Tips and Tricks For Working With Community Use Package: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Card Templates

Homebrew and House Rules

This thread is to share ideas and tips you've discovered to make creating your own cards with the Community Use Package: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Card Templates easier. You can share things like:

1. Are you writing on them or are you using software?
2. Have you discovered some fonts you think work well?
3. Do you have any tips for the software you are using?

Things like that. So lets all share and make working with this great community use product even better. Thanks.

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I'm using GIMP to work with them. I imported them all into GIMP as different layers for each page. Then I put them in Layer Groups: Boons, Banes, Story, and Character. And I made a group for the details I'm adding to the card. It contains Character Name, Traits, Check Skill. That kind of stuff.

I made a separate GIMP file for the character cards that are horizontal. I realized the skills were set up with 7 sections. You can list the 6 "innate" skills (just using that term for discussion purposes) like Strength, Dexterity, etc. in the first 6 lines, then put all your "trained" skills in the last box. Looks to me like you'll be able to fit 3 "trained" skills. Not bad, and a pretty flexible design I think. Of course you can always just make your own box to replace the one on the card if you want.

I grabbed some free imitations of Dax from ufonts. They look pretty close to the real deal. I'm using Dax, Dax-Regular Thin and Dax-BoldCaps so far.

So far so good.

Here is how I've been printing my cards, if anyone else is interested. I've found 80lb paper to be great for printing cards on.

  • Put the two sides of the card on a single side of a page, with one rotated 180 degrees and placed so the long sides touch.
  • Place some cutting guidelines around and between the two sides to aid with cutting the cards out.
  • Print on 80lb bright white paper.
  • Cut carefully around the two cards, being extra careful when cutting them apart from each other.
  • Using a glue stick, slather one side in glue and carefully paste the two sides together so that the sides align.
  • Place weight on top and let dry.
  • Slightly trim all 4 edges, so that the two sides are perfectly the same size.
  • Use a chisel tipped permanent marker and drag it along the edges of the card. The chisel should be perpendicular to the edge to prevent the marker from sliding off.

I've used that method to make character cards as well as boons and banes. I'm printing the standard card back on the boons and banes, even though I end up sleeving them. It has worked quite well.

If anyone has another suggested method, I'd love to hear it.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
...I grabbed some free imitations of Dax from ufonts. They look pretty close to the real deal. I'm using Dax, Dax-Regular Thin and Dax-BoldCaps so far...

Excellent find on the fonts. I couldn't find that close a match anywhere!

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I'm not sure exactly how popular Magic Set Editor is around here, but I've made a template for it from the Community Use Template Package.

It keeps all cards for a given "set" together, which could be your Adventure Path, Adventure, or however you feel like organizing it. There's no limit to how many of each card type can be in a set at the same time, but it's best to have only a single Adventure Path card in a given set, so that when the images get exported, you aren't missing anything.

Once you're ready to print your cards, you can export all the images for the cards fairly quickly, just a few clicks and a short wait, and all the cards are exported so you can print them out and dive through dungeons and steal the bad guy's treasures.

Here's a link to where I've uploaded it here.

If anyone would like a how-to guide, I'm sure I can put one together with some simple screenshots of where different options and such are found.

I've never used that before, but it looks interesting, so I'd be interested in seeing a how-to guide. I downloaded the Magic Set Editor and you upload. I'm figuring some of it out, but some guidance would be great.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, I can definitely get one of those going. Glad to see you're looking forward to it.

On another note, I've actually discovered a bug in the template that happens when you switch a card between "Story" and "Boon/Bane" styles, so I've made an update to correct the error.

Here's a link to the folder, in case there are any further updates.

WoodManZX wrote:

Yeah, I can definitely get one of those going. Glad to see you're looking forward to it.

On another note, I've actually discovered a bug in the template that happens when you switch a card between "Story" and "Boon/Bane" styles, so I've made an update to correct the error.

Here's a link to the folder, in case there are any further updates.

This is really cool and so helpful. It looks like I can't fit the word "Constitution" as the skill for a check on a single line, the "n" wraps. Anyway I can adjust that?

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
WoodManZX wrote:

I'm not sure exactly how popular Magic Set Editor is around here, but I've made a template for it from the Community Use Template Package.

