Does the Beastmorph archetype modify mutagens?

Rules Questions

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The Beastmorph archetype for alchemists has several abilities that add to an alchemist's mutagen but does not list the mutagen class feature as being altered or replaced. Does this allow it to stack with other archetypes that alter mutagens?

Assuming no other conflicts, would it stack with Mindchemist, Ragechemist, Bramble Brewer, Saboteur, etc..?

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I think it stacks, by RAW.

Another more general question related to this is: Does Beastmorph affect a) the mutagen brewed, or b) the Alchemist's own physiology?

That is...
If a) is true, then he can hand one of his mutagens off to another alchemist or to his tumor familiar (or share it with the Improved Share Spells feat) and they will get the beastmorph benefits.
If b) is true, then ANY mutagen the beastmorph alchemist consumes should confer the benefits, such as the mutagens of other alchemists who are not beastmorphs.

It has to be one of those two. Which one it is...I have no idea.

I think they should stack. One conveys size bonuses, the other conveys alchemical bonuses.

StreamOfTheSky wrote:

I think it stacks, by RAW.

Another more general question related to this is: Does Beastmorph affect a) the mutagen brewed, or b) the Alchemist's own physiology?

That is...
If a) is true, then he can hand one of his mutagens off to another alchemist or to his tumor familiar (or share it with the Improved Share Spells feat) and they will get the beastmorph benefits.
If b) is true, then ANY mutagen the beastmorph alchemist consumes should confer the benefits, such as the mutagens of other alchemists who are not beastmorphs.

It has to be one of those two. Which one it is...I have no idea.

Actually it doesn't have to be any of those two.

The ability writes: "At 3rd level, a beastmorph’s mutagen causes him to take on animalistic features"

The bolded part tells us it affect his own mutagen, and the italic part tells us affect him.

Personally, I would be happy to allow it to affect a Tumor Familiar as well.

I repeat it here, they stack as long as they don't change the same class ability.
Check the table: nate-Class-Features
Beastmorph and ragechemist don' stack because they change both swift poisoning, beastmorph and minchemist stack because they don't share class ability changes and so on...

A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the core class as another alternate class feature. For example, a paladin could not be both a hospitaler and an undead scourge since they both modify the smite evil class feature and both replace the aura of justice class feature. A paladin could, however, be both an undead scourge and a warrior of the holy light, since none of their new class features replace the same core class feature.

Major_Blackhart wrote:
I think they should stack. One conveys size bonuses, the other conveys alchemical bonuses.

I'm not sure what you are referring to. My question is does Beastmorph mutagen count as modifying the alchemist class ability mutagen? So far it appears I'm the only one who does.

The Beastphorm class ability grants the mutagen the ability to take traits from animals, doesn't matter if it's a bramble mutagen, a mind mutagen or a normal mutagen. It adds this effect to the mutagen you usually make.

Laif wrote:

I repeat it here, they stack as long as they don't change the same class ability.

Check the table: nate-Class-Features
Beastmorph and ragechemist don' stack because they change both swift poisoning, beastmorph and minchemist stack because they don't share class ability changes and so on...
A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the core class as another alternate class feature. For example, a paladin could not be both a hospitaler and an undead scourge since they both modify the smite evil class feature and both replace the aura of justice class feature. A paladin could, however, be both an undead scourge and a warrior of the holy light, since none of their new class features replace the same core class feature.

I understand that Beastmorph doesn't replace an alchemist's mutagen, my question is does it count as altering an alchemist's mutagen.

The Beastphorm class ability grants the mutagen the ability to take traits from animals, doesn't matter if it's a bramble mutagen, a mind mutagen or a normal mutagen. It adds this effect to the mutagen you usually make.

I knew you would try to do that, but please... continue untill the end

alter the same class feature from the core class as another alternate class feature.

Does Beastmorph alter mutagen? No. It's the same mutagen +4+2-2 and now it adds a new effect.

Does Beastmorph alter RageMut? No. It's the same mutagen +6+2-2 and now it adds a new effect. (still can't pick it since other class feature don't stack)
Does Beastmorph alter MindMut?.....
Does Beastmorph alter BramMut?.....
Does Beastmorph alter my opinion?.....

So adding a new effect is not altering the class feature?

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:
So adding a new effect is not altering the class feature?

Adding, removing, replacing, limiting, and changing the level are all altering.

There are a fair number of forum people who don't agree, but there are FAQ (crossblooded/wild blooded for example) to reject their view.

James Risner wrote:
Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:
So adding a new effect is not altering the class feature?

Adding, removing, replacing, limiting, and changing the level are all altering.

There are a fair number of forum people who don't agree, but there are FAQ (crossblooded/wild blooded for example) to reject their view.

Yeah, I kinda had that FAQ in mind although it is a little more explict in changing the class feature.

Too tired right now but let's try it anyway...
I've checked crossblood/wildblood they change/replace both bloodline arcana so... it's a no.
Check Beastmorph and Mindchemist and they don't alter the same class feature.

