DM Variel |

Looking for a character as a replacement for a Wrath of the Righteous campaign that is 2/3 through the first book. The group is currently 4th level.
Character creation guidelines:
Only paizo material, no third party sources
20 pt build
2 traits, 1 of which must be a campaign trait as it ties in to the mythic campaign
Average starting wealth
1 hero point gained per level max of 3 that will be lost upon gaining 6th level when you become epic.
1 bonus skill point upon creation that must go into a profession, craft, or perform which represents your ability to make a living.
No gunslingers
Must be able to post at least once per day
As a request from some of the players here is what they are looking for...
No tieflings
What we have so far...
Aasimar oracle of metal
Aasimar inquisitor of Iomedae
Aasimar paladin shield knight of Iomedae
Human cleric
Dwarf wizard
A little bit about me. I work at a hospital and have some long hours. I post from my iPad and check updates during the day. Map updates occur once I am at home usually around 2100-2300 CST unless I get called back into the hospital. If this happens I try to make a quick ooc post informing you that I am at work and no map update will be available.
To try and help with the pace of PBP combat we run combat as a group. This way it does not matter in which order you post I will try to take the most favorable situation in your actions. Of course this allows your foes the same opportunity. This occurs at the same time as the map update.
Role playing posts I try to respond to during the day and will post as I can as I prefer the RP posts.

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I am definitely interested! I've been really wanting to play Wrath of the Righteous and experience Mythic content firsthand!
I will submit a character for consideration as soon as I can.
EDIT: Thinking about a half-orc Celestial Totem Barbarian, perhaps - I'd like to be a tough guy up front with a "holy" theme, but quite different from the paladin and any other Lawful Good types. Chaotic Good for alignment (and probably with one hell of a personal grudge against the demons), hopefully utilizing some means of self-healing to take advantage of the Lesser Celestial Totem rage power.

Sharrif il-Amin |
Sharrif il-Amin,
War Priest of Sarenrae
Born in the sun-kissed dunes of Kelesh, to Malah il-Amin and Uriah il-Amin, caravan masters and devoted worshippers of the Dawnbringer. Sharrif was entertained during his parents long journeys with tales of daring dervishes and educated in the importance of justice and mercy. At the age of 10, his family encountered a traveling cleric of Sarenrae, who was heading northwest to Avistan. The Cleric took a liking to Sharrif and was in awe of the child's fledgling devotion to the Goddess and his boldness in standing up for what was right.
He stayed with the caravan for 6 months, traveling the trade routes from Kelesh to Qadira growing fonder of the boy, becoming like an uncle to him. At the end of his travels with the il-Amins he begged the boy's parents to let him take young Sharrif as an apprentice. He shared his belief that the boy would grow into a great defender of the faith some day.
And so with pride, and a heavy-heart the parents of young Sharrif agreed and the boy left with his new Cleric mentor.
That was 10 years ago, and the Cleric's prophecy proved true, young Sharrif had indeed grown into a noble defender of the faith, a scion of justice and an advocate of mercy. And with the call for a new Mendevian Crusade went out, Sharrif answered with scimitar in hand and the faith of the Dawnflower in his heart.
I'm guessing Standard Wealth per leve? I'll have the build in this alias by eod.

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I have a human Fighter character who could play Shield brother with your paladin.. A follower of Aqueros.. Being the Defense Shield to his offense or Vice-versa. His name is Verim Pharae.. Son of the great warior Juha Pharae and witch Lucia.
Question was anyone else attached to the exposed to Awfulness trait, I'd like to work something in with them that makes sense. Hrm I can seem him as a Guardian.. or Trickster.. or Both... A more Carefree Shield Brother, but effective and passionate about his job when it gets down to it.

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Question: Would you be open to re-fluffling the orc gods "The Fire God" and/or "The Destroyer" to apply to the Empyreal Lord Ragathiel? They're stated to be more "concepts" that the orcs worship rather than actual deities, and are said to possibly apply to multiple other gods. I'm interested by the Fire God's Blessing and Destroyer's Blessing feats (probably Fire God). They appear in Orcs of Golarion.
I am considering either the Stolen Fury or Touched by Divinity campaign trait (if the latter, possibly making a Rage Prophet).

