[Rogue Genius Games] 35% off GM's Day Sale!

Product Discussion

Scarab Sages Contributor

Hiya folks!

So, I know there are people who are trepidatious about giving a new 3pp a try, especially when they are most interested in some of our bigger (and thus pricier) pdfs. So I just wanted to let everyone know we're having a GM's Day sale from now to March 11th, with all our pdfs here at Paizo 35% off!

While we are on the subject of GMs: What kinds of thigns would you fine GM-ing folks like to see as GM-oriented resources?

Anyone who answers that here and who
1. Shoots me a message to owen@roguegenisugames.com telling me what you said on this thread and:
2. Tells me what pdf from RGG they would like a free copy off:

will get a code for a free copy of that pdf!

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As a GM, I'd like:

1) a worldbuilding book(s) of example tribes/racial groups/racial communities that focus on how to incorporate traditionally evil/non-good races into a larger more-traditional setting. Like say, after the initial societal disruption, now would an ethnic enclave of non-evil former-refugee duergars integrate into an adoptive primarily-human city? Beyond just the expected smithing/crafting, like sample fungal-based alchemy, fungal-cuisine/beer-brewing, riding lizard-/spider-"stables" (breeding & training), a psionic guild or even academy, possibly ranger/dungeoneering training and schools, etc. How would the humans and duergars social traditions, culture, and religion (even deific syncretism/"masks") change/meld and clash? How would interracial relationships be viewed accepted (with/without offspring)? How would other human cities/states view the human+duerger city, not to mention relations with core dwarvish, elvish, gnomish, establishments? Would such a settlement be more or even less likely to accept other non-evil races like orcs/half-orcs or drow/half-drow (both less likely? from decades/centuries of fighting) versus doppleganger-blooded or kobolds (neutral, "largely harmless" even if "untrustable")?

I'm honestly not sure such a book is financially feasible, especially within time and resource constraints of a 3PP... but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask, and I could guarantee at least myself and one other sale.

2) A book(s) of non-evil mercenary companies, especially one like the French Foreign Legion or Force Nomad of Alien Legion. Bonus points for related NPC boons, unique arcane/martial training (like the merchants in Paizo's Magical Marketplace), and sample & general rules/suggestions for mercenary charters/legalities.


And thanks for the sale! I already grabbed the Talented Barbarian and MTB PDFs earlier today, and will buy more r0gue l00t when I get paid next. :)

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And while I'm spitballing probably unfeasible ideas for GM PDFs, what about:

3) Bullet Points/short PDFs each detailing a single Empyreal Lord, Demon Lord, Arch Devil, neutral demi-power, with all the usual portfolios, domains/subdomains, doctrines/observances, places of worship. Bonus points for boons, celestial obediences/fiendish damnations, blessings/bindings/"balancings"(?), additions to clerical summons lists, and codes for paladins/knightly orders.

I would like a book that gives gives advice and new optional rules to simulate a specific mood or genre such as high magic or Noir. It could have suggestion on names or kinds of challenges. It should also explain why those suggestions work. Preexisting optional rules that would fit will also be examined. I

I also really like Ambrosia Slaad's 3rd idea.

Silver Crusade

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

As a GM, I'd like:

1) a worldbuilding book(s) of example tribes/racial groups/racial communities that focus on how to incorporate traditionally evil/non-good races into a larger more-traditional setting. Like say, after the initial societal disruption, now would an ethnic enclave of non-evil former-refugee duergars integrate into an adoptive primarily-human city? Beyond just the expected smithing/crafting, like sample fungal-based alchemy, fungal-cuisine/beer-brewing, riding lizard-/spider-"stables" (breeding & training), a psionic guild or even academy, possibly ranger/dungeoneering training and schools, etc. How would the humans and duergars social traditions, culture, and religion (even deific syncretism/"masks") change/meld and clash? How would interracial relationships be viewed accepted (with/without offspring)? How would other human cities/states view the human+duerger city, not to mention relations with core dwarvish, elvish, gnomish, establishments? Would such a settlement be more or even less likely to accept other non-evil races like orcs/half-orcs or drow/half-drow (both less likely? from decades/centuries of fighting) versus doppleganger-blooded or kobolds (neutral, "largely harmless" even if "untrustable")?

I'm honestly not sure such a book is financially feasible, especially within time and resource constraints of a 3PP... but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask, and I could guarantee at least myself and one other sale.

Seconding the hell out of this.(and confirming that other sale) Been begging for cultural material and support for non-evil orcs and goblins for so long, having a sort of "proof-of-concept" product showing how a setting can get there would be awesome. Especially if it came with some example cultures, showing how they originated and how they're doing, offering both non-automatically-tragic background material for PCs and adventure hooks.

2) A book(s) of non-evil mercenary companies, especially one like the French Foreign Legion or Force Nomad of Alien Legion. Bonus points for related NPC boons, unique arcane/martial training (like the merchants in Paizo's Magical Marketplace), and sample & general rules/suggestions for mercenary charters/legalities.

This too, possibly expanded to include various factions that aren't necessarily mercenary by nature but are involved in plenty of related trades. Especially if it could be given a bit of a Faces of Sigil-style spin: That is, maybe there could be a web of relationships and rivalries and plots between the various companies and factions and certain individuals within them, which could offer a veritable explosion of hooks for GMs and potential boons and complications for PCs.


Maybe a collection of stereotype-busting outsiders? Dark/scary/ugly/creepy/b]alien and weird[/b] celestials of wildly varying stripes(but still actually being genuinely Good).