It keeps all cards for a given "set" together, which could be your Adventure Path, Adventure, or however you feel like organizing it. There's no limit to how many of each card type can be in a set at the same time, but it's best to have only a single Adventure Path card in a given set, so that when the images get exported, you aren't missing anything.

Once you're ready to print your cards, you can export all the images for the cards fairly quickly, just a few clicks and a short wait, and all the cards are exported so you can print them out and dive through dungeons and steal the bad guy's treasures.

Here's a link to where I've uploaded it here.

If anyone would like a how-to guide, I'm sure I can put one together with some simple screenshots of where different options and such are found.

As a regular Magic Set Editor user, thank you so much for this. This is incredibly helpful!

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
This is really cool and so helpful. It looks like I can't fit the word "Constitution" as the skill for a check on a single line, the "n" wraps. Anyway I can adjust that?

I've taken a look at this, and it appears to be an issue due to the size of the text box in relation to the length of the word. Honestly, I hadn't actually tested "Constitution" in that field.

I've just made an update to the template, which allows the text for those fields to shrink just a bit further, which will allow you to do one of two things.

One is "add another skill".

If that goes against the flavor/mechanics of the card, option 2 is "press 'Enter' either before or after 'Constitution'". It's slightly messy-looking, due to the extra line, but it gets the job done.

Either option will force MSE to put the entire word "Constitution" on a single line.

WoodManZX wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
This is really cool and so helpful. It looks like I can't fit the word "Constitution" as the skill for a check on a single line, the "n" wraps. Anyway I can adjust that?

I've taken a look at this, and it appears to be an issue due to the size of the text box in relation to the length of the word. Honestly, I hadn't actually tested "Constitution" in that field.

I've just made an update to the template, which allows the text for those fields to shrink just a bit further, which will allow you to do one of two things.

One is "add another skill".

If that goes against the flavor/mechanics of the card, option 2 is "press 'Enter' either before or after 'Constitution'". It's slightly messy-looking, due to the extra line, but it gets the job done.

Either option will force MSE to put the entire word "Constitution" on a single line.

Awesome! Thanks so much! I saw you made a guide too. I grabbed it. Thanks for that.

If I could be so bold as to make one more requests? The recharge boxes don't have their text wrap. Thanks!

Excellent catch, Hawkmoon! Luckily, that was an easy fix. A simple "Multi line" flag wasn't being set right.

An update has been made. The updated template is on the Mediafire folder.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Woodman, your template is amazing. Thanks I am currently working on an epic adventure path. I have it outlined at 6 adventures in each of two different paths. With 4 Scenarios for each...yeah its a huge undertaking. I think the end product will be well worth it. MSE is so easy to use.
Any links to some great places to find some pictures, including some of the ones off the already existing cards??

Glad to see you like the template, grovermerc.

Unfortunately, I don't really know of anywhere to find images from/of any of the existing cards.

As for where to find other images, I've heard that there's plenty of sites out there, like Pixiv or such, which have tons of images. I'm sure some quick searching on Google can point you in the right direction.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We don't allow redistribution of our images. There should be plenty of appropriate artwork on the internet that's useable under free licenses, though.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Here's a list of the actual fonts we use, along with their foundries and where you can buy them.

Dax - FontShop -
CC Treacherous - Linotype -
Futura - Linotype -
Helvetica - Linotype -
Masoch Dirach - Gomiko Type -
Mason - Emigre -
Saber - Font Bureau -

Vic Wertz wrote:
We don't allow redistribution of our images. There should be plenty of appropriate artwork on the internet that's useable under free licenses, though.

But what about the art here?

Paizo Inc. Community Use Policy wrote:
You may use the artwork published to illustrate the Web Fiction at Note that the web fiction itself may not be used under this policy—just the artwork.

Or am I misreading this, and it means the art can only be used for web fiction?

Vic Wertz wrote:

Here's a list of the actual fonts we use, along with their foundries and where you can buy them.

Dax - FontShop -
CC Treacherous - Linotype -
Futura - Linotype -
Helvetica - Linotype -
Masoch Dirach - Gomiko Type -
Mason - Emigre -
Saber - Font Bureau -

Thanks. May I also add that I am happy to note the absence from that list of both Goudy Medieval and Caslon Antique ;)

For folks who find GIMP a bit counter-intuitive, there is free software called Paint.NET that you could try. It will only run on the Windows OS though.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

wydraz wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
We don't allow redistribution of our images. There should be plenty of appropriate artwork on the internet that's useable under free licenses, though.