DM Variel |

Sorry Zeriax, I copied and pasted from the original recruitment thread where we gained Zeriax.. We lost the inquisitor that I forgot to remove. Have to remember to not copy and paste the original.
As for character builds, I am happy with the broad range of character types we have already. This frees the new recruit to play pretty much anything even if it is the same class. I am more concerned with someone who is able to infuse the group with some RP and conversation and who can commit to at least one post per day.
As for character wealth, we have a spreadsheet that tracks the wealth for each character. Right now it looks like Ryu has 2400gp available and he has 1 magic weapon with other gear to get him to 5000 gp total value. That should be your starting wealth which will increase as soon as your join the group as well due to a reward for clearing out some enemies. All items and armor of +1 are available along with all mundane items from the core rulebook. Other magical items or noncore items are not necessarily available due to the war effort. We will worry about that once the time comes.
Hopefully this helps people get an idea of what the wealth is. However we can work with items later I would rather see background and ability to integrate themselves with the group.

DM Variel |

Question was anyone else attached to the exposed to Awfulness trait, I'd like to work something in with them that makes sense. Hrm I can seem him as a Guardian.. or Trickster.. or Both... A more Carefree Shield Brother, but effective and passionate about his job when it gets down to it.
We have two characters who have the Exposed to Awfulness trait. They are Sir Garith the paladin and Zeriax the zen archer.

DM Variel |

Since you didn't mention an archer, I was thinking of putting mine up, but I see that there is already a Zen Archer in your Campaign. Did I miss something? Anyway, it looks like what you really need is a tank.
Yes, as noted I forgot Zeriax, but there is plenty of room for another ranged character. Please feel free to submit what you want and have fun with it.

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Morphling: I am hesitant to change them or commit to anything right now without looking into it more in depth. Once I get a feel for what you are asking I will let you know.
I'll give you the details. :)
I'd like to waive the "Worshipper of the Fire God" prerequisite for the Fire God's Blessing feat, as I'd like to be a worshipper of Ragathiel instead. That feat allows me to heal myself for 1 hit point once per round whenever I deal fire damage. Combined with the Lesser Celestial Totem rage power, it's considerable self-healing without having to waste the healer's actions.
I'll still probably be a barbarian (or perhaps a bloodrager) if you'd rather veto the feat choice.
Do you have anyone with the Touched by Divinity or Stolen Fury traits?

DM Variel |

Sounds like you need a Bard. Can any of the current players handle traps?
Samantha has inspire courage being a cleric with the archetype but that is as close as we get to a bard. As for traps, we have no one with the trap spotter ability to take on magical traps. Thus far they have not had too much of a problem with magical traps but it is still midway through the first book.

DM Variel |

DM Variel wrote:Morphling: I am hesitant to change them or commit to anything right now without looking into it more in depth. Once I get a feel for what you are asking I will let you know.I'll give you the details. :)
I'd like to waive the "Worshipper of the Fire God" prerequisite for the Fire God's Blessing feat, as I'd like to be a worshipper of Ragathiel instead. That feat allows me to heal myself for 1 hit point once per round whenever I deal fire damage. Combined with the Lesser Celestial Totem rage power, it's considerable self-healing without having to waste the healer's actions
I'll still probably be a barbarian (or perhaps a bloodrager) if you'd rather veto the feat choice.
Do you have anyone with the Touched by Divinity or Stolen Fury traits?
Ah...I see, thanks for explaining that. In this case then I am going to say no for a couple of reasons. First is that very rarely do you see a healer use actions to heal during combat unless they are channels or cure serious or higher spells being used.
. Second, I am one who tries not to mess with the rules too much as it can lead down a slippery slope as to what is allowed. I figure that the designers spent more time than I have on the material and trust them to try to achieve a decent balance. I know this is not always the case but it is a starting position for me. Having someone to oppose the lawful good paladin could be interesting.
Maelchar, our oracle of metal, is touched by divinity. No one has the stolen fury trait.

