Cleave through air?

Rules Questions

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What is you consider a 5ft square of air to be a foe? Could you then not great cleave through it?

Like for example let's say you want to cleave 4 people but they are separated by a 5ft square. Could I not just treat that square as a foe and great cleave through it to reach my other targets?

So let me condense your question for us all to better understand:

Is the air considered a foe?

Silver Crusade


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Silver Crusade

[plants tongue firmly in cheek]

Make a DC 5 will save that you have to fail to believe there is an invisible target in the open square and then you can Great Cleave through it.

[removes tongue from cheek]

I might allow it, if the character was taking all the negatives for the air being an opponent too. For example, you would always be flanked.

And of course everyone would think you are crazy.

Strictly though, the answer is an obvious no, the air is not your enemy.

The air a friend of mine makes after a trip to Taco Bell is most certainly my enemy! And you could probably cleave through it like....well you get the idea.

Sgt Arpin wrote:
Is the air considered a foe?

Well I do hate it for being in-between my foes. Which I guess that makes it one of my mortal enemies.

I guess a closer question:

Can you great cleave through 5 glass bottles?

Marthkus wrote:

I guess a closer question:

Can you great cleave through 5 glass bottles?

Are the bottles foes? Are they in separate, adjacent 5ft-squares? We need to know these things...

williamoak wrote:
Marthkus wrote:

I guess a closer question:

Can you great cleave through 5 glass bottles?

Are the bottles foes? Are they in separate, adjacent 5ft-squares? We need to know these things...

Let's assume they are. My fighter hates the bottles.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I attack the air with magic missile.

Well, for one, with cleave alone, you could at best hit 2 of those bottles.

Then again, I would not consider the bottles a foe since they arent threatening you. But I'm pretty sure I wont come up with an answer to satisfy you Marthkus.

Marthkus wrote:
williamoak wrote:
Marthkus wrote:

I guess a closer question:

Can you great cleave through 5 glass bottles?

Are the bottles foes? Are they in separate, adjacent 5ft-squares? We need to know these things...
Let's assume they are. My fighter hates the bottles.

I would not consider the bottles to be foes under normal circumstances, and as such, you can't cleave them.

williamoak wrote:

Well, for one, with cleave alone, you could at best hit 2 of those bottles.

Then again, I would not consider the bottles a foe since they arent threatening you. But I'm pretty sure I wont come up with an answer to satisfy you Marthkus.

could you not great cleave through 5 sleeping goblins, who are not threatening you?

LazarX wrote:
I attack the air with magic missile.

Not sure that would work as air has total concealment. I mean I can't see it. Can you? Actually, not sure I want to see it.

Plus it's Dodge AC bonus must be incredible, because every time I try to hit it with my sword, it only displaces itself around the metal of the blade. I'm not able to actually cut it. If only it would stand still...

Are glass bottles your foe? Pretty sure that the answers to your questions will be no. Please look up the definition of the word foe. Sorry if I sound like I'm being a troll, but this question seems to be stretching the troll boundaries itself.

1: one who has personal enmity for another
a: an enemy in war
b: adversary, opponent
3: one who opposes on principle <a foe of needless expenditures>
4: something prejudicial or injurious

I don't this glass bottles really fit any of those, even when looking up the definition of opponent.

1: someone who competes against or fights another in a contest, game, or argument; a rival or adversary.

The closest thing you're going to get here is "an enemy in war" and considering glass bottles, the air, or anything else that can't make an attack roll under normal circumstances can "wage war", I'd say the answer will always be no. This isn't even a rules question anymore....

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Marthkus wrote:
williamoak wrote:

Well, for one, with cleave alone, you could at best hit 2 of those bottles.

Then again, I would not consider the bottles a foe since they arent threatening you. But I'm pretty sure I wont come up with an answer to satisfy you Marthkus.

could you not great cleave through 5 sleeping goblins, who are not threatening you?


As you can see, I am not the type that enjoys players that try to mess with me.

I am messing around. But I would never allow air to be cleaved.

I would wonder, suppose for some reason I want to attack my friends. Maybe we're all high level and a single strike with a basic weapon isn't going to hurt us much at all and we're betting to see who can hit the most people in a single swing. Also we're probably drunk and have very low base INT scores.

Can I perform a Great Cleave then?

Elbedor wrote:

I would wonder, suppose for some reason I want to attack my friends. Maybe we're all high level and a single strike with a basic weapon isn't going to hurt us much at all and we're betting to see who can hit the most people in a single swing. Also we're probably drunk and have very low base INT scores.

Can I perform a Great Cleave then?

Yes, because you're now opponents.

No, you can't.
This would make the half-orc feat, Surprise Follow-Through, very powerful, especially for those barbarian/rogues out there who can cleave very precisely.

Sgt Arpin wrote:

Are glass bottles your foe? Pretty sure that the answers to your questions will be no. Please look up the definition of the word foe. Sorry if I sound like I'm being a troll, but this question seems to be stretching the troll boundaries itself.

1: one who has personal enmity for another
a: an enemy in war
b: adversary, opponent
3: one who opposes on principle <a foe of needless expenditures>
4: something prejudicial or injurious

I don't this glass bottles really fit any of those, even when looking up the definition of opponent.

1: someone who competes against or fights another in a contest, game, or argument; a rival or adversary.

