Erixian |

So, since i did this the other way and it got people talking a bit, why not try it in the other direction. Once again, this does not have to be a discussion about the worst cards in the game or anything like that, but what are your least favorite cards in the game? Cards that you just don't like to encounter or just don't like to have in your hand.
One of these for me is the Enchanter. I feel like this might make a lot of lists, actually. For a lot of characters, you are just going to be taking 2 minimum damage. Obviously there are ways to prevent that damage, but you still have to get those cards. Also, the fact that these are different types of damage makes things a lot more interesting as well.

Erixian |

That is all.
And of course the armor haters have shown up to the party first. Why does everyone have to hate on armor? I understand that it may be the least useless card type currently, but I think that it does pay off to have armor, especially with the group of people that I play with. We explore when we shouldn't, and we hold onto our blessings when we shouldn't. In essence, we make some pretty poor decisions and like to have an armor to cover us when we do.
Also, let's not turn this into an armor discussion, as there are plenty of those already.

Erixian |

My friend really hates running into the Goblin Warchanter as Seoni. I'm all like, "LoL! You just lost your hand to a difficulty 8!"
I think this is also the one that my wife hates, because she plays weapon classes. This is one doesn't let you play spells or weapons if you fail the check, correct?

Orbis Orboros |

Orbis Orboros wrote:My friend really hates running into the Goblin Warchanter as Seoni. I'm all like, "LoL! You just lost your hand to a difficulty 8!"I think this is also the one that my wife hates, because she plays weapon classes. This is one doesn't let you play spells or weapons if you fail the check, correct?
Weapon classes can usually punch it with a blessing, but spell casters... Oh how spellcasters (except Lini) hate to fail that Wisdom check...

Castarr4 |

From a mechanics perspective: Holy Candle. It's just SO USEFUL I really dislike it. It takes up a spot in every deck (one person in a given group, anyways) and doesn't promote interesting gameplay.
From a "hate to run into" perspective: Shrine to Lamashtu. I love its design (it doesn't feel unfair, since I CHOSE to go to it), but I still dread needing to go to it. Possible 6 damage that I can't do anything about. Maybe more, if the villain got away earlier!

ilazul |

Explosive Runes. That card is so unbalanced when you first come across it. Sure, each character has that one "bad stat". But if you're bad stat happens to be dex, you get messed up pretty often. Falling Bell is another one of those, but something about the damage from explosive runes makes it stand out to me.
On my Kyra I always have the Staff of Heaven and Earth and just pretty much ignore all the barriers.

motrax |

+1 for Traitor. It's definitely an interesting opponent, especially for a Lini. In fact, it is my wife's nemesis, I think she has hit 3-4 in the current adventure path alone.
An interesting tidbit though. Characters that don't have an ally in hand, of course still have to fight the monster. When a player protested, saying they had no ally to turn on them... I replied:
"OK... you're IMAGINARY FRIEND is now stabbing you in the back!"

MightyJim |

Based on fairly limited playthough, the Satyr was one of the most annoying out of the box - anything Dexterity based has been causing us issues on our latest playthrough (without Merisiel)
that said, it's combos that have really messed us up.
In our last game, we'd gone back to the beginning, and started again with 6 characters- got as far as the second scenario with the poisoner.
We sent Amiri to the guard tower, as she could move away each turn, and avoid the Bandit. She ran into a dexterity-based barrier, and took d4 of damage. No matter how much we shuffled, this card seemed constantly to be in the top two. Wherever she went at the end of the turn, we then had to send Kyra to heal her.
In the end we ran out of time with 3 locations still open, and during clean-up, discovered the villain hiding in the guard tower.
Guard-Tower. The Poisoner. Some kind of base-set dexterity barrier. None of them horrific, but together impossible.

Ironvein |
If you read my post on tragic character deaths, you know the monster I hate most ;p
Other than that, I'd say my least fav isn't so much a card but a Amiri extra die power. I hate it mostly because I keep forgetting to use it. I was gun shy earlier in the game because burying a card for an extra d10 isn't something you want to use all the time (you'd die fast), but on important rolls, it can be helpful. But now that I have finish deck 3, I've gotten comfortable using her, but forget that power in favor of blessings usually. Also at that point, I usually don't need an extra d10, with my weapons and bonuses are sufficient most of the time.

Baltimore Frost |

Have to agree with Majuba with Sleep being my least favorite boon. It is just kind of a dead card after the first adventure.
My least favorite bane has got to go to Skeleton Horde or whatever barrier makes everyone summon and fight a monster. I always seem to get torn up by those or end up wasting a bunch of cards before my turn just to fight them off.

Erixian |

The barriers that summon monsters can be annoying if you are trying to dig through your location deck and use a lot of allies and/or blessings. There are a lot of those types of Barriers. I think that barriers and monsters that make everyone perform the check are annoying for my Lem, who usually just follows another character around.

Orbis Orboros |

The barriers that summon monsters can be annoying if you are trying to dig through your location deck and use a lot of allies and/or blessings. There are a lot of those types of Barriers. I think that barriers and monsters that make everyone perform the check are annoying for my Lem, who usually just follows another character around.
Support-based Lem, likes to give d4+x's, right? You DID go for virtuoso, didn't you? Just d4+x yourself when this happens.

mlvanbie |

The Traitor is awful for Lini. I try not to keep more than one animal in hand. Then my Sabertooth Tiger turns on me and I still have to beat an 11. If I don't have an attack spell that's a risky proposition.
Worst at the Farmhouse. The chanting of 'two legs bad, four legs good' really gets to Lini after a while.
My least favourite boon might be Fire Sneeze, since it has never left the box.