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Ok, thanks for the quick response. I will probably submit a Rage Prophet (Oracle of Battle/Barbarian) with Stolen Fury. Ragathiel is a furious and righeous champion, and as the General of Vengeance, is perfect for a rage-powered character. He's Lawful Good - do you mind if I still worship him even if I am Chaotic Good?
Last question on mechanics - do you mind if I build him to be able to rage-cycle? In case you're unfamiliar with the technique, it's where a barbarian who is immune to fatigue ends and starts his rage several times during a combat, so he can use his "once per rage" rage powers multiple times. He would probably unlock that capability around level 7 or 8.
If not, I'll build him around other rage powers.

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Endoralis wrote:We have two characters who have the Exposed to Awfulness trait. They are Sir Garith the paladin and Zeriax the zen archer.
Question was anyone else attached to the exposed to Awfulness trait, I'd like to work something in with them that makes sense. Hrm I can seem him as a Guardian.. or Trickster.. or Both... A more Carefree Shield Brother, but effective and passionate about his job when it gets down to it.
Thank you, I like this because it can infuse my "Shieldbrother" mentality and story much much better, Which is why Trickster later on would seem appropiate. He will mainly utilize His Shield as the primary weapon and A Shortsword as the other, Trading to be Phalanx or whatnot on a whim.
Now to make the character out. I wish I could take both Exposed to awfulness and Chance Encounter.. as being a merc would make sense to be behind enemy lines.. especially with how this guy acts.

DM Variel |

Really there is not too much that would need to be altered to fit in as the traits apply no matter when you enter the campaign. The only thing that would change is not exploring some of Kenabras and instead being at the Defender's Heart helping in the war effort. As a crusader you are already under authority of the leaders in Kenebras and would be getting direct orders from Irabeth to join the 'strike force' that is the PC's instead of being with the normal army.
The way the campaign is set up it provides for an endless supply of new people to join as they can be called up from the ranks of the army or found as prisoner of the demons depending on where in the book you are at.

DM Variel |

Ok, thanks for the quick response. I will probably submit a Rage Prophet (Oracle of Battle/Barbarian) with Stolen Fury. Ragathiel is a furious and righeous champion, and as the General of Vengeance, is perfect for a rage-powered character. He's Lawful Good - do you mind if I still worship him even if I am Chaotic Good?
Last question on mechanics - do you mind if I build him to be able to rage-cycle? In case you're unfamiliar with the technique, it's where a barbarian who is immune to fatigue ends and starts his rage several times during a combat, so he can use his "once per rage" rage powers multiple times. He would probably unlock that capability around level 7 or 8.
If not, I'll build him around other rage powers.
I take it you are thinking about the lame curse for the oracle to become immune to fatigue? It would take you 5 levels of oracle to accomplish this which limits your rage powers already. the barabarian had similar ideas which is why the paladin took move fatigue as his mercy so i do not see too much of an issue with it.
This combined with the speed enhancement of the barbarian to still achieve the standard 30ft speed is a decent idea. As a barbarian you have to be any nonlawful alignment so you could be neutral good and fit the requirements of the barbarian with the idea that you should be only1 step away on the lawful/chaotic axis for following a god.

DM Variel |

Here he is I assumed Adamantine was fine.. the Rest is avg everyday stuff..
Now to put up his backstory
How are you affording the adamantine shield? Treating it like light armor is 5000gp already which is the most you have. If the adamantine was on the spikes then it would be 3000gp for the weapon aspect alone.

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I take it you are thinking about the lame curse for the oracle to become immune to fatigue? It would take you 5 levels of oracle to accomplish this which limits your rage powers already. the barabarian had similar ideas which is why the paladin took move fatigue as his mercy so i do not see too much of an issue with it.
This combined with the speed enhancement of the barbarian to still achieve the standard 30ft speed is a decent idea. As a barbarian you have to be any nonlawful alignment so you could be neutral good and fit the requirements of the barbarian with the idea that you should be only1 step away on the lawful/chaotic axis for following a god.
Sounds good! I'll go with Neutral Good. I probably won't need five levels of Oracle - an Oracle's Curse advances at 1/2 level for each non-Oracle level, but I will also want some spellcasting capabilities too. I'll have a finished build posted as soon as I can (probably a bit later this weekend since I am out of town and visiting family).
Thanks for the input and the clarifications!

