About Roderick Farshaw
Roderick was born to a first-rate family, in the home-counties of England. Everyone said so, that the Farshaws’ were top-notch people. However the truth from his perspective was altogether different, although he went to the best boarding schools with a great education. He often fund himself despondent. His elderly parents didn’t really notice him ‘children should be seen and not heard’ was their motto. Thus he quickly grew up to be a self-sufficient, if lonely young man.
Upon acceptance to Oxford, the Great War broke out and alongside many of his chums he joined the Royal Air Corps. It was not long before he was shot down for the first time, he was luckier than the others – he survived. Try and try again, he took to the skies on frequent occasions, his record was mediocre but he managed to survive the dangers of the Great War Aces.
Although the last time he almost didn't make it, in the blue skies about the fields of France; his mission to photograph enemy trenches. But out of the sun came a dark shape, bullets raking his Sopworth camel. Into a death-spiral Roderick slowly fell. Upon hitting the field his leg contorted the wrong way and fuel spilt all around.
Rod tried to drag himself away before the fuel ignited, but was unsuccessful. When he woke up, his left side was quite scarred, with the burnt skin encroaching upon his neck. The scars have healed over the years but Roderick still likes to wear gloves, and he walks with a pronounced limp.
Eventually he was transferred to the near East and spent significant time there. Mainly administrative and diplomatic work, although he did take part in a couple of actions.
After the war ended Roderick continued his studies, becoming a respected researcher and antiquarian, running a small import shop; despite his families objections to actually working. Though for him it was more of a hobby buying things from his chums and taking jaunts overseas.
He’s really enjoying the resurrection in the social scene in London, having a lot of fun with the Debs.
Wears gloves to cover the rough scarred skin on his left hands.
Walks with a cane, a ebony shaft with nickel hooked head.
He likes to drink red-wine. A good Burgundy or claret.
Good posh English accent
His weapon of choice, is a Webley Mk VI. The British service revolver. Although he would not carry this on his person.
Rod, as he prefers to be called, is in NY to sell some of his Middle-Eastern antiques to the dilettante's whilst seeing if his accent will work.
Roderick Farshaw Age 28?, Curio & Antique Dealer
STR 7 CON 12 SIZ 14 INT 11 POW 9
DEX 5 APP 7 EDU 12 SAN 45 HP 14
Damage Bonus: +0
Weapons: WW1 Service Revolver 35%, damage 1D10
Skills: Anthropology 41%, Bargain 45%, Credit Rating 60%, Dodge 40%, Drive Automobile 40%, History 50%, Language: Arabic 20%, Pilot: Air-plane 71%, Photography 30%, Pistol 35%, Spot Hidden 45%
So where we starting off New York? Roderick could be over there picking up antiques and selling then to the natives.