But what about the art here?

Paizo Inc. Community Use Policy wrote:
You may use the artwork published to illustrate the Web Fiction at Note that the web fiction itself may not be used under this policy—just the artwork.

Or am I misreading this, and it means the art can only be used for web fiction?

You are correct—you can use that art, and other art from the blog, under the Community Use Policy. (Only some of the card game art is in there.)

WoodManZX wrote:

Glad to see you like the template, grovermerc.

Unfortunately, I don't really know of anywhere to find images from/of any of the existing cards.

As for where to find other images, I've heard that there's plenty of sites out there, like Pixiv or such, which have tons of images. I'm sure some quick searching on Google can point you in the right direction.

I'm not too familiar with the capabilities of MSE but it seems like it can support image masking to some degree. So would it be possible to extend the name bar (on the Token card, for example) all of the way across the card in the template? Too bad there's no z-ordering..

I can fix it myself in Photoshop after the fact, of course, but it seems like a better workflow if I can lay out my cards how I want them in MSE first :)

Siygess wrote:

I'm not too familiar with the capabilities of MSE but it seems like it can support image masking to some degree. So would it be possible to extend the name bar (on the Token card, for example) all of the way across the card in the template? Too bad there's no z-ordering..

I can fix it myself in Photoshop after the fact, of course, but it seems like a better workflow if I can lay out my cards how I want them in MSE first :)

Yes, MSE supports both image masking and z-indexing, and all of the text in the templates is placed on top of any images that may be on the cards.

As for the width of the fields, I just took an arbitrary length that fit a decently sized name, and didn't overrun the name of a role.

I'm just curious, what's the name you're using that the field isn't wide enough for? I can easily adjust the width of the field, within reason.

Oh no, I was more referring to the green band that goes behind the name - on the official cards it stretches the full width of the token card (for example) where as in the MSE template it only covers half the width so the head of the character art would not overlap the green band. I wasn't sure if that was because of a limitation of the tool or not :)

Siygess wrote:
Oh no, I was more referring to the green band that goes behind the name - on the official cards it stretches the full width of the token card (for example) where as in the MSE template it only covers half the width so the head of the character art would not overlap the green band. I wasn't sure if that was because of a limitation of the tool or not :)

Oh, now I get it. That's actually just a visual thing which happens with images. once you select an image, if it has transparency where the green bar is, the green bar should re-appear.

I've made another small update to the template. It doesn't really change anything, but you're able to have character/role/token cards with the exact same name able to mass-export without overwriting each other now.

Download is in the same place as before, right here.

WoodManZX wrote:

I've made another small update to the template. It doesn't really change anything, but you're able to have character/role/token cards with the exact same name able to mass-export without overwriting each other now.

Download is in the same place as before, right here.

Thanks again for this. Making cards is so easy with it. I have a little request, the change you made to the 2 check blessing card so Constitution would fit on it, could you do the same to the other card types? For instance, I can't fit Constitution on Barrier 1 or Barrier 2.

Thanks again!

I've gone through the different card types, with "Constitution" set in the "Check to Acquire/Defeat" field, and whether the word fits on a single line without any assistance is based on the size of the field, with the taller fields needing a bit of 'help' to put the word on one line.

If the only check for the card is going to be Constitution, you'll need to press "Enter" at both the beginning and end of the word "Constitution", which will center the word in the box and fit it on a single line.

WoodManZX wrote:

I've gone through the different card types, with "Constitution" set in the "Check to Acquire/Defeat" field, and whether the word fits on a single line without any assistance is based on the size of the field, with the taller fields needing a bit of 'help' to put the word on one line.

If the only check for the card is going to be Constitution, you'll need to press "Enter" at both the beginning and end of the word "Constitution", which will center the word in the box and fit it on a single line.

Excellent. Thanks. I hadn't noticed that if I typed another skill, constitution would shrink. When I saw it not fit, I immediately stopped typing.

And now I know that if I do want it as the only skill, how to help it.