Zeriax |

RainyDayNinja wrote:Sounds like you need a Bard. Can any of the current players handle traps?Samantha has inspire courage being a cleric with the archetype but that is as close as we get to a bard. As for traps, we have no one with the trap spotter ability to take on magical traps. Thus far they have not had too much of a problem with magical traps but it is still midway through the first book.
Just adding one thing Variel - Zeriax has the Ranger (Trapper) archetype, which means he can tackle magical traps ;)

DM Variel |

The recruitment will last probably till next weekend as the group is clearing out a safe house. Once the house is cleared and they return to the Defender's Heart Inn you will be introduced to them. That should give enough time for adequate submission with questions and answers to flesh out a character. The crunch of the character can then be finalized as plans are made for the next step in the journey.
I am allowing you to not be locked in on the mythic path based on the trait choice. It doesn't make sense to me that for a Mage to take a trait that forced him into the hierophant path.

Aldrah Furyblood |

I'm running one of these myself, though I'm using some homebrew plot stuff as well. Have fun running it! I'd totally play a Tetori for this, but between me having knowledge up to the end of the second book, it's far better for me to not participate in this. Dhampir Tetori will have to wait. *Nodnod*

Reiko Mura |

This is stormraven, tossing Reiko's hat into the ring. Her character sheet doesn't have all the crunch below. If she gets accepted, I'll transfer her. Thanks for considering her!
Despite her sober nature, Reiko laughs easily and is just a bit quirky. She is fascinated with hats - the larger and more ostentatious, the better.
Reiko proved to be more than an adept student (Trait: Scholar of the Great Beyond) and a good companion to Yi Qin. When he struggled with other subjects, Reiko was given the opportunity to study those subjects and work with the boy. Over the course of years, their friendship grew as did Reiko's skills as a poet. Eventually, with a little pressure from Yi Qin, Reiko was given her freedom.
As a free woman, Reiko had greater opportunities but some doors were still closed to her. So it was a good thing that dogged tenacity was a hallmark of her personality because some changes only happen through persistence... and Reiko had time to work towards her goals. Over a few years, she studied under several masters to learn the way of the sword and the code of Bushido. With more time, she earned a reputation as a skilled warrior, worthy of respect. Eventually, she earned the Dai-sho - the two swords of the Samurai - in the service of the Daimyo Murakama.
Reiko would have been content to serve her daimyo, write poems, and practice her calligraphy. But war came and Murakama was not on the winning side. Honorable death in battle would have been fine. Unfortunately, Murakama's enemies were not honorable men. Tricked and captured, Murakama's death came not from an enemy's blade or his own (as tradition dictated)... but at the slavering fangs of mercenaries - hired Oni and Demons that were instrumental in his fall. Murakama was fed to them - alive. It was a poor death and a dishonorable one witnessed by all of his surviving samurai. Reiko recalled the crisp flapping of the Oni's strange black banner stamped with a bloody red sigil over the killing ground. While she had contempt for the dishonorable tactics of Murakama's enemies and had plans to separate their heads from their bodies, it was the bestial, gleeful, savagery of the Oni and Demons that most offended her, that most demanded revenge for her dishonored lord.
On the wide field bearing the scant remains of Murakama, his dispirited samurai were given a choice: change their allegiance, suicide, or become outcasts. Reiko couldn't entertain the idea of joining the enemy. Death was a simple and honorable solution, but it would leave her lost lord unavenged. She chose the third option, to become a masterless wanderer - a Ronin. But she had a purpose and years to see it through. She would hunt down the Oni of the black banner, and slay them all. And then she'd put some thought into collecting the heads of Murakama's enemies.
In the stirring of her blood, Reiko had always felt the touch of Shizuru, the Empress of Heaven (Touch of Divinity) calling her to do something glorious and worthy of legend. On that bloody ground, watching the flies swarm over the remains of her lord - heart broken but resolve firm - Reiko was sure this was the task Shizuru called her to complete.