The closest thing you're going to get here is "an enemy in war" and considering glass bottles, the air, or anything else that can't make an attack roll under normal circumstances can "wage war", I'd say the answer will always be no. This isn't even a rules question anymore....

Could you not great cleave through 5 sleeping goblins? They are equally non-threatening.

What if I am at war with 5ft squares of air between my other foes!? I can declare a war on terror. Why not other abstract concepts!?

You're reaching for straws. The goblins can wage war, even if they're not aware of you. The air can't. And the war on terror actually has people you can kill and be killed by in it. That was a bad example.

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<------- This is my face about this thread...

I could great cleave through 5 silent images of goblins! Even though they do not provide a flanking bonus.

You can always try attacking an empty square under the belief that there's an invisible enemy there, but that doesn't help with great cleave, since that requires you to actually hit the thing you're attacking.

I think that you're marginally better off from a rules perspective attacking the ground than attacking the air, since there are at least rules for targeting and attacking solid objects. You still have to justify that the ground counts as a 'foe' - that's the word that the feat actually uses - but at least it's a specific targetable object.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Marthkus wrote:

What is you consider a 5ft square of air to be a foe? Could you then not great cleave through it?

Like for example let's say you want to cleave 4 people but they are separated by a 5ft square. Could I not just treat that square as a foe and great cleave through it to reach my other targets?

a foe that is adjacent

If your foes are separated by 5 ft, you can't cleave because they are not adjacent.

All references to "foe" in the CRB are to creatures. They reference bottles as objects.

James Risner wrote:
Marthkus wrote:

What is you consider a 5ft square of air to be a foe? Could you then not great cleave through it?

Like for example let's say you want to cleave 4 people but they are separated by a 5ft square. Could I not just treat that square as a foe and great cleave through it to reach my other targets?

a foe that is adjacent

If your foes are separated by 5 ft, you can't cleave because they are not adjacent.

All references to "foe" in the CRB are to creatures. They reference bottles as objects.

So I couldn't great cleave five bottles?

Guess I need a feat for that...

williamoak wrote:

And then target it. Then flank it and declare my dodge against it.

Shadow Lodge

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williamoak wrote:

GM:Ok, you start to suffocate as you have convinced yourself that there no longer is a reliable source of oxygen.

This cannot be a serious question. This is laugh-in-your-face-worthy.

This is why you keep a bag of kittens handy.

The situation is kinda ridiculous whatever conclusion you make.

You accept that air is your enemy.


You accept that it's easier to cleave through a solid body than empty air.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
LazarX wrote:
I attack the air with magic missile.

You can't unless the air also contains darkness....

1 person marked this as a favorite.
WarDriveWorley wrote:
LazarX wrote:
I attack the air with magic missile.
You can't unless the air also contains darkness....

Darn beat me to it.

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Short answer: No.

Slightly longer answer: Nope.

Long answer: Not a chance.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber
HaraldKlak wrote:

Short answer: No.

Slightly longer answer: Nope.

Long answer: Not a chance.

You missed a golden opportunity HaraldKlak.

Short answer: No

Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Seriosuly though, no, you can't cleave thru non-adjacent enemies. You don't need a feat to cleave through (non-animated) bottles. But you can make the rules seem ridiculous by torturing language.

P.S.: You don't need a feat for that, either.

I support this interpretation.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I support this interpretation.

you may be partially biased however ;)

Lantern Lodge

There's already a feat for this, it's called Whirlwind Attack. :>

Aha! Note the "wind" in the name of the feat. What is wind? Why, it's air. Put all the puzzle pieces together and it's clear as crystal: Da Vinci was involved in a conspiracy to protect the ancestors of Christ.

Well - theoretically speaking - if the OP has a character that has the air-subtype, then he can treat - by definition of the word 'foe' stated above - the ground as an opponent of the earth-subtype (he feels a strong dislike or antipathy for it) and declare the ground of the empty 5 foot square between his opponents as a foe and attack it, then cleaving on into the rest of the 'normal' opponents.

... provided he manages to hit the ground, that is :-)

I made a thread exactly like this.

How about great cleaving yourself? I know I'm my worst enemy. So I could just stub my toe or something, and then cleave the guy on my other side if I'm flanked.

Seriously though, the rationale behind great cleave requiring adjacent foes is quite bogus


Fighter can cleave 8 goblins no problem


Fighter can't even cleave 2.

Of course, Whirlwind attack would be even less appealing.

Just staple a kitten to your chest so you don't actually have to hit yourself. Or, if that's too awkward, wear a hat with a pole sticking out forward and a kitten suspended on a string at the tip. Cleave away. After you murder it, have it reanimated as a bloody skeleton and put it back on your hat pole.


There's a trick here involving gloves of storing, but I haven't figured it out yet.

Shadow Lodge

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If you're willing to hold your breath for the rest of your life, then you can consider the air a foe.

You can't really diplomacise the air, it won't listen.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer...

Shadow Lodge

Cleave compatibility problems? There's an app for that.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Do a Google search for "bag of rats". Cleaving through the air is a variant on that trick (which any DM in his right mind should disallow).

I'd allow it, as long as the character had acute Aerophobia and had to make a Will save to breathe every minute or so. You'd also be permanently Shakened, at the least.

Maybe even have to make a save to avoid becoming Frightened whenever you pass the save to breathe.

Yeah, that'd do nicely.

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