List of 3rd Party Base Classes

Product Discussion

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For the rebuilds section, you'll want

From Rogue Genius Games:

Talented Rogue
Talented Monk
Talented Fighter
Talented Barbarian
Talented Cavalier

From Drop Dead Studios

Glory Rogue

So is Rogue Glory (I assume you mean this product) a book of new feats and the like or an actual new class rebuild? Reading only the description/ reviews and not the product I can't tell. I see that it says suggestions on alternate class features. I want to avoid books that are just supporting classes/offering options for classes and stick to just classes (I think LRGG has a dozen of those).
I added it to the list unless anyone objects or corrects me.

Added the talented classes.

Marc, if you want it listed as a full base class rather than a rewrite who am I to argue :-) Changed. Was just trying to make it easier for people to find thematically.

So I have all Rogue/Super Genius Games products listed as Super Genius. I know SGG has control of some stuff and RGG has control over other stuff. Anyone wanna untangle that Gordian's Knot?

Liberty's Edge

Scott_UAT wrote:

Marc, if you want it listed as a full base class rather than a rewrite who am I to argue :-) Changed. Was just trying to make it easier for people to find thematically.

So I have all Rogue/Super Genius Games products listed as Super Genius. I know SGG has control of some stuff and RGG has control over other stuff. Anyone wanna untangle that Gordian's Knot?

Ha ha! Thank you sir! :)

Regarding the SGG/RGG issue - my understanding is that Owen and Rogue Genius got the vast majority of the Pathfinder material. Much, but by no means all, of the non Pathfinder stuff remained with Super Genius.

So, I think you are pretty safe in listing any of the Pathfinder products as Rogue Genius Games ...

Scott_UAT wrote:

So is Rogue Glory (I assume you mean this product) a book of new feats and the like or an actual new class rebuild? Reading only the description/ reviews and not the product I can't tell. I see that it says suggestions on alternate class features. I want to avoid books that are just supporting classes/offering options for classes and stick to just classes (I think LRGG has a dozen of those).

I added it to the list unless anyone objects or corrects me.

I understand your concern. From Endzeitgeist's review (Thilo G.), it seems that the book is basically a rebuild of the rogue class, which involves a slightly altered base rogue and a whole bunch of additional content. I'd put it closer to a rebuild class rather than a simple splat book with more options for rogues.

So I have all Rogue/Super Genius Games products listed as Super Genius. I know SGG has control of some stuff and RGG has control over other stuff. Anyone wanna untangle that Gordian's Knot?

From what I've been able to tell, anything by Stan!, Owen, or Christina Stiles Presents goes to Rogue Genius Games, anything by Hyrum stays with Super Genius Games. I'm not so certain about other stuff that might not fit into those categories.

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@Scott - Shadowsworn IS available in Players Guide to the Crossroads. It is a full Base Class. There is no reason it should not be in this list, any more than the Aquanaut - they are both in a greater book, not "separate dedicated to a Base class" products.

Scarab Sages Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Of the classes you have listed, the Shaman is Super Genius Games, and everything else is now Rogue Genius Games.

When in doubt, everything listed here is a Rogue Genius Games product, regardless of original branding. Obviously we're aware that's a bit confusing, so I don't generally bother to correct casual usage. It still *says* SGG on nearly anything produced before Nov 2013.

Offhand I only see two missing RGG classes: The Justicar (from Advanced Options: Inquisitor's Judgements) which is a spell-less, full BAB alternate inquisitor, and the Fusilier (from Ultimate Options: Grit and Gunslingers, which is an alternate gunslinger that uses Cha and is able to be used even in a game with no firearms.

And I presume Kobold Press's Spell-Less Ranger would qualify as a rebuild if not an alternate class?

As long as we are on the subject of SGG and RGG, then SGG kept the Shaman and the Bullet Point for Shaman Feats, and the Death Knight Feats, but RGG got the Death Knight class...right?

Sethvir wrote:
As long as we are on the subject of SGG and RGG, then SGG kept the Shaman and the Bullet Point for Shaman Feats, and the Death Knight Feats, but RGG got the Death Knight class...right?

I just want to know who got the house, and custody of the children ;)

Scarab Sages Contributor

Sethvir wrote:
As long as we are on the subject of SGG and RGG, then SGG kept the Shaman and the Bullet Point for Shaman Feats, and the Death Knight Feats, but RGG got the Death Knight class...right?


Matt Thomason wrote:
I just want to know who got the house, and custody of the children ;)

Well only one member of the original SGG team has kids, and he kept SGG...

Scarab Sages Contributor

While we are at it, the other Pathfidner material that is still SGG's is:

The Merciful Cousins Cavalier Order
Adventurer's Atlas: Outpost Qether
The Genius Guide to the Harrowed

Any other Pathfinder material released prior to Nov 2013 is now RGG. SGG doesn't seem to have released any new Pf material since then, but obviously if they did that would be theirs. :)

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
@Scott - Shadowsworn IS available in Players Guide to the Crossroads. It is a full Base Class. There is no reason it should not be in this list, any more than the Aquanaut - they are both in a greater book, not "separate dedicated to a Base class" products.

Not what I meant. I thought it was implied that it was just used to make NPCs and players couldn't use it yet. Re-added.

Changed the SGG stuff to RGG stuff.


  • Shadowsworn (Re-added)
  • Justicar
  • Fusilier

    Total: 238
    Rebuilds: 11

  • Brewmaster :)

    Amora Game:

    More to be added in the coming months.

    Those are from the 3pp class compendium right? Did those actually launch?