Even with the clues provided by their foul banner and the fearful whispers of human sources, tracking the Oni was a difficult task at best. Reiko followed rumours and consulted sages, seers, and oracles to pick up their scant trail. She spent nearly all of her money to continue the chase. When rumors failed and sages proved inadequate, the Ronin followed the demons' swath of selective destruction. In the two years she had dogged the Demons' steps, she had seen the atrocities they were capable of - mindlessly slaying soldiers and commoners alike in gruesome ways. What happened to Murakama wasn't the worst of it. They were a barbaric plague that needed to be eradicated. Despite her singular focus on her prey, Reiko couldn't pass through the ruined towns and lives without helping out where possible. Samurai literally meant "to serve" and in the absence of her lord, her conscience was her guide. Sometimes the most she could offer was a quick end to suffering. In other cases, she provided food, money, or protection. It was little compared to the depredations of the demons but it was the best she could manage. Nearly two years later and on the far side of the world, Reiko was as close as she'd ever come to her quarry. She had tracked them home - to the World Wound. She had even discovered the name of their demon lord, Pazuzu... who held sway among both Oni and Demons. Following the course of the Sellen river, eyeing the vast expanse of the Wound, the Ronin decided to base herself in Kenabres while gathering resources and information. One didn't test oneself against the blasted Abyssal landscape unprepared and ignorant. Patience was, as always, Reiko's ally. But the fall of Kenabres was quick in coming...
Build Concept: Reiko is a fast, acrobatic, and stealthy light-armor fighter who will look for every opportunity to flank with allies to maximize her damage... but she isn't an overly optimized build. Over time, her Sword Saint archetype (with future feats) will really kick her into high gear. But, given how tough this AP promises to be, I wanted to diversify a bit because my attitude is 'versatility is life' - so she has an array of skills in and out of combat. My current feats are geared to make her a hellacious two-weapon fighter, particularly when she can flank to get her Precision Damage kicked in on every shot. In game terms, she prefers to use her Katana two-handed... but when the chips are down, and demons overrun the position, she will start slicing and dicing rather efficiently with both her Katana and Wakizashi.
OK, so there are a couple violations of what your current crew requested, and I'm mindful of that:
#1 - It was mentioned that Touch of Divinity should be angled towards Iomedae if at all possible. Since my character is from the other side of the world, that seemed a huge stretch to me. If it's a sticking point with you and the current crew, I will happily get rid of it and work another trait into her backstory. No problem.
#2 - It was mentioned that a race with darkvision (like most everyone else) would be a real bennie. I went with Human here because to do Reiko right I needed the extra feat - seriously. I have generated an alternate version of her using an Azata-Blooded (Muse-touched) Aasimar. I don't know if that makes the party too Aasimar-heavy for y'all. But if that is the team preference... I can make it happen.
To address some of Variel's questions: I work from home so I can post twice a day or more easily. I like a good mix of RP and tactical combat and I'm a team-player RP-wise with a 'no drama' approach to the game.
Female Human (Tian-Dan) Rogue (Acrobat) 2/Samurai (Sword Saint) 2
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +7
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 deflection)
hp 25 (2d10+2d8)
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +1
Defensive Abilities evasion, hard to kill, resolve, self reliant
Speed 30 ft.
katana +6 (1d8+3/18-20) and
wakizashi +7 (1d6+3/18-20)
Special Attacks iajutsu strike, challenge, sneak attack +1d6
Str 16, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 22
Feats Double Slice, Power Attack, Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
Traits scholar of the great beyond, touched by divinity
Skills Acrobatics +13 (+9 jump)
Bluff +4
Climb +7
Craft (calligraphy) +4
Diplomacy +4
Disable Device +3
Escape Artist +5
Fly +6
Intimidate +4
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4
Knowledge (history) +2
Knowledge (local) +4
Knowledge (planes) +5
Perception +7
Perform (oratory) +4
Profession (Poet) +5
Ride +5
Sense Motive +6
Sleight of Hand +8
Stealth +11
Survival +5
Swim +4
Use Magic Device +4
Languages Common, Draconic, Tien
SQ orders (ronin), rogue talents (finesse rogue)
Other Gear katana, wakizashi, artisan's tools, thieves' tools, 4,880 gp
Special Abilities
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Iajutsu Strike +1d6/-4 AC (Full-round) (Ex) Draw sword as strike challenged foe for extra dam, but take AC penalty for 1 rd. You can use this once per foe, each day.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Resolve (1/day) (Ex) Your resolve can remove effects or reroll saves.
Ronin's Challenge +2 (1/day) (Ex) +2 to damage target, -2 AC vs. others when used, +1 attack/dodge AC vs challenger when returning a challenge
Self Reliant (Ex) At 2nd level, the ronin learns to rely solely on himself, even in the most difficult of times. Whenever the ronin fails a Will saving throw against an effect with a duration greater than 1 round, he can attempt another saving throw at the end of the
Sneak Attack +1d6 +1d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.

