Spells with No Saves


Has someone out there compiled a list of offensive spells without saving throws?

Edit: Arcane spells! Sorry...arcane spells

Let the list begin! Stone Call, no Spell Resistance either.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Nullmancer wrote:

Has someone out there compiled a list of offensive spells without saving throws?

Edit: Arcane spells! Sorry...arcane spells

Try this tool right here.

STEP 1: Select all sources >

STEP 2: checkbox for appropriate class > In the "Spell Text" field, enter "saving throw none", and check "Keyword" >

STEP 3: Quick Fetch, Sorted by Level

Scarab Sages

Some of my favorites:

Limp Lash

Touch of Idiocy

Vampiric Touch

Shocking Grasp

Acid Fog

Hellfire Ray

To name a few.

99% will require a touch attack

I cast Magic Missile at the darkness.

scorching ray is one of my favorites.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
aboniks wrote:
Nullmancer wrote:

Has someone out there compiled a list of offensive spells without saving throws?

Edit: Arcane spells! Sorry...arcane spells

Try this tool right here.

STEP 1: Select all sources >

STEP 2: checkbox for appropriate class > In the "Spell Text" field, enter "saving throw none", and check "Keyword" >

STEP 3: Quick Fetch, Sorted by Level

You just saved me a month's worth of effort. You have my gratitude, haha.

This method may not pick up Ghoul Touch, which paralyzes humanoid target on touch without save, but then sickens everyone in a 10 ft radius (fort. negates). In many ways a better spell than hold person, try it with spectral hand and true strike for any humanoid boss.

Mendeth wrote:
This method may not pick up Ghoul Touch, which paralyzes humanoid target on touch without save, but then sickens everyone in a 10 ft radius (fort. negates). In many ways a better spell than hold person, try it with spectral hand and true strike for any humanoid boss.

That's because ghoul touch has a fort save to negate.

Sovereign Court

If you really, really want your DM to throw a book at you: Shocking Grasp. Here's what you do. Be Human. Take sorcerer. Now take cross blooded sorcerer, now take Orc and Draconic bloodlines. For feats get Spell Specialization and Varisian tattoo. Take two traits that add to caster level. Get metamagic feats later like Empowered spell.

To really piss off the DM take Magical Lineage: Shocking Grasp. Now once you have level 2 spells, you can have a shocking grasp hit for (5d6+10) * 1.5. If you are feeling particularly vitriolic, combine this with Magus and a crit fishing build with a wakizashi using Spell Strike. Laugh when the DM asks how your spell just critically hit for 10d6+20 damage then is empowered to an average of 82.5 DPR with no save.

Prepare for a walls cave in and everyone dies ending :p

Silver Crusade

Peace bond. It goes against the weapon, not the weilder, and not many weapons have willsaves

Scarab Sages

Burning Disarm, technically it has a save but if they succeed then it was a disarm spell instead of a damage spell.


Maria wrote:
Peace bond. It goes against the weapon, not the weilder, and not many weapons have willsaves

Attended items use their attender's will save. Only unattended items get no will save (unless it's an Intelligent item).

Kazaan wrote:
Maria wrote:
Peace bond. It goes against the weapon, not the weilder, and not many weapons have willsaves
Attended items use their attender's will save. Only unattended items get no will save (unless it's an Intelligent item).

Peacebond seems to be an exception to this general rule, no? It specifies that the will save is for the object.

Edit: Scratch that. I get it now.

Smashing an Object:
Saving Throws: Nonmagical, unattended items never make saving throws. They are considered to have failed their saving throws, so they are always fully affected by spells and other attacks that allow saving throws to resist or negate. An item attended by a character (being grasped, touched, or worn) makes saving throws as the character (that is, using the character's saving throw bonus).

Magic items always get saving throws. A magic item's Fortitude, Reflex, and Will save bonuses are equal to 2 + half its caster level. An attended magic item either makes saving throws as its owner or uses its own saving throw bonus, whichever is better.

daemonprince wrote:
Mendeth wrote:
This method may not pick up Ghoul Touch, which paralyzes humanoid target on touch without save, but then sickens everyone in a 10 ft radius (fort. negates). In many ways a better spell than hold person, try it with spectral hand and true strike for any humanoid boss.

That's because ghoul touch has a fort save to negate.

Thanks, I checked it and that's the concensus, it seems, and I agree. The last time I used it I thought the save was only referring to the stench. I can't believe I got to use that combo to ruin a long term boss with it in 3.5, the reading is the same there, and my rules-savvy DM even pitched it to a forum when we did it. It always felt too OP. Still better than Hold Person, though, as it doesn't allow for more saves, but not fit for this thread.

Sovereign Court

It depends how liberally you read the spell. A DM might very well rule that a Fortitude negate stops the entire effect of the poison -- including the paralysis effect. By the way the released version of Ghoul Touch does allow SR and a fort save :P

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