4) How about "Talented" Bestiaries, with critter abilities broken down into Edges and Talents (might be better to name them something else to avoid confusion/crossover with the Talented Classes) so a GM can more easily modify/swap out critter abilities and keep it the same CR?

5) More critter templates, like the Stone Golem BP.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

4) How about "Talented" Bestiaries, with critter abilities broken down into Edges and Talents (might be better to name them something else to avoid confusion/crossover with the Talented Classes) so a GM can more easily modify/swap out critter abilities and keep it the same CR?

5) More critter templates, like the Stone Golem BP.

Yes, please!

Scarab Sages Contributor

Really? The stone golem templates have been a *terrible* seller. :)

Something like "talented monsters" is a fascinating idea I had never considered.

Sovereign Court

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:

Hiya folks!

So, I know there are people who are trepidatious about giving a new 3pp a try, especially when they are most interested in some of our bigger (and thus pricier) pdfs. So I just wanted to let everyone know we're having a GM's Day sale from now to March 11th, with all our pdfs here at Paizo 35% off!

While we are on the subject of GMs: What kinds of thigns would you fine GM-ing folks like to see as GM-oriented resources?

Anyone who answers that here and who
1. Shoots me a message to owen@roguegenisugames.com telling me what you said on this thread and:
2. Tells me what pdf from RGG they would like a free copy off:

will get a code for a free copy of that pdf!

I would be interested in a GM book that goes into detail of a few typical mindsets of each base class. Giving suggestions on backstories, mannerism, etc. Essentially a book that a GM could crack open to help whip up a personality for their NPC's, Villains, and PC followers (from Leadership feat). This would also include daily life of peasants, guards, local wizards, clergy, nobles, etc. and typical mood settings (Rich thriving societies or oppressed/poor societies).

I think something like this would help GM's pre-game and also on the fly as they could quickly find the NPC type they are looking for and get some ideas to make them beyond a stat block within a 5-10min break period during a session.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hanging off the note of Talented Bestiaries, Talented NPCs would be really helpful in producing mook NPCs. Either one would potentially make enemy building a lot simpler, especially if the talents had easy to record 'packages' of abilities.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Add me to the list of people who'd like to see a "Talented" Bestiaries line. Being able to quickly swap features for a variety of monsters with out having to actually go through and add class levels or time-consuming picking apart and adding of abilities would be sweet stuff.

I'm adding my vote to the Talented Bestiary as well. Heck if its done right it could make a really interesting component for monster PCs as well.

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How about a book of encounters, like Guide of 100 Encounters (5 encounters of CR 1 - CR 20? Something to help with when the PCs do something truly unexpected, random encounter, or you need an encounter on the fly.
You could do the encounters based on location (city, dungeon, ruin, forest, sea, etc).

How about and expanded settlement qualities/disadvantages?

Background and goals of secret societies.

I would like to see more one night stands.

And add me to the list of people wanting a Talented Bestiary.

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It's not exactly a GM's Day thing, but I'd like to see Rogue Genius Games revisit the Genius Guide to (Arcane/Archer/Divine/Martial) Archetype books once the ACG comes out, to support the Antipaladin, Arcanist, Bloodrager, Brawler, Daredevil, Death Knight, Enforcer, Gunslinger, Hellion, Hunter, Investigator (Paizo's), Investigator (RGG's), Luminary, Magus, Mosaic Mage, Ninja, Riven Mage, Samurai, Sensitive, Shaman, Skald, Slayer, Swashbuckler, Talented Barbarian, Talented Cavalier, Talented Fighter, Talented Monk, Talented Rogue, Time Warden, Tough, and Warpriest. Also, whoops, looks like you might need to rename the Investigator soon. ;)

You could probably release it as something like the Spellpoint Compilation, and I'd buy it right away, at least.

As a GMing thing, let me second the "Talented Bestiary". My biggest wish for it would be something like how the EverQuest RPG's bestiaries handled most monsters with character classes, by assuming the default was basically a fighter and swapping in some other abilities to quickly make a Fire Giant with Magus-like or Antipaladin-like abilities.

EDIT: Paragraph order helps.

Things I've been looking for:

Enviroment templates to make combats more interesting.

Death Curses for those unfortunate NPCs the PCs didn't actually need to kill.

A simple (1 or 2 page) weather system. Most of these that I have seen require rolling handfuls of dice to determine the exact temperature or inches of rain when all I really need to know is hot and drizzle.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I think I'll echo Ambrosia Slaad and Mikaze and The Terrible Zodin. A Talented World Builder would be very cool. It would probably be an entire line but could encompass an Environments book, a Bestiary book, an Organizations book (evil and non-evil), etc.

That would be FUN!

Perhaps PDFs on sample codes/organizations for both paladins and inquisitors? I think the paladin codes would at least give paladin players and their GMs a foundation on what is expected of the paladin PC and what are violations, both small and Fall-worthy, before they role up the PC. Inquisitor codes would help the players and GMs both define focused goals beyond just hunting down the generic "heretics and enemies of the faith."

Faction missions!

If a PC belongs to some organization, give them some minor sidequest to further the goals of the organization.

Or items (like famous but rare books) to be on the lookout for.

Or even strange requests like "Sometime in the next few months (adventures) bring us the wedding ring of a left handed man."

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

These are kind of specific to some games I'm running but maybe they would appeal to others:

Delivery missions: Carry X to Y at location Z while avoiding A.
Crimes/mysteries to solve in an urban setting. Maybe with some supervillain style NPC criminals.

Picked up the rest of the "Talented X" series of books in this sale, really looking forward to trying out NPCs of the various talented classes and one of my players is quite interested in possibly playing a talented barbarian. Awesome pdfs, and a great sale.

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