Ah Frencois, I must take you to task for anglicizing Jeanne D'Arc's name. Ste. Jeanne D'Arc, actually. Anglo-Saxons spell damoiselle, damsel too, for some reason. Why Knight instead of Cavalier (chevalier) I cannot say. Hench-man is no more troubling a word than, oh say, wo-man. The -man suffix simply means, in this context, and has historically meant, person, or human. Woman was wifman, female person. Somewhere along the way Anglophones dropped the root from the word for male person, werman. They did keep werewolf (loup-garou) and weregild.
Frencois wrote: When I was "a bit" younger we played games like "Call of Cthulhu" or "Rêve de Dragon" (a bit of Frenchy advertising doesn't hurt) Il faut que je pose la question: Les dragons android, rêvent-ils de manger des moutons électriques? My group played through S&S with some of the early character deck characters, Amaryllis, Melindra and Zarlova. We had to avoid combat quite a bit, and make use of other techniques-- lots of scrying and augury. It made for a different sort of play experience. The game could certainly benefit from other paths, alternate ways to winning apart from combat. A more 'old school' style.
Vic Wertz wrote:
Thanks. May I also add that I am happy to note the absence from that list of both Goudy Medieval and Caslon Antique ;) For folks who find GIMP a bit counter-intuitive, there is free software called Paint.NET that you could try. It will only run on the Windows OS though.
Vic Wertz wrote:
Sooner or later, they'll get 'ghouled'-- or it's equivalent-- and its back to Brigandoom. The one thing I've noted is that the location decks can deal nasty bane surprises when you least expect them.
What a very nice offering for everybody. Thanks guys, these are great! Now, any recommendations for printing? Paper weight, etc? And just wondering, why no back for the cards? Matching color with the pre-printed ones would be too difficult, given the huge variety of printers and inks out there? How many people are going to make an ally card of one of their pets? :)
Dwarves always land on their feet. They're like cats that way ;) And he's glad to be out of the kindergarten. All those kids tugging his beard... Really, job one for Harsk is to shoot things, either directly or in support. Job two is to scout the deck and set up the other characters. At least that is how he has worked out in our group. He also brings a nice constitution-- best in the game--to the party, and there are enough Constitution checks out there that he uses it. The perception and survival skills are nice too. Harsk is solid, but not flashy. He wears the snakeskin tunic surprisingly well though. Merisiel is good as a soloist; she goes off to sort through locations on her own. She is also pure dexterity. Specialized, perhaps overly so in the long run. A fishmonger though? Hmmm. I would have though small business owner... a pawn shop perhaps? There is no reason you cannot play both.
Awww, you guys aren't using the 'nice dice'? Now, back in the day the d20 (from Game Science) was marked 0-9 twice. (There were no d10s)and we had to roll them uphill, in driving snow... and we loved it ;) Perhaps the 'evolution' of the polyhedral set is responsible for the differing fonts. The koplow d20 is a close enough fit then. Good luck in your search Arikiel.
Character Name: Kyra
Hunh. Never heard of that happening before. Couldn't you just have saved the GIMP files (.xcf) as photoshop files (.psd) using the 'export as' function? Anyway, that is why backups are a must. Sorry about what happened to you guys though. Adobe software :P I sleeved the pages in those sheet protectors-- the ones that have holes for putting them into a binder--that you can get at your local office supply store.
You can use GIMP- a free image editor- to import the PDF files of the character sheets that Paizo distributes, then cut and paste and scale up the relevant sections, and 'erase' the rest. Not much learning required. I did this to create some 8.5"x11" sheets with enlarged text (presbyopia, a common affliction among us grognards) and a space for the deck and discards. The decklists can be printed on the back. I'm not sure about whether they are in line with the community use policy, so I am hesitant to post them at BGG.
The dice are from Koplow*. I do not think the d20s are normally sold individually. You probably need get a set -- regular sized, not jumbo-- or a bag of assorted color d20s. However, Amazon sells 2 packs of d20s. They don't seem to have them here though, on Paizo. *as opposed to Chessex or Game Science. Just in case you did not know.
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Yes, They have all of the Iconics for PACG, some in the bones material (cheap but meh, game piece worthy at best) and all in pewter. Very good quality minis from what I've seen. There are several places from which to order them. As with all pewter/white metal minis though, clean them, remove the mold lines etc, and of course, at least prime them (white I recommend), so you don't touch bare metal. Supplemental Adventure Decks, perhaps with all manner of variations on the victory conditions, "like Here Comes the Flood"?
I was under the impression that you had to actually close the location or encounter and defeat a villain at a location in order to banish the cards there. Just curious, where is the rule/FAQ/Errata that supports the banish cards left in locations when the scenario ends? I thought that they went back into the box.
I was actually happy to perma-banish the shopkeeper's daughter during Hook Mountain (Lini's work) because she certainly slows down Valeros ;) and pretty much everybody else. I reckon she got washed away in the flood, or 'et' by the Magga. Either way, good riddance. And to the Burglar too :) A wiki is a very useful solution, especially as more cards come out. I would certainly like to see it. I've grown accustomed to using them for some other games.
Reaper Minis do have many of the Pathfinder Iconics available through their 'Bones' collection (it's a softish plastic), and they have all of them available as pewter. You'll have to prime and paint them yourself though, if you get these. I have a few. The pewter are nice but run $5-7$ or so, but the Bones are cheap a few dollars each. They make decent enough game pieces. Here is the link on this web site http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/r/reaperMiniatures/byProductType/miniature s/pathfinder/bones Since I do a lot of tabletop gaming, I am getting the pewter since it is what I'm familiar with. And I like painting minis. The answer to your final question is, 'No.' But you already knew that ;) |