Thanks again!

This is really useful - feels a lot less painful than going through Photoshop, and doing it all manually.

That said, there's a few things I can't figure out- can anyone shed any light:

If I'm creating a character, I can enter the basic dice and the skill feats - Strength, Dexterity etc, but I can't figure out how to add additional skills - Melee, Ranged etc- is there a way to do this?

On the back of the character cards, where there are boxes to select for card feats, is there a way to remove the blank boxes for feats not available to that character?

Lastly - on the role cards, there seem to be fixed boxes for powers- 2 big, and 4 small - is there any way to vary the size or number - i.e. if I have one power with upgrades, I might want 2 or 3 lines for it, but then not need 4 boxes.

Sorry if this is obvious, but I couldn't figure it out.

Not sure how I missed you post before. But since it wasn't answered:

The "additional" skills go in the box below all the other skills. That lets the "basic" skills be in a uniform location.

I don't think removing the boxes or lines is possible in the MSE program. But I could be wrong.

Hi, thanks a lot for doing this. I'm creating custom characters but I find no way to add secondary skills (Arcane, Divine, Stealth, etc) beneath each corresponding "main" feat. I take that whole block is a single image underneath all the text boxes? What do you recommend as a work-around?

As I don't have MSE and use a Mac, I haven't been able to play with this template set.
Do the MSE cards print clearly and in high resolution?

Instead, I've been doing all my work in gimp and have had to reinvent the wheel a bit.
The cards look great, but have had some problems making the prints look crisp. It's a learning experience.

Done with the adventure and I'm working on the final drafts of the cards. Then it's time to put together the PDF.

I think the MSE template WoodManZX worked up looks pretty good. There are some quirks here and there, and you can't play with the paragraph separation or break from the mold like you could in GIMP or another full editing program. But it is insanely quicker than GIMP. I can spit a card out in about 15 seconds.

Here are some cards I made for a community Easter scenario using the MSE template if you want to see them. And here is the Easter Bunny villain directly from the MSE template as a JPG and PNG file.

I hope WoodManZX is still around so that when they release new card templates he can add them in. I personally consider the MSE template to be perhaps the best thing any one in the community has ever contributed. It is that good. And the time it saves is unbelievable. He doesn't get enough praise for it, probably because it works so well you can just take it and use it. But it is the best.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
I hope WoodManZX is still around so that when they release new card templates he can add them in. I personally consider the MSE template to be perhaps the best thing any one in the community has ever contributed. It is that good. And the time it saves is unbelievable. He doesn't get enough praise for it, probably because it works so well you can just take it and use it. But it is the best.

I will echo my praise for WoodManZX's template; it really is an amazing creation, and far less work than creating cards in GIMP (hours of my life I won't get back).

I've been making updates to his template locally, and have made several enhancements (deck number, loot support card type, enabled printing directly from MSE, and removed the recharge box, etc). I can release mine... once the templates are updated officially, of course.

That said, any update on when we can get the updated styles?

EDIT: Added Support card type, not Loot.

I really enjoy using the MSE templates also. Not sure I would have the patience to use GIMP or other editors for more than the occasional card.

Looking forward to any updates and advancements.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

I think the MSE template WoodManZX worked up looks pretty good. There are some quirks here and there, and you can't play with the paragraph separation or break from the mold like you could in GIMP or another full editing program. But it is insanely quicker than GIMP. I can spit a card out in about 15 seconds.

Here are some cards I made for a community Easter scenario using the MSE template if you want to see them. And here is the Easter Bunny villain directly from the MSE template as a JPG and PNG file.

I hope WoodManZX is still around so that when they release new card templates he can add them in. I personally consider the MSE template to be perhaps the best thing any one in the community has ever contributed. It is that good. And the time it saves is unbelievable. He doesn't get enough praise for it, probably because it works so well you can just take it and use it. But it is the best.

It looks good and sounds great. Hawkmoon, your dropbox link isn't opening for me. I'd love to see what you've done.

Unfortunately, my copy of Parallels went kaput after I upgraded to Mavericks, so for the time being I am stuck gimping along at gimp's pace in making new cards. Now that I've had time to mess around a bit, I have a process, and it doesn't take nearly as long as it did at first. After I get the images I need, it really doesn't take too long to make a high res card. A bit slower than 15 seconds however. :(

Any cards or personal adventures you guys have made, I'd like to see them, just to get an idea of what you guys are doing.

