Crafting causing an issue in our campaign


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Question wrote:

Shoga : Thats not a bad idea although it does force the DM to come up with on the fly side quests to get more material components, and crafting can take substantial time as it is. Cant really go looking for some rare component in the typical "save X" plot.

Although im wondering whether you can have another character "take over" the do 4 days worth of crafting then have someone else (might be a NPC) take over for the remaining 2 days.

Also it looks like the DM ruled that :

-We can craft if travelling on a boat

-No take 10

-1s auto fail

Not sure if he will allow re-rolls using fortunate charm, but im guessing the answer would be a no.

Question. You missed the last part of the options. The GM doesn't have to determine the exact materials required. Just have the player make knowledge rolls. If the GM WANTS to determine exact materials then that's his (her) call but not required.

In my game, I am playing a Sorcerer who has Craft Wondrous Items and I wanted to craft things for myself and the party. Problem was, we were on a deserted island with no access to materials. So, me and my GM got together and worked out other materials necessary for me to enchant. I worked up my Options so as to simplify the process. Basically, I made the knowledge rolls and as we went on our way, we looked for the materials necessary for the enchant. Didn't interfere with the quest in the least.

And no, another character or NPC cannot "take over" a crafting/enchanting process.

And for those that don't realize, Items not listed as weapons, armor, shields and tools are NOT required to be masterwork. So, almost all items under the Craft Wondrous Items do not have to be masterwork to enchant.


Question wrote:

Okay this is what the DM says :

Hes fine with crafting. He will allow crafting on the boat while its in motion, but still no take 10.

How do you think this would affect things?

Boat crafting was going to be my suggestion.

Personally, I think "no taking 10" is a great house rule for all scenarios.

Question wrote:

To clarify, its another player that took leadership. He wants to have a dwarven forgemaster that can help craft for the party and also buff the party. I dont think he wants the cohort to just stay at home and craft.

We just finished talking with the DM (half the party anyway). This is what he told us basically :

-He doesnt want crafting on the move because he doesnt like the idea of being able to craft while theres a lot of movement or distractions, not even if we are just sailing down a river.

-He doesnt want us to have lots of magic items because it makes things complicated.

-He doesnt want us to make too many magic items either, and not being able to take 10 is supposed to help with this.

The conversation ended inconclusively with the DM saying he was going to think about it.

Your GM told you the type of game he is going to run. You agreed to play in that game. Now you are finding ways to brake his rules because you want stuff. Play the game you agreed to play and stop trying to push him/her into letting you do what ever you want.

The GM is not being unfair, he is being more than fair. After all he did let you craft items. When he felt it was getting out of hand he reevaluated his ruling and changed it. IT is the GM's right to do so.

If I were your GM, no matter the magic level of the world, I would have you run into several hindrances for what you are doing.

You think you can just do a rush job on all your crafting and make a quality product? Think again. Rushing rules or no rushing rules, things will go wrong. It takes time, supplies, and a proper working conditions to craft any thing. Magical or other wise.

I would start rolling random encounters during the time you're taking 10 to do a rush job on a project. Don't think they would be generic combat encounters either. I would also have the large amount of time your character is taking in crafting effect the events of the world, read plot, around you.

Are you serious?
Is the OP not being fair for wanting to play with the rules he agreed to when he started playing the campaign?
Is the DM being fair when he creates house rules mid-campaign?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Question wrote:

Well basically the DM wanted a low magic campaign, so we are not using the WBL table.

Thats worked out OK so far because most of our enemies were humanoids with mundane gear (or generic undead) and we face very few spellcasters (and the ones we have faced haven't done much really, a 9th level caster we fought recently hit us with like two lightning bolts, a fireball and an acid arrow before almost dying and running away). Also most of the characters are heavily optimized.

So a while back my character took craft wondrous item so the party could get some more magic items out of their limited funds. DM decided i couldnt craft while travelling, so we only stopped to craft once for a few days and that was with rushing everything at double speed. We finally got some downtime again and I was going to craft some more stuff for the party, but that's going to take more than a week with rushing, and the DM has decided we cant take 10 anymore while crafting.

That means we can't rush a lot of items anymore, which means more time where the party is just sitting around in town, and we just got word that we have to rush somewhere to potentially save the world.

One of the party wanted to take a cohort to craft magic weapons/armor, but i don't know how that's going to work now because the cohort is unlikely to have a very high skill modifier, and without being able to take 10, that involves a lot of risk.

And i dont know how much a low wealth value is going to cause problems later on in the campaign. We are at the level where we can start running into demons/stronger undead and a lot of those have somme kind of DR, and i think our fighter still only has a +1 bow...

So essentially :

-Cant take 10 while crafting, potentially a lot of wasted money when failing items (even with a high skill mod)

-Cant rush items due to the above, more time spent crafting, potential time limited scenario (save the world, etc), can't craft on the move to save time either

Any advice on this?

Yes... let the DM worry about it. Item crafting is not supposed to be a dominant part of play.

Shadow Lodge

leo1925 wrote:
Hawriel wrote:
Your GM told you the type of game he is going to run. You agreed to play in that game. Now you are finding ways to brake his rules because you want stuff. Play the game you agreed to play and stop trying to push him/her into letting you do what ever you want. ...

Are you serious?

Is the OP not being fair for wanting to play with the rules he agreed to when he started playing the campaign?
Is the DM being fair when he creates house rules mid-campaign?

Agreed. The GM told the OP that he was running Pathfinder. Unless he also said that magic item crafting would be restricted, the OP has a right to assume that the normal rules for item crafting will apply. This isn't an entitlement issue, it's just bad communication, and it appears that the communication probelm is being solved.

The GM absolutely has the right to house-rule that crafting is more difficult than described in the core rules, but ideally that should be made clear before the game starts and certainly before a character takes crafting feats.

If the GM didn't realize how easy it was to craft in PF, he still has a right to house-rule it but he should absolutely talk it over with the player and offer a chance to re-train the ability, since the player chose it under the assumption that crafting followed the core rules.

LazarX wrote:
Yes... let the DM worry about it. Item crafting is not supposed to be a dominant part of play.

No, but neither is a druid's animal companion. If a GM were to tell me several levels into a game that my animal companion couldn't participate in combat, or that I couldn't use it for a mount despite it being a size larger than me and quadrupedal, I would want to talk that over and possibly retrain the ability.

Cevah wrote:

Re-read the rules on DR.

** spoiler omitted **...

Hrmm... I could have sworn that I read that DR stacked when using "and" somewhere, not that it was simply "pick the best available for the situation." Consider me educated.

Unruly wrote:
Cevah wrote:

Re-read the rules on DR.

** spoiler omitted **...

Hrmm... I could have sworn that I read that DR stacked when using "and" somewhere, not that it was simply "pick the best available for the situation." Consider me educated.

3.5 spelled it out better. It can stack when two sources have different forms. For example, if a class feature gives DR 5/bludgeoning, and a race feature gives DR 5/evil, then it becomes effectively DR 5/evil and bludgeoning. If it was DR 10/evil instead, you need to make damage get through both DRs, but the points removed are only removed once. I.e. 15 points becomes 5 (both DRs reduce), 8 evil becomes 3 (DR 5/bludgeoning reduced but DR 10/evil did not), 8 bludgeoning becomes 0 (DR 5/bludgeoning did not reduce while DR 10/evil did).

Barbarians get DR 1/-, and I think there is a feat that can improve this by stacking an additional DR 1/-.


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