick is interesting but really probably not needed. At level 10, assuming a +4 Headband your enchantment DC's are 20+level. CR10 monsters have saves between 9-13 generally. Hold Monster for example will work anywhere between 55% and 75% of the time. Mind Fog has to be cast in combat and is stationary and the target has to fail the save. You would be better off just using an offensive spell on each round.

Yeah, Handy haversack and Cloak of resistance are mandatory. Any question is simply how much to invest in the cloak. As for the Necklace of Adaptation, it's really neat item that somehow managed to escape my notice previously. Yes, the Mind Fog trick is a bit gimmicky, but it can also act as a deterrent, making intelligent monsters think twice about getting in your face. Plus it can't hurt to be plain immune to drowning, suffocation and every cloud and fog spell and effect out there.

shadowkras wrote:
Necromancy and Illusion (or necromancy and abjuration) are usually the schools i ban when i go the enchanter route. I would never replace conjuration though, its a dangerous decision.
FuelDrop wrote:
As you may have noticed, banned Necromancy and Evocation. We have a cleric in the party so loss of Necromancy probably isn't going to be a major problem if undead rock up.

To both, as stated in my other reply, I consider the character as much a Necromancer as an Enchanter, the choice of specialization is made is easy by Necromancy school powers being awful in comparison.

To shadowkras, while I consider Conjuration to be the most powerful school, I'm not sure I would go as far as to say banning it is dangerous, unless you specifically mean the lack of teleport makes escape less likely should events turn south.

Sovereign Court

It's too bad you don't play with any non-core material, because Threnodic Spell (from Ultimate Magic) is beyond perfect for this build.

Anyway, the first thing that stands out to me is 10 Dex, Con, and Wis. Allow me to stick a big red warning light up, because those are the stats that determine how hard you are to kill - your saves, HP, and AC. I'm sad to say it, but this guy will die to the first blasting sorcerer or teleporting baddie you meet, particularly since you're such a high-value target. Also, good lucking hitting with Enervation relying solely on BAB.

Second: you don't have any metamagic feats at all, which really hurts your flexibility. Sadly, the core doesn't have many that make it harder for enemies to save, like Persistent, Bouncing, or Focused, but picking up Silent and/or Still Spell could be very good for someone who fancies himself subtle. Casting Charm Person as a 3rd-level spell while standing stock still is a pretty good trick, and if you're caught in a Silence spell or a grapple, Silent and Still spell, respectively, will help you out a lot. In my experience spell resistance won't start coming up often until around level 13+ so the Spell Penetration feats can wait a while.

Third: Like most enchanters, you're pretty lacking in spells that can affect undead, which are common in many campaigns. NONE of the mind-affecting spells can get them (including Hold Monster), Enervation just heals them, and I'm not certain whether they can be affected by fatigue. Haste and Heroism are great buffs, but you'd be well advised to pick up a few spells that are good against all foes. Telekinesis is quite nice - it allows you to stretch out a 5th level spell over several turns, and I think fits the "classic mage" archetype nicely. You'd be well advised to put a LOT more spells in your spellbook, though, particularly if you're shelling out for a Blessed Book - my high-level wizard had 10-20 spells of each level in his spellbook and made liberal use of Scribe Scroll and Arcane Bond.

I will tinker a little bit, then post a proper, complete level 10 build tomorrow, time permitting.

To Reynard-the-fox, many of your points are addressed in my reply to andrewww (and the rest will most likely be addressed by the more complete build tomorrow). regarding Enervation, I would take the time to cast True Strike if I had reason to suspect that the target had a touch AC higher than 15.

To the incoming mob bearing torches, yes, action economy, I know. But that's not an argument I want to have right now, suffice it to say I like to still have spells left after 2 encounters so I'm not useless when the 3rd encounter shows up.

Alexei Grigorovitch Petrov - Neutral - Human - Male - Enchanter 10

Str 7
Dex 14
Con 14 (+2 from belt)
Int 24 (+4 from headband)
Wis 10
Cha 12

HP 63
AC 12

Fort +9
Ref +9
Will +11

Feats: Scribe Scroll, Spell focus (Enchantment), Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment), Spell Focus (Necromancy), Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy), Craft Wondrous Item, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Craft Wand


Asterisk marks Headband bonus skills

Spellcraft +20
Knowledge (Arcana) +20
Knowledge (Religion) +20
Knowledge (Nobility &Royalty) +20
*Knowledge (Nature) +20
Bluff +14
Diplomacy +14
Perception +10
Linguistics +20
*Sense Motive +10

Arcane Bond: (Item, Ring)


Forbidden Schools are Conjuration, Evocation.

Spells marked with asterisk are those selected at level-up

5th: Mind Fog*
Hold Monster*
Waves of Fatigue*

4th: Confusion*
Animate Dead*
Crushing Despair*
Detect Undead*
Bestow Curse

3rd: Heroism*
Dispel Magic*
Shrink Item
Secret Page
Halt Undead
Vampiric Touch
Major Image

2nd: Hideous Laugher*
Command Undead*
Touch of Idiocy*
Arcane Lock
Resist Energy
Detect Thoughts
See Invisibility
False Life
Mirror Image
Spectral Hand
Ghoul Touch

All, except conjuration, Evocation.

