How do I keep my extra-planer character from being banished?


We're playing an all monster party (we each got to pick a CR4 monster) and I chose the Shae from Bestiary 3. The GM not so subtly reminded me of my vulnerability to Banishment and Dismissal. I was almost dismissed back to the Plane of Shadows. The party promptly clasped a pair of Dimensional Shackles on me and we went about our adventure... then they got hit by Shatter. Now we're trying to figure out if there is a more permanent means of keeping my feet in the Material Plane. One of the older editions of D&D had an effect that could break your connection to your home plane and by extension rules for establishing a new home plane. These both appear to had come and gone. So any advice on how to keep this from happening?

Ring of Counterspelling with Dismissal keyed to it might work for awhile. The odds of someone having Dismissal prepared multiple times is unlikely.

Scavion wrote:
Ring of Counterspelling with Dismissal keyed to it might work for awhile. The odds of someone having Dismissal prepared multiple times is unlikely.

Unless your GM is trying to get you... like by targetting the Shackles with a shatter and then trying to follow through with a dismissal or banishment... :-)

Er, Shatter doesn't work on magic items.....

sunderedhero wrote:
Er, Shatter doesn't work on magic items.....

It does if you're a cheesy character-targeting GM.

I wouldn't call our GM cheesy. Though I would not be surprised if he upped the spells potency for this particular party (both who we are and what we're playing.) To be honest I'm just glad he didn't hit the crystalline member of our group. I'm not very familiar with the near infinite list of spells in pathfinder as this is as close as I've ever come to playing a true magic class. I've always avoided them on principle.

Dimensional Anchor or Dimensional Lock aren't terrible ways to go, if you're willing to forgo teleportation effects. The latter of those has a duration measured in days, but it's an 8th level spell so you might have issues getting a hold of it. Anchor only affects you, is 4th level, but only lasts minutes per level.

Buy another set of shackles and make sure to pump your saving throws high?

Dispel Magic and then shatter. :)

Get another pair of Dimensional Shackles and get a permanent invisibility cast on them. Then get an oversized pair of non-magical shackles to wear over them. If the GM still destroys them, just give up.

Sovereign Court

Next time, make sure your shackles don't seem magical.

The Exchange

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It smells kind of odd to me that the GM decided his NPC spellcasters would pack around shatter and dismissal. I won't accuse your GM outright, but those are some awfully specific spells for NPCs to memorize unless they know what they're hunting. ("I'll memorize these in case we encounter a creature from another plane that's wearing an item that keeps it from being sent back to its plane.") Do the rest of the players have similar issues with NPCs going straight for their soft points?

If he's gunning for everyone equally, and these NPCs were deliberately out hunting your group, then all you have is a rather hard-core campaign. But if it's you and only you that rouses his ire, and you keep running into these same issues, your only hope is to retire the character and bring in a new one.

Hat of Disguise, look like a human. If they see through that then oh well.

The Exchange

Hey, that's a nice workaround. Way to think outside the box. But look like a dwarf! After all, they'll reason that nobody would deliberately choose to look like a dwarf. ;)

Sovereign Court

Also, if you look like a dwarf they might count on you only moving 20ft.

Lincoln Hills wrote:
Hey, that's a nice workaround. Way to think outside the box. But look like a gnome! After all, they'll reason that nobody would deliberately choose to look like vermin. ;)

I made some adjustments that may or may not have been improvements.

Sovereign Court

Looked at the Shae entry on d20pfsrd and found this:

d20pfsrd wrote:
In their own language, their name means "unbound" or "unfettered."


Seriously, though, both Dismissal and Banishment require you to fail a Will save, so taking the Iron Will and Greater Iron Will feats is one way to bolster yourself if it really becomes a problem. Other than that, I would try to get a new set of Shackles, and also have a Scroll of Dimensional Anchor handy for a caster to use on you if the issue comes up.

Ultimately, though, if the DM wants to banish you, the DM gonna banish you.

Greater Spell Immunity if you can access it somehow offers protection for 10 min/lvl.

Or, of course, just be prepared to come back quickly. There's no text in the spells saying you stay Dismissed or Banished for some minimum time. (unlike Holy Word, Word of Chaos etc.)

If the DM really is likely to play that trick often I'd also learn which spells you need to worry about: Dismissal, Banishment, Dispel "Alignment", Word of "Alignment" come to mind right off.

The Exchange

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A thought belatedly occurred to me. It's possible (if unlikely) that the GM has some sort of plot hook involving you being back on your home plane - maybe an adventure for the group. You may want to bring up the idea of visiting your home next time you're chatting with the rest of the party. If the GM leaps on the idea, you'll know the real reason enemies keep trying to dismiss you...


GM is not trying to kill me specifically. We now know that we're dealing with a plane hopping maniac who knows who we are and has been trying to get rid of us for a while. Only had one additional run in with an attempted banish and that didn't work. We have lost the pixie but that was to a Golem in normal combat. So far the GMs been tough but fair.

That's an oddly specific spell to use against you. There are better spells that could cripple you or any other PC with you.

For that reason, no caster I've ever played ever prepped those spells, regardless of what side of the DM screen I'm on.

I want to say get a Ring of Counterspells, but putting aside the cost, there are several such spells that could banish you. I guess you could try the Dimensional Shackles again and remind the DM that Shatter won't work on them. (Shatter isn't a particularly useful spell, most of the time.)

The Exchange

KA-BOOM! wrote:
...GM is not trying to kill me specifically. We now know that we're dealing with a plane hopping maniac who knows who we are and has been trying to get rid of us for a while...

Good thing you didn't take our advice. ;)

By the way, if you haven't already, purchasing a scroll of plane shift is probably still a sound move. It costs a fortune, but then, insurance always does. Keep it in a lead-lined scroll tube.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

How do you rejoin the party after you get banished or dismissed? That might be an easier problem to solve than preventing the banishment or dismissal in the first place.

If future banishment's are still a concern, I might suggest a spell tattoo of Dimensional Anchor. It is a CL 4 slotless wondrous item subject to erase/dispel with will save. This can be hidden under clothing (preventing erase), and still be quickly accessed in an emergency, it can be single use, charges, or continuous (very expensive but, easier to hide as well). Tattoos can be stacked with regular items in the same slots (and both work if there is not a competing bonus E.G: +DEX tattoo on belt, and +DEX Belt would cancel out one).
Magic Aura cast over it all to prevent detection by magical or mundane means.
Either way it will cost you a lot to prevent banishment or dismissal.

Might be weird but if you make a phase locking dagger and hit yourself with it, you cannot be teleported anywhere or sent to any other planes. It sounds weird but it should works.

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