150 Reasons for a tavern brawl

Gamer Life General Discussion

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The Exchange

89. The crews of two friendly competing merchants (caravan/ships) stumble upon each other at the nearest watering hole. Start talking smack. Nothing wrong with a little robust rivalry, nothing permanent anyways. Good thing the bouncer, seeing this coming from a mile away, confiscated (checked-in) all obvious weapons.

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90. Zuzu's petals.
91. A dwarf with a sense of humor hands their much taller elven friend a drink that is far more potent than expected. Throat and mouth aflame, the elf spews a fine mist of dwarven whiskey into the eyes of someone passing by. Hilarity ensues...
92. After things settle down, the dwarf is helping the woozy elf back to their room when someone just coming downstairs remarks, "Hey, you know that's an elf and not a woman, right?" Thus beginneth round 2.
93. It's karaoke night, and your friend is up after the next singer... who has just started singing the Weird Al version of the song they'd picked.
94. A high roller strolls in buying rounds for everyone and boasting of their good fortune. As they sit and gamble with their new-found buddies, someone notices that his coins are fake.

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95. An extremely annoying solo adventurer busts in, starts rushing around, bumping into people and asking about "quests" and "where is the guy".

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96. A "Your Mama" match got out of hand.
97. A sorcerer used a lot a of alcohol and some minor illusion cantrips to trick the male dwarf drunken barbarian and the male gnome heaven's oracle into kissing each other.

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98) Pookie, the bunny familiar of a wizard patron, goes on a drunken rampage.

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99. The A-Team was making a plan come together.


100. A drunken caster starts throwing around spells like confusion or dominate person.

101. Bar runs out of alcohol.

Scarab Sages

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102. A chronomancer did it.

Scarab Sages

103. The entertainment is a 7th-level Virtuoso who uses Greater Calumny...evening after evening....

Liberty's Edge

104. That damn Cuftbert...

The Exchange

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105. "Yer dawg bit me."
"That's not my dog."
"I don't think ya unnerstand. YER.DAWG.BIT.ME."
"Listen buddy, I don't own a ..." {kapow}

106. The day ends in a 'Y'

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107. Nobody puts Baby in a corner.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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108. Because Hratha Aleslinger needs to put another notch on her barstool.

DeathQuaker wrote:
108. Because Hratha Aleslinger needs to put another notch on her barstool.

109. [b]"Oh that was your barstool? That explains why floor has a permanent beer stain there. Of course, you can barely see the floor underneath the mound of peanut shells. So no worries.

Scarab Sages

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TheHairyAvenger wrote:
2.) A Barbarian walks into a bar...

1 xp short of level 20.

There used to be an old comic in Dragon magazine with this scenario.

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110. A draft blows through the tavern and stuffs out the lights.
Before the bartender can get a torch struck, everyone has had a go at everyone else's pocketbook/glittery bauble/nice coat, and two of the less reputable patrons have been turned into knife repositories.

111. While barcrawling, two bands of warriors from the Ul'tak tribe enter the same tavern and mistake each other for their sworn enemies, the Ul'tao.

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112. A mage experimenting up stairs casts a spell animating all of the furniture in the common room. A battle of man against wood!

113. Prankster whittled a stool leg that snaps when sat on. The sitter is a doesn't handle embarrassment with adding injury to insult.

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114. The cleric of Nethys flipped a coin and it came up tails.
115. A group of pathfinder tales fans were meeting when somebody commented that is was o.k. to not like them.

Scarab Sages

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116. A party of 4E characters walk in....

Liberty's Edge

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117.This just devolved.

118. The guards arrive to arrest a bard (asking too many questions), seizing an opportunity the bard's bodyguard begins a brawl with multiple patrons. A wave of flesh crashes into the bodyguard - it is high, mighty and crude.

Almost everyone joins in, even against the guards (no one liked them in this quarter anyway). The bard slips away.

Scarab Sages

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119. someone starts asking if the parties paladin should have fallen for "insert the million reasons here"

120. Paladin falls over and bumps into the buttocks of the serving maid.

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121. Some started playing the Dungeons & Dragons Movie.

