More theorycrafting madness, Prestige prereqs

Homebrew and House Rules

so i've been on a theorycrafting kick pertaining to prereqs lately, starting with feats, and now I want to move on to prcs. So here it is, what would you build if the only prerequisite for prcs was skills and spell levels (yes, even dropping the dragon disciple spontaneous thing)?

Why hello paladin2/monk1/ninja2/champion of ioriX

Arcane trickster without any of those pesky rogue levels.

Zhayne wrote:
Arcane trickster without any of those pesky rogue levels.

nice, didnt even consider that. How about a magus dragon disciple?

Duelist at lvl3? Yes please!

Also, Arcane Archer is really easy to enter as well.

Stalwart defender as an (almost) base class. Paladins ahoy!

Oh my god, straight wizard/sorcerer eldritch knights! Jesus, once again ive half talked myself into actually implementing a thought exercise.


Looking through various prcs, one that pops out at me is now red mantis assassin can actually be done at level 5 for anyone, not just humans and fighters.

this almost makes the lore master palatable since it removes the divination focus...almost.

also I would want to play a pure oracle into one of these. far from optimal, but still awesome.

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