Tirion Jörðhár |

Evening all. I would like to toss in Drakra Worpltng. He is currently a Bard(Prankster), but with the party already having a Cleric(Evangelist), I am inclined to add either the Magician or Detective archetype. Drakra was created for another campaign, but should not take much tweaking other than possible adding an archetype if selected.
I do not usually post with the avatar until selected so that I can delete it if not selected.

Naralesh |

This is The Morphling, submitting Rhaegar Felscar for consideration - male half-orc Barbarian/Oracle. He has the Exposed to Awfulness trait after all - turned out to fit him better.
After his tribe left him for dead, he had a religious experience where Ragathiel appeared to him and granted him a vision, granting him the powers of an Oracle. With little preparation, he ventured into the Worldwound, traveling along and slaying weaker demons he could get his hands on. Unfortunately, he eventually realized he would need allies, and currently seeks out the crusaders in his quest to bring his sacred fury to the heart of the demon armies.

Hilde Alfborne |

This is my paladin of the Order of the God Claw, Asmodea. I think there are a lot of roleplaying opportunities with the other worshipers of Iomedae.
My link goes to a packet which provides:
1) Her character sheet
2) A two page story illustrating her personality and my writing style
3) A justification/history of paladins of the God Claw based on the Paizo boards and Council of Thieves AP
4) Full information on the Order of the God Claw
5) Five pictures of the character
While her packet illustrates her personality fairly clearly, Asmodea is a second generation crusader dedicated to the cause of killing the demons and closing the Worldwound. While she is very similar to any other paladin, she places an even stronger emphasis on the Lawful aspect of Lawful Good. She is both prejudiced and inflexible, but in a manner that encourages roleplaying rather than squashes it.
I hope you find her an interesting character. I've been working on her for about two weeks and hope that your looking for a replacement at this time is kismet. 8)

Tirion Jörðhár |

After looking over my character and the party a little more, if selected, I intend to add the Court Bard archetype. I think this pairs well with the Prankster archetype. Unfortunately I just realized that both swap out the Lore Master ability. So, unless DM Variel would allow an exception of dropping the Prankster's Swap ability, Drakra will switch to just the Court Bard archetype which I think fits well with party by swapping out Inspire Courage which would be duplicative with Samantha Starsight.

DM Variel |

Just letting you all know that I am still reviewing and looking at the applications. The group,is having a hard time with some thugs I the current combat but seems to be pulling through now. I will have the decision by Friday so we can work out the final kinks over the weekend and hopefully the group is ready by Monday so you can jump right in.
I have been very please with the submissions thus far and can work with all of them.

Tirion Jörðhár |

Sorry I was a little slow on getting Drakra updated. As I previously mentioned, he has the Court Bard archetype (in other words, he is good at annoying the enemy rather than encouraging his allies). He was formerly a Prankster, but with the Cleric(evangelist) in the party, I switched him to the Court Bard. I think this is similar to the prankster in feel, just with different abilities. This will work in conjunction with the Cleric(Evangelist) archetype since the Inspire Courage and Satire performances target different things.
I think that I have everything updated to level 4 except HP and equipment. I believe you are rolling for HP, but want to confirm before rolling. I will get equipment if selected so that I am not buying things that the party already has.