Investigator - Feats

Pathfinder Society

So I'm very interested in my first character being the investigator and I've done a lot of research.

While I know that the final version isn't coming out until August, I do have a question.

Seeing as all the other classes have an "Extra ____" feat associated with their class, can I assume there will be one made for the investigator?

If so, can I add such and still have it legal for pathfinder society play?

Extra Investigator Talent

You learn an additional investigator talent.

Prerequisite: Investigator talent class feature.

Benefit: You gain one additional investigator talent. You must meet all of the prerequisites for this investigator talent.

Special: You can gain Extra Investigator talent multiple times.

4/5 *

Unfortunately, no. It is reasonable to think they might add such a feat when ACG comes out, but until then we just have to do without.

=( darn.

Thanks for responding though!

4/5 5/5 **

If it's not (1) in an official Paizo product, and (2) authorized as "legal" on the Additional Resources page, then we can't use it. My investigator looks forward to taking this prospective feat when the ACG comes out in August and is added to the Additional Resources!

Scarab Sages 4/5

It's reasonable to think that there will be an Extra Investigator Talent feat, but it's by no means a given. Ask anyone who plays a Ninja. There's no Extra Ninja Trick. Ok, there's Extra Rogue Talent, but in PFS that's subject to way too much table variation, if not outright illegal. My understanding from previous threads is that Extra Ninja Trick was left out of Ultimate Combat either because of an oversight, or because there wasn't enough room in the book for another feat. Hopefully that mistake won't repeat itself.

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