Beastmorph Mutagen:
At 3rd level, a beastmorph’s mutagen causes him to take on animalistic features—whether those of an animal, a magical beast, an animal-like humanoid (such as a lizardfolk), or a monstrous humanoid. For example, when the beastmorph uses his mutagen, he may gain a furry muzzle and pointed ears like a werewolf, scaly skin like a lizardfolk or sahuagin, or compound eyes and mandibles like a giant insect. The beastmorph also gains his choice of one of the abilities listed in the alter self spell, which persists as long as the mutagen. He may select a different ability each time he creates a mutagen.

At 1st level, a mindchemist learns how to create a cognatogen, as per the cognatogen discovery.

This ability replaces the mutagen class ability (a mindchemist cannot create mutagens unless he selects mutagen as a discovery).

I've doublechecked, they replace different class features and in the beastmorph mutagen doesn't say in any part that the mutagen is modified.
It says that after drinking the mutagen you gain new abilties.
As tired as I am right now I don't want to continue arguing this, make your call, FAQ this, quote something relevant or make a proper interpretation, don't even bother to say you're altering it, because after reading it again it's not even clear that you modify the mutagen/cognatogen.
The only thing I have in clear is that they just don't replace any class feature in common.
If it's only that, then it's allowed, so... tomorrow I'll check this to see if there are anything new and with some new info. Good night.

I agree it's not exactly the same as Cross/Wildblooded, which is why I didn't bring that up originally. Although I do feel it is similiar in intent. The Beastmorph does not list the mutagen class feature as being altered but it does give up several class features in order to add benefits to the mutagen. I believe these added benefits count as modifying the class feature and therefore renders it ineligable for other archetypes that modify mutagen. I feel that the argument it modifies the alchemist and not the mutagen to be a "fluff" argument, not mechanics. I think the RAW question is does adding benefits count as modifying the ability.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:

The Beastmorph archetype for alchemists has several abilities that add to an alchemist's mutagen but does not list the mutagen class feature as being altered or replaced. Does this allow it to stack with other archetypes that alter mutagens?

Assuming no other conflicts, would it stack with Mindchemist, Ragechemist, Bramble Brewer, Saboteur, etc..?

That counts as altering the mutagen feature. So no, it can't. And those others can't stack with each other either.

No, it does not. That is an extremely restrictive reading that does not agree with either RAI or RAW. If Beastmorph altered the standard Mutagen class feature, it would have as it's last line "Beastmorph replaces swift alchemy and alters the mutagen class feature".

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

LoneKnave wrote:
No, it does not. That is an extremely restrictive reading that does not agree with either RAI or RAW. If Beastmorph altered the standard Mutagen class feature, it would have as it's last line "Beastmorph replaces swift alchemy and alters the mutagen class feature".

There is no need to say it alters mutagen, when it says it changes it that is altering.

Suffice it to say, there are differences of opinion on this subject (I don't agree they can be combined but you do) so welcome to table variance.

Wow, people sure like to have it both ways.

1: "We should use strict RAW and its insane declaration that adding options and making no actual changes counts as altering the class feature if it says it modifies the existing feature!"

2: "You don't think the intent was just to keep people from giving up something twice, or 'making a check your ass can't cash,' so to speak?"

1: "No! If it says it modifies the class feature, it won't stack! Even if it's just adding stuff!"

2: "Well, Beastmorph DOES NOT say it modifies mutagen. By RAW. Most sacred and holy RAW."

1: "Well...I really don't think that was the intent. We should use RAI."

2: "You mean that it's not replacing anything, so it should be cool?"

1: "No! That they totally meant to have that line in there."

*MASSIVE eyeroll and facepalm*

I don't think I'm trying to have it both ways (if that was directed at me), I trying to find out what the rule should actually be.

I feel the intent of the Beastmorph archetype is an alchemist that focuses more on the mutagen. I think an archetype essentially devoted to a class feature is probably not meant to combine with other archetypes that modify that specific class feature.

By RAW, I feel adding several benefits to a class feature counts as altering that class feature. I think it does not have a entry of "this modifies mutagen" because it does not use the mutagen class features to "pay" for any of these benefits. It gives up other class features to add the benefits.

Having to "pay" for the benefits is exactly why the "can't replace the same class feature" rule is there. The "modify" caveat is there because modified class features are most often downgrades, so if you traded that away, you'd be paying "half price".

Like, if you picked an alchemist archetype that downgraded the bomb, and then one that traded that bomb away (or gave it the same down-grade) you'd be double dipping on advantages.

By RAW, the beastmorph doesn't touch the mutagen ability. It adds an entirely different ability, that happens to interact with it. It's a step removed, much like, say, arcane pool is removed from spell recall (and so black blade and kensai can be stacked).

By RAI, The beastmorph does not trade away or downgrade the mutagen. So taking a different archetype that does is fine, because you are not doubling up on disadvantages to get advantages cheaper.

That just doesn't make sense to me.