Magical Gear


Wand of True Strike 375
Wand of Endure Elements 375
Wand of Detect Secret Doors 375
Wand of Identify 375
Wand of Command Undead 2250

Headband of Vast Intelligence +4 8000
Blessed Book 6250
Gloves of Arrow Snaring 2000
Robe of Bones 1200
Necklace of Adaptation 4500
Ring of Invisibility (Bonded Item) 10000
Cloak of Resistance +4 8000
Handy Haversack 1000
Belt of Mighty Constitution +2 2000


Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend 3000
Ring of Sustenance 2500
Scrolls, 20 1st level, 9 2nd, 7 3rd, 3 4th, 6575
Scrying Mirror 1000

Remaining gold: 2225


How does that look?

Is no news good news?

Liberty's Edge

Generally? Looks pretty solid. Though, as others note, I'd never ban Conjuration, it has too many spells that are flat-out great to have.

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Generally? Looks pretty solid. Though, as others note, I'd never ban Conjuration, it has too many spells that are flat-out great to have.

Enchantment and Necromancy are the default banned schools on all my Wizards, so I mostly just wanted to be forced into playing something off the beaten path.

Thanks for the input.

Just noticed it says "Detect Undead" in 4th level spells, that should be Detect Scrying.

Grand Lodge

You might consider ban on divination. Those spells can be put on scrolls when needed so no big loss. They are actually good scroll spells. You have a wand of identify.

2 books you should pick up in off form at least are Advanced players guide and Ultimate magic.

I recommend improved Familiar and giving him a wand of enervate and other wands to increase your action economy.

Personally I'd dump craft want and take craft staff instead for the same purpose.

Wands are great for buying for a single frequently used spell of low level that you don't have on your list already.

Scrolls are for seldom used spells that you really need on the rare day you need them, and the spell doesn't depend on caster level.

Staves are for spells that you want to use your caster level and saves on. Like command undead.

It's an 11th level feat, but way better investment than craft wand IMO. Personally, I only consider craft wondrous item worth a feat unless I know I'm going into a low magic campaign. Then I'd choose arms and armor next, and rings after that.

I assume that you want a high charisma because you want to imagine your enchanter is charming. I'd recommend dumping it and using magic to be charming instead, and boosting dex.

I would echo previous posts in saying to spell focus in one school only. Necromancy has a lot of no save spells, so id skip focusing on it, or take it later in the higher levels when you actually get several of the spells that have saving throws.

Not having improved initiative will hurt. Not having an improved familiar will hurt in later levels where 1 extra spell isn't a large percentage increase and alertness and action economy is great.

Only going CRB these days kind of hurts because the APG and ultimate magic have a lot of wonderful caster feats like greater spell specialization and spell perfection, fun spells, and the green-sting scorpion familiar.

I don't think having conjuration and evocation opposed is that big of a deal. It just means that you need to burn 2 slots on memorizing a spell if you really know you need it that day.

bfobar wrote:

Personally I'd dump craft want and take craft staff instead for the same purpose.

Wands are great for buying for a single frequently used spell of low level that you don't have on your list already.

Scrolls are for seldom used spells that you really need on the rare day you need them, and the spell doesn't depend on caster level.

Staves are for spells that you want to use your caster level and saves on. Like command undead.

It's an 11th level feat, but way better investment than craft wand IMO. Personally, I only consider craft wondrous item worth a feat unless I know I'm going into a low magic campaign. Then I'd choose arms and armor next, and rings after that.

I assume that you want a high charisma because you want to imagine your enchanter is charming. I'd recommend dumping it and using magic to be charming instead, and boosting dex.

I would echo previous posts in saying to spell focus in one school only. Necromancy has a lot of no save spells, so id skip focusing on it, or take it later in the higher levels when you actually get several of the spells that have saving throws.

Not having improved initiative will hurt. Not having an improved familiar will hurt in later levels where 1 extra spell isn't a large percentage increase and alertness and action economy is great.

Only going CRB these days kind of hurts because the APG and ultimate magic have a lot of wonderful caster feats like greater spell specialization and spell perfection, fun spells, and the green-sting scorpion familiar.

I don't think having conjuration and evocation opposed is that big of a deal. It just means that you need to burn 2 slots on memorizing a spell if you really know you need it that day.

Dumping Craft Wand for Craft Staff is impossible, because, as you note, it has a prerequisite of CL 11. Furthermore, taking a craft feat for a single magical item is of very dubious value.

I don't take crafting feats because of availability, I take them because effectively doubling your wealth is incredibly powerful.

As for Command Undead, it has a duration of days per level, and it doesn't have a saving throw, not at any time you actually want to cast it (i.e. on unintelligent undead, intelligent undead are too dangerous to keep around anyway).

I have plenty of necromancy spells which offer saves, and that list will only grow at higher levels.

A 12 Charisma isn't really "high" it's the bare minimum for characters who want to play the "social game". Charm type spells are absolutely atrocious as a substitute. Fail a diplomacy check on the king's minister, and he turns down your request. Cast Charm Person on him and one of two things happen: 1, he succeeds on his save. You are now a hunted fugitive. 2, he fails, and grants your request. Then the spell expires, he rescinds any favours granted, and orders a manhunt. You are now a hunted fugitive. Not exactly brilliant.

Charm type spells are only ever useful for prisoners and other potentially useful, uncooperative but powerless to harm you individuals.

I don't have a familiar because I don't want a familiar, Having a free spontaneous slot is pure bonus (and allows me to craft a ring of invisibility). Anyway, a lot of people seriously undervalue the ability to cast any spell in your spellbooks.

As for initiative, I would like it higher, but the build is already packed with feats that are must-haves for this character.

Whether going CRB only "these days" "hurts", is immaterial. It does, but that's neither here nor there.

Some people try to argue that Pathfinder doesn't have power-creep. Lol.

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