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122. Someone Cast Uncontrollable Rage on a patron... and it's spreading!

123. A gnome walked in with a rod of wonder and turned everyone's beer into moose piss, apparently it failed to take as it already was.

Movin wrote:
123. A gnome walked in with a rod of wonder and turned everyone's beer into moose piss, apparently it failed to take as it already was.

Pretty posh tavern, then? :P

Scarab Sages

124. It's Casu Marzu Night...and a Plague Witch casts giant vermin!

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125. A Bar walked into a drunk Barbarian.

Scarab Sages

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126. The bar is full of Ronin and Knights Errant who look around at each other and realize they may never have another opportunity as good as this one to make the most of their special Challenge ability.

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Someone called The Librarian a monkey and or cut off his supply of peanuts.

Scarab Sages

128. An Orange, Red, or (crazy talk!) Infrared Citizen orders a YELLOW beer.

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129. A gnome claims its a person; gnome subsequently used as flail.

Scarab Sages

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130. It's one of those joints "Where Everybeing Knows Your Name" - and a Tome of Magic Truenamer shows up.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

131. A reason? Who says we needed a reason? Hey everybody, did you ever hear anybody say anything about a reason?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

132. Those Bar/Tavern Random Encounter Tables are brutal.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Gregory Connolly wrote:
15) A drunk punches a PC at random for no apparent reason, that was the surprise round, roll initiative.

A drunk pukes all over a PC at random for no apparent reason, that was the surprise round, roll initiative. (Can't decide if that would require a ranged touch attack or allow a Reflex save).

Scarab Sages

Dreaming Psion wrote:
Gregory Connolly wrote:
15) A drunk punches a PC at random for no apparent reason, that was the surprise round, roll initiative.
133. A drunk pukes all over a PC at random for no apparent reason, that was the surprise round, roll initiative. (Can't decide if that would require a ranged touch attack or allow a Reflex save).

134. A power gamer walks in, eats offal because it's free and meets the bare minimum needed to survive, refuses to buy a drink because "it's just fluff that debuffs your stats," doesn't want to talk about anything but what everyone's "DPS" is, and whines loudly when the regulars try to throw them out.

135. Singing competition between two bards gone horribly wrong.

Scarab Sages

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136. Drinking competition between a Drunken Brute and a Drunken Master gone horribly right.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

137. Ergot fungus gets into the bread.

The Exchange

138. A heavily inebriated man stands up, stumbles a few steps to another table and proceeds to urinate on a chair. A chair that the PC is currently occupying.

Liberty's Edge

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139. Some idiot starts an edition war.

140. The barmaid's father notices several interesting uses of mage hand being employed.

Scarab Sages

141. MagusJanus walks in andAAAAAUGHOHGODSTHATFACE!!!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

142. Two suitors are dueling over the affections of the same person they love. Things get ugly when a missed attack strikes one of the gawking onlookers.

Dreaming Psion wrote:
142. Two suitors are dueling over the affections of the same person they love. Things get ugly when a missed attack strikes one of the gawking onlookers.

the lover the 2 suitors are fighting each other over is a fey maiden who just cast a confusion spell in the entire bar for her own mischievous and larcenous amusement

Scarab Sages

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Auren "Rin" Cloudstrider wrote:
Dreaming Psion wrote:
142. Two suitors are dueling over the affections of the same person they love. Things get ugly when a missed attack strikes one of the gawking onlookers.
143. the lover the 2 suitors are fighting each other over is a fey maiden who just cast a confusion spell in the entire bar for her own mischievous and larcenous amusement

144. Merisiel, the iconic Pathfinder Rogue, catches Lidda, the iconic 3.0 Rogue, trying to rob the same mark, who happens to be Rath, the sample character from the 2nd Edition Player's Handbook, who's been deep in conversation with Professor Harvey Walters, the sample character from Call of Cthulhu.


145. Because I got this new feat/ability I need a bunch of people to use it on.

146. I am tired of being a paladin and now want to be an anti-paladin.

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