Nefrubyr |

We sent Amiri to the guard tower, as she could move away each turn, and avoid the Bandit.
Avoid the Bandit? We send Amiri to the Guard Tower so she can use the Bandit's recharge power to cycle the surplus weapons out of her hand. Then she squishes him.
OK, I suppose you were talking about early on when there's a slim chance of failure.

Orbis Orboros |

MightyJim wrote:We sent Amiri to the guard tower, as she could move away each turn, and avoid the Bandit.Avoid the Bandit? We send Amiri to the Guard Tower so she can use the Bandit's recharge power to cycle the surplus weapons out of her hand. Then she squishes him.
OK, I suppose you were talking about early on when there's a slim chance of failure.
That's an interesting take. We do tend to send weapon users to the tower because they hate it less due to needing fewer cards in hand...
We always get rid of surplus weapons by discarding them and curing (if desired).

Erixian |

Merisiel loves the Bandit.
Interesting. I guess my wife plays Merisiel in a different way. She likes to get her Deathbane Light Crossbow or Mokmurian's Club, Belt of Incredible Dexterity, Snakeskin Tunic, Sage's Journal, and Ring of Protection. All reveal cards and just kill everything that comes up and prevent any auxiliary damage that some monsters deal. that is just more her style. She also uses whatever other card she gets to add either a d6 or 2d6 to her combat rolls.

tasthomas |
I saw someone mention the shrine to lamashtu. Seelah kills it at that location! Examine top card; it's a boon; put it on the bottom! As mentioned already, Siren, harpy, warchanter, satyr. Every character seems to have his kryptonite (except Lem, he's broken). My least favorite boons are all the evade spells. I love playing mages: Ezren, Lini, Lem, but I would prefer defeating the banes rather than avoiding them.

Orbis Orboros |

mlvanbie wrote:Merisiel loves the Bandit.Interesting. I guess my wife plays Merisiel in a different way. She likes to get her Deathbane Light Crossbow or Mokmurian's Club, Belt of Incredible Dexterity, Snakeskin Tunic, Sage's Journal, and Ring of Protection. All reveal cards and just kill everything that comes up and prevent any auxiliary damage that some monsters deal. that is just more her style. She also uses whatever other card she gets to add either a d6 or 2d6 to her combat rolls.
He might just besaying that Merisiel doesn't give a **** about the bandit. Free evade, baby!
I saw someone mention the shrine to lamashtu. Seelah kills it at that location! Examine top card; it's a boon; put it on the bottom! As mentioned already, Siren, harpy, warchanter, satyr. Every character seems to have his kryptonite (except Lem, he's broken). My least favorite boons are all the evade spells. I love playing mages: Ezren, Lini, Lem, but I would prefer defeating the banes rather than avoiding them.
Lem, broken?
0.oLem has kryptonite. Anything that is a high combat check or that causes him to lose his one weapon...

Orbis Orboros |

That is true, there is the free evade, but I was thinking that in the context of the conversation, that he was using it to cycle through cards. I think that the Bandit will be great in the future for characters with Mokmurian's Club.
Why? The bandit makes you recharge a card from your hand and the club only heals a card from the discard pile..?
Or are you saying that, if someone is hurt AND they have the club AND there's no healing available elsewhere, then the Guard Tower will be great for them because of the extra encounters with easy combat checks..?

Erixian |

Exactly. If you want some healing, you can just post up in the Guard Tower and get healing. If the Guard Tower came up and I had Mokmurian's Club, I would want to go there every time, because it is an easy check to get all of your cards back into your deck.
My other comment was based on the fact that my wife rarely ever uses Merisiel's evade power. in fact, at the Guard Tower, she usually just punches her way through Bandit after Bandit...

tasthomas |
Lem, broken?
0.oLem has kryptonite. Anything that is a high combat check or that causes him to lose his one weapon...
Why in the world would you be using a weapon with a character who has both arcane and divine? Boost his Charisma skill (mine is +4). Scorching Ray or Frost Ray; recharge a card to add d4+3: your rolling a d10, 2d6, d4 + 8. Your average roll with that is 23. Recharging spells is a snap too; just recharge a card to add the d4+3. Multiple combat checks could be a problem; he tends to run out of cards while recharging them frequently. But, he is usually with somebody to handle a 2nd combat check.
Lem makes the game easy.

![]() |

It's interesting that a lot of people mention cards they don't like because of their difficulty. I personally like the difficult cards, and only really dislike cards if they're junk boons.
A lot of the early allies, items, and etc. are probably my least favorite. You know...the potions, the allies that only add something to very situational skills like Perception and Survival (e.g., Night Watch and Standard Bearer)...all those cards. Those junky cards came up way too often before they could start disappearing in AD3.

Orbis Orboros |

Why in the world would you be using a weapon with a character who has both arcane and divine? Boost his Charisma skill (mine is +4). Scorching Ray or Frost Ray; recharge a card to add d4+3: your rolling a d10, 2d6, d4 + 8. Your average roll with that is 23. Recharging spells is a snap too; just recharge a card to add the d4+3. Multiple combat checks could be a problem; he tends to run out of cards while recharging them frequently. But, he is usually with somebody to handle a 2nd combat check.
Lem makes the game easy.
I'm not saying you can't build him as a pure combat spellcaster, but if you did he'd be worse at it than others. He has fewer available spells in his deck than Lini or Ezren and even seoni has the Fireball ability. The other three all recharge spells easily as well without having to recharge a second hand card to do so. And they doen't have to rely on a second character to make additional combat checks for them. In fact, your main argument seems to hinge on him using his recharge-to-help ability on every check - if you're doing that, why not just use Lini? Then you just have to reveal to get that sweet bonus on every check.