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OK, so I just learned about how you can add armor enhancements to a set of bracers of armor, and since I have the craft wondrous item feat...
What are the best enhancements to add? I figure Deathless & spell storing are good. anything else?
Also suppose I get access to the craft arm and armor feat. This opens up silk armor and the ever popular mithral spiked buckler.
So how should an aspiring wizard (basic blaster/god mage - nothing fancy) pimp this gear?
Thanks in advance!

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Spell Resistance (+4, so not cheap) can help prevent your spells from being countered/dispelled while you're casting them, and can mitigate targeted dispel attacks on you.
First of all, I'm not convinced SR will keep you from getting countered when casting.
Second of all, SR, yuck! Not an ability I want on my PC.

aboniks |

aboniks wrote:Spell Resistance (+4, so not cheap) can help prevent your spells from being countered/dispelled while you're casting them, and can mitigate targeted dispel attacks on you.First of all, I'm not convinced SR will keep you from getting countered when casting.
Spell resistance prevents a spell from disrupting another spell.
This is a topic for another thread though, I think.
Second of all, SR, yuck! Not an ability I want on my PC.

graystone |

OK, so I just learned about how you can add armor enhancements to a set of bracers of armor, and since I have the craft wondrous item feat...
What are the best enhancements to add? I figure Deathless & spell storing are good. anything else?
Also suppose I get access to the craft arm and armor feat. This opens up silk armor and the ever popular mithral spiked buckler.
So how should an aspiring wizard (basic blaster/god mage - nothing fancy) pimp this gear?
Thanks in advance!
Use a Haramaki and start off with a +1AC instead of the bracers if you can.

Darksol the Painbringer |

Silk Armor wouldn't stack with Bracers of Armor; you either get one or the other. Both items and their effects cannot be active at the same time.
That being said, a Mithril Buckler isn't a bad idea, and you negate any Armor Check Penalty a Buckler incurs simply by having it masterwork. Personally, a Living Steel or Adamantine Buckler is more favorable to have in comparison to Mithril, since these 2 give better benefits compared to Mithril.
Bracers of Armor +4 essentially gives you a permanent Mage Armor effect; from there, you can add +4 worth of special abilities. Deathless is a really nice property for what it gives, one I fully recommend, especially since it's only a +1 bonus. Although Bracers of Armor do count as armor, it doesn't affect Incorporeal attacks like Mage Armor does if I recall correctly, so the Ghost Touch property may be helpful here. Moderate Fortification could be helpful, but I believe if you're getting hit like that, you're doing something wrong.
Spellstoring is a great item for double-buffing, as you can cast a buff spell, make the melee touch (attack) on your friendly target, and then use the Spellstored spell (such as Heroism) as a Swift Action. It's also great for using a double-touching spell, such as a double Shocking Grasp.
I do agree in that Spell Resistance (especially non-scaling, weak Spell Resistance) is a stupid choice to make, as any spellcaster worth his salt won't have to worry about Spell Resistance too much by the end-game unless it's 30 or higher (i.e. scaling Spell Resistance of 11 + character level).

aboniks |

...any spellcaster worth his salt won't have to worry about Spell Resistance too much by the end-game unless it's 30 or higher (i.e. scaling Spell Resistance of 11 + character level).
Fair point, but the OP doesn't really sound like he's within spitting distance of the end-game at this point. The gear/enchants that make sense for an "aspiring" wizard are radically different than those that make sense for an old salty archmage. Characters grow, gear changes.
What would be stupid for a baby-god can be perfectly sensible for us lesser mortal types.

Darksol the Painbringer |

Darksol the Painbringer wrote:...any spellcaster worth his salt won't have to worry about Spell Resistance too much by the end-game unless it's 30 or higher (i.e. scaling Spell Resistance of 11 + character level).Fair point, but the OP doesn't really sound like he's within spitting distance of the end-game at this point. The gear/enchants that make sense for an "aspiring" wizard are radically different than those that make sense for an old salty archmage.
What would be stupid for a baby-god can be perfectly sensible for us lesser mortal types.
A Wizard that wants to aspire to greatness should plan and work toward that greatness. What better way to work towards that greatness than to select properties and enhancements that support it? Spell Resistance that doesn't scale isn't one of them. It becomes an unnecessary hindrance in the course of when this Wizard becomes Mr. God, one of which should be replaced with what is already a greater option; the ability to essentially double-buff without even needing a Quicken Metamagic feat is an infinitely more useful feature than Spell Resistance which hurts any healing that might come your way, and only gets laughed at by the other equally aspiring Wizards he may come across in his own aspiration to that same level of greatness.
(Come to think of it, he could technically triple-buff or triple-damage; Poisoner's Gloves with Buff Potion/Damaging Concoction + Spellstoring Bracers + Standard Touch Spell = 3 Spells cast into a single touch.)

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You need Craft Arms and Armor to add Armor enhancements to Bracers of Armor. The Item is a wonderous Item, but the enhancements fall under Craft Arms and Armor.
I non-concur with this assessment.
plus any requirements of the armor special abilities
That refers to the requirements to have specific spells, Caster level, or other requirements, it does not refer to the need for Craft Magic Arms and Armor.

Ipslore the Red |

Bracers of Armor wrote:plus any requirements of the armor special abilitiesBracers of Armor wrote:any requirement
Any requirement clearly includes Craft Magic Arms and Armor. All armor qualities have Craft Magic Arms and Armor as a requirement. Here is an example.

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Hmm. Good point.
Still there are some pretty good ideas for enhancements.
Here's a question. Could you wear bracers AND silk armor? Use the bracers for AC, use the silk armor for enhancements.
This would let you stack all kinds of goodness on a +1 set of armor and still get +8 AC from the bracers. Sure you couldn't get an additional +5 armor bonus, but you can get 9 points worth of other enhancements.
They take different slots.
Bracers AC 8
Silk armor +1 of Fortification, delving etc.
For a total of AC 8 of Fortification, delving etc.
What say you? Legal?

Ravingdork |

Not legal. The item with the highest enhancement disables the other.
Bracers of Armor excerpt: Bracers of armor and ordinary armor do not stack. If a creature receives a larger armor bonus from another source, the bracers of armor cease functioning and do not grant their armor bonus or their armor special abilities. If the bracers of armor grant a larger armor bonus, the other source of armor ceases functioning.

DM Livgin |

Anyway, get Delving. It's relatively cheap and the downside can be negated by you casting a first level spell to breath. You never know when you need a quick escape.
That is amazing and cheap, and my with my rage prophet I'll use his high con score to hold his breath, toss in a minor rod of silent spell for synergy too.

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There are also a few miscellaneous AC bonuses as well from things like Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone (+1 insight, 4000g) and Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier (+1 luck, 5000g).
They also add to your your touch/flat footed ACs and CMD, which is double-plus-good for spellcasters. The ioun stone adds a further +2 to CMB/CMD as its resonance power with wayfinders.