Zen Archer


in the zen archer bonus feats it has rapid shot and many shot..why would you pick those up when you can flurry with your bow?

Because pathfinder is weird like that... Offering power attack to a wizard who has 1 BAB

It's offered because you may for some really strange reason choose not to flurry but use a full-attack. I can't think of a compelling reason to do so, but maybe there is one.

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It may be that you need them as a prereq to some other feat, but it is weird.

ive been told you can manyshot a flurry. not totally sure about that though. Rapid shot is a head scratcher though.

Grand Lodge

Tapkill wrote:
in the zen archer bonus feats it has rapid shot and many shot..why would you pick those up when you can flurry with your bow?

They're called "traps" or "Jimmy cards". Options that aren't beneficial but are still available to you.

Ciabola wrote:
ive been told you can manyshot a flurry. not totally sure about that though. Rapid shot is a head scratcher though.

Zen Archer's Flurry of Blows specifies that you can't use Rapid Shot or Manyshot with it.


ahh thanks for clearing that up.

As a straight Zen Archer? you wouldn't. Not for a second. As a build that dips ZA? Because Flurry won't provide better throughput than rapid/manyshot.
Now, why dip ZA? Well, if you are planning something very feat intensive and want Point-Blank Master (say you're building an archery based Stalwart Defender), ZA is amazing given you get 4 feats that contribute to whatever you're doing in 3 levels from your class alone.

What Physically Unfeasible said, it's great for dips. Particularly thinking of Arcane Archer with empyreal sorcerer - everything runs of Wisdom.

Also, you might have some RP reasons to pick it. For example, you might want to wear armor sometimes to pretend being one of the bad guys (so you have no flurry) but still want to be able to pump out some extra shots.

Or the prereq reason...

They are no bad feats, so I don't think there is a problem with having them available. :-)

the game im about to start in the DM is running a threat based agro and i was wondering if there are feats that allow me to do combat tricks ranged with my bow instead of attack to lower my threat?

Ask if your Dm allows 3.5 stuff, if so there are some ranged pin, disrm, and sunder feats from Complete Warrior. if he doesn't the archer archetype for fighters gets some.

Look for some of the alchemy arrows in elves of Golarion, as well as other specialty arrows. One allows you to make a grapple attempt, and another a trip attempt. Otherwise, the fighter archer archetype allows combat manuevers out to 30'.

Tapkill wrote:
in the zen archer bonus feats it has rapid shot and many shot..why would you pick those up when you can flurry with your bow?

There actually is a purpose for this, albeit probably not a great one. Its if your only dipping Zen Archer. If you are only dipping Zen you could flurry for +19/+19/+14/+9/+4 or you could rapid/many shot for +19 (two arrows)/+19/+14/+9/+4. Whether or not an extra arrow is worth dumping 2 feats into has to be up to each individual.

And Zen archer does make a pretty rocking three level dip, especially with something like a War Priest! I see so much awesomeness there!

Lantern Lodge

Rapid Shot is a prerequisite for Snap Shot and Improved Snap shot. Even though the ZA has it's own version, it can be nice to have.

Clustered Shots is a must feat for a Zen Archer.

Kind of a side note: You can also use Manyshot on a "normal" full attack action, without using flurry or Rapid Shot. Anytime you're full attacking but don't want to take -2 for flurry/Rapid Shot, you can still fire two arrows on your first attack. There aren't many cases where you'd choose to do this, but if your chance to hit is down around 30%, it's a viable option. (For a Zen Archer, this becomes irrelevant at around level 8, because the bonus Monk-level-as-BAB-for-flurry evens out the -2 for flurry.)

Also, best archer feat in the book is Improved Precise Shot. Clustered Shot is a close second and is absolutely vital at higher levels when DR/- becomes common.

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