Hmm..Yeah. I thought clicking "get link" would generate a new link, but it just regenerated the expired one. Here is a new link.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Hmm..Yeah. I thought clicking "get link" would generate a new link, but it just regenerated the expired one. Here is a new link.

Those look awesome. Would have been nice to have this tool myself!

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
I hope WoodManZX is still around so that when they release new card templates he can add them in. I personally consider the MSE template to be perhaps the best thing any one in the community has ever contributed. It is that good. And the time it saves is unbelievable. He doesn't get enough praise for it, probably because it works so well you can just take it and use it. But it is the best.

Why yes, I am still around. I'm usually more of a lurker than a poster.

Once the templates get updated, I'll be sure to update the MSE template, 'cause I know it'll be useful.

As for adding things like adventure numbers, and unique card numbers, there weren't really room available on the cards to show those things, but I could probably squeeze in the adventure numbers by the card type.

I just haven't gotten around to really updating that stuff in a while. Been too busy playing the regular game.

I actually have a default card numbering system in place, using close to the same as Paizo's sorting for when you open a new pack of cards, and the suggested layout of the box. This sorts it by card type, and then by name.

As for getting enough praise, as long as people use it and find it suitable, that's all I really wanted to happen. no more is necessary.

Sorting Algorithm:

Story Cards
- Adventure Path
- Adventure
- Scenario
- Location
- Character
- Role
- Token
- Villain
- Henchman
- Monster
- Barrier
- Weapons
- Spells
- Armors
- Loot
- Items
- Allies
- Blessings

Glad to hear it! I've used your template a ton. I look forward to Paizo updating the community use package and then you updating the MSE template.

Thanks again for making it!

I would like to add my thanks as well. I would not have the patience for much customization without this very useful template. Can't wai until they release templates for ships and templates for spells without the recharge box.

I need to find a good template for text on the full card, similar to the rules on the back of Ranzak. Essentially just a border and then an open area for text from top to bottom. Essentially I want something to write longer custom scenarios or possibly flavor text cards.

I've had to custom make all my own templates in Gimp. Sigh.

Sovereign Court

Hi all,

i am discovering the forum slowly and found this interesting thread :)

I created .PSD templates usable with Photoshop based on the PDF template available here.
I added recently in the "communityuse/registry" a link to the files

You can find them here and here

Hawk - can you write something up or give some info how you created pdf with card and card back?

Personally, I have MS Publisher. Though that probably isn't a common thing for everyone to have. (Though I think they started making it standard with Office 365.)

If you have publisher, I ended up taking the 1/4 page blank sheet size and modifying the layout guides in the master. Margins are .25 inches on all four sides. Make a grid with 1 column and 2 rows, with no space between the rows. That will make two boxes that he cards should fit into pretty perfectly.

So, with that template, I just take the jpeg image of the card from the MSE WoodManZX worked up and put on into one box and the card back image in the other. I then publish it as a pdf.

If you don't have a program like publisher, Scribus I believe is free and is a decent alternative., though I've not personally used it in a long time and never very much.

If you are looking for more detail than that, or have a specific question, let me know.

Sorry if this is a completely noob question.

I downloaded WoodManZX's Magic Set Editor and de-archived the pack. Within is the 'installer' file. However, my system does not seem to recognize the file and asks for a program with which to open it. Any help, guys?

WoodManZX's file is a file for the Magic Set Editor, not the program itself.

ObTopic: I use InDesign to do layout nowadays. Unfortunately the templates aren't set up for some things I'd like to do so I'll probably recreate the ones I want in InDesign or Illustrator eventually.

Parody wrote:

WoodManZX's file is a file for the Magic Set Editor, not the program itself.

ObTopic: I use InDesign to do layout nowadays. Unfortunately the templates aren't set up for some things I'd like to do so I'll probably recreate the ones I want in InDesign or Illustrator eventually.

Thanks for the assist, Parody.

On another note, is anyone aware if and how one can remove excess Skill and Card feat boxes from the character cards in MSE? How about modifying the size of text boxes?

Any plan to add templates for Locations?

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