How can you argue that an archetype whose sole feature is an ability called Beastmorph Mutagen which only functions when using your mutagen does not count as altering your mutagen?

Because it can be Beastmorph Cognatogen too, StreamOfTheSky statted pretty much everything and as long as you don't provide a valid exemple I'll go by RAW and allow it. Class feature repeated? no, then I allow it, I said it yesterday, quote something, bring some reference do something apart from saying it alters... because that part is in a grey zone so bring in some definite proof like I did with the stacking features.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:
How can you argue that an archetype whose sole feature is an ability called Beastmorph Mutagen which only functions when using your mutagen does not count as altering your mutagen?

This comes from people that try to dream up RAI to support rejecting the dictionary definition of "alter" which does include "add additional benefits to the class feature."

Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:

That just doesn't make sense to me.

How can you argue that an archetype whose sole feature is an ability called Beastmorph Mutagen which only functions when using your mutagen does not count as altering your mutagen?

Yes, the beastmorph ability changes the Mutagen that the alchemist uses. It changes the mutagen item, but it doesn't change the mutagen class feature. It doesn't substract, add, change any lines, or modify the class feature in any way. The class feature is not the same thing as the item.

Look at Sohei Monks' Weapon Training (and armor proficiency). It adds a new weapon group to flurry with, but it does not change the FoB class feature itself, so you can still trade it away.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

LoneKnave wrote:

It changes the mutagen item, but it doesn't change the mutagen class feature.

Sohei Monks' Weapon Training (and armor proficiency). It adds a new weapon group to flurry with, but it does not change the FoB class feature itself, so you can still trade it away.

Let us sum it up to we have different opinions on the matter. I disagree with both points.

LoneKnave wrote:
Yes, the beastmorph ability changes the Mutagen that the alchemist uses. It changes the mutagen item, but it doesn't change the mutagen class feature. It doesn't substract, add, change any lines, or modify the class feature in any way. The class feature is not the same thing as the item.

That doesn't seem like splitting hairs to you? It doesn't alter Mutagen, it alters the mutagen?

I've said it, if you only bring here your interpretation it's not enough.
FAQ it, quote some errata, link some develepor/designer, do something, anything besides saying "hey it alters mutagen..." when it's not even clear.
The end for me, have fun.

Laif wrote:

I've said it, if you only bring here your interpretation it's not enough.

FAQ it, quote some errata, link some develepor/designer, do something, anything besides saying "hey it alters mutagen..." when it's not even clear.
The end for me, have fun.

Well if I had proof, this thread wouldn't even exist! My hope is that some discussion of the issue will lead to a FAQ or possibly a Dev or designer popping in to say what is the intent. I'm genuinely curious as to what the should be the correct rule.

Random bump.

Why would you "Random bump" this? Sorry, but you don't have anything to support your side now that you didn't have then.

Chess Pwn wrote:
Why would you "Random bump" this? Sorry, but you don't have anything to support your side now that you didn't have then.


well if you're bored you can try to answer some of my questions that haven't had much to any answers

Chess Pwn wrote:
well if you're bored you can try to answer some of my questions that haven't had much to any answers

Such as?








Bump, because I am trying to find an answer to this exact question for a game. Trying to find out if Beastmorph can be stacked with dendrite mutagen from Bramble Brewer.

Rob Richenberg wrote:
Bump, because I am trying to find an answer to this exact question for a game. Trying to find out if Beastmorph can be stacked with dendrite mutagen from Bramble Brewer.

You can hit the FAQ but I never got much interest in the topic.

Generally when an ability alters an ability, it says "This alters X ability".

Beastmorph doesn't do that.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Rynjin wrote:

Generally when an ability alters an ability, it says "This alters X ability".

Beastmorph doesn't do that.

Many of the old archetypes didn't have those lines. It was described in the thread on the stacking archetypes FAQ that they are trying to be better about putting those lines in to help understanding.

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I didn't read EVERY post above, but:
1) by RAW the beastmorph doesn't alter the class ability "mutagen" - it alters "swift alchemy" at 3rd lvl, "swift poisoning" at 6th, "poison resistance +2, +4, and +6, as well as poison immunity" at 2nd, 5th, 8th and 10th lvl, as well as finally "persistent mutagen" at 14th lvl. But it adds only effects on the mutagen class ability. This seems to be kind of bizarre/cranky (sry - my english isn't the very best, so i don't know, which word would be best to express my thought [looked to the dictionary])
2) you have to have the mutagen class ability to make use of those adds by RAW. That means, that archetypes, that DO alter the mutagen class ability to another class ability (I think especially of the mindchemist, who doesn't alter but replace the mutagen for the cognatogen by RAW), can take the beastmorph-archetype without use. They have to take the mutagen-discovery to get use of the beastmorph-adds.
Hope, I could get my point across to you and didn't repeat something already said above.

EDIT: to say, that beastmorph would add his abilities to his cognatogen, would be ok for me as a GM, but it's not RAW but RAI.

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