    Edit: ...and added Brewmaster.

    haven't finished reading and haven't compared to lists I know to help propegate but i wanted to mention before it got too crazy long etc.
    If this is to help various players choose base classes from 3pp stuff, maybe when peopel add classes to the list they might make a short length sentence that describes it. Like "arcane caster, self buff focused" or "arcane blaster, 6 level caster, 3/4bab"

    but in anycase this is pretty cool idea. I'll try to help


    I will look a this later.

    But I see the Artisan class from Faces of the Tarnished Souk is missing

    Ironborn and Lurker did not have a racial paragon classes (I am fixing that).

    Did you get Divine Channeler, Luckbringer, Enlightened Scholar, and Kusa?

    You got all the Kaidan stuff.

    Quasar Knight Abstract Thief

    Plaguewright :)

    Also Cartomancer

    ...did I miss the prior get released? Been looking forward to it.

    Dark Archive

    If alternate classes count, there's my Sèvitè from Into The Breach: The Witch. It keeps the BAB, saves and spells but trashes everything else for loa and other voudoun flavored treats.


  • Abstract Thief
  • Plaguewright
  • Cartomancer
  • Sèvitè

    So I thought about doing that. I'm concerned it would become a very salesy thing at that point. Also, it would take a bit of time from each publisher and I wouldn't want only some products to have a description.

    I am thinking about compiling this list, adding links to every product, and possibly pulling some text from the sales pages, and putting it on a site? Maybe John over at d20pfsrd?

  • Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

    The Dahren Paragon from Heroes of the Jade Oath is the Jotun Paragon rewritten for Asian settings, primarily shifting its elemental abilities to reflect the Asian elemental cycle rather than the European elemental crucible.

    Scott_UAT wrote:

    Those are from the 3pp class compendium right? Did those actually launch?

    Yes, but they technically won't be published till July.

    Aleron wrote:
    ...did I miss the prior get released? Been looking forward to it.

    Yep, the plaguewright hit this morning, but hasn't gotten past the +5 wakizashi of litigation focus yet. It's currently for sale at OneBookShelf, but, if it's all the same to you, I'd really appreciate it if as many people as possible buy it here so I make another $0.60 per copy. It adds up and I was a solid $150 below my goal for May, so I'm feeling the pain. (My punishment for releasing a non-class last month :P)

    Now, you know I'm always a little worried about this and that for every class I release, but if the things I'm worrying about end up being a non-issue, this'll be the absolute coolest release so far this year. The number of weird tweaks you can make is simply ridiculous, and I've given the class the ability to prepare tons of options to take advantage of it. This isn't a maestro - a level 20 character gets to cook up 25 "recipes" at once.

    Added Dahren Paragon.
    I am going to make a note about the joten paragon re-write in the other joten paragon's entry. Is that ok?

    Amora Game wrote:
    Scott_UAT wrote:

    Those are from the 3pp class compendium right? Did those actually launch?

    Yes, but they technically won't be published till July.

    Would it be ok if we held off listing them until they were publicly available?

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Probably for the best to wait. There are going to be about 5 more besides those.

    Dark Archive

    Scott_UAT wrote:


  • Sèvitè
  • Cool, thanks.

    Scott_UAT wrote:
    I am thinking about compiling this list, adding links to every product, and possibly pulling some text from the sales pages, and putting it on a site? Maybe John over at d20pfsrd?

    I bet John would like it if it linked to his store...

    I'll hit him up either way.
    Also just added LRGG's Detective.

    Two more recent additions for your list:

    The Plaguewright from Interjection Games

    The Reaper from Purple Duck Games

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Already had Plaguewright. Added reaper.
    Also added Hetaera for purple duck games

    The Prestige Archetypes are 20-level base class/prestige class combinations so they could be added to the class list as well. We've released the following so far:

    - Arcane Archer
    - Arcane Trickster
    - Assassin
    - Chronicler
    - Duelist

    VM mercenario wrote:
    Quasar Knight Abstract Thief

    Thanks for the honorable mention! :)

    Liberty's Edge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Scott_UAT wrote:

    Hi guys!

    In the spirit of the "List of 3rd Party Campaign Settings" thread,

    Do you have a link to this thread?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    List of 3PP campaign settings

    Liberty's Edge

    Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
    List of 3PP campaign settings

    Great! Thanks.

    Flaming Crab Games just published their version of the priest!

    Can you link us to it please?

    Dark Archive

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Scott_UAT wrote:
    Can you link us to it please?

    Flaming Crab Games Priest


    Modern Hero class

    Is that pathfinder compatible?
    It looks like d20 modern compatible.

    Yep, it's a Pathfinder modern class.

    Hmm it doesn't really fit the mold of the other things on that list as it is essentially the character creation system of an entire setting/system and kind of incorporates 6 classes (the different paths) and has a number of system-specific stuff (fame, wealth bonuses, etc). Like isn't it THE pathfinder modern class?

    I'll add it with a note about it being PF Modern I suppose?

    Edit: That came off like really harsh. PF Modern looks awesome. Just not sure how to add it here.

    Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

    In the end you decided to include the Anachronistic Adventurer classes, and just mark them "Anachronistic Adventurers." Now I admit those are presented as lost world romance classes designed to be mixed in with straight Pf classes, but if you want a really complete list I'd suggest just tagging the Modern classes, like you do with psionics and other classes built on a specific rules subset. :)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    It's cool, just tossing it out there if you want. I think Owen has a good idea with tagging them Modern classes.

    Yep yep. Did and done :-)


    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Updated notes and added our nomad that just launched.

    Currently tracking 249 base classes and 10 class rebuilds for a total of 259 classes.

    The Amazon

    The Runemage

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